商务英语函电教案 - 图文

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课 程 编 号 课 程 名 称 商务英语函电 主 讲 教 师 杨 梅 职 称 讲师 教研室名称 商务英语

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课程编号 课程名称 商务英语函电 公共基础课( ) 公共选修课( ) 课程类型 专业基础课( ) 专业技能课( √ ) 专业选修课( ) 就业指导课( ) 授课班级 及人数 总学时/学期学时 45 12级商务英语1、2班 共110 总学分/学期学分 学时分配 理论讲授学时: 25 实训(实验)学时:20 考核方式 考核形式 使用教材 主 要 教 学 参 考 书 授课章节名称 授课时间 教学目的 1 / 107

考试( √ ) 考查( ) 闭卷(√) 开卷( )口试( )上机( )其它( ) 《世纪商务英语 —— 外贸函电》第二版 主编:吴思乐、胡秋华,大连理工大学出版社,2008年出版 新世纪高职高专商务英语类课程规划教材 1、兰天:《外贸英语函电》第六版,东北财经大学出版社,2011年,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材 2、程同春、程欣:《新编国际商务英语函电》,东南大学出版社,2011年,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材 3、樊红霞、汪奠才:《英文外贸函电》,外语教学与研究出版社,2007 Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business Letter Writing 课次: 1 周次:1 Competition of foreign trade is becoming keener 和要求 and keener. To attract more customers, well-written business letters often play an important role besides good quality and reasonable price. Millions of business communications which were transmitted by cable or telex are now being sent by fax or e-mail. Business letter-writing is also experiencing a rebirth. This part deals mainly with the layout of and the parts contained in a business letter. Through study of this part, students will master two layout styles, seven principal parts, seven optional parts and different ways of addressing an envelope. The characteristics and writing skills of business letters Theory teaching, discussion, practice 教学重点 和难点 教学方法 和手段 课后作业 和思考题 1. Finish the exercises on P18-19 2. Read the textbook from P4 to P18 郑州牧专外语系教案用纸

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备注 I. The Writing Skill of Business Letter (BL) To communicate is not only the most important and basic part, but international transactions are mostly conducted through emails, faxes and letters. completeness, concreteness, clarity, conciseness, courtesy, also the principle skill in business activities. Generally speaking, We usually concluded the skills of business writing into 7cs, namely consideration and correctness. Second, clarity is vital for business writing, we say there is no best but the most suitable business letters in English writing. To put it simply, English business writing is, unlike literature English, instead of showing off but for communication. 1. Choosing words and making sentences Choose short words and expressions that you are familiar with instead of the long and complicated ones. Use the short and active sentences, one passage for an idea; the topic sentence is usually at the beginning or the ending of each passage. 2. Organizing the passage The information of a letter can be divided into four types according to the reaction of the reader to the letter: positive, negative, neutral or persuasive information. Generally speaking, there are two ways to organize a letter: direct plan and indirect plan (1) Direct plan or approach: It means to start a business letter with the most or key information to enable the reader the good news or related information at the first time, its layout is usually as the following: First, the good or the most important news or information, Second, related information, Third, other problems, Forth, a sound and positive ending. This approach suits enquiry, agreement of claims or other beneficial information. Special attention should be paid to: 3 / 107

First, which is the best news for the reader? Second, what are the other questions? Third, how to end in a polite and friend way? (2) Indirect Plan or Indirect Approach: This approach suits letters of negative or persuasive information; it often starts with a buffer, avoiding the most important negative information. Its layout is usually as the following: First, buffer, Second, explanations, Third, negative news, Last, a positive and friend ending. Generally speaking, the direct approach is for welcome news while the indirect approach is for the alternative one.

