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Module 1

Unit 1 1. low-rise buildings 2. get on/ along well with sb. 3. another three days 4. show sb around 5. at ease with sb 6. name after 7. an unforgettable experience 8. than usual 9. attend school 10. win respect 11. achieve one’s goal 12. my favorite subject 13. on average 14. used to do 15. not a little 16. send e-mails 17. for free 18. not a little 19 drop physics 20. lost children 21. look relaxed 22. general idea 23. key words 24. date back to / date from 25. first of all 26. go straight on 27. have/ gain Internet access 28. experienced nurses 29. a piece of equipment 30. former students 31. upon / on arriving home 32. on show 33. miss the chance 34. after graduation 35. donate…to 36. traffic signs 37. pay attention to 38. take turns to do sth 39. regret to inform 40. regret doing sth 41. inform sb of sth 42. state-run factories 低矮的楼房 和…愉快相处 另外三天 领某人参观 感到舒适 以…命名 一次难忘的经历 比平常 上学 赢得尊重 实现目标 最喜爱的科目 平均 过去常常 非常 发电子邮件 免费 一点也不 放弃物理 失踪的孩子 看上去轻松 大意 关键词 追溯到 首先 一直向前走 方便上网 有经验的护士 设备 以前的学生 一到家 在展出 错过机会 大学毕业 捐赠,捐献 交通标志 注意,关注 轮流做某事 遗憾地通知 后悔做某事 告之 国营工厂

43. more than 44. meet/ satisfy one’s requirements 45. approve of 46. during break time 47. do sth for preparation 48. leave a message 49. take a message 50. read sth out aloud 51. require sb to do sth 52. a poem about nature 53. develop one’s interest in… 54. back cover 55. go outing 56. continue doing

Unit 2

1. spare no efforts to do sth 2. turn up 3. a waste of time 4. force sb to do sth / force sb into doing sth 5. by 6 o’clock 6. better than expected 7. enter the room 8. can’t wait to do sth 9. be supposed to do sth 10. expect sth from sb 11. do with / deal with 12. in a mess 13. take charge of / leave sb in charge of sth 14. the reasons for / the cause of 15. find faults with 16. go out 17. Tom and Peter’s bedroom 18. cross the street 19. be crazy about sth 20. be strict with 21. be hard on 22. now that / since 23. normal temperature 24. fall into the habit of 不只是 满足要求 赞同,赞许 在休息时间 作准备 留口信 传口信 大声朗读 要求某人做某事 关于大自然的诗歌 培养…的兴趣,爱好 (书的)封底 去短途旅行 继续做某事 不遗余力 露面 浪费时间 强迫某人做某事 不迟于六点 比预料好 进入房间 迫不及待 应该 期望某人某事 处理 一团糟 负责 … 的原因 挑…的毛病 灯灭了 Tom和Peter的房间 过街 对…疯狂 对…严格 对…苛刻 既然 正常体温 养成习惯

25. spoken English 口语 26. deserve punishment 受惩罚 27. what make matters worse 更糟的是 28. run out 用完了 29. by mistake 误拿了…. 30. reach an agreement 达成共识 31. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 32. make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大作 33. stay up late 34. get worried 35. get mixed up 36. in actual fact / actually 37. keep/ bear …in mind 38. tidy up the house 39. mix up…with 40. ask sb for advice 41. think of …as 42. fix/ solve/ handle a problem 43. refuse to do sth 44. insist on/ upon doing sth 45. as if / as though 46. at present / for the present 47. forbid doing sth/ forbid sb to do sth 48. play the piano 49. at the Internet café 50. be responsible for 51. after all 52. chat over the tea 53. like crazy 54. allow doing/ allow sb to do sth

1. stay healthy / keep fit 2. be dying to do / be dying for 3. lose weight 4. feel ashamed 5. be popular among / with 6. be priceless 7. operate on sb 8. an exact match for 9. damage sth 10. be worth a visit / be worth visiting 11. be / go on diets 熬夜 担心 混淆 事实上 牢记 整理屋子 和。。。混淆 征求意见 把…当作 解决问题 拒绝做某事 坚决要做某事 好象 目前 阻止, 禁止 弹钢琴 在网吧 对…负责 毕竟 边喝茶边聊天 拼命地 允许做某事 Unit 3 保持健康 渴望 减肥 感到惭愧 受…喜爱 无价之宝 给...动手术 正好匹配 损害 .很值得一看 节食

