电梯翻译参数 修改版

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说明:Description 轿厢净宽:Car width 轿厢净深:Car depth 轿厢高度:Car height

开门净宽:Door open width 开门净高:Door open height 门洞净宽:Door hole width 门洞净高:Door hole height 井道净宽:Shaft width 井道净高:Shaft depth

顶层净高:Top floor height 底坑净深:Pit depth 提升高度:Rising height

机房净宽:Machine room width 机房净深:Machine room depth 机房净高:Machine room height 轿厢轨距:Car gauge 对重轨距:CW gauge 主副轨距:Rail gauge

主轨前距:Main rail distance 额定载荷:Rated capacity 额定速度:Rated speed 最大停站数:Max stops

最大提升高度:Max rising height 最小底坑深度:Min pit depth

最小顶层高度:Main top floor height 电机功率:Motor capacity 电源容量:Power capacity 动力电源:Power supply

照明电源:Light power supply 支撑点受力:Supporting stress 非标说明:Note 轿厢尺寸:Car size

开门形式尺寸:Door Size

2, 井道立面图:Shaft Vertical View

底坑受力分布图:Pit stress distribution 顶层吊钩位置图:the top hook locations 门洞留孔图:Door Hole

提升高度:travelling height (TH) 牛腿 :haunched beam 吊钩:hook;

在吊钩处标明:marked on the hook

导轨支架每档间隔:ring beam each distance 层高:floor height 砼过梁:concrete beam 客户自理:by customer

门高:door height 弹性圆柱销:elastic cylindrical pin

顶层高:overhead height (OH) 控制柜安装孔(仅在顶层处预留,安装后填补):

controller hole reservation(only top floor reserved fill after installation) 机房地面:machine floor 召唤箱孔:calling box 井道壁:shaft wall

缓冲器墩:buffer basement 爬梯:stairs

3.门洞净尺寸:net door hole height

4.井道右侧立视图: solid view of right side shaft

5.导轨支架连接点(圈梁等)间距每档:the spacing of rail bracket connection point (ring beam,etc)/each file

6.井道照明间距每盏:shaft lighting spacing / each lamp 7.机房平面布置图:machine room plan 8.排风扇:exhaust fan

9.通风、采光窗:ventilation、lighting window 10.吊钩投影:hook projection 11.井道平面布置图:shaft plan

12.A/C向留孔:A direction hole reserved drawing 13.D视图:D view

14.装修后楼面:decorated floor

15.安装完成后二次填充:after installing the second fill 16.E向门洞留孔图:E direction/door hole reserved drawing 17.底坑平面布置图:pit view

请按实际数据填写pls fill in actual data TR TH 5层 5F 4层 4F 3层 3F 2层 2F 1层 1F -1层 -1F -2层 -2F PD

层站 高度(mm)floor height(mm)

_层_站_门 _F_S_D

用户签字盖章处: customer signature 日期: date

供方签字盖章处: supply signature 日期:date

合同号:contract No. 设备号:Equip No.


Note: this drawing should be signed before using, the drawing is not by scaling, this unit of dimension is mm.

变更记录modify notes 版本 V. 标记mark 签名name 日期date

变更内容details of change 项目名称 project name ***工程 ×× Project 设计 design

电梯土建总体布置图 elevator construction drawing 校对 check 图号 draw No. 审核 approve 共1页 pages 1 第1页 page 1 比例 scale 版本 V.


Note: Client supply the buffer base, but 4φ12 reinforced bar which distribute on φ200 circle,should be prepared, and leave 300mm beyond the pit.

when travel height more than30m,buffer base P2 installed according to dotted line,and capacity calculated according to single P2/2.


after the user recieved the construction drawing, please confirm in time, this is effective by signed, if need to correct the drawing, the corrector is in charge

20.Technical Requirement(修改版) 1、

电源要求:需方应将电源送到机房门旁或控制屏预留孔旁墙上,高度约1.5m。 电源为三相五线制、380V、50Hz交流电,允许电压波动为±7%,输入总功率需大于主电机总功率50%以上。并配置与电源容量相应的的空气开关。允许附带漏电保护器/功能,但变频调速时需用专用漏电保护开关。接地线的电阻值<4Ω, 零线和接地线应始终分开;

Power requirement: the buyer should send power to the wall beside machine room door or beside the reserved hole of control screen, the height is about 1.5m. The power is 3 phase 5 line、380V、50Hz DC, and equipped with air switch which can protect from leakage. The allowed voltage fluctuation is ±7%, total input power should be more than 50% of main motor power. Grounding wire resistance <4Ω, the neutral wire and grounding wire should always be separated.


