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C 5 Test-2

I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best

complete the statement.

1. A word is the combination of and .

A. spelling, sound B. form, meaning C. spelling, meaning D. sound, meaning 2. By form we refer to .

A. its symbols B. its spelling

C. its pronunciation D. both its pronunciation and spelling 3. Reference is the relationship between language and . A. the world B. the concept C. the sense D. the motivation

4. A word has meaning only when a connection has been established between the linguistic sign and

a .

A. reference B. referent C. concept D. sense

5. The connection between the reference of a word and the thing outside the language is the result of

and . A. generalization, specification B. generalization, abstraction C. abstraction, specification D. generalization, convention

6. Although reference is a kind of abstraction, yet with the help of , it can refer to something


A. concept B. sense C. motivation D. context

7. Concept which reflects the objective world in the human mind is the result of human .

A. acquisition B. recognition C. cognition D. abstraction

8. Concept is beyond language, while sense denotes the relationships .

A. outside the language B. with the language C. inside the language D. with the meaning

9. is universal to all men alike.

A. Sense B. Concept C. Motivation D. Reference

10. Motivation explains the connection between the linguistic symbol and its . A. reference B. referent C. concept D. meaning

11. The words like “bow-wow”, “bang”, “tick-tuck” are motivated.

A. morphologically B semantically C. etymologically D. onomatopoeically 12. “ ” is not a morphologically motivated word.

A. Laconic B. Airmail C. Miniskirt D. Hopeful

13. Of the four types of motivation, ________ motivation is supposed to be the oldest, and motivation is the most productive.

A. onomatopoeic, etymological B. semantic, morphological C. onomatopoeic, morphological D. etymological, morphological 14. The word meaning can be divided into two types, they are . A. conceptual meaning and associative meaning B. grammatical meaning and associative meaning

C. grammatical meaning and lexical meaning D. connotative meaning and affective meaning

15. Lexical meaning comprises _______ meaning and _______ meaning.

A. conceptual, associative

B. conceptual, grammatical

C. connotative, stylistic D. affective, collocative

16. meaning surfaces only in use, but________ meaning is constant in all the content words within

or without context.

A. Grammatical, lexical B. Associative, conceptual C. Conceptual, associative D. Lexical, grammatical

17. Conceptual meaning, also known as meaning, is the meaning given in the dictionary and

forms the core of word meaning.

A. designative B. cognitive C. denotative D. all above

18. Associative meaning falls into four types, and they are_______.

A. grammatical, lexical, stylistic, and affective B. lexical, conceptual, connotative, and collocative C. connotative, stylistic, affective, and collocative

D. conceptual, connotative, affective, and stylistic

19. meaning is unstable, varying considerably according to culture, historical period, and the

experience of the individual.

A. Lexical B. Collocative C. Connotative D. Stylistic

20. “father”, “dad”, “daddy”, and “papa” all have the same meaning, but they differ in


A. conceptual, affective B. conceptual, stylistic C. connotative, affective D. affective, stylistic

21. “gentle”, “fragile”, “emotional” are the meanings of “woman”.

A. connotative B. affective C. stylistic D. associative

22. Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: or . A. lexical, grammatical B. associative, conceptual C. appreciative, pejorative D. stylistic, affective

23. The words “empty” and “vacant” share the same meaning, but they are different in .

A. conceptual, style B. conceptual, collocation C. lexical, emotive values D. associative, connotation

24. In componential analysis, the meaning of “boy” can be expressed by _______.



25. In making componential analysis, the defining feature between “water”, “gas” and “stone”, tree” can be



II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 1. Every word that has meaning has sense but not every word has __________.

2. The relationship between the word form and meaning is conventional and arbitrary, and most words can be

said to be .

3. “foot” in “the foot of a page” is motivated. 4. “pen” is a/an motivated word. 5. There are a lot of words whose structures are , i. e. their meanings are not the combinations of the separate parts.

6. Semantic motivation explains the connection between the literal sense and sense of the word.

7. Part of speech of words, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs all belong to


8. Lexical meaning is made up of conceptual meaning and meaning. 9. meaning is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. 10. Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the

meaning traditionally known as connotations.

11. Martin Joos (1962) in his book The Five Clocks suggests five degrees of_________: “frozen”, “formal”,

“consultative”, “casual” and “intimate”.

12. Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s towards the person or thing in question. 13. In the sentence, “Knowledge of inequality has stimulated envy, ambition and greed.”, “ambition” has a


14. “commence”, which has the same meaning with “begin”, is in style.

15. Unlike conceptual meaning, meaning is open-ended and indeterminate, liable to the influence

of such factors as culture, experience, religion, etc.

16. Componential analysis, according to Leech, is the process of breaking down the sense of a word into its

__________ components.

Ⅲ. Study the following words or expressions and identify either their types of motivation or their types

of meaning.

1. quack

( )

2. the cradle of Chinese civilization ( ) 3. a laconic answer ( ) 4. airmail (to mail by air)

( )

5. mother (love) ( ) 6. handsome (good-looking) 7. abode (poetic)

( ) ( )

8. forget, forgot, forgets ( ) 9. accuse …of/charge…with ( )

10. slender/skinny

( )

IV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. 1. What is the relationship between reference, concept and sense? 2. How is word meaning classified?

3. What is the relationship between conceptual meaning and associative meaning? 4. How do we generally classify styles?

V. Analyze and comment on the following sentences by using what we have learned in this chapter. 1. East or west, home is best.

Study the above sentence and analyze the conceptual meaning and connotative meaning of “home”. Can we use “house” in this sentence to replace “home”? why or why not? 2. (1) They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.

(2) After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

Study the differences of the two sentences. Are all the words in the sentences used appropriately? Give your reasons.

3. (1) The reactionary’s chief ambition is to become the emperor.

(2) One who is filled with ambition usually works hard.

Study and analyze the affective meaning of the word “ambition” in the two sentences. What can you learn from it? 答案:

T -2

I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the state-merit.

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B

II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. 1. reference 2. non-motivated 3. semantically 4. etymologically 5. opaque 6. figurative 7. grammatical 8. associative 9. Conceptual 10. conceptual 11. formality 12. attitude 13. pejorative/negative 14. formal

