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一.问候有学问: Starter Unit 1-unit3 同步讲学 1.Good morning! =Morning! Good afternoon!--- Good afternoon! --- Good morning!= Morning! Good evening!--- Good evening! Good morning, Jim! Good afternoon, Miss Zhang! 2.Hello, Jim!= Hi, Jim!(用于熟人之间的问候) 问候有学问: 3. How do you do? --- How do you do?(是非常正式的问候用于双方初次见面的时候) 4.How are you? - 问候身体情况及回答:I’m fine, thanks. (And you?= How are you?) - I’m fine, too. How is your father/ Tom/ Mary/ his sister? - He’s / She’s fine. Thank you. 5.练习:在B栏中选出与A栏相对的答语。 ( D ( A) 2. Good morning! ) 1. How are you ? A. Good morning! B. Good evening. ( E ) 3. Hello,Jim. C. Nice to meet you. ( B (C ) 4. Good evening. ) 5. Nice to meet you. D. I’m fine,thanks. E. Hello, Li lei. 二.Aa-Hh的写法。 三.书写知识: 1、句子的第一个单词的首字母要大写;姓与名的首字母大写;―I‖一律大写;城市名、地名、国家、语言等要大写。 2、标点:句号是实心点―.‖;省略号是三点―…‖。 3.书写问候语。 四.音标 :共有48个,其中元音20个,辅音28个. 1.单词按音节来划分,分为单音节词,双音节词和多音节词.单音节词中,常常分为重读开音节和重读闭音节.(五个元音字母是----- ----- ---- ----- ------) 单音节词↗重读开音节↗1.结尾的三个字母,是一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+一个不发音的e构成. ↘2.直接以元音字母结 ↘重读闭音节 练习:(1)区分以下单词是开音节词还是闭音节词: drink hi hat hand pick rule by gate back bad ice pop bit joke jazz ride he ize (2)区分一下单词是单音节词,双音节词还是多音节词. heavy like culture favorite palace person short captain 2.元音字母 Aa popular curly 在单词中的发音 hobby yesterday 开音节: [ei] Kate name grade age cake 元音字母闭音节[? ]: Ee 在单词中的发音Ann map bag thank and apple 开音节[i:]:he she me tree jeep bee see 闭音节[ e ]:egg pen desk pencil yes ten bed 元音字母 Ii 在单词中的发音 开音节[ai]: I hi bike fine nice like kite 闭音节[ i ]: in it is six sit this Miss 元音字母 o 在单词中的发音 开音节[u]: no go home those hello zero 闭音节[?]: not box clock wrong dog on 元音字母 Uu 在单词中的发音 开音节[ u: ]: ruler Lucy rule 闭音节 [[ ju:]: Λ]:bus duty use excuse cup must much student cut us 3.辅音字母: pt [[pt]] ten pen two picture boat meet jeep map b[b] bike bus book box dk[[d k]] cake desk Kate down thank bird clock good g [ g ] good girl egg bag s [s] z [ z] sit is see his yes these class zero 练习:试读下列音标 /si:/ /si:k/ /ki:p/ /bi:t/ /pi:p/ /sez/ /mi:t/ /ges/ /di:d//kept/ /bed/ /seik/ /peid/ /meit/ /deiz/ /et/ /?t/ /s?/sed/ d/ /b? /beg/ g/ /p? /pek/ k 根据音标写单词 /h/laik/ /hi:/ ?um//b?ks//si:/hil/ /teik//s? /n?t/ / fju:s / d/ /g /ju:s/ ?u//taid/ 辅音: /ai/ /i/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /n/ bike sit look my nine nine nice Miss find hill hello floor map am new ten new ten five this family game son son Read the following. /lait/ /mai/ /laim/ /kait/ /gaid//mei//leim/ /keit/ /main/ /sain/ / nail/ /lit/ /min/ /si? / /geit /nil/ /it/ /mis/ /pin/ /li?k//et//mes//pen/ /lend/ 五.你知道这些大写字母的含义吗? ABC CBC NBA CBA MBA CAAC ID