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Unit 1 Basic knowledge of Business Letter Writing

授课时间 课次: 2 周次:1 Business letters are the principle means used by firms or companies to keep in touch with their customers. They send business letters to ask for or to convey information; to make or to accept an offer; to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business, etc… Although formality in business letter writing is rapidly giving way to a less conventional and more friendly style, the layout still follows a more or less set pattern determined by custom. Choice of layout is a matter of individual taste, but it is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. It is good to adopt one form of layout and stick to it. The conception, characteristics, content, forms and writing skills of business letters. ? Two styles of layout ? Seven principle parts and seven optional parts ? Addressing envelopes 教学目的 和要求 教学重点 和难点 教学方法 和手段 Theory teaching, discussion, practice 1. Finish the exercises. 2. Remember the new words and important language points. 3. Prepare the next lesson. 课后作业 和思考题 郑州牧专外语系教案用纸

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备注 Step 1. Layout of business letter in details I. The Structure of a Business Letter (Ⅰ) Seven Main / Principle Parts 七个主要部分 1. The Heading or Letter-head 信头 The letterhead usually includes the essential information about the writer — name, address, cable address, telex number, etc. The writing of the address should be stressed as it is totally different from Chinese order. The number and the street should be put at the beginning while the city and country be put at the end. For example, \中国广东省广州市天河街14号” should be translated into “No.14 Tianhe Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China”. → 公司名称和地址(name and address of the company) 电话、电传、传真号码、电报挂号(telegraphic address)、e-mail PING AN INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHINA Add: No.48 Zhonghua Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China Tel: 5899900 Cable address: xxx Fax: 2438999 Telex No: 2. The Date / Date Line 日期 As for the date, it is usually put one or two lines under the letterhead on the right for the purpose of filing or checking. Simple ways of writing: March 4,2006 March 4th, 2006 4 March, 2006 Avoid using “3/4/06” or “2006.3.4”. Attention: 1) 年份应完全写出:eg. 2012 2) 月份应用英文,不用数字 3) 月份名称可缩写:Aug. , Oct. 4) 24th March, 2007 (Br. Style) March 24, 2007 ( AmE. Style) 3. The Inside Name and Address 封内名称,地址 (1) Generally, the inside name and address in an English business letter should include the following: 1) the name of the firm or company addressed to 2) number and street 门牌号码和街名 3) name of city, state or country and its postal code 6 / 107

所在城市、州、县名及邮政编码 P.O. Box 信箱 4) name of country (2) C/O: care of 转交 (3) 行名前(以人名为行名)冠以“Messrs”,表客气 Eg. X X X China National Chemical Imp.& Exp. Corp. Nanning Branch 65# Qixing road, Nanning Guangxi, China 姓名的写法: 1)写给认识的男性,用Mr.加上姓名,如 Mr. John Smith 2) 对认识的男性,可用头衔或职称代替Mr.表示尊重, 如:Doctor John Smith, Professor Joyce Gwillian 3) 对认识的男性,可以同时写上职称甚至工作单位, 如: Mr. John Smith, manager Camera Shop 4) 对数位男性,可用Messrs., 如:Messrs. Thomas Wood and John Smith 5) 写给不知姓名的人,可写其职务或所在机构, 如:The manager Oriented Bank 6) 写给未婚女性,用Miss, 接姓名; 给已婚女性,用Mrs.; 给不知婚姻状况的女 性,用Ms. 4. The Salutation 称呼 Salutation in business letter is different from that in Chinese or ordinary English letters. “Dear” is used to express respect here, for example,“Dear Mr. Perton”. Sometimes the letter is not ad-dressed to a specific person, then “Dear sir (s)”, “Gentleman (men)” are used. This part is placed on the left under the inside name and address. 商业函件多用Dear Sirs, 不能单独用Sirs. 公事函件用Dear Sir. 半公半私用Dear Mr. 美国人常用Gentlemen, 后用冒号 Dear Sirs 后用逗号 5. The Body Message is the part the writer expresses his idea or requirements. Usually, it is divided into three parts: opening, body and closing. Opening is to give the reason of writing; body is to specify his requirements and wishes 7 / 107