12. come across

13. set a good example 14. on the opposite side 15. in order to/ so as to

16. every time 17. delay doing sth 18. side effects

19. fall out 20. risk doing sth. 21. on purpose

22. by the way 23. at one’s request 24. build up strength

25. on one’s own 26. die at a young age 27. recover from 28. make full use of 29. heart failure

30. be harmful to/ do harm to

31. follow one’s advice 32. special offer 33. live healthy lives

34. a touching story 35. in secret 36. consider doing sth

37. be considered to have done sth 38. put on weight 39. as a matter of fact

40. recommend doing sth 41. along with 42. in the long term/ run

43. take in 44. skip breakfast 45. give up on sport

46. feel relaxed 47. Minutes count! 48. concentrate on/ upon

49. the years to come 50. loss of sleep 51. in no time


给…树立榜样 在对面

为了 每次 推迟 副作用 脱落

冒险做 故意 顺便问一句 应…请求 强身健体 单独,独自地 英年早逝 从…中康复 充分利用 心脏衰竭


听从某人的意见 特价 过健康的生活

一个动人的故事 秘密地 考虑做某事

某人被认为做过某事 体重增加 事实上,实际上 推荐 连同… 从长远看 吸收 不吃早饭

放弃运动 感到轻松 分秒必争 集中精力 在未来的岁月 缺少睡眠 立即,马上

Module 2

Unit 1 1. in advance 2. run into

3. a sunken ship 4. puzzled expression 5. step up 6. show great interest in 7. due to 8. show off

9. go straight home 10. do research on 11. full moon

12. ordinary-looking persons 13. show up

14. dream of 15. rule out

16. have the possibility of 17. look into 18. make up

19. take charge of 20. anyway / anyhow 21. convince sb of sth 22. the rest of

23. the relatively cheap 24. outer space

25. by accident / by chance 26. be disappointed at

27. believe in/ hold trust 28. the first man-made satellite 29. in space 30. so far

31. carry out 32. come true 33. pick up 34. make progress 35. solar system

36. in a way / to some degree 37. be tired of

38. be similar to 39. be divided into 40. avoid doing sth 41. point out 42. stand for

预先 撞上 沉船

困惑的表情 加紧

对…有兴趣 由于 炫耀

直接回家 对…进行研究 满月

象貌普通的人 出现,露面 梦想做… 排除


调查 编造 负责 无论如何 使…相信

其余的 较便宜的 外层空间 意外地_

对…失望 信任

第一颗人造卫星 在太空 迄今为止 实施 成真 自然学会… 取得进步 太阳系 在某种程度上 厌倦

和…相似 分为 避免

指出 代表

43. shopping center 44. in return for

45. shake hands with 46. apply for 47. take turns

48. follow the instructions/ directions 购物中心 作为回报 和…握手 申请

轮流 看说明书 49. be equipped with 50. with amazing speed 51. run after

52. make one’s way 53. come into existence

54. see…with one’s own eyes 55. follow one’s footprints 56. on average

57. in support of 58. shoulder by shoulder

59. convincing evidence 60. in search of / search for

1. How I wish… 2. go trekking 3. challenge oneself 4. on the sand beach 5. live comfortably 6. not …for long 7. be busy doing 8. as planned 9. be ready to do sth. 10. travel through the desert 11. three times as high as / twice higher than/ three times the height of 12. in no case 13. the River Nile 14. in case / in case of 15. turn upside down 16. special clothing 17. in short supply of 18. as… as possible 19. scare animals away 20. in the dark 21. even if / even though 22. in danger 23. keep a close watch/ look out for 装备… 令人惊讶的速度 追赶

向…走去 开始存在 亲眼所见 跟随某人的足迹 平均

支持 肩并肩 确凿的证据 寻找,搜寻

Unit 2 多么希望 徒步旅行 挑战自己 在沙滩上 住的舒服 好久不见 忙于… 按计划 准备好 过沙漠 三倍高 决不 尼罗河 以防 颠倒着 特别的衣服 供应短缺 尽可能 吓跑动物 在黑暗中 即使 处境危险 密切注视