IBM DDD IDD BA BC AD HK a.m. p.m 六.写出下列英文单词。

七.重点句子: 1. 2.What’s this in English?What’s this in English? --- It’s a rulerIt’s an orange. ---Good! Spell it, please. ---O-R-A-N-G-E. 3八.. Ii-Qq给出下列句子的对应回答或问题。的写法。 九.辅音 / ?u / / ? / /f/ /v/ /θ/ /e/ no box fine very thin this go so fox not five four seven have think thank that these old dog family love three those home those pot clock face floor glove over thirteen thirty there father rose sorry friend eleven tenth mother /s/ sit see yes class /?/ thin thank think three /u:/ /Λ/ blue ruler up bus too number school under /h/ he hat here hill /r/ red /j/ yes you right your brown room yellow /w/ we woman where white / ∫/ she shirt shoe English

P1 /α:/ /au/ / ?:/ / ?:/ /?/ A. am B. is C. are D.’s PAGE2

( )6. —How are you? — . car how or her sister A. It’s a C. B. Thank you C. I’m OK are brown morning shirt brother class blouse door girl ruler D.It’s blue

( )7. in English? father trousers floor skirt under A. What this B. That’s this /i?/ /?? / /u/ /t∫/ /dз/ C. How are you D.What’s this here chair book chair Jim ( )8. This is orange. near their look Chinese jeep A. a B. an C. / D.this dear there good teacher orange ( )9. — JACKET, please. 元音 —J―A―C―K―E―T. /i:/ /i/ /e/ /?/ /a:/ /Λ/ /?:/

/?/ /u:/ /u/ /?:/ /?/ /ei/ /ai/ /?i/ /辅音?u/

/au/ /i?/ /??/ /u?/

/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /t∫ / /d З /s/ / /tr/ /z/ /dr/ / θ /ts/ / /e / /dz/ / ∫/l/ / / З/r/ / /h/ /w/ /j/ /m/ /n/ /?/



对身边的颜色进行问答。For example:

A:What’s this in English ? B:It’s a key.A:Spell it , please. B:K-E-Y.

A:What color is it ? B:It’s yellow.




后面的横线上。 HB CCTV CD UFO P UN NBA kg BBC DDD 1.3.联合国激光唱片___________2. (____________ 美国 )4.全国篮球协会硬黑___________


5.不明飞行物____________ 6.千克____________ 7.9.中国中央电视台国内长途直拨__________10._____8.英国广播公司停车____________ ________ 二、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。

1.R3. it(同音词)’s=_________ __________ 2.U 4.I’m=_________ (同音词) _______

5.what’s =__________ 6.my name’s=___________

7.三、you’ 看图写单词。re =___________8.


1____ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.________7._________8.__________


( )1. Hello! What A. are B. is C. it this? D.the

( )2. —Good morning! — ! A. Fine B. Thank you C. Good morning ( )3. —What’s this in English? — D.Bye


A. It’s map B. It’s OK C. It’s blue D.I’m fine

( )4. A. How — are you , Mr Chen ? B. What C. How’s — D.WhatI’m fine. ’s

( )5. Good morning. I Roy.

A. This B. Spell C. What D.What’s

( )10. A. red —What color is it B.a green C. blue D. green and black ? —It’s ________. .二、句子配对

( ( )1)2.

.What’s this in English? Good morning! BA..Good morning! It’s green.

