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三副甲丙类大证1-10月机考真题集全五门胜1270 高清版:最新最全【1-10月】机考真题集。

因是高清版,不管从题量和出现概率均远远多于和大于1270!本真 题集绝对是机考真题的源文件,通过率更高,假一罚十。全网最低价。 航海英语

1.A chart has extensive corrections 广泛的修正 to be made to it .After having been corrected,the chart is printed again and the chart issuse is a __B____.

A. first edition B. new edition C. revised edition D. reprint

2.A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indioates ___C____.

A. heavy rain within six hours B. a decrease in wind velocity

C. a change in the present weather conditions D. that fog will soon set in

3.A slow,gradual fall of the barometer 气压计 indicates approaching____C_____. A. gale force winds within 12 hours B. blizzard conditions

C. deteriorating or unsettled weather (恶化的) D. heavy,wind driven rain

4.Stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when___C___. A. on a collsion coures

B. the vessels will pass within one mile

C. it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action

D. the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minutes

5. A type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strong

convection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as ___B___.


A. sieet B. nail

C. freezing rain D. rime

6. A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw.With rudder amidships and calm wind,

the vessel will most likely back___B____ A. straight astern B. to port C. to starboard

D. in no particular direction

7. Vessel is tender if cargo weight is___A____

A. concentrated high and the double bottoms empty B. concentrated low and the double bottoms empty C. evenly distributed vertically with the doubel bottoms full D. concentrated and with the doubie bottoms full

8. vessel may enter a traffic separation zone___D___①in an emergency;②to engage

in fishing within the zone;③to cross the traffic separation scheme A. ① B. ② C. ③ D. ①+②+③

9. A vessel,the passage of which is not to be impeded,___D___to comply with this Rule when

the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.

A. remains fully obliged B. has no obligation C. is not likely D. is exempted

10. A warm air mass is characterized by___A___. A. stability 稳定 B. instability 不稳定 C. gusty winds 降阵风 D. good visibility

11. Weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the Northem Hemisphere,this would indicate that it will___B___. A. shift in a clockwise manner B. shift in a counterclokwise manner

C. continue blowing from the same direction D. decrease in velocity

12. D fter transferring a weight forward on a vessel,the draft at the center of flotation will

A. change,depending on the location of the LCG B. increase C. decrease

D. remain constant 保持不变

13. All charts and publications should be kept up to date with the___A___amendments.

A. latest B. updated C. last

D. up-to-dated

14. All echo-sounders can measure the ___B___.

A. actual depth of water

B. actual depth of water below keel

C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom 平均深度水线坚硬的底部 D. average depth of water to soft bottom.

15. Among the following,___B___is required to be carried on a lifeboat but not on a liferaft?

A. waterproof electric torch 防水手电筒 B. hatchet 斧 C. radar reflector

D. rocket parachute flares 火箭降落伞

16. An immersion suit must be equipped with a(n)___C___. A. air bottle for breating B. orange smoke canister

C. whistle,light and retroreflective material 吹口哨,光和回射的材料 D. sea dyemarker

17. As matter of fact,the damage to the winches was due to___D___. A. insufficiency of packaging 不足的包装 B. inherent vice of the cargo 货物的固有缺陷 C. improper stowage 积载不当 D. rough handling 野蛮装卸

18. As per STCW,any crew having consumed alcohol within___B___shall not serve as a

member of a watch. A. one hour B. four hours C. two hours D. three hours

19. At temperate latitudes cyclonic and anticyclonic pressure systems generate

more___A___weather pattems.

A. vailable B. steady C. Slow D. temporary

20.Bulk cargo refers to ___D___.