24. make sure 确保 25. feed on 喂 26. begin with / start with 从…开始 27. sound interesting 听起来有趣 28. a two-hour journey 两小时的路程 29. in total 总共,总计 30. envy sb sth 羡慕 31. before the sunset 在日落前 32. be worth visiting / be worth a visit 值得一游 33. take adventures 34. develop films 35. pick one’s pockets 36. remind sb of sth 37. as well 38. be wet through 39. make a fire 40. lose one’s way 41. run out of 42. look forward to 43. tourist spots 44. give rise to 45. be tired of 46. happen to 47. regular fights 48. beyond description 49. stay young 50. snow-capped mountains 51. be home to 52. in perfect harmony with 53. take the name of 54. argue over 55. make … speechless

冒险 冲洗照片 扒手 提醒 也… 湿透了 生火 迷路 用完 期盼,盼望 名胜 引起 厌烦 碰巧 定期航班 难以形容 永保青春 白雪皑皑的山脉 …之家园 与…协调 得到…美称 为…争论不休 让…无法用语言形容


1. change our world for the better 2. of all time 3. open up

4. be curious about

5. discover a great fortune 6. preserved bodies

7. come across run across / into meet up with

happen to meet 8. as well as

9. fall ill with a fever 10. upon / on doing sth

the moment the minute immediately instantly

12. at the moment of 13. go out

14. only to catch a high fever 15. die of

把我们的世界变得更好 始终,一直

开门,打开,开发,开辟 对……好奇 发现了大笔财富 被保存的遗体 偶遇 偶遇 偶遇 偶遇 也,又,同时 生病发烧 一……就… 一……就… 一……就… 一……就… 一……就… 在……时刻 (灯,火)熄灭 结果却发了高烧 死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷等)

16. die from 17. shortly after …

18. have something to do with 19. live on

20. by coincidence 21. be in connection with 22. breathe in 23. carry with

24. break open the door

25. close it back up again 26. work as

27. take flying lessons

28. get in touch with sb. 29. lose touch with sb.

30. keep in touch with sb. 31. be out of touch with sb. 32. on its first journey 33. a great deal of

34. set foot on… 35. at full speed

36. warn sb. of sth.

死于(意外) 在……之后不久 和……有关系

靠……生活,以……为食 继续存在

由于巧合 和……有联系 吸入 带走,拿走 把门冲开 把它又重新关好 担当,担任 参加飞行课程 和……联系 和某人失去联系 和某人保持联系 和某人失去联系 在它的第一次航行 许多,大量 登上… 以全速 警告某人某事

37. dismiss the warnings 38. come into widespread use 39. be regarded as

40. become a companion to 41. take the first step towards 42. to this day 43. thanks to

44. make the dream a reality

45. make him China’s first astronaut 46. have a strong desire to do 47. apply to do

48. be required to do

49. three out of the fourteen candidates 50. take all kinds of tests 51. be fit for

52. win him the status of China’s first astronaut 53. be described as

54. go down in history 55. be proud of 56. look up to 57. mange to do

58. live one’s dream

不考虑警告 进入广泛的使用 被认为是…… 成为……的伴侣 迈出了向……的第一步 直到今天,至今 多亏… 实现梦想

让他成为中国第一位宇航员 有做某事的强烈愿望 申请做某事 被要求做某事

十四个候选人中选三个 参加各种测试 适合……

为他赢得中国第一位宇航员的地位被描述为…… 载入史册 以……自豪 尊重 设法做某事 实现梦想


Unit 1

1. sense of sight/ hearing / taste / smell / touch 2. n a/some sense 3. in no sense 4. make sense

5. There’s no sense in doing sth. 6. sense sb. do/ doing sth.

7. make great achievements 8. take one’s fare 9. that/ this far

10. observe sb. doing / do sth 11. the rest of 12. in sight

13. out of sight

14. catch sight of 15. lose sight of 16. glance at 17. stare at 18. glare at

19. wish for 20. reach out

视觉;听觉;味觉;嗅觉;触觉 从某种意义上 决不 有意义,讲得通 做某事没有意义 感觉某人在做某事

取得伟大的成就 付费 这么/那么远

观察某人做某事 其余的

看得见 看不见

看见 看不见

瞥了一眼 凝视,盯着看 怒目而视 企盼,渴望 伸出(手)

21. come to one’s aid 22. in relief

来帮助某人 宽慰地 松了一口气 偿还,还钱;回报 有影响,有关系 容忍疼痛 和……有关系 充分利用 以后

而不是 除了;和…不同

23. to one’s relief 24. pay back

25. make (a) difference 26. tolerate the pain 27. be related to

28. make the most of … 29. later on

30. rather than

31. other than = except; different from

32. would rather do sth. than do sth. = would do sth. rather than do sth 33. prefer to do sth rather than do sth. 34. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 35. make one’s way to 36. warm (me) up 37. all of a sudden 38. in the distance