( )3What color is that orange? CFine,thank you. ( ( )4) 5..How are you? Hello! Frank. DE..It’s an orangeHello! Eric. . 三.连词成句,注意句首字母大写及句尾标点符号。1. name Alan is his __________________. 2. are how you _______________? 3. is what this ___________________________? 4. to you too meet nice_________________ . 5. her what number is phone_______________? I. 字母考查 1 请按顺序写出英文字母的大小写。



P2 Unit 1A一.想想译译 讲学稿

1.我的 2.名字 3.是 4.时钟 5.我 6. 9.是你,你们 7.好的,令人愉的 10.什么 11. 8.遇见,相逢你的,你们 的 12.喂 13他的 ;她的______;14.name’s = 二、合作探究:你了解英文名字吗? 15.I’m= 16.what’s=

1、在本单元中找出下列人的姓名并分清姓或名。 詹妮 吉娜 艾伦 玛丽 吉姆 托尼 汤姆 鲍勃 迈克 格林 米勒 杰克 史密斯 布朗 琳达

尼克 金 汉德


Tony Smith ;__________ __ Jack Miller; __ Gina Brown;____________ Zhang Mingming 3士)、Mr等称呼语只能加在(先生)、Mrs(夫人)_____前,Miss而不能加在(小姐)Ms_____(女前。

4. What你会询问别人的姓名吗?’s your name? What’s her / his name?_ __


一.My name’s??=I’m??.我叫??(这是一个自我介绍的句型,英美等国家的人在询问对方姓名之前,习惯上先说出自己的姓名,表示自己愿意和对方认识,并且很有礼貌。 (name’s= name is , I’m= I am ) 例:----I am Jim.

-----___________Nice to meet you!A.I’m Jim. B.Thank you. C. Yes, I am.

D. What’s your name?

二.(1)询问他人姓名时通常用: What is your / his /her name ?

回答:My name’s??=I’m??. His name is……Her name is…….

(2)我们还可以单独问别人的姓或者名,请看: What's your/his /her family name? My/His/Her family name is ??.

你姓什么?What's your/his/her first name? 你叫什么? My/His/Her first name is

?.. 三.英语国家人的姓名与中国人有三点不同: ①英美人的姓名通常有男女之分,不可混用,如:Rose,Mary等为女名;Mike,John,Tom等为男名。

②中国人名按汉语拼音来拼写,姓在前,名在后,但要分开,并大写姓和名的首字母。英语国家人是姓在后,名在前。如:Li Junya李俊雅, Zhuge Kongming③英美人的全名通常有三部分,即:名、中间名诸葛孔明,Jim Smith吉姆·史密斯。 和姓。书写时,各部分首字母要大写并有间隔。他们有中间名字但不常用,我们则没有中间名字。如:Ronald Wilson Reagan (罗纳德·威尔逊·里根)

First name: Middle name:

Last name / family name: 四.


单数:第一人称用:am 第二人称用:are 第三人称用:is

复数:第一人称用:are 第二人称用:are 第三人称用:are

(名词单数用:is 名词复数用: are ) Eg: Li Ming_____a student. A. am 五.my, your, his, her B. is C.are , its, their,our D.be


Eg: her eraser my father your book 主格代词有:I, you, we, she, he, it, they放在句首做主语。Eg: I’m a student. You are Chinese. 人称代词表格 见96页。


(1) This is _____ ( I ) quilt . (2) What is ________ (you) name ? (3) This is my good friend. _____(he) name is Alan .

(4) Mary King is ______ new teacher . (we) (5) ______ name is Gina . ______is a girl .( she) (6)—Hello ! ______ name is Dale . –Hello! _____ am Frank .( I ) (7) This is a boy,and ______name is Tom . (8) That is a girl , and ______name is Kate . (9)My name is Kate Miiier . My ___ name is Kate , My ___name is Miller . (10) His father ______(be ) a teacher .

(11) What’s that(12) My brother’s name is Jim Green , _______(girl) name . _____ ______. Jim is his (13) You and I _____( be) students .

(14) My name is Zhang Li . My family name is _________. 2、补全对话。 A: Good morning .

B:_________ ___________ A:My name is Alice . ________ your name ? B:Tom .

A:______ ______ _______ __________.