A.cargo which occupies a large volume of space. B.cargo which requires refrigeration C. cargo which is very dense

D. homogeneous cargo not enclosed in a container

21. C By paying out more anchor cable,you ______. A. decrease the holding power of your anchor B. decrease the swing of your vessel while at anchor C. increase the holding power of your anchor

D. increase the possibility that your vessel will drag anchor

22. B charted depth is the ______.

A. vartical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tide

B. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom C. average height of water over a specified period of time D. average height of all low waters at a place

23. Clouds are classified according to their ___C___. A. Size

B. mosasaurs content 水分含量

C. altitude and how they are formed 高度和他们是如何形成 D. location in 2 fornt

24. A. clouds from ______.

A. as a mass of warm,humid air rises into the atmosphere and cools condensing

moisture into small droplets

B. as winds blow across bodies of water, the sun causes the moisture to be absorbed and move upward forming clouds

C. dry air compresses moisture from the atmosphere into clouds D. when the relative humidity of the atmosphere is low

25. Compass error is equal to the ___C___. A. deviation minus variation B. variation plus compass course C. Combined variation and deviation

D. difference between true and magnetic heading

26. container ship capacity is normally expressed in ___D___. A. deadweight tons B. measurement tous C. displacement tons D. TEU

27. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidai currents can be found in the ___B___.

A. Mariners Guide B. Tidal Current Tables C. Nautical Almanac D. Tide Tables

28. D Depths in the routes (Malacca and Singapore Straits)vary between 20mand about 23m but there are many areas of sand waves and depths are liable to change,The statement infer that ______.

A. Depths in Malacca and Straits are stable B. depths in Malacca and straits are changeable C. depths in Malacca and straits are invariable

D. depths in Malacca and straits are the same all the time

29. Details of coast radio stations and radar stations can be found in ___C___. A. Admiralty Chart B. Admiralty Light List.

C. Admiralty list of radio signals. D. Admiralty notices to mariners

30. Deviation is the angle between the ___C___. A. true meridian and the axis of the compass card B. true meridian and the magnetic meridian

C. magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass card D. axis of the compass card and the magnetic meridian

31. ECDIS should be capable of ___D___all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated

A. exhibiting B. existing C. demonstrating D. displaying

32. Every crew member shall Participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill ___c___.

A. every week. B. Every month C. per three month. D. per assignment

33. Fixed piping leads from the ___A___to various areas of the on payment to be flooded

A. manifold. B. remote pull box. C. discharge nozzle. D. machinery space

34. Foul ground ___C ___2 cables from its E side. A. Locates. B. Lies. C. Extends. D. rests

35. From ___C___mariners can know the data of tide A. the sea pilot. B. the Cargo plan. C. the Tide Table. D. the Port List

36. C Full details of chart updating methods can be found in ______. A. NP100. B. NP350. C. NP294. D. NP72.

37. A furnishings for recreational facilities should ______include a bookcase and facilities for reading writing and where practicable games.

A. as a minimum. B. as a maximum. C. as a rule. D. as a result

38. A Generally you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has ______.

A. headway. B.sternway

C.no way on,with engines stopped D.no way on,with engines full ahead

39.C Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods,one of which

shall be at least????in length.

A.five hours B.seven hours C.six hours D.four hours

40.C How long are you prohibited to consume alcohol prior to serving as a member of a watch?

A.Within two hours B.Within three hours C.Within four hours D.Within five hours

41.B Humidity is known as the amount of????in the air. A.hydrogen B.moisture C.dust D.temperature

42.C Hurricane may move in any direction.However,it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the????.

A.west or northwest B.northeast C.southeast D.north

43.C If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of????may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.

A.speed and course B.speed alone C.course alone D.speed or course

44.B If you need the information for Radio Weather Serviees,you may check the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals????

A.volume 2 B.volume 3 C.volume 5 D.volume 6

45.A If youshorten the scope of anchor cable,your anchor's holding power????. A.decreases B.increases

C.remains the same

D.has no relation to the scope

46.A In Admiealry Sailing Directions,heights of obiects refer to the height of the stucture above the????.

A.means sea level B.Mean nigh water C.Mean Higher High Water D.ground

47.D In detemining a safe speed????shall not be among those taken into account.

A.the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment B.any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use

C.the effect on radar derection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interference

D.the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore

48.D In particular,which is not included in the Navigation Ststem? A.ECDIS B.RADAR C.GPS D.GMDSS

A.the vapor-and-air mixture is too rich B.it is mixed with certain proportions of air C.the vapor is too little compared to the air D.it is of heavy toxicity

103.What defines a great circle?__A__ A.curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart B.A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve

C.The shortest distance between any two points on the earth D.The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere

104.__B__What does ECDIS stand ror?