while closing is to express thanks or hope. The contents of body will vary with the specific step of business. 1) The Opening Sentences 开头语 2) The Body of the Letter 信的正文 3) The Closing Sentences 结尾语 a. 用分词短语开头 Awaiting your good news, we are, b. 用完整句子开头 We await your good news. 6. The Complimentary Close 结束语,结尾敬语 1) The complimentary close is a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It keeps in tone with the salutation. The most common used sets of salutation and complimentary close are: Formal : Dear Sirs, …. Yours faithfully Gentlemen: … Truly yours Less formal: Dear Mr. Henry: … Yours sincerely Dear Ms. Smith: … Yours cordially 2) Formal 顺序 Very sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely, Yours sincerely Sincerely yours Sincerely, 7. The Signature 签名 It is usually printed and written on a letter, the place of which will depend on the layout of the letter. We put signature under the complimentary close with title under it. If the writer represents certain institute, the name of the institute will be printed above the signature, for example: Yours truly, Yours faithfully, (signature) MITSUBISHI CORPORATION (Miss) Lucy Steinbeck (signature) 8 / 107

Thomas C. Sutton General Manager, Sales Department (Ⅱ) Seven Optional Parts 选择部分 1. The Reference Number / The references 存档编号,案号 The references may include a file number, department code or the initial of the signer of the writer. They are marked “Our Ref.” and “Your Ref.” to avoid confusion. They may be placed immediately below the letterhead. Eg. Our ref.: LGB / w.w. Your ref: JDM / je 1) facilitate the writer’s numbering and filing the letters he receives 便于发信人编号归档,以便将来查阅。 2) enable the writer or the recipient to link the reply with the previous correspondence 便于写信人或对方将回函与以往的信件联系起来。 2. The Attention Line 注意事项,致收信人 Generally, it is used where the writer of a letter addressed to a firm or a company whishes to direct it to a specific person. It generally follows the inside address and was two line-spacing above the salutation, underlined. 需注明对方经办人,希望收信商号将信迅速交经办人办理,可用Attention / Attention of, 用于称呼上两行,加底线。 Eg. For the attention of Mr. Smith Attention: Mr. Smith Attention of Mr. Smith, Export Manager Attention of Purchasing Manager 3. The Subject Line / Re Line / The Subject Heading or Caption 事由,事由栏 → Main heading: 主标题 Paragraph headings: 分标题 It gives a brief indication of the content of the letter. There are two kinds of subject headings---main headings and paragraph headings. The main heading is typed two line-spacing below the salutation, underlined. The paragraph heading is placed at the beginning of each paragraph to show what subject the paragraph is dealing with. 标题分为主标题和分段标题。主标题在称呼下面空两行,加下横线。 分段标题放在每段之首, 表示这一段所涉及的主题。 4. The Reference Notation 经办人代号 9 / 107

Eg. Please be informed that the L/C has been opened. 兹通知你方信用证已经开出. ★ 如下结构,二者不可换用: → 1) 当间接宾语省略时: Eg. Please advise the name of steamer. We wish to advise that business has been done at our price. Please advise what quantity you can sell a year. 2) 用作vi. 时: Eg. If interested, please advise. 7. in confidence: 机密 → confidential: adj. 秘密的,机密的 Eg. Your reply will be kept strictly confidential. 你们的答复我们将绝对保密. → confidence: n. 信任,信赖 Eg. We appreciate the confidence you have placed / put in us. 感谢你对我们的信任. We have full confidence in your ability. 我们充分相信你们的能力. 8. financial and business standing financial and credit standing financial standing 财务状况,资信情况 (可简化为standing) credit standing eg. We would like you to inquire into Nettleton’s financial standing on our behalf. 请代为查询耐而顿公司的资信情况. 9. reference: n. 资信证明人 →☆ trade reference 商行备资 10. The reference they have given us is the Standard Chartered Bank, Accra Branch. they have given us 是定语从句,修饰reference。这句的主句是the reference is the Standard Chartered Bank, Accra Branch. 11. approach…for…: 向……联系某事, 与……接洽 (和contract 同义,但用被动时比contract普遍) eg. You may approach our agents for your requirements. 关于你方的需求,可同我方的代理人接洽. We had approached the shipping company for booking the space. 25 / 107