宁愿做…而不愿做… 前往

(使)暖和起来,活跃起来 突然 在远处 从远处

(铃声等)突然响起 启航去


39. from the distance 40. ring out

41. set sail for 42. set off

43. set about 44. set out 45. set up

46. set aside

47. have a new hand attached

48. work out a safe treatment plan 49. contrary to

50. mistake you for a fish 51. be fit to do 52. result in

53. result from 54. as a result

55. as a result of 56. without result

57. have a fresh wound

58. stick your finger in the shark’s eye 59. roll up the paper

60. set the bird loose

Unit 2

1. sign language

2. in the broad sense 3. stand for


出发;着手做 建立

把。。。放在一旁 把新的手接上

制定出一个安全的治疗计划 和……相反 把你误认为一条鱼 适合作…… 结果是,导致 由……引起

结果 因为 徒劳 伤口在流血

把你的手指插进鲨鱼的眼睛 把纸卷起来 把鸟给松绑

手语 广义上说 代表,象征

4. all over the world 5. fly in circles

6. inform sb. of sth.

7. some good methods for / of 8. be made up of 9. be made of

10. be made from 11. be made into 12. be made out of 13. make up 14. consist of 15. consist with 16. consist in

17. a mixture of 18. mix … with… 19. name after 20. aside from

21. play a part in

22. contribute … to … 23. contribute to… 24. take control of 25. lead to


以圆圈的形式飞 告知某人某事

一些做……的好方法 由…组成

由…制成(能看出原材料) 由…制成(不能看出原材料) 被制成


组成;化妆;弥补;杜撰;和好 组成

和… 一致 在于 ……的混合物

把。。。和。。。混在一起 以……命名

除了……之外没有/除了……之外还 在……中起作用 捐赠;向。。。投稿 贡献;导致,促成 控制 导致

26. even though 27. on the other hand 28. raise animals 29. be served to

30. add … to …. 31. add to

32. add up to

33. by the latter half of the 14th century 34. go through

35. in this case 36. in no case 37. return to

38. come into widespread use

39. handle this problem right away

40. another big distinction between A and B 41. borrowed words

42. the increasing number of 43. deserve careful thought 44. set a standard for

45. show great concern for language 46. at one time

47. ban sb. from doing

即使 另一方面 饲养动物 被用来…… 把……加入…… 增加

总计达,合计达 到14世界后半叶

仔细检查,详细讨论;经历;通过,在这种情况下 决不 回到,恢复 投入广泛的使用 立刻处理这个问题

A和B之间的另一个巨大的区别 外来语

不断增长的数量 值得认真考虑 为……设立标准 对语言表现出关心 曾经,一度 禁止某人做……

48. keep their language pure and unique 49. be mostly due to 50. have access to

保持他们的语言纯净和独特 在很大程度上是由于…… 可以接触到…… 尊重某人

51. show respect to sb. / have respect for sb. 52. in that = because 53. introduce blind people to 54. Chinese characters

使盲人了解/接触到…… 汉字 和。。。不同


55. differ from =be different from

56. as a whole = on the whole = in general = in a word = in short 57. over time

随着时间推移 在吃早饭的时候

变成 把…变成 和某人分享

和某人有共同的兴趣 肯定

对。。。有把握 没必要做 没必要

58. over breakfast 59. turn into

60. turn… into…

61. share sth with sb.

62. share the same interest with sb. 63. It is certain that … 64. be certain of / about

65. There is no need to do sth. 66. There is no need for sth.

67. There is no time to do sth. / There is no time for sth.没时间做

Unit 3

1. ancient civilizations 2. Lost civilizations

古代文明 失落的文明 为…安排

3. arrange for sth. / arrange for … to do sth.

4. be known/ famous as… be known / famous for … 因为…而闻名 5. take over

接管 被活埋

6. be buried alive

7. be off to sp. start out for / set out for / leave for … 出发去... 8. be buried in

全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 全神贯注做…, 专心致志做… 被……装饰 结果是

9. be involved in (doing) sth 10. be bent on doing sth.

11. be absorbed in doing sth. 12. be lost in (doing) sth.

13. apply oneself to (doing) sth.

