最新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Whats the matter单元教案

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人教版初中英语八年级下册第一单元 What’s the matter? 第一课时

Section A (1a-2d)


I. Teaching content(教学目标):1a-2d II. Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. Talk about health, problems and accidents. 2. Give advice.

III. Teaching important points(教学重点) 1. Words: parts of the body 2. Sentences:

I have a headache. You should go to bed. He has a stomachache. He shouldn’t go to bed. She has a toothache. She should see a dentist.

IV. Teaching difficult points (教学难点)

How to talk about health problems and give advice. V. Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1. Warm-up and review(课堂热身和复习) (1) New term greetings (新学期问候)

T: Nice to see you again, everyone! All of you look so well. Did you enjoy your winter vacation? Ss: Yes.

T: Can you tell me something interesting you did during the winter vacation?

(老师可以鼓励学生给出尽可能多的答案) T: Oh. What an interesting vacation! I am sure you enjoyed yourselves very much, but I was ill during the holiday. Today, we’ll talk about “Unit 1: What’s the matter?”

T: First, let’s review the parts of the body.

Have Ss look at the picture and teach the new words. T: Let’s play a game. 2. Work on 1a

T: Look at the picture. Write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body.

3. Presentation(呈现新知识)

T: Now, they are at the doctor’s. Let’s see. What is the matter with them? We can also ask, What’s wrong with them? T: (help Ss answer) He has a cold.


T: What should he do?

T: He should take some medicine.


1. 胃/肚子疼 2. 脖子疼3 头疼4. 嗓子疼, 喉咙疼5. 背疼 6. 感冒7. 发高/低烧 8.咳嗽9.牙痛 4. Work on 1c

Present the picture and have Ss to do the pair work. 总结各种疾病及如何给出建议和句型。 5. Work on 1b

T: Now you’ll hear a conversation. Listen for the first time and look at the picture, then write down the names.

(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案) T: Listen again and fill in the form. Name Health problem Sarah David Ben Nancy Judy 6. Work on 2a and 2b. T (telling Ss): Some students are talking about health problems and giving advice. Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them. (教师放录音,因为题目简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案) T:Listen and match the problems with the advice.

(教师放录音,因为题目简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案) T: Let’s fill in the blanks according to the information in the recording. 7. Work on 2c

Have Ss make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. 8. Work on 2d

Read the role-play in 2d out loud for the class, then have Ss answer these questions:

1. What is wrong with Lisa?

2. What did Lisa do all weekend? 3. What does Lisa need to do?

4. What should Lisa do if her head still hurts tomorrow? T: Role-play the conversation.

T: Translate the phrases into English.

1. 量体温 2. 听起来像 3. 远离电脑休息 4. 同样的方式 5.没有动 6. 发烧

VI: Homework

Oral: Read aloud the new words learned in this lesson.

Written: Write a conversation between the doctor and the patient.


人教版初中英语八年级下册第一单元 What’s the matter? 第二课时 Section A (3a---3c)教学设计

I. Teaching content: 3a-3c II. Teaching aims

1.Master the skills of reading. 2.Master the important phrases. III. Important points:

1. 看到一个老人躺在路的一边 2. 紧挨着他的一个妇女 3. 呼喊救命 4. 没有权衡利弊 5. 下车 6. 有心脏病

7. 带他去医院 8. 期望乘客们下车 9. 等下一趟公车 10. 令他惊讶的是 11. 搬那个人上了车 12. 多亏了 13. 及时 14. 考虑他自己 15. 考虑挽救一个生命

IV. Difficult points: Having the right attitude of helping others. V. Teaching steps

1. Review(课堂热身和复习)

T: What did we learn yesterday? Have Ss review briefly.


T: Oh. We learned a lot yesterday. Let’s translate the phrases.

(老师可以让学生一个个说答案,说完后可能齐读,对学生掌握不好的,要重复) 2. Pre-reading

T: present a picture) Ss, look at the picture. Can you guess: (1)What happened to the old man?

(2)Whether the driver will save the old man? 3. While-reading

i. T: Now, let’s check your guesses. Turn to Page 3, skim the passage and answer the questions.