B:_______ _______ _______ _________ , too . A: _______ B: I _____fine. ________ you . And you ? _______ you ? A: I’m fine , _______ 31、按要求完成句子。)His name is David .(

改同义句)________ ________ David .

2) The girl’_________ the gis name is rl’s ________? Mary (对画线部分提问)3)I am Tony . (改一般疑问

句) _________ _________ Tony ? 单选: 1. ---____________ ---His name is Mike.

A. How are you? B. What's his name? C. How old is he? D. Where is he?

2. This is a boy. ____________ name is Jack. A. His B. He C. She D. Her 3. Are you a middle school student now?

A. No, I'm. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.

4. ____________ name is Tony. ____________ am twelve. A. I; My B. I; I C. My; I D. My; My 51. ---Hello, Jim! ---____________ A. Hello, Gina! B. What's your name?

C. Thank you. D. I'm Bob.

PAGE3 5) your(人称代词)_______ 6) it’s(完整形式) Unit1B讲学稿 7) first(对应词) _______ 8)too(同音词)一、按照规律填入所缺的数字 9 )hello(同义词)_____10) family name(同义词) 1)______ one two _______ four 2) two four_______ ________ten 二、选择正确的选项填空。 3) ten ______ ________ seven six ( )1. Can I have your last name , please ? 4) one three ____ ____ ____ nine --______________. 5)ten six zero A. Emerson Green B. Green C. Emerson D. Em 二写出你家的电话号码,并译为英文和熟练读出。( )2.---What is ___________ telephone Your telephone number: number ?

---________ telephone number is 886677. 三.你能分清基数词和序数词用法吗? 1、基数词表示数目的多少,常用来表示门牌号、电话号码、车牌号等。 如:204号房间 Room 204 一班Class One 二年级 Grade Two 2、序数词强调顺序。 如:第一课 the first lesson 32899788 、请准确读出下列电话号码。 5781106 4411426 3564189 2596375 6628010 1013742 8794218 四、练习句型 What’s your telephone number …? It’s … 来询问三位同学的电话号码,填写电话号码簿。 Name Tl 五、文化积累【话题】英文中人名的表达


Jim Green 两人的姓分别是 Yao Ming

: 和

两人的名分别是: 和

对两人的正式称呼分别是:Mr 和 Mr (2)请回答下列问题

在英语中,名称为 name或 name

在英语中,姓称为 name或 name

英语国家的人一般还有一个中间名,中间名在英语中被称为 name


珍妮·布朗 宋祖英

六.make ID cards FIRST NAME: Gina LAST NAME: Smith TELEPHONE NUMBER: 535-2375 看上表回答问题: 1.what’s her telephone number?_____________

2.3.What’s her family name?What’s her first name?


First Name :

Last Name :

Telephone Number:



13) her)boy (对应词)(对应词) ____4) phone ___2) I (形容词性物主代词


A. your; YC. her; Her our B. his ;He D. your; I ( )3.Last name means ________. A. first name name D. names

B. given name C. family ( )4. This is _______ brother. ________ name is Tom. A. your ; His B. my; His C. my ; his D. his; My ( A. Sam )5. Which of following is not a first name? B. Kate C. Millar D. Nick ( first name. )6. This is Tom Smith. ______ is ________

A. tom; his B. Tom; her C. Smith; his ( )7.-What's her____________ name? D. Smith; her -It's Kate. (A. one B. two C. three D. first )8.. His name is Alan Robert Smith. His family name is____________ . A. Alan B. Robert C. Alan Robert D. Smith (

)9. That's a girl. Her name is____________ A. Wang Xiaohong B. Wang Xiao Hong C. Wang xiaohong D. Wang xiao hong 5. -____________ your phone number? -It's 6678954. A. Where's B. What's C. How's D. What 三.用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.I like _____(me)English teacher.2. Excuse _____(I), is this your eras er? 3. ____(us) are good friends. 4. Green is ____(she) last name. 5. My telephone number ____(be) 728-3469. 6. What is the girl’s _____(one) family name? 四.按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。 1. His name is Tom. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________his name? 2. I'm Jenny. (改为同义句) ____________ ____________ is Jenny. 3. James is fine. ____________ ____________ James? (对划线部分提问) 4. Her phone number is 929-31. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ____________ her phone number?