14. dedicate oneself to (doing) sth. 15. be decorated with 16. turn out to be 17. break down 18. cut down 19. flee from


砍倒;减少,降低 从……逃走 逃到


20. flee to / into

21. be in good condition

22. carry out 23. lead to 24. on board

执行,进行 导致


25. in memory of ( in celebration of , in honor of , in favor of ) 为了纪念… 26. could have done 27. rise up against 28. turn his eyes east 29. grow tired of

30. come down with a fever 31. for free

32. aside from

33. have a deep influence on 34. have enough of 35. take sb. to court

36. question the existence of 37. sb. be put to death

模块四 Unit 1

1. sense of sight/ hearing / taste / smell / touch 2. a sense of achievement 3. make sense 4. know of…

本能够…… 起来反抗 把双眼投向东方 厌倦了……

得了发烧、传染上发烧 免费

除了……之外 / 除了……之外还对……有深深的影响 受过了…… 将某人送上法庭 质疑……的存在 某人被处死

视/听/味/嗅/触觉 成就感



5. to tell (you) the truth 说实话

6. be in sight / be out of sight /catch sight of / lose sight of 看见/看不见 7. glance at / stare at / glare at


8. set off / set about / set out / set up 9. set aside


储存,放置一边 伸手够… 温室效应

10. reach out (for)

11. the problem of global warming

12. the answer to … (key to, solution to …) 13. add sth to sth.

add to add up to…

…的解决方法 把…加入…

增添(常跟抽象名词happiness) 总计

14. make the most of = make the best of = make full use of 充分利用 15. later on

晚些时候 高血压

16. have high blood pressure 17. rather than

与其…不如… 除了 对…宣战

18. other than = except; different from 19. declare war against 20..in return(for)


21..in memory of /in celebration of /in honor of /in favor of /in support of )为了纪念/庆祝/支持… 22. be aware of 23. fall for


陷入到… 对…迷恋

24. play tricks on / trick sb. into doing sth. 开某人玩笑

25. appeal to 26. be concerned with 27. get sth. across to sb.

28. claim to have done sth.

Unit 2

1..serve the public

2. advertising campaign 3. affect public welfare 4. be of high quality

5. encourage sb. to do sth. 6. go up/go down

7. stay / remain the same 8. have a clear goal in mind 9. get sb. to do sth. 10. cure sb. of sth.

11. be intended/ meant for…/to do 12. be delighted to do sth. 13. share (in) sth. with sb. 14. every four years

15. be allowed to do sth. =allow sb. to do sth. 16. be buried alive 17. side by side

吸引 与…相关

使…理解 宣称做了某事



影响公众福利 高质量


(价格)上涨/下降 仍旧 ;依然如是 ;不变


让某人做某事 治好疾病 打算,想要

高兴做… 分享

每隔四年 允许

活埋. 肩并肩

18. realize one’s dream/live one’s dream 19. under one’s original name

20. at the opening/closing ceremony 21. compete for medals 22. a live World Cup match 23. break the world record 24. make contributions to

25. feel proud of= take pride in 26. be related to 与… 27. attempt to do sth. 28. take one’s time 29. promise to do sth. 30. come up with 31. look out for

32. be likely to do sth. 33. apply… to

34. require sb. to do sth.(require that sb. should do Unit 3

1. meet the requirements 2. make way for

3. be responsible for 4. be confident of



在开/闭幕式上 角逐奖牌


破纪录 为…做贡献

以…自豪 有关联


慢慢来,不着急 承诺

想出…主意,办法 小心

有可能做某事 应用,涂抹


符合要求 为。。。让道



5. be based on


6. play an important role/part in 7. if so

扮演…角色 起…作用 如果这样

8. do research on 9. be of use

做…方面的研究 有用处

10. be similar to 与…类似 科幻小说

11. a science fiction

12. with the rapid development of 13. upon/on doing sth. 14. be connected to 15. via a straw sensor 16. a World Cup final

随着…的快速发展 刚一…就 与…关联

通过一根吸管状的传感器 世界杯决赛 签名

17. sign one’s name 18. in reality /in reality 19. bring history alive

事实上 使历史再现

20. leave sb. with a deep impression / impress sb. with sth. on sb 给人留下深刻印象 21. depend on/rely on

依赖 冒险做某事 军训

22. take the risk of doing sth. 23. military exercises 24. make a profit 25. end in failure