A.Electricsi Chart Display and Indication System B.Electronic Chart Display and lninrmation System C.Electric Chart Displa and lnforming System D.Electronic Chart Display and Indicating System

105.What does SSO stand for regarding ship security?___B___ A.Ship security office. B.Ship security officer. C.Ship security operator. D.Ship safety office.

106.What is coded racon?___A____

A.A racon which automatically activate itself B.A racon only working at night

C.A racon which display a Morse Code on the radar screen D.A future racon expected to be operational after Y2000

107.X When a current flows in the opposite direction to the waves,the wave____ A.Iength is increased B.height is increased C.velocity increases

D.length is unchanged

108.When a seafarer is on call,the seafarer shall have___C___if the normal period of rest is disturbed by call-outs to work.

A.not any compensatory rest period B.triple rest period

C.an adequate compensatory rest penriod D.double rest period

109.__D__When may the automatic identification system(AIS) be switched off? A.At any time as long as it is properly logged B.At the Master's professional judgment C.Only when the vessel is at anchor in port D.Under no circumstance

110.Wen moist air moves oves a cooler surface,then__A__may occur. A.Advection fog B.Radiation fog C.Frontal fog D.Steam fog

111.When the garbage is mixed with other discharges having different disposal or discharge requirements the___A__requirements shall apply.

A.more stringent B.more complicated C.more slack D. average

112.When you read the sailing directions,you shouid notice that this is one of a series of publications produced by the____A__which shoidd he consuired by users of Admiralty Charts.

A.UK Hydrographic office B.IMO

C.Internaional Hydrographic Organization

D.International Association of classification Socreties

113.Which instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of the air? __A__ A.A hydrometey B.A hygrometer C.A spectrometer D.A barograph

114.__B__Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational safety?

A.Light List

B.Notice ti Mariners C.Coast pilot D.Sailing Directions

115.__D__Which of the following is incorrect? A.advection fog can form at any time B.advection fog can be very persistent

C.air temperatnre may cool to below its dew point to form advection fog D.advecation fog is common fog on the land

116.__A__Which one of the following rules does not concern two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on as to involve risk of collision?

A.Each shall keep her course and speed

B.Each shall alter her course to starboard C.Each shall pass on the portside to the other

D.Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle

117. Which signal of the followings is not provided onboard lifeboat?

A.Rocket parachute signals

B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals

118. Which statement correctly applies to a sailing vessel is overtaking a power-driven vessel?

A.The power-diven vessel must keep out of the way of the sailing vessel

B.special circumstance situation exists

C.The sailing vessel must keep out of the way of the power-driven vessel

D.The vessel which has the other vessel to the right must keep out of the way

119. Which statement is TRUE concerning combustible gas indicators? A.One sample of air is adequate to test a tank

B.They do not work properly where there is a lack of oxygen C.They will detect a lack of oxygen

D.They are cailbrated to read the percentage chance of explosion

120.Whistle signals indicating course changes must be sounded_ A.in fog

B.when vessels are in sight of one another

C.When you can be reasonably sure of hearing the other vessels's acknowledgment

D.every time you alter course

121.Who can contact the Designated Person? A.The designated person B.The captain C.All senior officer D.All offcers and crew


1340 Send general alarm and announce damage control drill by PA and informed E/R for standby;1342 All crewmembers mustered at main deck and C/O brief the damage condition;assume that vessel is damage and down by head now;1345 Reduce ship's speed,check ship's position,and sound all tanks and bilges to monitor condition;1347 C/O report to master that found one crack at EPT by unknown reason,sea water flood in;inform E/R commence pumping out water;Engine Dep.crew monitor M/E,G/E,shaft system;close watertight doors and unnecessary valves as per C/E's instruction;1348 Evaluate the demage situation as per ship damage stability plan,and prepare for beach if necessary and permit;1350 seek assistance from the nearby vessel if necessary;1400 send damage reported to company and seek for guidance,and initial notification to relevant parties if necessary;1410 evaluate the drill;1412 finish damage control drill.Deficiencies:1.During damage control drill,damage control plan not fully complied;2.The safety message not sent by VHF.