V . 给下列句子正确排序,组成一段对话。(10分) ( (

) -I'm Amy. ) -What's your last name? ( ) -What's your name? ( ( ) -Hello! I'm Mary. ) -My last name is Smith. PAGE4 Unit 2A 讲学稿 一.想想译译

这个 那个 铅笔 钢笔 书 尺 橡皮擦 双肩背包 字典 箱子 感谢 铅笔盒 铅笔刀 请原谅 二.短语翻译

an English book/ dictionary 号。

肯定句变疑问句的方法可以用口诀―一调二变三问号‖来帮助同学们记忆,―一调‖是把be提至主语前;―二变‖是原主语的大写改小写和人称的改变,1变2、2变1、3自身,即:第一人称变为第二人称,第二人称变为第一人称,第三人称不 变; ― 三问号‖是句末用问号,用升调读。

your first name his pencil case her eraser in English

谢谢 ____ 请原谅 . 三.重点句型: 一口气英语 1.Is this/ that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

2.This/ That is my eraser. This/ That isn't my eraser. 3.What's this/ that in English?

It's a notebook. 4.How do you spell it?

Can you spell it, please?

Spell it,please. 二、合作探究

1Is that your backpack?那是你的双肩背包吗? ①这是一个一般疑问句。在含有am,is,are的一般疑问句中,要把am,is,are放在______位置,句末用标点符号____号,读时用_____(升/降)调.如,_____(am/is/are)you Mark?

②that为指示代词,表示“_______‖,一般用来指时间或空间上离说话人较远的人或物,this表示“________‖,指时间或空间上离说话人_______的人或事物.this和that作主语时,be动词用___.如,That girl_____(am/is/are)my sister.

③由指示代词this,that作主语的疑问句,回答时,常用____代替this或that.如,-Is that your pen?

-___________(肯定回答).-What’s this in English? -_______a book. ④ It 可代替一切没有生命的单数名词. 如, --What’s your phone number, John? --_________123-9698. 2.Excuse me,Sonia.打扰了,索尼娅.

Excuse me,意为“_____________________‖.常用于打扰别人.如, 借东西,问路, 插话,中途离开等场合. 准备打扰别人时,即“事先”要表示歉意时用Excuse me. 而Sorry和I’m sorry 指事后做错了事,心中难过,有愧于某人或某事,而表示道歉.如, --______. Are you Mark? –No, I’m not. --________. A.Excuse me B. Sorry. 3.What这里的’ s this in English?in是介词, 表示“这个用英语怎么说_______”,用某种语言?

用“介词in+语言”,如,in Chinese 用汉语。In 还表示“在?? 里面”,如,My pen is ______my pencil case.我的钢笔在文具盒里.


am, is, are的变化, 与主语保持一致,我(I)用am , 你(you)用are is跟着他(he)她(she)它(it),单数用is ,复数用are . 三.重难点密室

一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 (1)问句,另一种是由助动词或情态动词引导的疑问一般疑问句有两种,一种是由be动词引导的疑句,本单元主要讲前一种。

动词be的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上,将动词be(am, is, are)移至主语之前,这时动词be已在句首,第一字母应变为大写,句末用问(2)特殊疑问句的构成及其回答:特殊疑问句是由疑问词what, where, how, how old来引导的。其结构是疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语,回答时要根据所问的情况回答,不能用Yes或No。如: ①What’s this? 这是什么?



( )1、______ a dictionary in English.

