2012年高考英语 考前冲刺常考易混淆词汇试卷

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1.be known as,be known for,be known to,be known in辨析

(1)be known as作为 而著名,其后的名词表示一个人的身份、职业等。

Liu Huan is known as a singer.

(2)be known for因 而著名,其后所接内容表示某人或某物的特点、特长等。

Guilin is known for its beautiful mountains and rivers.

(3)be known to为 所了解/知道,其后接表示人的词语。

He is known to all in our village. 

(4)be know in在某地很著名,其后接表地点的词语。

He is well-known in the town where he was born. 

2. be/get used to (doing) sth.,be used to do sth.,used to do sth. 辨析

(1)be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于,适用于;可用于多种时态;to为介词。

I didn’t think I could ever get used to living in a big city after living in

the country.

(2)be used to do sth.被用来做某事;可用于多种时态;不定式为目的状语。

Wood is used to make paper.

(3)used to do sth.过去常常,暗含现在已经不那么做了;只用于过去时;used to为情态


I used to smoke,but I gave up a couple of years ago. 

3. be made of,be made from,be made up of,be made by,be made in辨析

(1)be made of表示“由 制成”,指从原料到制成品,没有发生本质变化(属物理变化)。

This table is made of wood.

(2)be made from表示“由 制成”,指从原料到制成品,发生了质的变化(属化学变化)。

Paper is made from wood.

(3)be made up of表示“由 组成”,强调主语由两部分或两个以上的部分构成或组成。

The team is made up of twelve members.

(4)be made by表示“由 做”,后面接指人的名词或代词,强调动作的执行者。

The kite was made by my grandma.

(5)be made in接表时间的数词或名词时,表示“某物何时制造的或何时产的”;接指地点


This bike was made in Tianjin.

The car was made in 2005.

4.sometimes,sometime,some time,some times 辨析



Sometimes I have lunch at school.



I saw him sometime in July.

(3)some time是个名词短语,意思是“一段时间”,在句中常与for等词连用。

I’ll stay here for some time.

(4)some times是个短语,表示几倍或若干次数。

I have met him some times before.

5. bring in,bring up,bring about辨析

(1)bring in引入;赚得

(2)bring up抚养,养育

(3)bring about导致,引起

6. run out,go out,give out,leave out辨析

(1)run out用完,耗尽

(2)go out外出交际;送出,发出

(3)give out用完,耗尽;停止运转

(4)leave out省去,遗漏;不包括

7. buy,cost,pay,spend,take辨析

(1)buy指购买。常见搭配:buy (sb.) sth.;buy sth.(for sb./sth.)。

(2)cost指花钱、时间、精力等。常见结构:sth.cost sb.sth.。

(3)pay指花钱。常见结构:sb.pay for。

(4)spend指花时间、钱等。常见结构:sb.spend...(in) sth.;sb.spend...on sth.。

(5)take主要指花时间。常见结构:It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.。如:

①他花了36 000法郎买了这只手表。

The watch cost him thirty-six thousand francs.

He spent thirty-six thousand francs on the watch/(in) buying the watch.

He paid thirty-six thousand francs for the watch.

He bought the watch for thirty-six thousand francs.


It took him half an hour to finish the work.

He spent half an hour on the work.

He spent half an hour (in) finishing the work.

8. offer,supply,provide辨析

(1)offer指“主动提供”。常见短语搭配:offer sb.sth.;offer sth.to sb.。

Josie offered him 500 dollars to do the work.

(2)supply指“供应,供给”。常见短语搭配:supply sth.to/for sb./sp.;supply

sb./sp.with sth.。 Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables.

(3)provide指“提供,供应”。常见短语搭配:provide sth.for sb./sp.;provide

sb./sp.with sth.

The school provided books for the children.

9. opposite,contrary辨析

(1)opposite指“(位置,方向,地位,意义等)对立的、相反的”。be opposite to在

对面;与 相反;in the opposite direction在相反的方向上。

His house is opposite to mine.

(2)contrary指“(主张,看法,行为等)相反的”, 含有“互相冲突,不一致”的意思,

也可以表示 “逆”,如:a contrary wind逆风。

This is something quite contrary to my expectations.

