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(一) 比较级、最高级及形容词、副词的基本表示方法


1. 表示倍数的常用结构: (原级比较、平衡结构)

? A + v. (be) + 倍数 / 分数 + as + adj. + as + B

This book is twice as thick as that one.

? A + v. (be) + 倍数 / 分数 + the price / size / weight / age / amount / length … + of + B

My room is five times the size of yours.

? A + v. (be) + 倍数 / 分数 + a. / adv. 比较级 + than + B

This room is four times larger than that one.

? A + v. (be) + 倍数 + that / those of + B (= as much as …)

His weight is three times that of mine.

*? 基数词 + -fold

From 1980 to 1990, Danube (多瑙河) shipping increased more than sixfold.

2. 比较级(及其他)表示最高级的常用结构:

? A + v. (be) + 比较级 + than + any other + n. (single)

Russia is bigger than any other country in the world.

? A + v. (be) + 比较级 + than + anyone / anything, etc. + else

Jimmy is taller than anyone else in his class.

? A + v. (be) + 比较级

Jimmy is taller than any of the other students / the others in his class.



? be second to none e.g. This building is second to none in height in this city.

3. 比较级、最高级修饰语: 比较级前可加诸如even, far, much, still, a lot等的程度副词;当比较对象属于同一范围时应使用other / else将本身排除在范围外

4. 合成词作定语的表达方式: a 5-year-old boy / a four-legged pet;注意be of (great) help = helpful

5. n. + --

某些副词有两种形式,一是与形容词同形,二是由该形容词加 -ly构成,注意区分异同:

deep, deeply high, highly close, closely dead, deadly, dying

well, good bad, badly farther, further live, alive, lively

late, later, latest, latter, lately clear, clearly easy, easily, etc. 6. -ed与 -ing型形容词的区别: 前者用于描述人的感受,后者用于修饰引发该感受的人事

7. too much修饰不可数名词或动词;much too修饰形容词或副词原级

8. 多个形容词修饰一个名词时,根据形容词与所修饰名词的关系密切程度来排序,从左至右,依次为


大小、长短、形状;⑥年龄、新旧;⑦颜色;⑧国籍、出处;⑨材料;⑩用途、类别也可表达为 (选自《新编英语语法教程》) 限定词→表示说话人评价的形容词→表示大小、形状、新旧的形容词→表示颜色的形容词→


9. 古英语遗留下来的几个 -ed 分词用法问题: 如drunk作补语,drunken作名词修饰语;类似地还有lighted (名词修饰语)与lit (补语)

10. 一般情况下形容词放在名词前,但在以下情况下形容词需要后置: ①与 something, anything,nobody等不定代词连用;②表语形容词(alike等)需后置;③形容词短语一般后置;④特殊情况,如以 -ible结尾的形容词与only连用时常后置;⑤当修饰语本身带有不定式、介词词组等补足成分时通常后置,如Students brave enough to take the course deserve to succeed.

11. ☆so, such的固定结构类似于how, what感叹句结构 (参见感叹句,具体用




12. 常见形容词、副词后缀

13. 补语形容词包括表示健康状况的词(如well, ill)以及以前缀a- 开首的词(少部分为副词);这类形容词一般不能直接作前置修饰语,但一般都存在着一个同义词,如He was a lone / solitary soldier. 此外,a- 开首的补语形容词带修饰语时一般可作前置修饰语, 如a really alive student

14. 形容词 + that分句中,that在口语中常可省略;能做类似用法的形容词有sure, certain, glad,amazed, surprised, confident, proud, disappointed, pleased, shocked等;该句型有时可与形容词 +介词词组、形容词 + 不定式换用,如I‘m sure that you will get success. = You are sure of success.= You are sure to get success.

15. cf. no more than (only), not more than (at most), no more ? than (与?都不一样), no less ?than, no other than, no better than (as bad as), no less than (as much as), not less than (at least),cannot / can never ? too (再?也不为过)

16. 含as的结构

? (not) as / the same … as … 两者(不)一样 You are as sweet as sugar!

? … not so much A as B … 与其说是A不如说是B He isn?t so much a student as a teacher.