A. It’s B. That C. this is D. My ( )2. —Is that your book? — __________. A. That isn't B. It isn't. C. Yes, that isn't D. No, it isn't.

( )3. This_________my key. A.be B. isn't C. not D. no

( )4.—Is this your backpack? — ________. C. No, it is. A. Yes, it is. D. It isn't.

B. Yes, it isn't. ( ) 5. _______is my ruler,________is her pencil. A.It,it

B.This,that C.That,this D.It, that 三..从B栏中选出A栏各句的答语。 A( )1. What's this in English? B

A. Nice to meet you, too.

( )2. Is it your dictionary? ( )3. I'm Gina. Nice to meet you. B. P-E-T-E-R. C. Yes, it is. ( )4. What's your last name? D. It's an ID card. ( )5. How do you spell it?

E. Smith. 根据句末的标点符号,将每题所给的词连成句子。 that_______________________________________? 、her、eraser、is


____________________________________? is、my、this、favorite、pencil sharpener

_______________________________________. not_______________________________________. 、is、it、his、notebook number、her、phone、620-8673、is

_______________________________________? (2)汉译英: 1、这是你的手表吗?(并肯定回答)

_______________________________________ 2、这是我的身份证。

____________________________________ __ 3、这个用英语怎么说?

_______________________________________ 4、卷笔刀怎么拼写? _______________________________________ 5.__________________________________________那是你的字典吗?(并作否定回答)




backpack pencil s backpack____________pencsharpener______________ dictionary il

______watch _____________basketball comp basketball___________ computer


notebook _________ID card _________ 二.合作探究

1.Call Alan at 495-3539。拨打495-3935找艾伦。 call意为“给(某人)打电话”。“call sb at + 电话号码”意为“拨打??号码找某人”。如,Please call Mary _________238-7890.

2. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里的电脑游戏是你的吗为介词短语,意为

? “____________________‖,在此句中作后置定语,修饰前面的computer game.介词短语作定语通常要后置.

3.My school ID card.我的学生证.

语修饰名词School是名词,表示类别,ID card .① 也是名词一般情况下不管被修饰.这是名词作定词是单数还是复数,修饰词总是用单数形式.如, There are two _______ in our school. A.books shops B.book shop C.book shops D.books shop 时,被修饰词如果是复数形式, ② 但man(男人),woman(妇女)作

定语 man和 woman 也要变为复数形式。如,a man teacher 医生。

一个男教师 two men doctors 两个男4.Please 的用法.

通常放在祈使句的句首或句末 Please 意为“__________‖, .如用于请求或命令,Come in ,,_____________.请进. __________sit down.请坐. 5.Found: 三。背诵意为招领启事P11 3a. . Lost: 意为寻物启事.


一.用动词be (am, is, are)填空。

1. She ________ a teacher. Her name ________ Mary.

2. I ________ a boy. My name ________ Li Ming. 3. Who 4. How old ________ ________ this girl? She ________ Li Mei. you? I ________ eleven. 5. What ________ this? It ________ a bird. Its name ________ Polly. 6. David ________ a student. His sister ________ a student, too. 7. These books ________ blue. They ________ English books.

8. Li Lei ________ at school today. He ________ drawing a picture now.

9. Amy and Kay ________ here. They ________ not at home.

10. ________ We ________ students. you teachers? No, we ________ not. 11. My favorite color ________ blue. 12. Tom's brother ________ not in the room.

二. 连词成句。 1. that, a, is, school. _______________________?

2. ruler, it, a, is. _______________________? 3. English, this, in is, what. ________________________? 4. his, it, dictionary, isn’t._________________________? 5. you, do, game, how, spell. __________________________? 三. 将下列句子变成一般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回答。

1. He is Mr Black.

_______________________________? Y2. I am in Grade 1. es, ______________.

_______________________? No, _________. 3. You are workers.

______________? No, _______. 4. This is my book.

5. That is an English dictionary. ______________________? Yes, _____________. _____________________? No, _____________. 四单选

( )1. This is key and that is eraser. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. the, an ( A. Yes, that is. )2. —Is that a baseball? — B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it’s. D. It’s a baseball. ( )3. —— Hello! Are you Sue?