1.During this drill,chief office find leakage at vessel's part. A.fore B.aft

C.port side D.starboard side 2.In this drill,captain summons all crew at_ A.main deck B.boat deck C.bridge D. life boat

3.In this drill,which one is not among emergency action_ A.reduce speed B.sound hilge

C.pump out water D.open FPT manhole

4.In this drill,the ship's crew are assume the vessel's trim_312 A.increase B.decrease

[关联题]key ==BDAD The ship loaded with general cargo had parcels of steel pipes of 13 inch diameter stowed 6 tiers high in the aft end of the tween docks.Two lengths of 2.25 inch steel wire were laid athwartships across the top of the third tier of pipes.taken back over the top of the sixth tier on completion of stowage and tightened by bottle screws secured to the ships framing.In very heavy weather the steel pipes broke adrift and extensive damage resulted to farming. bulkheads. air and souding pines. ete The wire lashing and bottle screws were completely destroyed


(1)The diameter of the steel pipes is______ A not mentioned. B 13 C 6 D 2.25

(2)The steel pipes did not cause damage to _____

A framing B bulkheads C air and sounding pipes D the aft end of the tween decks (3)The steel pipes were lashed with _____wires A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5

(4) The steel pipes were stowed in____ties A. 2 B. 3. C 5 D 6

[关联题]key ==BADA The true pole and the magnetic north poles are not located at the same spot. This variation causes a magnetic compass needle to point more or less away from true north. The amount the needle is offset is called variation because the amount varies at different points on Earths surface.Even in the same locality variation usually dose not remain constant.but increases and decreases at a certain known rate annually. The variation for any given locality.together with the amount of annual increase or decrease.is shown on the compass rose of the chart for that particular locality. Remember : If the annual variation is an increase, you add; if it is decrease, you subtract. Variation remains the same for any heading of the ship at a given locality. No matter which way the ship is heading, the magnetic compass, if affected only by variation, point steadily in the general direction of the magnetic north pole.

真正的北极和磁北极不位于同一地点,这种变化导致磁罗经针点或多或少的远离真北,针量抵消称为变异,但每年增加和减少的速度一定知道。变化对于任何给定的位置,加上每年增加或减少的数量,显示在特定的位置的罗盘玫瑰图。记住如果增加年度变化,您添加 如果它是一个减少,你减去。变化是相同的任何船舶航向在给定的位置。无论哪条路船王,指南针如果只

有变化的影响,指出在大致方向稳步磁北极。 (1)

How can get the information about the amount of the variation increasing


A from annual variation char

B from the compass rose of the chart C from the given locality D from magnetic compass card

(2) The true North Pole and the magnetic north pole are not located at the same spot resulting from_ A variation B deviation C compass error D gyrocompass error

(3)The variation is _in different points on the earth surface. A constant B increasing C decreasing D alternative

(4) The variation for ship heading to north is_ the variation for ships heading to south in the same position at sea. A same as B direction from C balance with D taken from

【关联题】key=AADB The true north pole and the magnetic north pole are not located at the same spot. This variation cause a magnetic compass needle to point more or less away from true north. The amount the needle is offset is called variation because the amount varies at different points on earth’s face. Even in the same locality variation usually does not remain constant, but increase and decrease at a certain known rate annually. The variation for any given locality,together with the amount of annual increase or decrease, is shown on the compass rose of the chart for that particular locality. No matter which way the ship is heading, the magnetic compass, if affected only by variation, point steadily in the general direction of the magnetic north pole.


变,但每年增加或减小的数量一定知道。变化对于任何给定的位置,加上每年增加或减少的数量,显示在特定位置的罗盘玫瑰图。记住,如果增加年变化,您添加,如果它是一个减少,你减去。变化是相同的任何船舶航向在给定的位置。无论哪条路船正,指南针,如果只有变化的影响,指出在大致方向稳步磁北极。 spot resulting from_

A Variation B deviation C compass error D gyrocompass error (2)The variation for ship’s heading to north is_the variation for ship’s heading to south in the same position at sea.

