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㈠ 高考短文改错命题焦点:

短文改错是全国统一高考中一种综合性很强的试题。短文改错的文章多采用记叙文,有时也用说明文。在100词左右的短文中设有十个小题,该题的设计形式有四种: 1.该行错一个词,找出来并改正。





㈡ 短文改错解题技巧: ⒈快速阅读掌握大意。


⒉ 在改错过程中,


⒊ 检查句与句之间的逻辑关系是否恰当。如有不妥之处,看看是否关联词有问题。

⒋ 整篇做完后,认真检查一遍,注意其中逻辑关系是否合理,时态人称等是否 一致。

㈢ 短文改错常见考点: ⒈ 多一词:

抽象名词前多一冠词: 如:

Modern people know more about the health.(去掉the )

专有名词前多一冠词: 如:

the England(去掉the ), the Hebei Province(去掉the ), the Beijing Airport(去掉the )

固定词组中名词前多一冠词: 如:

go to the school(去掉the ), go to the prison(去掉the ),at the work(去掉the ), in the bed(去掉the ), go to the hospital(去掉the ), set a fire to sth (去掉a)., at the first(去掉the ), the most of them(去掉the ),at the noon(去掉the ), make a rapid progress(去掉a ),a plenty of(去掉a )

表示交通工具的和by连用的名词前多一冠词: 如:

by the air(去掉the ), by the bus(去掉the ), by the ship(去掉the )

表示体育活动的名词前; 如:

play the football(去掉the ), play the basketball(去掉the )

表示节日(常含有Day)的名词前多一冠词: 如:

the National Day(去掉the ), the May Day(去掉the )

表示“非常”意思的“most”前多一冠词: 如:

He is the most hardworking. (去掉the )

某种让步状语从句中名词前面多一冠词: 如:

A child as he is, he knows a lot. (去掉a )

在表示时间的“one/ this/ every + 名词”的时间状语前多一介词: 如:

on one day(去掉on ), on that evening(去掉on ), in every week(去掉in)

某些及物动词因混淆词义而多一介词或副词; 如:

①raise up one’s hand(去掉up )

②pick(摘)up apples(去掉up )

③return back(回来) (去掉back)

④repeat again(去掉again)

⑤play with them in the match(去掉with )

⑥marry with the man(去掉with )

⑦serve for the people(去掉for )

⑧enter into the room(去掉into)

⑨I learn English every day to improve it better(去掉better ).

表示地点的副词前多一介词: 如:

①go to there(去掉to )

②drive to home(去掉to)

③return to home(去掉to )

某些动词、连词、介词或副词后面多了一个介词: 如:

①because of his left leg was broken(去掉of)

②instead of he developed his love for the theatre(去掉of )

③I looked at but could see nothing. (去掉at)

④join in the army(去掉in )

状语从句和主句间多一并列连词: 如:

①Although he is very busy, but he often helps us with housework. (去掉but )

②As the weather was good, so I decided to go there yesterday. (去掉so)

充当状语的分词和主句之间多了并列连词: 如:

①Her husband died, and leaving her three children. (去掉and )

②He sat under the tree and reading a magazine. (去掉and )

作定语的分词前多一代词: 如:

①The child who reading a book is her brother. (去掉who)

②How I regretted the hours which wasted in the woods. (去掉which )

定语从句中多一代词: 如:

①The film that I saw it yesterday is good. (去掉it )

②This is the very book that I am looking for it. (去掉it )

③He is the man we talked about him. (去掉him )

在“连词+ 分词”结构中多一代词: 如:

①While I waiting for a bus, I found a wallet lying on the ground. (去掉waiting前的I )

②If it heated, ice turns to water. (去掉it)

在某些固定结构中多了“to”, 如:

①I would rather stay at home than to go to the cinema with you. (去掉第一个to)

②Why not to take a holiday for a good rest? (去掉to )

③She said she would rather not to discuss it right now. (去掉to )

④You had better not to go there. (去掉to )

⑤I made them to do the cleaning. (去掉to )

⑥I had him to clean the room. (去掉to )

⑦We noticed him to walk out of the garden. (去掉to )

⑧I often hear her to sing the song. (去掉to )

⒉ 缺一词:

表一类事物的单数可数名词前缺冠词: 如:

A/The ∧horse is a useful animal.

单数可数名词前缺少表示“一”的不定冠词, 如:

①There is a∧ library in every town in Britain.

②Good health is a∧ person’s most valuable possession.

特指名词前缺定冠词the , 如:

①Have you read the∧ books by Mark Twain?

②The book on the∧ desk is mine.

作状语的动词不定式缺 “to”, 如:

①David and I want to go off to∧ find help…

②…and other organizations are working to∧ improve health all over the world.

形容词最高级前缺定冠词the , 如:

one of the∧ earliest kinds of money

such或so与单数名词连用时不可缺少冠词, 如:

① This is such a∧ good book that I like it.

② He is so good a∧ student that all the teachers like him.

姓氏复数形式(表示一家人或夫妇二人)前面缺一冠词, 如:

The∧ Turners are watching TV.

表示世纪的某个年代前面缺一冠词, 如:

In the∧ 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia.

表示“一个名叫…的人”前缺一冠词, 如:

A∧ Miss Lee is waiting for you outside.

“形容词比较级+ of the two”前缺一冠词, 如:

He is the∧ taller of the two.

某些固定短语中缺一冠词, 如:

in the∧ end, go to the∧ cinema, in the∧ daytime, on the∧ right

