新疆克拉玛依市第十中学八年级英语上册 Unit 9 When was he born

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Unit 9 When was he born Period 2 Section A(3a-4b)



了解并运用语言结构too … to


(一) 你能用英语写出这些职业吗?

高尔夫球运动员_____________ 篮球运动员_____________ 足球运动员_______________

演员____________ 钢琴家______________ 歌手______________ 体操运动员____________

其它___________________________________________________________________________ (二)跟磁带读单词3遍,并测测你的预习结果:给划线的字母或字母组合标上音标。

golf national perform gymnast gold medal become


1. You are never too young to start doing things.

_______________________________________________________________________________ ___

2. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.

_______________________________________________________________________________ ___

3. She went to her first movie when she was three years old.

_______________________________________________________________________________ ___



1. 作曲_____________

2. 电影明星_______________

3. 国家队______________

4. too…to ___________

5. start doing sth______________

6. learn to do sth____________


You are never ______ young _____ start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started _______ when he was only ten months old. Mozart started _______ ______ when he was fo ur years old. And Ronaldo, the great _________ soccer player, ________ ______his _________ ________ when he was seventeen.


1. When were you born? __________________________________________________

2. When did you start to learn English? ______________________________________________

3. How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?____________________________________

4. How old were you when you first went to a movie?__________________________ _____________









_______________________________________________________________________________ ____

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____




1. David Beckham played for his n____________ team when he was 21..

2. Liu Xiang broke the r__________ in 2004 Olympic Games in Greece.

3. Shirley Temple b___________ a movie star when she was very young.

4. Mei Langfang first p____________ Beijing Opera when he was ten.

5. Liu Xuan w_________ a gold medal at the World Championships when she was 17. 用所给词的适当形式填空

6. When did Mozart start ____________ (write) music.

7. My favorite basketball player is an American ___________(call) Lebron James.

8. The little girl ___________(can) count from 1 to 100 when she was only 4 years old.

9. I learned ___________(ride) a bike when I was 10.

10. My mother is too busy __________(do) the housework, so I often help her with it.


( )1. --When _________ Tiger Woods start golfing?

--He _________ it when he was only ten months old.

A. did ; plays

B. does; plays

C. did ; played

D. does ; played ( ) 2. --_________ did you start learning Chinese, Frank? -- At the age of six.

A. When

B. What time

C. How old

D. How long

( ) 3. The boy stopped __________ his homework when he heard the noise outside.

A. to do

B. doing

C. did

D. do

( ) 4. The box is _________ small for me _________ all these things in.

A. so, to put

B. too, to put

C. very, to put

D. too, putting ( )*5. The taxi driver stopped his car when the lights __________ red.

A. became

B. turned

C. grew

D. changed

( )*6. I don’t know when _________ famous?

A. does he become

B. he becomes

C. did he become

D. he became

( ) 7. Who _________ the first prize of this speech contest?