A. Yes, I’m. B. No, I’m. C. Y( )4. es, it is. —Is this her pen?

D. No, I’m not. —

A. No, it’s my pen.B. No, it’s a pen.C. Yes, it’s my pen.D. Yes, it isn’t.

( )5. What’s that ____ Chinese? A. with B. of ( )6. This is not ____ C. to ___ watch. I think it’s D. in

___ watch.

A. you, he C. his, her B. she, my D. me, his ( )7. Is this __ English car? A. you ( )8. — What’s this in English?B. I C. your

D. a — a pencil case.

A. This’s( )9. — YB. This is our ring is nice. C. Its —D . It’s . A. Thank you B. OK C. Sorry ( )10. A set of D. It’s not niceon the table. A. key is B. keys is C. keys are 五。 书面表达

D. key are 假如你是David,你的电话是32356824。你的字典丢失了,请写一则寻物启事。



Unit 3A 讲学稿 一、感知


mother father sister parent

brother friend aunt

2.想一想,填一填: she’s(完全形式)_________


his(主格)__________ father(对应词)__________


我的朋友_____________ 你的姐姐__________ that is(缩写形式) _______

二、语法聚焦 1、Those are my two sisters.And that’s my brother. Those are ……是__________句型的复数句。因为


们相配的系动词应用____,而不用_____。 2、单数句变为复数句首先是指示代词的变化:this



主动出击: 一.根据句意填入家族成员的名词。1.2. Father’s mother is my ____________. 3. Mother’s brother is my ________. 4. Mother’s father is my __________. 5. Father’s sister is my _________.I’m Lucy. This is my father. I’m 6.7. _______. his Uncle’s daughter is my __________.Tom is my son. I’m not his father. I am 8.his ______. 9. My father and mother are my _______. My __________ are my parents’ 10. parents. I’m Jim. This is my mother. I’m her only ______. 二. this,that,these或those填空. 1. 2. Mom,_____is my English teacher,Miss Gao. What is_____over there(在那边)?_____is a baseball. 3. 4. Are______your keys ? Are______your pencils Yes,they are. ? No,these are my pencils. 5. B: Y A:Hello,____is Jane. Is____Peter? es,Peter speaking. 三. 写出下列词的复数. 1.sister 5.grandparent 2.key 6.friend 3.boy 7.brother * 4.parent 8.am/is * 9.this * 10.that 四. Listen and fill in the blanks.

Dave:___ ____my ______.Mom, this is Lin Hai. Lin Hai:Nice to meet you!

Mom:Nice to meet you ,Lin Dave:And____ _____my ________. Hai! Grandparents:Hi,Lin Hai! Dave:And _______,Jim. this is my ________,Mary, and this is my


1. Mr Smith is our English teacher.______(he) is 30. This is_____ (he)book.

2. Is______(she) name Ann? 3. ________(I)am Paul.Dave is_____(I) friend.

Yes,it is.

4. Those_______(be)my brothers,and that_______(be) my sister. 5. Is this your sister ? No, _______isn’t.


1.These are his pens. (改为一般疑问句) __________________________________?

2.It is a pencil case. ___________________________? (对画线部分提问)

3.Is Kate a good girl? (作肯定和否定回答)

___________________? _____________. 4.They are sisters. (改为否定句)


5.Is that your ruler? _____________________________. (作肯定和否定回答)


( )1. –Is he Lin Tao? --Yes, __________. A. it is B. he’s C. he is ( )2. My father and my mother are my ________.

A. parent B. parents C. brothers

( )3. My father is my grandfather’s _________.