我们已同船公司联系定舱事宜. 12. on one’s part / on the part of : 在……方面,就……而言 eg. We have no point out that it is caused by a fault on your part. 我们必须指出这是由于你方的过失而造成的. On our part, we always keep to our promise. 我方历来遵守诺言. We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers, we are unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month. 13. in advance: 预先 II. Chinese version of the letter: 敬启者: 事由:信用情况 我们将从加纳阿克拉西非进出口公司执行一笔相当大的订单。假如你们能以机密的方式告诉我们有关他们的财务和业务情况,我们将十分感激。 他们给我们的资信证明人是标准渣打银行阿克拉分行,关于我们所需要的所有情况,请与上述银行联系。 你方所提供的任何信息将被作为绝密件看待,并且你方也不负任何责任。 预致谢意。 此致 敬礼 谨上 Step 3: Revision After explaining the whole letter in details, ask the students to go through the letter and keep these important points in their mind. Make sure they can master the key words and phrases appeared in the letter. Step 4: Summary: A credit inquiry(status inquiry) is an examination of an importer’s credit history. With the help of a Status enquiry, a foreign trader can know the customer’s conduct, capacity and capital so as to be able to decide whether or not to risking doing business with the customer. Any trader needs to make a credit inquiry if he intends to establish business relations with its prospective customers. There are many methods of making a status enquiry. As an importer, you can supply your strong financial standing, high quality of 26 / 107

your products, trustworthiness, excellent service and good reputation. As an exporter, you’d better make credit inquiries through different channels to ensure you are dealing with trustworthy importers. 授课章节名称 Module Two: Preparations for Negotiation Practice 27 / 107

授课时间 教学目的 和要求 课次: 6 周次:4 In this class the students are required to write two letters to reinforce what they have learned; one is about establishing business relationship and another one is about credit investigation. 1. The logical sequence of composing the above two letters 2. The contents of each letters Practice 教学重点 和难点 教学方法 和手段 Reviewing the whole module. 课后作业 和思考题 郑州牧专外语系教案用纸

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Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words: attract confident interest contact supply enclose 1) We are anxious to make business with your corporation. 2) We our Enquiry Note No. 367 and wish to receive your favorable reply. 3) We trust you will find our quotation . 4) One of our clients is in Chinese Butterfly Brand sewing machines. 5) We can you with all kinds of Men’s leather shoes. 6) Although the price we give you is slightly higher than the other suppliers, we have the that the quality of our products are better. Exercise 2: Translate the following expressions into Chinese: quotation export range extensive connection latest catalogue leading importer order(n.) specific enquiry extension of L/C Exercise 3: Translate the following sentences: 1) 你方可以跟他们接洽你方的新产品。(contact…for) 2) 我们想利用这个机会介绍一下我们的业务范围。(business line) 3) 随函寄去我方价目表两份。(enclosed…) 4) 能否让我方大致了解一下你方城市里纺织品的市场价格。(give …a general idea of) 5)我方寄给你方现可供应的各种自行车的价格表。(enclose….sup pliable ) 6)电器用品属我方经营范围。(fall within the scope of) 7)按照你方9月3日来信要求,兹附上样品及小册子。(In compliance with, brochure) 8)寄上一份价目表,内容包括我们所经营的商品。(covering…line) 9)我方将写信通知你方有关我们的资信情况。(inform…of…, financial position) Exercise 4: Letter – writing practice: One: You are the Osaka International Textile Corporation in line of textile import and export. You receive the writer’s letter asking to establish business relations with you Write an unfavorable reply to the letter, stating a. your regret not being able to establish business relations with them b. the reason of being appointed as an agent by a Guangdong Trade Corporation for the sale 29 / 107

c. hope for understanding Seller’s name and address: 上海时达贸易有限公司 上海市陇海中路64号 Two: You are an importer of electronic goods in US. Recently you got a piece of information about a Rainbow Electronic Products Co., Ltd in China on the Internet as follows: 彩虹牌电风扇使用军工技术生产的,低噪声,噪声低,风力柔和。按照国际ISO9002标准生产,建立质量保证体系,获得中国电工产品认证合格证书,取得长城标志。彩虹牌系列电风扇,有落地扇、台扇两大类共十多个花色品种。 Write a letter, expressing the wish to establish business relationship with them