10. realize,know辨析

(1)realize vt. 表示“认识到,意识到;实现,完成”。

He didn’t realize his mistake until his mother told him.

(2)know vt. & vi. 表示“知道;了解,熟悉;认识”。可接段时间作状语。

We have known each other for many years.

11. late,lately,later,latest辨析


She is late for school again.


I haven’t heard from him lately.


He goes home later than anybody.


Here is the latest news from abroad.

12. cut down,cut off,cut through,cut up,cut in 辨析

(1)cut down砍倒;削减

(2)cut off打断,中断(供给)

(3)cut through开辟(出路或通道)

(4)cut up(严重地)割伤,打伤;切碎

(5)cut in插嘴

13. break out,break down,break away from,break into,break off,break through,break


(1)break out爆发

(2)break down出故障,坏掉

(3)break away from突然挣脱,逃脱

(4)break into强行闯入

(5)break off中断,断开

(6)break through克服,战胜

(7)break up拆开,打散

14. separate,pide辨析


Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.


Please pide the apple into two parts.

15. struggle,fight辨析



On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up

the cliff towards the light she had seen.



The soldiers fought bravely in the battle. 

16. broad,wide辨析


In point of fact he was broad and heavy,with large hands and feet.


His reading covers a wide range of subjects.

17.occur,happen,take place辨析

(1)occur vi.指“发生”时可与happen换用。occur to sb.指“某种思想等呈现于某人的


It occurred to him that he should go to see a dentist.

(2)happen vi.指“偶然发生”时,主语为 “事”;当主语是“人”时,意为“碰巧”。

happen to sb./sth.常指不好的事情发生在某人(物)身上。

It was unfortunate that this accident should happen/occur.

(3)take place vi. 表示“发生”时,可与happen或occur换用,但其后面一般不接to

sb./sth.结构;指必然会发生的事情时,多用take place;此外,take place还可表示“举


The official opening of the store will take place next week.

18. argue,debate,quarrel辨析

(1)argue v.指通过提出理由进行论证;搭配:argue for/against sth.;argue with

sb.about/over sth.;argue sb.into doing sth.;argue sb.out of doing sth.。

The workers argue for the right for a public holiday.

(2)debate v. & n.指正式的辩论;搭配:debate with sb.about/on/upon sth.。

(3)quarrel v. & n. 指因愤怒而争吵;搭配:quarrel with sb.about/over sth.。

The new couple are always quarrelling about so little family income.

19. glance,glimpse,stare,glare辨析


She glanced down the list of names.


She glimpsed him through the window when she passed.

(3) stare 凝视,盯着看;为不及物动词,常借助介词at接宾语。

She stared at him in surprise.


They stood glaring at each other.

20. normal,common,ordinary,usual,regular,general辨析

(1)normal正常的。normal可用作名词,return to normal恢复正常。

(2)common常见的;一般的。常用于短语:common sense/knowledge常识。

As is known to all,snow is common in cold countries.

(3)ordinary普通的,平常的,平凡的。如:an ordinary man普通人,平凡的人。

Tom Sawyer was an ordinary American boy who kept getting into trouble.

(4)usual通常的,往常的,一贯如此的。常用于短语:as usual像往常一样,照例。

Are you returning home at the usual time today?

(5)regular有规律的,定期的,经常的。如:regular customers老顾客,常客。


The price of the food is a matter of general anxiety.





China is a great country with a long history.



The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news.


In our country,railways are state-owned.


This is my native land.I’ll defend it with my life!

22. high,highly辨析




He jumped the highest in the Olympic Games and was thought highly of.

23. farther,further辨析



Nanjing is farther from Beijing than Tianjin is.


This problem will be further discussed tomorrow.

24. death,die,dead,dying,deadly辨析


He continued to write until his death.

There were two deaths on the road.


He was badly injured in the accident and died five days later.


His grandfather has been dead for five years.


He picked up a dying bird on his way home.


Cancer is a kind of deadly disease.