(1).What did the driver see when bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road? (2).Thanks to whom, the doctor saved the man in time? (在检测答案时,老师引导学生注意文章的头和尾。) ii. Work on 3b

After checking the answers, have Ss scan the passage and check (√) the things that happened in the story.

iii.T: Let’s fill in the blanks according to the story.

Wang Ping, a bus driver, was going ______ Zhongshan Road when he saw an old man ______ the other side of the road. He stopped the bus without _______ twice. He got off the bus and asked the woman next to the old man


_________ happened. She said that the man has a heart ___________ and should go to the hospital. Wang Ping told the passengers that he must _______ the man to the hospital. He expected the passengers to get off and ________ for the next bus. But to his ___________, they helped him move the man _______ the bus. ________ to these people, the doctor saved the man in time.

iv. Work on 3c.

T: Ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs. 4. After-reading

i. T: Let’s look at some difficult sentences. ii.Read and find out the phrases. (1)看到一个老人躺在路的一边 (2)紧挨着他的一个妇女 (3)呼喊救命 (4)没有权衡利弊 (5)下车 (6)有心脏病

(7)带他去医院 (8)期望乘客们下车 (9)等下一趟公车 (10)令他惊讶的是 (11) 搬那个人上了车 (12)多亏了 (13)及时 (14)考虑他自己 (15)考虑挽救一个生命

5. Homework (1)Retell the story. (2)Remember the phrases.

(3)Write an article about: An experience of helping others.

人教版初中英语八年级下册 Unit 1: What’s the matter?

第三课时 教学设计

I. Teaching content

Section A Grammar Focus 4a-4c Section B (1a-1d)

II. Teaching aims 1.会询问有关身体健康的有关情况和提供建议。 2. 会处理常见的意外事件。 III. Important points 要求掌握以下句式:

What’s the matter (with sb.)?

Sb. has a headache/toothache/sore neck? What should he/she/you/we do? He/She/ You/We should (do sth.). What happened to sb.?

Sb. hurt one’s back/cut one’s finger/had a nosebleed. What should he/she do?

First, he/she should go to the hospital. Then he/she should get an


X-ray. Finally, he/she should rest for a few days. IV. Difficult points:会按先后顺序处理意外事故。 V. Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Review(复习及小结)

T: Do you know how to say the following health problems in English? If you care about others’ health, what can you say? How do you give advice in English?

(1)Work on Grammar Focus

Have Ss translate the phrases and sentences from Chinese into English. T: You have done very well. But can you deal with the following health problems?

(2)Work on 4a

T: Now let’s go to 4a. Please fill in the blanks and pay attention to the rule: one word in each blank.

T: Good, you did a good job. But do you know how to give advice for other health problems? Let’s finish the task in 4b. (3)Work on 4b

T: In this part, you are supposed to give some suggestions for different health problems. You can choose these from the words inside the brackets. Please pay attention to the usage of should.

T: You are very smart, you are quite good at giving advice for health problems. (4)Work on 4c T: Now I’d like you to work in groups. One student mimes a problem while others guess the problem and give advice. You can do this in turns/You can take turns doing this.

T: Good, you have done a very good job. 2. Free talking

T: Now, you have learned how to deal with health problems. When accidents happen, what should you do? T: Good, you are very smart. 3. Section B, 1a

T: Class, look at these pictures. Could you tell me what happened in each picture?

T:Well done. Now here are some treatments from a doctor. Can you tell me what things the girl/boy should do, in the right order? 4. Section B, 1b and 1c

T: Now, boys and girls, you have learned something about how to deal with accidents. Now let’s listen to a conversation. Try catch what happened and what the treatments are. 5.Section B, 1d

T: Now, class, for pairwork, I would like one student to be the nurse and the other the patient. Use the information in the textbook to role-play


a conversation.

T: Good. Let’s look at an example, then I would like you to act out your own dialogue. 6. Homework

T: Imagine you are a doctor. Please write a conversation between you and a patient. It should include what happened as well as your suggestions as the doctor.