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Module Three: Procedures of Business Negotiation Unit 4: Inquiry 授课时间 课次: 7 周次:5 In international business, the exporter and the importer have to go through “Enquiry – Offer – Counter-offer – Acceptance” before they sign a contract. In the whole process, offer and acceptance are the key 教学目的 和要求 steps. Sometimes the exporter or the importer may ask for some alterations to the terms and conditions offered by the other, which is what we call a counter-offer. This chapter deals mainly with enquiry, offer and counter-offer. Through study of this chapter, students will be able to write effective letters on making enquiry, offer and counter-offer as well. 1. The forms of Inquiry: 教学重点 和难点 教学方法 General enquiry and specific enquiry 2. the logical sequence of composing an inquiry letter Theory teaching, discussion, practice 和手段 课后作业 和思考题 郑州牧专外语系教案用纸

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Step 1: Brief Introduction Enquiries When an importer wants to import something, he may send an enquiry to the exporter. When making an enquiry, the importer may begin with the question or questions you want to ask; your reader then knows at once what your enquiry is about. Keep your enquiry short and to the point; say what needs to be said and then stop. In a general enquiry, the importer may only ask for catalogues, price lists, samples or some other reference materials from the exporter. If both parties have never dealt with each other before, then the importer will inform the exporter of the source of his information at the beginning of his letter. Details of his own company and / or business will also be included. The letter as such is known as a “First Enquiry”. The importer who sends a specific enquiry may require information as to price, specifications, discount, quantity, terms of payment, date of shipment, etc. regarding some definite goods in addition to reference materials. An enquiry must be acknowledged in terms that establish good will if an immediate sale is not possible. If it is from an old customer, say how much you appreciate it; if it is from a new customer, say you are glad to receive it and express the hope of keeping up friendly business relationship. Normally, a good enquiry shall include the following information: ? Minimum order quantity; ? Sample availability/cost; ? Delivery time; ? Company brochure; ? Full product catalog; ? A response before a date. Step 2: Key Words & Expressions enquiry demand appreciate terms of payment as requested enjoy confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit step 3: Sample letters 32 / 107

September 1, 2011 Dear Sirs, We saw your IBM-compatible PCs at the International Technology Exhibition held in Bonn in June. The computers you showed would be most suitable for our market. We are wholesale dealers (批发商) of electronic products in our country and interested in purchasing your computers. Would you please send us details of your computers including the functions and the necessary software? When quoting, please state terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchase of quantities not less than 500 sets. Should your computers are of good quality and competitive price, we will place a large order with you and open L/C in your favor in time. As for our financial standing, business capacity and character, please refer to our bankers, the Standard Bank Ltd. Mombasa. Your favorable reply to this enquiry is requested. Yours faithfully, step 4: Details of the letter 33 / 107

September 1, 2010 Dear Sirs, One year ago we bought from you a consignment of “Jade Rabbit” brand essential balm (清凉油). We are interested to know whether you are still producing and exporting essential balm of this kind and, if so, should be glad to have particulars (详情、细节). In order to quicken our mutual business transactions, we should like you to airmail us the soonest possible your Proforma Invoice for 30,000 dozen of the above article with prices CIF Calcutta, so that we can get our client’s confirmation. There is no question about obtaining the necessary Import Licence. After the said licence is approved, an L/C will be opened in your favor. We would also like to act as your sole agent in Indian market. In order to promote the sales of your products, we therefore request you to send us your agency agreement paper. We thank you in advance and hope to have prompt and favorable reply from you soon. Give a brief introduction of enquiries to the students. Ask the students to read the whole letter first and let them get the general idea of it. Then explain it in details. Ⅰ【Language Points】 1. enquiry n. 询盘,询价 → ★ make (or: send, give, fax) sb. an enquiry for sth. 向某人询购某种商品, 向某人询问某种商品价格 Eg. They send us an enquiry for our “Cool” Brand Air Conditioner. 他们来信询购我“凉爽”牌空调。 Thank you for your enquiry of August 1 for 3,000 m/t Dongbei Rice. 感谢你方八月一日有关三千公吨东北大米的询盘。 → enquire (或inquire) v. 询购,询问 ★ enquire for sth. 询购某种商品 Eg. We thank you for your e-mail of the 6th enquiring for groundnuts. 你方六日询购花生的电子邮件已收悉。 We are writing you to inquire the current price of gloves of high quality. 我们特写信询问有关高质量手套的时价。 2. demand: n. 需求(表示对某物的要求,用介词for) eg. As the demand has become softer, interest is cooling off. 由于需求已减少,兴趣逐渐淡薄. There is a large demand for this article. / This article is in great demand. 这种商品需求量很大. → demand: v. 要求 Eg. The buyer demanded punctual shipment of the goods. 买主要求该货如期装运. The buyer demands that the seller should ship the goods within a week. 买主要求卖主在一周内装运该货. ★ 动词demand 不可用被要求的人作宾语,而需在那个词前加of → Wrong: The buyer demands the seller to ship the goods within a week. Right: The buyer demands of the seller to ship the goods within a week. ★ growing demand = increasing demand 日益增长的需求 Note that “demand” is followed by the prep. “for”. 3. supply vt. 供应,供给 → supply sb. with sth. 或 supply sth. to sb 向某人供应某物 Eg. We are pleased to say that we can supply you with all goods listed in your letter of April 7. 欣告你们四月七日来函中所列的各种商品,我们均可供应。 If you can supply the goods to us within one month, please fax us immediately. 如能在一个月内提供这些货物,请即传真告知。 34 / 107