? A is to B what / as C is to D A对于B来说就像C对于D,该结构中what / as可相互替换,

但what引导的是比较状语从句,其中表比较,而as表等同,如: 2 is to 8 as 1 is to 4. Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.

17. 含more的结构:

? the more …, the more … 越??越?? (the more仅表示比较级,并不意味着需将形容词、

副词原有比较级改为the more形式,如the wider不应改为the more wide) ? more and more 越??越??,前者为从属分句,后者为主句,并常伴有省略; ? more … than … 与其说是??不如说是??;比??更加 There are more wonders in this world than are dreamt of.

其反义词组为less ?than ?,如John is less daring than quick-witted.

? more than ①表示否定,如That is more than I can tell. ②不仅仅??,如My trip to Beijing

is more than sightseeing. (不仅仅是游览观光而已);no more than 只有(强调少);not more than 不超过(客观描述)

18. 有些表示“极度”的形容词无比较级和最高级,如perfect, dead, empty, absolute, round等

19. 以 -ior结尾且含比较意义的形容词用to代替than,如superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior等



20. 某些类似形容词的区分,如


I. Complete the sentences on comparatives (比较级) and superlatives (最高级).

1. He was too tired to go _________ (更远).

2. As time went by, she became _________ (不那么焦虑了).

3. – How was the exam? – It _______________ (简单的不能再简单了). 4. This is ______________________ (我所见过最长的大桥了).

5. To Peter, painting is ______________________ (与其说是兴趣,不如说是一种生活式).

6. – When shall we set out for the outing? – They told us to wait for _________ (进一步的通知).

7. As far as I remember, I was introduced to him in the ____________ __ (下半年) of 1978.

8. _________ (不到) a hundred students took an active part in the competition.

9. Their life may seem dull to you, but they are _________ (十二分的满足).

10. They have two sons. Brian is _________ (更漂亮) of the two.

11. _________ you ask, _________ I am. (越??,越没把握)

12. This is one of ______________________ (世界上知名的大学).

II. Choose the best answer.

1. The work on a _____ highway bridge over the strait will be started in the next decade.

A. 30-mile-length B. 30-mile-long C. 30-miles-long D. 30 mile-long

2. There is no reason why they should limit how much vitamin you take, _____ they can limit how much water you drink.

A. much more than B. no more than C. no less than D. any more than

3. A great many educators firmly believe that English is one of _____ taught



subjects in high schools.

A. the poorest B. the poorer C. the most poorly D. poorliest

4. The _____ workers rushed into the office and _____ passers-by soon gathered around the building.

A. excited…interested B. excited…interesting C. exciting…interested D. exciting…interesting

5. Rod was so tired that he fell asleep even though we were flying _____ over the Grand Canyon.

A. lowly B. highly C. high D. low

6. Some people believe that some numbers show the _____ side of a person?s personality.

A. hiding B. hid C. hidden D. hide 7. She returned home, _____.

A. overjoying B. to overjoy C. overjoyed D. being overjoyed 8. He feels that he is not yet _____ to travel abroad.

A. too strong B. enough strong C. so strong D. strong enough 9. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _____ a threat to the human race than environmental problem.

A. no more B. not more C. even more D. much more 10. It was _____ we had hoped.

A. more a success than B. a success more than C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as

11. _____ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave 12. You don?t think we were all _____ careless, _____?

A. that…don?t you B. that…do you C. such…don?t you D. this…don?t you13. From his _____ voice on the phone I know everything is going under way.

A. satisfactory B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfaction 14. The boy is still _____, though badly hurt in his bed. A. living B. alive C. live D. lived

15. The book seems to be _____ a dictionary _____ a grammar.

A. more…than B. as…than C. more…as D. like…than 16. To Lee, _____ of advice may discourage him.

A. a list too long B. a too long list C. too long a list D. a list of long 17. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _____ the size of St. Peter?s in Rome.

A. / B. that of C. which is D. of

18. We have to wait _____ three weeks to know the result. A. other more B. a further C. a farther D. least 19. Who is ____ student in your class?



