excel实现鼠标用不同颜色十字定位表格 - 图文

更新时间:2023-10-07 13:31:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



参考文档:http://jingyan.http://m.wodefanwen.com//article/375c8e198cf51525f3a22966.html 实现鼠标十字定位目标,效果见下图:



2.我用的版本是office 2010,打开excel,新建如下图。 3.在sheet1下标签处,点击鼠标右键,出现如下图 4.选择查看代码


Code1 (office2010版本可用,office2007未测试) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) On Error Resume Next Cells.FormatConditions.Delete iColor =39 With Target.EntireRow.FormatConditions .Delete .Add xlExpression, , \ .Item(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With With Target.EntireColumn.FormatConditions .Delete .Add xlExpression, , \ .Item(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With End Sub

注:iColor = 34(绿色) 38(粉色)6(黄色) iColor =39 紫色

Code2 (office2010版本可用,office2007未测试) 该代码可实现横竖是两种不同颜色,但是原表格底色变成白色 Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Rows.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 Rows(Target.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 39 Columns(Target.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 42 End Sub

Code3 (office2010版本不可用,office2007未测试) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count> 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Column>= 9 And Target.Column<= 48 Then With Target.Interior If .ColorIndex = 3 Then .ColorIndex = xlNone Else .ColorIndex = 3 .Pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If End With End If If Target.Column>= 50 And Target.Column<= 67 Then With Target.Interior If .ColorIndex = 5 Then .ColorIndex = xlNone Else .ColorIndex = 5 .Pattern = xlSolid .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If End With End If End Sub

Code4 (office2010版本可用,office2007未测试) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) On Error Resume Next Cells.FormatConditions.Delete iColor = Int(50 * Rnd() + 2) With Target.EntireRow.FormatConditions .Delete .Add xlExpression, , \.Item(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With With Target.EntireColumn.FormatConditions .Delete .Add xlExpression, , \.Item(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With End Sub

Code5 (office2010版本可用,office2007未测试) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) On Error Resume Next Cells.FormatConditions.Delete 'iColor = Int(50 * Rnd() + 2) iColor = 34 With Target.EntireRow.FormatConditions .Delete .Add xlExpression, , \ .Item(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With