等)。电梯井道应有效阻止人体进入。井道的平面尺寸是指用铅垂线测得的最小尺寸,允许偏差0~+50mm。原则上井道内不得有突出的梁、柱等。井道壁的耐压≥24MPa。推荐采用全混凝土结构形式制作,并可不设预埋铁。如为实心砖墙结构,应按图设置预埋铁或在预埋铁的水平面上浇制圈梁,高度≥300mm。如为空心砖墙结构,可选择用C25混凝土灌实墙体,并在预埋铁的水平面上浇制圈梁,高度≥300mm。当井道前壁为砖墙结构时,应在门洞上方设置混凝土过梁,用于固定厅门支架,高度≥300mm。如图中有要求,则厅门口应按图浇制能承受额定载重以上承载力的混凝土牛腿。井道内应设永久照明灯,照度≥50LX, 底坑中缓冲器墩应由需方在电梯安装人员的指导下配合制作,但在制作前应预埋≥4根插筋,材料≥?12mm,伸出底坑地面≥300mm,该墩位置下的地面应能承受图中给出的冲击力。底坑应防水。底坑里应有人能到达的空间。底坑爬梯由用户自理, 底坑下面如果有人能到达的空间(如地下室),应将对重缓冲器墩一直延伸到下面的坚固地


Shaft requirement: the allowed deviation of shaft plan size is 0~50mm. , there should be no prominent column in shaft, and equipments related to elevator should not exist also. Pressure of shaft wall should be no less than 24MPa. Concrete structure is recommended. If it is solid brick, cast coil beam on the embedded iron or the plane of embedded iron according the drawing, the height should be no less than 300mm. If it is hollow brick, using C25 concrete to make the wall solid, and cast coil beam on the plane of embedded iron, the height should be no less than 300mm. When the front wall of shaft is made of brick, mould a concrete beam above the door hole to fix the landing door bracket, the height is no less than 300mm. Lighting in shaft should be permanent, lighting degree is no less than 50LX. Buyer should mould buffer frusta at the direction of installation member, Ground under this frusta should can support wallop given in the drawing. The pit should be waterproof and have enough room for people to reach. Buyers should prepare ladder by themselves, If the space under the pit can hold people (basement e.g.), the counterweight buffer frusta should be extended to the firm ground. Distance between two floors should be no less than 11m, and a 1800-height and 350mm-width safety door should be set. 3、


Machine room requirement( not applied to machine room less elevator): considering channels which can transport main motor well, After the installation of ventilator and blower, chine room humidity no more than 86%, and machine room temperature is at +5℃~40℃. Cast a 50mm prominent hole around reserved hole of floor. The ground should be flat and can support loading of 700kg/m2(collective loading added externally);




Others: relevant size in the drawing is net size, reserved hole height should be based on finished ground. If it is not noted, the wall thickness is implied as 240mm. If choose 5-way telephone, the layout of cable from machine room to the 5th phone place and cable material (6 × 0.5 Core PVC round cable) should be arranged by client, this function's max routing length is 200m. Landing door entrance should be painted or decorated after the completion of elevator

Others: relevant size in the drawing is net size, reserved hole height should be based on finished ground. If it is not noted, the wall thickness is implied as 240mm. If choose 5-way telephone, the layout of cable from machine room to the 5th phone place and cable material (6 × 0.5 Core PVC round cable) should be arranged by client, this function's max routing length is 200m. Landing door entrance should be painted or decorated after the completion of elevator