A. the third tallest B. third tall C. the third tall D. the-third-tallest 20. We don?t care if a hunting dog smells _____, but we really don?t want him to smell _____.

A. well…well B. bad…bad C. well…badly D. badly…bad 21. My dad bought me a _____ yesterday.

A. bamboo long fishing pole B. long bamboo fishing pole

C. pole long, bamboo, and fishing D. bamboo fishing long pole

22. – You don?t look very _____. Are you ill? – No. I?m just a bit tired. A. good B. well C. strong D. healthy 23. As I know, there is _____ car in this neighborhood. A. no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a 24. You can never be _____ careful in the street. A. much B. very C. so D. too

25. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____ IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest 26. The director gave me a better offer than _____.

A. that of Dick‘s B. Dick‘s C. he gave Dick D. those of Dick

III. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 知识就像一张渔网,渔网越宽越牢,网住的鱼就越多。(the more?the more?)

2. 我认为你们的建议和他们的一样有价值。(as?as)

3. 总裁对年轻人不惧怕困难的精神赞许有加。(speak)

4. 这是迄今为止我所见过的最大的广场。(ever)

5. 据说,中国人比西方人更早使用纸币。(It)


1. The Great Wall is ____ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. (09秋)

A. so a well-known B. a so well-known C. such well-known a D. such a well-known

2. Ernest visited the South Pole because he wanted to see one of the ____ regions in the world. (10春)

A. colder B. coldest C. more coldly D. most coldly

3. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was ____ journey.




A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours

4. ____ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. (10秋)

A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem

5. You‘d be exposed to a lot ____ pollution if you moved to a town with pure water and air. (11春)

A. more B. most C. less D. least

6. When he bought the products in a large quantity, he was angry to find they were ____ the samples given to him. (09市调研)

A. as not well as B. as not good as C. not so good as D. not so well as

7. ____, the more severe the winters are. (10奉贤-1) A. The more north you go B. The farther you go the north C. The more you go north D. The farther north you go

8. Chongming Island is ____ tourist attraction rich in ecological and cultural and historical resources that we‘ll definitely go there again. (10闵行-1) A. so a great B. a so great C. such a great D. such great a

9. Based on some lawyers‘ideas, the more severe the punishment, ____. (10嘉定-1)

A. the less likely crime B. the less likely the crime C. the crime less likely D. the less the likely crime

10. It‘s high time you had your hair cut, since it‘s getting ____. (10卢湾-1) A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much11. My little daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk ____ far. (10虹口-1)

A. that B. such C. / D. as

12. The manager called upon his employees to improve their service. As a result, the supermarket attracted ____ customers in 2009 as the year before. (10金山-1) A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice as many as

13. The price of the real estate in Shanghai has been running up to ____ 20,000 yuan per square meter.(10长宁-1)

A. as many as B. the same as C. as much as D. as high as

14. You shouldn‘t have a child ____ swimming alone in the lake. It‘s very dangerous. (10长宁-1)

A. too young to go B. too young go C. young enough to go D. young enough going

15. Some young girls constantly worry that they are overweight, although they are ____. (10黄浦-1)

A. perfectly healthy B. perfectly health C. perfect healthy D. perfect health



16. Peter‘s jacket looked just the same as Jack‘s, but it cost twice ____. (10浦东-1)

A. as many B. as much C. so much D. so many 17. – Do you like this part of the town, the so-called desired area?

– On the contrary, it‘s the ____ area that I want to visit in town. (10徐汇-1)

A. best B. first C. last D. least

18. Amid people‘s concern for health, the price of garlic (大蒜) has been ____ this year as it was last year. (10闸北-1)

A. five times much as B. five times as much C. as five times D. five times much

19. In Scotland the last day of the year is the most important holiday for the winter, ____ Christmas.(10青浦-1)

A. as important as B. less important than C. much important than D. more important than

20. The global economy cannot have been ____ time in the past year, but now most companies are becoming optimistic. (10宝山-1)