A same as B different from C balance with D taken from

(3)The variation is_in different points on the Earth’s surface.

A constant B increasing B decreasing D alternative

(4)How can get the information about the amount of variation increasing or decreasing?

A from annual variation chart B from the compass rose of the chart C from the given locality D from magnetic compass card

【关联题】Key =ABDA The ture north pole and are not located at the same spot,This variation causes a magnetic compass needle to point more or less away from ture north.The amount the needle is offset is called variation,because the amount varies at different points on earth surface. Even in the same locality variation usually does not remain constant, but increases and decreases at a certain known rate annually. The variation for any locality, together with the amount of annual increase and decrase, is shown on the compass rose of the chart for that particular locality. Remember ;If the annual variation is an increase, you add; if it is decrease,you subtact.Variation remains the same for any heading of the ship at a given locality. No matter which way the ship is heading , the magnatic compass, if affected only by variation, point steadily in the general direction of the magnetic north pole .(1)The variation for ship’s heading to north is _the variation for ship’s heading to south in the same position at sea. 真正的北极和磁北极不为于同一地点。这种变化导致磁罗经针点或多或少的远离真北。针量抵消称为变异,因为数量不同于地球表面的不同位置点上。即使在相同的位置变化通常不会保持不变,但每年增加和减少的速度一定知道。变化对于任何给定的位置,加上每年增加或减少的数量,显示在特定位置的罗盘玫瑰图。记住,如果增加年变化,您添加,如果它是一个减少,

(1)The ture North Pole and the magnetic north pole are not at the same


(1)How can get the information about the amount of variation increasing or decreasing?

A.from annual variation chart B.from the compass rose of the chart C.from the given locality D.from magnetic compass card

(3)The variation is____in different points on the Earth’s surface

A.constant B.increasing C.decreasing D.alternative

(4)The trueNorth Pole and the magnetic north pole are not located at the same spot resulting from _____?

A.Variation B.deviation

C.compass error D.gyrocompass error

【关联题】Key==CDAA Under certain conditions the OOW may be the only person actively

engaged in the navigation of the ship. The steering may be in automatic and the lookout engaged

in duties around the bridge area. There is no apparent call for teamwork, the OOW will be personally responsible for all aspects of safe navigation. Nevertheless,he will be required to work

within a framework of standing and specific orders so that the Master will be confident that the

watch is being kept to his ,and the company’s standards.The single watchkeeper status may change

at short notice. If the OOW becomes engaged in duties which require him to forgo his obligations at lookout then he will have to call his unlicensed watchstander to take

that role. Here we have the first basics of teamwork.

在一定条件下OOW可能是唯一的人积极参与船舶导航。指导可以在自动和桥周围的了望从事职责区域。没有明显的要求团队合作;OOW将亲自负责安全航行的所有方面。然而,他必须工作在一个站和具体订单,以便主框架将人们一直相信观察他和公司的标准。一个值班人员状态可能会在短时间内改变。如果OOW变得从事职责要求他放弃义务注意然后他必须打电话给未经授权的值班人员采取这一角色。这里我们有第一次合作基础。 (1) What does “the first basics of teamwork”refer to? A. The OOW works as the only person on the bridge B. The OOW has to follow the standing order C. The OOW calls watchstander as an lookout

D. The OOW takes personally responsible for all aspects of safe navigation

(2) Which of the following may not be true when the OOW is the only person actively

engaged in

The navigation of the ship?

A. The ship have an automatic steering

B. There is a lookout engaged in duties only around the bridge area C. There is no apparent call for teamwork D. The OOW can forgo his obligations as lookout

(3) What does “at short notice” mean? A. With little warning B. Pay no attention C.In small announcement D.As brief comment

(4) How does the OOW work as the only person actively engaged in the navigation of

the ship?

