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第七节 分译法


顺序法 逆序法 分译法 综合法 英语长句翻译的特点:

● 由先到后

● 由具体到一般 ● 由因到果

● 由现象到本质

● 由条件(让步)到事实 ● 由事实到结论

一. 顺序法

1. It is quite obvious that the organization of such a computer becomes rather complex, since one must insure that a mix-up does not occur among all the various problems and that the correct information is available for the computer when it is called for, but if not ,the computation will wait until it is available .


2. From the standpoint the developing countries, the next decade should see a greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological co-operation, aimed at wide-spread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man, such as nutrition, shelter, communications, health and sanitation.


3. The interests of peace prompt us to speak in restrained and measured language and to avoid any escalation of mutual recrimination which would be likely to compromise the patient and discreet quest for a peaceful settlement of this conflict.


4. Several countries, which I shall call satellites, I would even say weathercocks of the great powers, have spoken here of differences of origin, differences of language and of religion, which might militate in favor of the separation of this area from the country, for that is what they want.


二. 逆序法

1. ① It is quite understandable ② that the United Nations, having no life except that which its members give to it, ③ should show evidence of the maladies that is present in the world today.

Hints:①conclusion; ② cause; double negation be turned into strong affirmation; ③ effect;

addition. Suggested order: ②-③-①


2. ① Engels spoke with the authority and confidence, ② born of forty years’ closest friendship and intellectual intimacy, ③during which he had grasped, as no other man had, the full significance of Marx’s teachings.

Hints:①general effect or conclusion; addition;②cause; extension of the meanings of “born”, “intimacy”; ③result; condensation. Suggested order:②-③-①

由于四十年最亲密的友谊和思想契合,恩格斯对马克思学说的意义比任何人都了解得彻底。他就是以这种资格和信心说话的。 3. ①I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen,② if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, ③I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve.

Hints: ①the writer’s hope;②,③ condition. Suggested order:②-③-①


4. ①I immediately stopped what was to me the almost incredible practice of ②having the President’s bed from the White House flown ahead ③whenever he traveled outside Washington ④so that he would never have to sleep in a strange bed.

Hints: ①general statement; ②details; ③adverbial of time; ④adverbial of result. Suggested order:①-③-②-④


三. 拆译法

1. I must say that his statement was laudable for its frankness and quite plausible on the basis of premises which, I’m afraid, are invalid in the context of the United Nations Charter. 应当说,他发言坦率,这是值得称赞的,听起来也颇有道理,然而按照联合国宪章的精神,这些话所依据的前提恐怕是站不住脚的。

2. I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years.


3.There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operation of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who weights out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights.

科学家的思维活动和普通人的思维活动之间存在着差别,这种差别就象一个面包师或者卖肉者和一个化验师在操作方法上的差别一样。 前者用普通的秤称东西的重量,而后者则用天平和精密砝码进行艰难复杂的分析。其差别不过如此而已。 练习:

1. On August 1, the gunboat began her mission, which was, in the eyes of the defenders, a

provocative act and seemed to be part of the overall assault which had begun on July 31. 2. And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the

strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance.

3. The president said at a press conference dominated by questions on yesterday’s election

results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House.

4. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities

being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced. 5. To be sure, the time has passed when it could be a scientific discovery of first rank to

explain by means of a telescope the spots on the surface of the moon as shadows of craters. 答案:

1. 八月一日,炮艇开始执行任务,这在防御者看来是挑衅行为,又是7月31日以来的全


2. 敌人吹嘘说在几个小时内占领战略要地,但由于受到顽强抵抗,现在仍未突破外围地区,


3. 在记者招待会上,问题集中于昨天的总统选举结果。总统说他无法解释为什么共和党遭


4. 生产过程可以分为单体生产和批量生产,单体生产少量商品,批量生产大量相同产品。


5. 通过望远镜,把月球表面的斑点解释为火山口的阴影可能是一流的发现,毫无疑问,这