A. the best B. a better C. the worse D. a worse

21. American eat ____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1920. (10崇明-1)

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

22. We were too tired to walk ____ farther towards the evening so we had to find a hotel to stay. (10崇明-1)

A. any B. much C. even D. still

23. The price of the flat now is ____ that last year. (10卢湾-2) A. as twice high as B. twice more expensive than C. as high as twice D. twice the amount of

24. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have ____ accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey. (10浦东-2)

A. fewer B. few C. more D. less

25. Compared with the nervousness of driving in the rain or snow, it is ____ to sit in a train without any worry of bad weather. (10闵行-2)

A. more tired B. less tiring C. less tired D. even more tiring

26.– Do you take enough money with you? – Yes, I spent ____ I had expected. (10四区-2)

A. not so many as B. as many as C. much more than D. much less than

27. The salesman showed her several rings and she chose ____ expensive one as she didn?t want to spend too much money on it. (10徐汇-2) A. the less B. the more C. the least D. the most

28. Staying in a hotel in Shanghai one day costs ____ renting a house in my



hometown for a week.(10虹口-2)

A. the three times price of B. three times the price of C. as much as three times D. as much three times as

29. People pay ____ as to the content of your speech. (10松江-2) A. so much attention to your voice B. as much attention to your voice C. much attention to your voice D. attention to your voice much

30. The Winter Olympic champion Zhou Yang was ____ that her remarks after winning the gold medal caused criticism from some people. (10闸北-2)

A. a so direct person B. so direct a person C. a direct so person D. a so person direct

31. Americans eat vegetables per person today ____ as they did in 1910. (10黄浦-2 类似21)

A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. as more than twice

32. The higher the oil price is, ____ to the global economy. (10奉贤-2) A. the more damage will it cause B. the more it will cause damage C. the more damage it will cause D. the more will it cause damage

33. Everybody said it was an ideal marriage; no one had ever known ____ couple. (09八校)

A. the happier B. a happier C. a happiest D. the happiest

34. The heart is ____ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. (10十校)

A. not less B. not more C. no less D. no more

35. The lady was so keen on the fur coat that she would have bought it even it cost ___. (10六校-1)

A. as twice much B. much as twice C. as much twice D. twice as much36. Although the small room is ____ the large one, it is more beautifully decorated. (10八校)

A. one-third the size of B. the one-third size of C. the size of one-third D. one-third of the size

37. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled ____ the local market. (10秋)

A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as

38. An Olympic gold medal carries as much weight as, or ____ than any other gold medal at other international competitions. (11奉贤-1) A. no more B. other C. not less D. even more

39. The further we entered the mountain, ____ we became. (11闵行-1) A. more frightened B. the much frightened

C. much more frightened D. the more frightened

40. Many people consider that French is ____ as Russian while I think the contrary. (11虹口-1)

A. as difficult a language B. as a difficult language C. too difficult a language D. too a difficult language

41. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn?t bothered by his loudness



____ by his lack of talent. (11卢湾-1)

A. than B. more than C. as D. so much as 42. – Are you pleased with what he has done?

– It couldn‘t be ____. He must have put a lot of effort into his work. (11徐汇-1)

A. any worse B. any better C. so bad D. the best

43. Some people were _____ at performing a particular task than others, so they began to specialize in what they were good at doing. (11黄浦-1) A. poorer B. best C. better D. good

44. Acupuncture (针灸疗法) is ____ at reducing back pain ____ medicines, according to researchers. (11宝山-1)

A. twice as effective…as B. as twice effective…than C. effective as twice…as D. twice effective as…than

45. Mr. Smith is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ____. (11浦东-1)

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 46. China won 100 medals in the Beijing Olympic Games, which are almost ____ those of the Sydney Olympic Games. (11金山-1)

A. twice as many as B. as many as twice C. as much as twice D. twice as much as

47. After the huge fire, there are ____ about fire prevention to the agency this month as last month. (11闸北-1)

A. calls twice as many B. twice as many calls C. as twice many calls D. calls as many as twice

48. I used to earn ____ than a pound a week when I first started work. (11青浦-1)

A. a little B. a few C. fewer D. less

49. It is reported that Americans eat too much protein every day, ____ as they actually need. (11崇明-1)

A. twice as much B. as twice much C. much as twice D. as much twice

50. ____ we may face, we‘re supposed to work with joint efforts to fight against it. (11虹口-1)