25. call at,call back,call for,call in,call on,call up辨析

(1)call at (a place)访问(某地)

(2)call back回电话

(3)call for(公开)要求,需要

(4)call in要求退回,召来

(5)call on邀请;请求

(6)call up使回忆起,使想起

26. damage,destroy,ruin辨析





Smoking has damaged his health badly.



The big fire destroyed the whole house.


The rain will ruin the crops. 

27. fit,suit,match辨析

(1)fit用作及物动词,意为“与 相符,适合”;用作不及物动词,意为“适合,合身”,

多指衣物、鞋子等尺寸大小合适。fit可用作形容词,常构成be fit for,意为“适于”。

This coat doesn’t fit you.


合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等。suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相

当于be fit for。

This coat doesn’t suit you.

(3)match表品质、颜色、设计等方面匹配,意为“与 相配”。

The doors were painted blue to match the walls

28. lie,lay辨析




The boy who was lying under the tree lied to me that he had laid the box behind

the door.

29. find,found,founded辨析



He has already found his watch.


The school was founded ten years ago.

30. on board,on the board,on the boards辨析

(1)on board泛指“在船上”,还可指“在飞机(火车、公共汽车等)上”。这个习语也可接

船名或船的类型(如:on board the Dongfeng在东风号上;on board a liner在邮轮上)。

(2)on the board除可表示“在(具体的)这艘或那艘船上”外,还可表示“在会上讨论”。

(3)on the boards中的boards是“舞台”的意思,其原义是“在舞台上”,现常引申为“做


31. care about,care for,take care of辨析

(1)care about关心,在意,指由于某事重要,或是因责任所在而关心、在意,一般用于否


He doesn’t care about his clothes.

(2)care for喜欢,照顾。用作“喜欢”时,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。

I don’t really care for red wine.

(3)take care of照料,相当于look after。

Take care of yourself!





They haven’t completed the house yet.


The man didn’t go to bed until he finished his work last night.

(3) end是指结束、终止某项活动,而不管这项活动是否达到所期望的结果,常用于讲话、


His speech ended at 4 o’clock.

33. besides,except,but辨析


(1)用于肯定句时,except/but意为“除 外(不再有)”;besides意为“除 外(还


请比较:All of them have seen the film except/but Wu Dong.

All of them have seen the film besides Wu Dong.



34. because of,owing to,due to,as a result of,thanks to辨析


(1)because of因为,由于,在句中一般作状语,可置于句首或句末。

Because of illness,the boy did not go to school.

(2)owing to由于,因为,在句中通常作状语,其所引导的短语必须是修饰全句的,严格地

讲,置于句末时应用逗号和主句隔开,而because of 则不用。

(3)due to所引导的短语在句中一般作表语或定语,但在很多场合中可以与owing to通用。

He was injured due to (owing to) a car accident.

(4)as a result of由于 。

As a result of the war the lives of many people were lost.

(5)thanks to幸亏,由于,因为,它所引导的短语可以表达正面的意思(表示谢意),也可


Thanks to your rotten ideas,we went the long way.(含有讽刺的意味)

35. catch up with,keep up with辨析

(1)catch up with赶上,指从后面追上或改变落后的状况。

Tom caught up with the German girl.

(2)keep up with跟上,指齐步前进,并驾齐驱,不致落后或掉队。另外keep up with还

可以表示 “与 保持联系”的意思。

They tried to keep up with Britain in building ships.

36. take the place of,take one’s place辨析

(1)take the place of sb./sth.相当于

take sb.’s/sth.’s place,即“代替某人或某物”。

Tractors have now taken the place of horses and cows in most villages.

(2)take one’s place就位。

Take your place,please.We are about to start.

37. hurt,wound,injure辨析


Don’t be afraid I won’t hurt you.


He got a deadly wound in the battle.


Five passengers were injured in the accident.

38. certain,sure辨析



(2)certain和sure的主语都可以为人,但certain还可用于“It is certain that...”


He is sure/certain that he can catch the train.

It is certain that he can catch the train.

39. know, recognize 辨析


They have known each other for more than ten years.


的人或物, 不能与表示一段时间的词连用。

She had changed so much that I couldn’t recognize her at the first sight.

