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1.1 复习笔记

Ⅰ. Who Are the British?

1. The Scots

2. The Irish

3. The English

Ⅰ. Who Are the British? (谁是英国人?)

1. The Scots(苏格兰人)

(1) Origin: Celts.

(2) Scots are proud that the English never conquered them.

(3) Language

①Gaelic, old Celtic language of the Scots: it is still heard in the Highlands and the Western Isles and their names beginning with M’, Mac, Mc, which means “son of” in Gaelic;


Character: a. said to be serious, cautious, thrifty; b. in fact they are hospitable, generous, friendly.

(1) 起源:凯尔特人。

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(2) 苏格兰人自豪的是,英国从来没有征服过他们。

(3) 语言



特点:a.据说他们严肃认真、谨慎、节俭;b.事实上他们很热情、慷慨、友善。2. The Irish(爱尔兰人)

(1) Origin: Scots and English Protestants.

(2) Problem: there has been bitter fighting between the Protestants who are dominant group, and the Roman Catholics, who are seeking more social, political and economic opportunities.

(3) Language

①Irish or Erse, a form of Gaelic: official first language of the Republic of Ireland;

②English: second.

(4) Character: charm, vivacity, beauty girls.

(1) 起源:苏格兰和英国新教徒。

(2) 问题:占主导地位的新教徒与正在寻求更多的社会,政治和经济机会的罗马天主教之间有着激烈的战斗。

(3) 语言



(4) 特性:女孩有魅力、活泼、美丽。

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3. The English(英格兰人)

(1) Origin: Anglo-Saxons.

(2) Cockney: A Cockney is a Londoner who is born within the sound of Bow Bells–the bells of the church of St Mary-Le-Bow Bells in east London.

(3) It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and the English language were born.

(1) 起源:盎格鲁-撒克逊人。

(2) 伦敦佬:伦敦佬是一个出生就带有教堂的钟的声音的人——东伦敦的圣玛丽勒布教堂的钟声。

(3) 英国人和英语来源于诺尔曼征服者联盟和被打败的盎格鲁撒克逊人。

1.2 课后习题详解

Ⅰ. Explain each of the following in English

1. The Scottish Highlanders

【答案】The Scottish Highlander consider himself the ’true’ Scot and he wears his national dress, the kilt, with pride. They are a proud, independent and hardy people who mainly live by farming sheep in the mountain areas.

2. The British Isles

【答案】The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest coast of continental Europe that include the islands of Great Britain, Ireland and over six thousand

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smaller isles. There are two sovereign states located on the islands: the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

3. The National Eisteddfod

【答案】The National Eisteddfod takes place each August and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the Eisteddfod is a competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh; the winner is crowned Bard, considered the supreme honor in Wales.

4. Bard

【答案】In medieval Gaelic and British culture, a bard was a professional poet, employed by a patron, such as a monarch or nobleman, to commemorate the patron’s ancestors and to praise the patron’s own activities.

5. Northern Ireland (Ulster)

【答案】In 1922, Ireland was partitioned. The 26 countries of southern Ireland became the Irish Free State, later re-named the Republic of Eire. The six countries of Ulster, in the north, remained part of the United Kingdom with their own parliament, Stormont, responsible for internal affairs.

6. Oliver Cromwell

【答案】He was an English military and political leader and later Lord Protector of

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the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.

7. William Ⅲ

【答案】William Ⅲwas a sovereign Prince of Orange of the House of Orange-Nassau by birth. From 1672 he governed as Stadtholder William Ⅲof Orange over Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelderland, and Over Ijssel of the Dutch Republic. From 1689 he reigned as William Ⅲover England and Ireland; it is a coincidence that his regna number (Ⅲ) was the same for both Orange and England. As King of Scotland, he is known as William Ⅱ. He is informally known by sections of the population in Northern Ireland and Scotland as “King Billy”. In what became known as the “Glorious Revolution”, on 5 November 1688 William invaded England in an action that ultimately deposed King James Ⅱ & Ⅶ and won him the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland. In the British Isles, William ruled jointly with his wife, Mary Ⅱ, until her death on 28 December 1694. The period of their joint reign is often referred to as “William and Mary”.

8. The Orange Day celebrations

【答案】(1) Celebrations held by Protestants on 12 August each year in Northern Ireland to commemorate the battle of the Royne in 1690 when the Protestant King William Ⅲ (William of Orange) crushed a Catholic rebellion in Londonderry.

(2) The celebrations were always aggressively provocative and fightings often broke out between Protestant marchers and Catholic bystanders.

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9. The Provisional IRA

【答案】(1) IRA, the Irish Republican Army, is a nationalist organization dedicated to the unification of Ireland.

(2) It was organized in 1919.

(3) In 1969 it split into an “official ”majority, which disclaimed violence, and a terrorist” provisional” wing, whose attacks on British troops in Northern Ireland, random bombings, and others acts of terror in England kept tensions high.

10. The Peace People

【答案】(1) In the summer of 1976 Betty Williams, a Protestant house-wife, was so horrified at the killing of two children by a running IRA car that she decided to organize the women of Ulster, both Protestant and Catholic, into a pressure group.

(2) It is a pressure group working for peace and reconciliation in Ireland. Williams and her catholic partner, Corrigan, soon gathered thousands of followers despite threats and intimidation from both sides.

(3) They continued to pursue their aims and at the end of 1976 the two leaders were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

11. William the Conqueror

【答案】In AD 1066 William of Normandy (William the conqueror) landed with a large armed force on the south coast and won a great victory over the Saxons. He

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