A. He can forgo his obligation as lookout B. He can do as he prefer to

C. He should follow standing and specific orders D. He should keep a sharp eye on the radar

2014年3月 航海英语

1. Information regarding the latest editions of Admiralty Tide Tables can be found in

A. annually new edition B. NP 247

C. Notice to Mariners

D. Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners

2. It has often been stressed in the Courts that the lookout man should, preferable, be stationed forward, unless weather conditions make this A. profitable B. practicable C. possible D. impossible

3. In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so

A. only in case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zone B. never

C. at as small an angle as possible

D. as nearly as practical at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow 4. Cloud formations are minimal when the A. relative humidity is very high

B. surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatly C. barometric pressure is very low

D. surface temperature and temperature aloft are equal

5. When compared to air temperature, which factor is most useful in predicting fog?

A. Absolute humidity B. Vapor pressure C. Barometric pressure D. Dew point

6. Who must be familiar with the Muster List and Emergency Instructions onboard? A. The officers only

B. All crew members and other personnel onboard C. The captain only D. Passengers only

7. Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not. and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters. A. built B. buried C. concealed D. existed

8. In Beaufort Scale, the wind force 7 with speed of 2833 knots is defined as A. Moderate gale B. Strong gale C. Whole gale D. Near gale

9. Before assuming command of a vessel, the new OOW must discuss with the one being all important operational features of the ship. A. received B. retrieved C. resumed D. relieved

10. The primary function of the ECDIS is. A. display all chart information B. contribution to safe navigation

C. facilitate simple and reliable updating of the electronic navigational charts D. comply with regulations

11. When is a standon vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to

avoid collision?

A. The standon vessel is never allowed to take action

B. When the giveway vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision C. When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other D. When collision is imminent

12. Generally, you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has. A. sternway

B. no way no, with engines full ahead C. no way no, with engines stopped D. headway

13. Which statement is TRUE when comparing cold and warm fronts? A. They are very similar with the exception of wind direction B. Cold fronts are more violent and of shorter duration C. Warm fronts are more violent and of longer duration D. Cold fronts are milder and last longer

14. Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the. A. vessel's draft B. roll period

C. metacentric height D. waterplane area

15. If you have steel wire ropes leading in the same direction with other ropes, which will take the most of the load? A. Nylon

B. Steel wire rope C. Manila

D. Polypropylene rope

16. A tsunami is caused by a(n).

A. earthquake on the ocean 's floor B. tidal wave

C. storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical storm D. tornado

17. Which of the following information is not necessarily exchanged between the master and the pilot before the pilotage commences. A.Local conditions and rules B.Number of crew on board C.Navigational procedures D.The ship'characteristics

18. Ship's steering gear refersto _____. A.engineroom tools B.cargo handling machines C.course controlling system D.deck winches and derricks

19. Afrer a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually_____. A.rises, often quite rapidly,with clearing skies B.remains the same C.fluctuates

D.remains the same,with clouds forming rapidly

20. Afrer a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually_____. A.rises, often quite rapidly,with clearing skies B.remains the same C.fluctuates

D.remains the same,with clouds forming rapidly

21. The limitng proportions ,expressed as percentage by volume of flammable vapor in air,are known as the_____. A.flash point

B.lower flammable limit C.expansion coefficient D.flammable range

22. Place names used should be those_____. A.on the standard map

B.on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use C.specified by national authorities D.specifed by international authorities

23. How long are you prohibited to consume alcohol prior to serving as a member of a watch?_____ A.Within five hours B.Within three hours C.Within four hours D.Within two hours

24._____ is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shorebased support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions. A.The Administration B.The Government C.The Company D.The Organization

25.Steam smoke will occur when_____. A.cool rain passer through a warm air mass B.cold ocean water evaporates into warm air C.warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water D.extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water

26.AIS shall provide_____to appropriately equipped shore stations,other ships and aircraft safetyrelated information. A.selectively B.periodically

A.activating fire alarms

B.shutting down of fuel ventilating fans C.fire detection system

D.closing of valves on fire doors

⑶——is not provided throughout the accommodation. A.CO2 high pressure systems B.water

C.high expanding foam systems D.portable fire extinguishers

⑷——will prevent fire to spread in the accommodation. A.fireman's outfit B.fire resisting materials C.fire detection system D.fire alarm system

48.48.When the garbage is mixed with other discharges having different disposal or discharge requirements the ????requirements shall apply. A.average B.more stringent C.more complicated D.more slack

49.49.The ???? is responsible for reviewing the ship's SMS and notifying the DP of any discrepancies or deficiencies which may affect safety or antipollution capability. A.designed person B.chief engineer C.master D.chief officer

50.50.The overall set in Malacca strait is to the NW, but from May to September there is a tendency for SE sets to prevail in some N and central parts.In this sentence, \refers to ????.