→ supply: n. (single.) 供应,供给; (pl.) 供应物,供给物 Eg. The goods you enquire for are in short ( scarce, free, sufficient) supply. 所询商品目前供应短缺(敞开, 充足). Owing to the shortage of raw materials, the goods are out of supply at present. 由于原料短缺,此货目前已脱销. → supplier: n. 供货商,供应商 Eg. Supplier and purchaser are the two counter parts in a transaction. 供货方和购货方是一笔交易中两个不同的当事人。 4. appreciate: v. 感谢, 感激 eg. We highly appreciate your kind cooperation. 十分感谢你方的合作。 We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. 若贵方对此事能给予认真的考虑, 我方将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate it if you will quote us your best price CIF London. 如果贵方能报CIF伦敦最优惠价, 我方将不胜感激。 5. terms of payment: 条款,条件 eg. It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn that the terms and conditions we finally agreed upon had been turned down by your company. ★ This is a combined expression usually used more formally in foreign trade, but there is somewhat difference between them. “Terms” is usually used with payment, e.g. payment terms, on CIF terms, usual terms, etc. It refers to the main subjects. The word “conditions” is commonly used with terms other than payment, e.g. packing conditions, condition of shipment. 6. as requested : 按照要求 / 请求 ★ 商业信函按对方要求办某事后在通知对方时, 常用as requested 于句首.在语法上可理解为as it is requested 的省略(as 是从属连词),也可理解为as is requested 的省略(as 是关系代词). ★ request 作名词时, 后接for或以that 引起的同位语从句(虚拟语气) eg. We note your request for samples. 得悉你方要求寄样。 We note your request that we ( should) send you generous samples. 得悉你方要求我们寄大量样品。 → on / upon request : 一经要求……, 承索即寄…… Eg. Catalogues and brochure will be sent on / upon request. 目录本及说明书承索即寄。 → at the request of / at sb.’s request : 应某人的要求 Eg. At your request we make you an offer as follows: 应你方要求兹报盘如下: ★ request 作动词时,宾语可是n. 或动名词,或以动词不定式为宾补的复合宾语,或以that 引起的从句(虚拟语气)。 Eg. We request your prompt consideration. 35 / 107

我们要求你方速予考虑。 We request your attending to this matter immediately. 我们要求你方立即办理此事。 We request you to take this matter into prompt consideration. 我们要求你方对此事迅速予以考虑。 We request that you ( should / would) carefully consider our proposal. 我方请求你方仔细考虑我方的建议。 7. as to: 至于 8. confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit: 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证 9. enjoy: vt. 享有,受到 eg. Our new products are enjoying excellent sales in Europe. 我们的新产品在欧洲很畅销。 As our household scissors are enjoying fast sales, we suggest that you take all necessary steps without delay. 由于我们的家用剪刀目前很畅销,建议你方尽早采取必要的步骤。 ★ enjoy popularity : 畅销 → other similar expressions as follows: ◇ enjoy fast sales ◇ The goods are selling fast. ◇ The goods have commended a good market. ◇ The goods are most popular with our customers. ◇ The goods have met with a favorable reception at your end. ◇ The goods have enjoyed general popularity in the European market. 10. excellent quality and low price: 物美价廉 11. convinced: adj. 相信的,信服的,确信的 eg. We are convinced of the commercial integrity of the supplier. 我们相信该供应商的商业信誉。 We are convinced that we are offering you machines which cannot be obtained elsewhere at the price. 我们相信我们现在报盘的机器,从别处用同样价钱是买不到的。 36 / 107