以失败告终 有好处

26. of great benefit

27. be accused of /be charged with 28. concentrate on 29. go bankrupt

30. make good judgments 31. look into the problems 32. voice one’s opinions 33. in worse condition 34. hit sb. on the head 35. come across/run into 36. be recognized as 37. put forward

模块五 Unit 1

1. get along/on with

2. achieve/score high marks 3. overlook my studies 4. keep sth. a secret 5. in a dilemma

6. be determined to do/determine to do 7. seem absent-minded 8. tear in two

9. can’t help doing sth /can’t bear doing sth

被控诉…罪行 集中注意力于 破产


调查问题 说出观点

在更糟的条件下 打某人的头 偶遇 被认为是


与…相处 获取高分 忽略学习 保密 处于两难 下定决心做… 心不在蔫 撕成两半 情不自禁做某事

10. be based on 11. on one hand ...on the other hand 12. regardless of/in spite of/despite 13. share with sb.

14. persuade sb to do sth/into doing sth. 15. discourage sb from doing sth 16. in addition /besides 17. wipe out

18. cut down(upon) 19. open the floor 20. run out (of )

21. in the form of 22. pick out/pick up 23. rely on/depend on

24. lead to/contribute to/result in 25. due to / owing to/thanks to 26. under way

27. concentrate on 28. nature reserve 29. make efforts

30. within the range of

31. set up/establish/found

在…基础上 一方面…另一方面 尽管 与人分享 说服…做… 不同意某人做某事 除了….还 抹去 消除 削减 发言

用光,耗尽 以…的形式 挑选 依靠 导致 由于


集中注意力于 自然保护区 努力

在…范围内 建立

32. be home to 33. clear away 34. be seen as

36. push ahead with 37. end up 38. for sale 39. use up 40. figure out

Unit 3

on ( the ) one hand,… on the other hand toy with

die at a much younger age than normal consider doing with the intention of cause a lot of anxiety adopt a child push ahead with

be anxious to fail in the exam be anxious to know the result for sale

…之家 清除 被看做是 促进推动 借宿 降价销售 用光


deal with the consequence comment on in agreement with on a personal note scientific terms work out the meanings make sense make a breakthrough commit a crime be / get burnt out follow in one’s footsteps

a / the majority of take…into consideration hunger for

focus on conservation meet one’s need in favour of Unit 1 perform a play act out a play be good for stand up for queue up be inspired by yet other trip over walk into doors do impressions make fun of make jokes about have affection for be broadcast live come up with

from one’s point of view be concerned about at a fast pace GM food be cautious with

talk straight to… tell jokes react to a variety of howl with laughter all age groups

follow in one’s footsteps live to be 100 years old send chemical around the body fight pain

whatever the reason after all

perform stand-up routine get one’s start doing disappear from view

stay active well into his 90s pass away negative feelings drive away

take on new foreign students move on to… go on to do tear…in two burst in dash out run after hold out sth. present sth. to sb. run into

attain enough skills polish one’s skills move over wander over official looking throw sth. at sb.

be surrounded by/ with suffering(s) mental gymnastics A is junior to B apart from be severe on sb.

in good / high / low spirits have appreciation for accomplish a task be finished (be done) adapt (…) to go after

in the depths of one’s soulheart and soul be accompanied by in company with on one’s own do sth. by oneself follow the procedure the process of … Module 6 Unit 3

head for the south have a talent / gift for quit doing at that point rush sb. to assist sb. with attain knowledge

struggle with a physical disability in case describe …as devote oneself to set up the equipment cry about / over sth.

overcome one’s sorrow / difficultyfix the problem to one’s relief feel caught between an average student look back on take time to relax

greet sb. be greeted with Arabian countries a live hen drive bad spirits ensure good luck congratulate sb. celebrate sth. play drums throughout the night get used / accustomed to light fires be altogether alike set off fireworks let alone

with hands pressed together Unit 4 lack confidence refer to

make up / account for take on

sleep like a log show sb. around take up a lot of time eat mostly seal, deer, … hunt for

join one of the assemblies take part in dancing accounts of … be home to meet with sb. live on the plains have power over as strong as a horse as busy as a bee

as poor as a church mouse as cool as cucumber

consist of / be made up of feel honored to do… set up

with the help of

under the umbrella of a worthwhile job apart from A equals B contribute… to… be available to sb. fetch a high price break down get hold of sth. remind sb. of… look back on take possession of imagine doing

a worthy organization in addition (to) child labor

A is equal to B

provide for a family look sth. up

cannot afford to purchase sth. be broken

a temporary clinic think back to…

make a difference by this means


Unit 1

1. be broadcast live

现场直播 不久之后

导致;给。。。投稿;给。。。做贡献 给。。。做贡献

2. shortly afterwards 3. contribute to

4. make contributions to

5. make great breakthgoughs in the development of 在。。。发展上作出巨大贡献 6. make TV accessible to people 7. spring up