A.the direction of current B.the direction of traffic flow C.the direction of wind D.the direction of monsoon

51.51.Most Navigation Systems are???? from the bridge, a unique location that allows

for a centralized, safe and efficient management of ship navigation. A.restricted B.far away C.accessible D.deterred

52.52.???? may be laid ready for the cargo or may just be put in bundles ready for the stevedores to lay out as the cargo is loaded. A.Store B.Shore C.Wedge D.Dunnage

53.Furnishigs for recreational facilities should ???? include a bookcase and facilities for reading, writing and, where practicable games. A.as a result B.as a minimum C.as a rule D.as a maximum

54.54.As the radar antenna scans through ???? degrees a rotation, it can show where the target is relative to your position. A.120 B.60 C.360 D.180

55.???? is not suitable for bagged cargo. A.The cargo tray B. The canvas sling C .the hydraulic crab D .the rope sling

56. LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC . This description is most likely to be under the heading of __________ A. STM WNG B. TY WNG


C. The difference between the displacement“light”and displacement”loaded”


A. Maximum reserving capacity B. Maximum cargo capacity C.Maximum displacing capacity D. Maximum carrying capacity

58. The ISM code is part of _________ A. SOLAS B. STCW

C. High Speed Craft Code D. MARPOL

59. According to the SOLAS requirements, how many activation paints are needed for the Ship Security alert System/ A. One B. Two or more C. Two D. Three

60.On a weather map ,hngc letter”H”means _________

A. A high pressure area with warm ,mcistan and inklement eather B. A high pressure area with cool ,dry air ,and fair weather C. A heavy squall line near the “H”

D. Horse latitudes ,with rough seas and strong winds

61【关联题】By turning the GAIN control clockwise ,the gain of the receiver increases and the observing range of the target expands .Adjust this control so that the best pictures may be displayed on the screen, according to the range scale in use. Tn the short range ,it is advisable to operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather lowered a little. In the long range ,it is advisable to

operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather increased a little .With too little gain ,the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range. With too little gain,the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range. With excessive gain, since the screen becomes brighter because the noise increases ,the contrast between echoes and background noise reduces, making target observation more difficult .In the crowed regions ,the gain may be reduced to clear the picture. (1)By________the best picture will be displayed on the screen A. Keeping the gain control remaining in its original position

B. Increasing or decreasing the gain according to the range scale in use 第31页

C. Turning the Gain control clockwise D. Turning the Gain control anticlockwise

E. Switching from short range to long range ,you will have to _____ A. Turn off the Gain

B. Keeping the Gain control remaining in its original position C. Turn the Gain control anticlockwise D. Turn the Gain control clockwise

(3)By turning the Gain clockwise ,the contrast between echoes and background noise well______ A. Increase B. Not change

C. Increase or decrease according to the range scale in use D. Decrease

(4)With too little gain,___________

E. The contrast between echoes and background noise reduces F. The screen becomes brighter because the noise increases

G. The target observation will he more difficult under the increasing contrasl H. The small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range

62. ______is where delicious food is cooked A. The satellite antenna B. The galley C. The funnel

D. The messroom

63. A Danforth lightweight anchor NOT hold well in which type of bottom ? A. Sand B. Grass C. Mud D. Clay

64. If one container was wrongly loaded in Antwern ,it should be ________at a latter stage A. Jettisoned B. Restowed C. Charged D. Stowed

65. Who is responsible for the voyage plan _____________ A. The owner

B. The navigation officer C. The master

D. The person who has done the planing (2)

The standards of physical and medical fitness between those persons

seeking to start a career at sea and those seafarers already serving at sea are___

(5) Not different (6) Different (7) Difficult to meet (8) Same

67. Normally ,better steerage will be achieved if a vessel is trimmed by the ___________ A. Head B. Stem C. Stern