授课章节名称 授课时间 Module Three: Procedures of Business Negotiation Unit 5 Offer 课次: 8 周次:5 教学目的 和要求 1. Making clear the definition of Offers. 2. Getting to know the purpose and function of Offers. 3. Writing an offer letter according to the coming letters. 1. The pattern of offers 2. How to write an offer letter 教学重点 和难点 教学方法 Theory teaching, discussion, practice 和手段 课后作业 和思考题 郑州牧专外语系教案用纸

教学过程 备注 37 / 107

Step 1: Brief Introduction Offers It is proper for the exporter to send an immediate reply to the importer’s enquiry no matter whether he is able to supply or not. An affirmative reply is actually an offer. There are two kinds of offers: firm offer and non-firm offer. The exporter often promises in a firm offer to supply certain quantity of goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time. Other terms such as specifications, packing, terms of payment must be definite as well. A non-firm offer is an offer with a reservation clause. Non-firm offers are usually indicated by means of sending catalogues, pricelists, proforma invoices and quotations; though quotations with certain qualifying words sometimes play the function of firm offers. A firm offer is made when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price within a stated period of time. The promise may be expressed (i.e. clearly stated in words), as when it takes the form of a letter; or it may be implied ( i.e. understood), as when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the words “for acceptance within seven days”, or similar qualifying words. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree by accepting the offer, to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. Thus, once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn. A satisfactory offer will include the following: 1) an expression of thanks for the enquiry, if any; 2) names of commodities, quality, quantity and specifications; 3) details of prices, discounts and terms of payment; 4) a statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (eg. packing, freight and insurance); 5) packing and date of delivery; 6) the period for which the offer is valid. Without the last point, you turn a firm offer into a non-firm offer, which might contain even fewer items. A non-firm offer cannot be “accepted” but will rather be considered as an inducement to business. Whether firm or non-firm, a good offer gives thanks first for the enquiry, and then details of quantity, quantity, price, discount, payment, packing, time of shipment, validity(in the case the a firm offer) and so on. At the end is an expression of hope for a favorable replay or an order from the importer. In a word, try to keep your offer complete, clear, concise and to the point. 38 / 107

The features of a firm offer: CLEAR 内容明确 COMPLETE 内容完整 FINAL 无保留条件 Step 2: Key Words & Expressions non-firm offer at one’s request subject to in sb’s favor as follows draft at sight negotiation firm offer Step 3: Contents of offering letters (1) Express thanks for the enquiry; (2) Give favorable comments on the goods needed if possible; (3) Supply all the information requested, including name of commodities, quality, quantity and specifications; (4) Give details of prices, discounts, terms of payment, packing, insurance, date of delivery, etc.; (5) State clearly the period for which the offer is valid. Usually use such phrases as “subject to your reply reaching us by (befor)…”, “subject to your reply (acceptance) here within … days” or “this offer is firm (open, valid, good) for … days”; (6) Express hope that the offer will be accepted and assure the customer of good service. A non-firm offer does not include Point 5, and sometimes might contain even fewer points of the above. In a non-firm offer such phrases are often used as “without engagement (obligation)”, “subject to prior sale” or “subject to our final confirmation”. Step 4: EMP (European Main Ports) 意大利 法国 比利时 荷兰 英国 德国 丹麦 Genoa Marseilles Antwerp Rotterdam London Hamburg Copenhagen 热那亚 马赛 安特卫普 鹿特丹 伦敦 汉堡 哥本哈根 Step 5: Sample letters 39 / 107