40. gather,contain,include,collect辨析



She gathered her papers and books together.


 This book contains all the information you need.

(3)include只能用于表示所包含之物的一部分。 The price includes postage



The boy enjoys collecting coins. 

41. burn down,burn out,burn up辨析

(1)burn down (火势)减弱;(被)焚毁。

(2)burn out烧尽,熄灭。

(3)burn up被烧掉(毁);烧得更旺。

42. how often, how long, how far, how soon辨析

(1)how often有“多久一次”的意思,是对做某事的频率提问。对how often的回答一般

是:twice a year/three times a week。

(2)how long表示“时间多久或物体多长”,表示时间时侧重指“一段时间”。对how long

的回答一般是时间段,如for three days。

(3)how far是提问“路程有多远”,询问距离的,还可以表示程度。

(4)how soon表示“多久之后”,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间提问。对how soon的回

答一般是:in+时间段,如in two days/in five years。

43. alive,living辨析



He is the only man alive who could do it.


English is a living language.


修饰人或物均可。就词性而言,alive 只能用作形容词,不能作名词;living既可作形


44. alone,lone,lonely辨析





He lived alone on a lonely island as a lone man.

45. loud,loudly,aloud辨析



(2)loudly高声地,有时可与loud通用,但更侧重 “喧闹”的意思。

Don’t talk so loud/loudly.


Please read the passage aloud.

46. cross,across,crossing辨析


They are crossing the river.


They pushed the cart across the bridge.


They are standing at a crossing.

47. at a distance,in the distance辨析

(1)at a distance是“从远处”的意思,表示一定的距离、近距离或具体的距离,其不定

冠词a 有时可以省略或是改为some。

This picture looks better at a distance.

(2)in the distance表示“在远处”,强调距离之远。

We saw lights in the distance.

48. at any moment,at the moment,for a moment,for the moment,in a moment,the moment


(1)at any moment随时,任何时候,与at any time及at all times同义。

We can ask him for help at any moment.

(2)at the moment表示“现在,此刻”的意思,用于一般现在时,也可以说成at this moment,

相当于now/at present。

I am busy at the moment.

(3)for a moment片刻,一会儿。

The man was silent for a moment.

(4)for the moment目前,暂时。

For the moment he didn’t know what to say.

(5)in a moment立即,马上,表示现在或过去的动作即将发生的时间。

Hurry up,the film will start in a moment.

(6)the moment用来引导时间状语从句,意为“一 就 ”,相当于as soon as。

The moment I saw I knew that there was no hope.

49. cause, reason, excuse辨析

(1)cause意为“起因,原因”,指引起某种结果的必然原因,即主要事实方面的原因。 The cause of the fire was carelessness.


能是也可能不是真正的理由,强调逻辑推理方面的理由。 Tell us your reason for

changing the plan.


Too much work is no excuse for absence.

50. journey, trip, travel, voyage辨析



(2)trip尤指短途旅行,可与make,take,go on等构成短语。

He went on a trip to the nearest seaside his holidays.



I don’t believe we’ll be able to afford any travel.


With a fair sea voyage and a fair land journey, you will be soon at his side.

51. affair,thing,matter,business辨析



Before going away,he arranged his business affairs.




I could do nothing to help you since the matter has gotten into such a mess.



Tom is the black sheep of his family. He has almost ruined his father’s business.

52. scene,scenery,sight,view辨析


The scene after the earthquake was horrible.

(2) scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色。

Hangzhou is world-famous for its beautiful scenery.



He had a chance to see the historical sights of London.


There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel.

53. clothes,cloth,clothing辨析

(1) clothes统指各种衣服,后面要接动词的复数形式。


(3)clothing为服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of/an article of clothing表示。

54. luggage,baggage辨析



(2)baggage属美式英语,是各种行李的总称。询问行李的多少,应用how much引导疑问句;指行李的件数时,应用piece或article表示。

two pieces of luggage/baggage 两件行李

How much baggage/luggage does she have? 她有多少行李?

55. official,officer辨析


the government officials政府官员


officers of state (政府各部)部长

on horseback骑着马

on the horseback在马背上