使电视深入到千家万户 突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展

7. current affairs 8. travel package 9. acquire knowledge 10. all sorts of

时事 包价旅游 获得知识 各种各样的

11. claim sth / claim to do sth / claim one’s lives 12. at one’s command


13. command sb to do sth / command that 从句(should) 14. build social ties

建立社会联系 假定 收集信息

15. make the assumptions that … 16. gather information

17. address the main drawbacks of sth. / address a meeting / address sb as … 18. common interests

共同利益 更成问题

正反两方面的意见 习惯于 受……的欢迎

19. become more of a problem 20. pros and cons

21. be accustomed to

22. be popular with ( among )

23. aid sb. with/ in sth.; with the aid of 24. keep/ bear/ have … in mind 25. search engine 26. subject directory 27. be divided into 28. on that basis

记住,牢记 搜索引擎 主题目检索 分为……, 分成 在此基础上

29. take … … into consideration/ account 30. as a general rule

考虑,考虑到 一般情况下

31. handle / sort out the problems/ situation; 32. search for


33. have solid facts

34. in an intelligent/ cheerful manner

35. consult web pages/ the dictionary/ his notes; consult the doctor/ lawyer about/ on sth.;

consult with sb Unit 4

1. pick up /drop off people

接/放下乘客 长距离地接乘客 有… 名声 发展铁路服务 在市中心接送人们 同意 推迟

2. carry sb over long distances 3. have the distinction of 4. develop rail services

5. convey people to and around the city centre 6. give approval to

7. postpone sth / postpone doing sth

8. delay sth / delay doing sth / put off sth / put off doing sth 推迟 9. pull through the narrow tunnels


通过精心照料,病人恢复了健康 阻塞

10. With careful nursing, the patient pull through. 11. chock off

12. at regular intervals 13. accelerate the pace of sth


construct underground lines / under construction 14. link up

连接,会合,联合 打折 希望…… 更好地利用 补偿,弥补 简明新闻,快讯 加速

把。。。置于。。。掌控中 用作。。。

冲掉,冲垮,冲走 正在修理中,在修建中 乘渡轮

除……之外,包括 由……引起,由……产生 目的是,旨在针对 潜在的原因


15. at a discount

16. in the hope of/ that … 17. make better use of 18. make up for 19. news flash 20. speed up

21. place sth under the authority of 22. function as / serve as 23. wash away 24. under repair 25. by ferry

26. in addition to

27. arise from/ out of

28. be aimed at increasing people’s awareness 29. potential causes of sth.

30. have a responsibility to do sth./ beresponsible for sth. 31. overtake other cars 32. violate the law

超过其它车辆 违反法律 可能有许多学生 假设

33. there are likely to be many students 34. make the assumption

35. keep … … in good condition

保持良好的状态 加快… …的步伐

36. accelerate the pace of

keep up this pace; at one’s own pace 37. an invitation to accidents/ theft



1. have a place in 2. the theme of a meeting 3. be bent on doing sth 4. a pair of brand new sneakers 5. have little/ some talent for 6. be intended/meant for

7. recommend doing sth/that sb should do… 8. be set in sp.

9. be abused by sb/drug abuse 10. a book fair

11. become famous overnight 12. lie in the shade/shadow 13. have nothing /sth to do with 14. dramatic changes took place 15. lay a pipe/an egg 16. an old –fashioned film 17. an award-winning film 18. at a time/at one time

19. The early bird catches the worm.

20. the monument to sb. 21. take sb to court 22. serve as/act as 23. adapt from 24. not uncommon 25. let out a sad sigh 26. despite/in spite of 27. a guide to poetry 28. a lifelong companion 29. a five-star restaurant 30. fly that high 31. a dream/ideal job 32. set sb free

33. a large sum of money 34. can hardly wait to do sth 35. be in heavy debt 36. a farewell speech 37. come out/publish 38. Birds of a feather flock together.

39. pick up a bad habit