A. son B. daughter C. uncle ( )4. –Is that ________ backpack? --No, my backpack is here. A. she B. hers C. your ( --)5. No, it’s her pencil sharpener.–Is this _______ pencil sharpener?

A. she B. he C. his ( )6.Is he your friend? Yes, ________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t ( )7.Is this your father? No, ________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t

( )8.Is that your ________ ?

A.a picture B.picture C.pictures D.nice pictures ( )9.Are ________ Kate’s ________? A.this, book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book ( 10.Is Guo Peng your brother? ________. A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.Yes, she is D.No,he isn’t ( )11.Anna is not my sister. ________ my

cousin. A.He B.He’s C.She D.She’s PAGE7

Unit3B讲学稿 Eg:Is Mary/she your aunt?(作肯定和否定回

答)____________ ________________ 一:想一想,填一填

3.“某人的全家福照片”有两种说法:a photo of one’


s family和 one’s family photo.如:一张我的全家

photo(复数)__________ 福照片_____________________

=_________________________________ 为?而感谢_____________



in the photo_________ 4.Here是副词,放在句首,往往引起句子倒装,构the family tree_____________ 成“here is(are)+主语”的倒装句式。连系动词is(are)

的单复数取决于后面主语的单复数。 my family photo_________




那些是我的姐姐们。 选词填空:Here _________(am/is/are)some pictures. 这是我的全家福。 5.为??而感谢 thanks for +名词或动名词=thank


语法聚焦: 可数名词单数形式变为复数名词形式时,要注意变


1.一般情况下词尾加_______ .如book _______;pen_______. 2.以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词加_______。如


3.以o结尾的词加_______或_______。如:photo_______;tomato_______. 4.以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把_______变为

_______,再加_______。如:family_______. 5.以f或fe结尾的词,把f或fe变为v,再加_______。如:leaf_______;knife_______.


a/an要去掉。(一些固定的短语除外)。 三. Read the letter and draw a picture of Emma’

s family


1. 介绍某人时,常用“______”或“_______”





2. 当问句中的主语是人名,如:Guo Peng,或人



课本原句:Is Guo Peng /he your brother? No,______isn’t.

you for +如:名词或动名词谢谢 你的字典。


五.区别:1.this is,these are ,those are都不能缩写,而that is 可以缩写成that’s 变为2.单数句变复数句注意:these或those;am和指示代词is变为arethi;不定冠词s或that分别



This is my eraser.________________________.

That is a book.____________________________.

六.阅读理解: This is my grandfather, Barry I have a nice picture. It is a picture of my family.

Clark. And this is my grandmother, Linda Clark. These are my parents.

Frank and father’s sister. And this is my uncle, Paul. Jane. This is my aunt, Alice. She’s my He’s a runner. These are my cousins Joe, Mike and Sally.

They’re Alice and Paul’s sister, Lisa. Do you know that girl? It’s me, Mary. children(孩子).This is my

根据短文完成下列句子,每空一词 1. Mary’s last name is_________ .

2. Frank is Alice’s __________ . 3. Mary’s uncle is a 4. Alice and Paul have __________ children.__________ .

5. Lisa is Mary’s __________ 单项选择

( )1.Those are my _______.

A. pencil B. boxs C. watchs D. pens A.sister ( )2.My B.brother uncle’s C.son

_________is my cousin. ( )3.Is this your brother? Yes,________. ( )4.____is Alice. It’s_____backpack.A.it is B.he is C.this is

A.This, she B.That, her C.These,her ( )5.What’s this? It’s a photo______my family A.at B.to C.of . ( )6.Thank you _____these flowers(花朵). ( A.to )7.Hi,Jim!That is my sister___that is my brother. B.of C.for A./ B.and C.but(但是) ( )8.Here ____two pictures in my notebook. A.am B.is C.are ( )9.Is ____your friend, Jane? No,____isn’t. A.she;it PAGE8 B.Anna;she C.that;she