A. However a severe disaster B. What a severe disaster C. However severe a disaster D. What severe a disaster

51. The house rent is expensive. I?ve got about half the space I had at home and I?m paying ____ here.(10十一校)

A. as three times much B. as much three times C. three times as much D. much as three time

52. _____ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.(10十一校)

A. So curious the couple were B. Such curious the couple were C. So curious were the couple D. Such curious were the couple



53. The authenticity of dialogue and setting often makes low-budget films seem _____ than the

somewhat artificial version of reality in Hollywood movies. (11六校) A. less real B. more real C. much real D. real 54. – Did you enjoy the drama last night?

– Yes. I‘ve never seen _____ one before. (11十校)

A. the more inspiring B. a more inspiring C. the most inspiring D. a most inspiring

55. – I‘m sorry I insulted you, Jimmy. – That‘s _____ like it. (11四区-2)

A. more B. most C. less D. least

56. – How did you find your visit to the Chinese Pavilion at the Expo?

– I enjoyed it very much. It was _____ interesting than expected. (11长宁-2)

A. far more B. just as C. so much D. not so

57. I haven?t _____ idea how that terrible accident could have happened to such a little boy. (11闵行-2)

A. little B. the least C. less D. the little

58. Exercise 3 is ___ difficult in this book, so all the students finish it successfully. (11黄浦-2)

A. least B. the least C. more D. the most

59. Chocolate of various shapes and flavors are generally considered to be ___ gift. (11普陀-2)

A. most welcomed B. the most welcomed C. a most welcomed D. a most welcome

60. I won‘t pay 20 for the jacket; it‘s not worth _____. (11普陀-2)

A. all that much B. that much all C. that all much D. much all that 61. – Do you regret having paid so much for the trip to Maldives?

– No. Since it‘s worthwhile, I‘d gladly pay _____ for it. (11虹口-2) A. twice as much B. twice so much C. twice as many D. twice so many

62. – What do you think of the film we watched yesterday?

– Terrible! I‘ve never seen _____ one. (11徐汇-2) A. the best B. a worse C. a better D. the worst

63. In a training program, the astronauts had to put up with pressure _____ the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks at the same time. (11闸北-2)

A. as three times B. three times as C. three times D. as three times as 64. The more exercise you take in your spare time, _____ it will do to you. (11崇明-2)

A. the better B. the best C. the more well D. the more good

65. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been _____.




A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 66. When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with _____ money. (11秋)

A. so few B. such few C. so little D. such little

(二) 介词

―介词”章节包含普通介词、v. +介词结构、v. +副词小品词结构等。本章节不过多地对介词、副词进行区分。 考点归纳

1. 表示时间的介词有at, on, in, during, for, since, before, after等;表示地点的介词有in, at, on,over, above, under等;表示方式的介词有by, in, at, with, from等;表示从属关系的介词有of, for,to, about, on等

2. 某些介词在句中表示特定的含义,常考的有:

①表示某人穿着某种衣服、鞋子等,或某人穿着的颜色,常用in ②在范围内、外常用到介词within / beyond

③用于表示某事发生时某人的感受的常用in,如in surprise, in deep thought

3. 一些词之间的辨析,如among与between;except / except for / except that / besides,among一般指的是三者或以上的“之中”,between指两者间,如固定词组keep the secret between

you and me 仅你我所知的秘密

4. 形容词一般要求与一定介词搭配,如be rich in,但不少形容词后跟不同的介词表不同含义,如The man is blind of an eye. (瞎) Jack was blind to his own fault. (不察觉);而另一些形容词后跟不同的介词意义不变,只是其后的搭配不同,如be disappointed at后的介词补足成分为事,而be disappointed with后则通常为人 5. 某些动词后面的介词根据介词宾语的不同而不同;某些动词搭配不同介词会有不同意思:

agree + on / with / … be famous for / to / … get in / on / off / over / to / … hand out / over / …


be angry at / with be good to / at / …

6. 一般情况下,名词后搭配的介词与其对应的同源动词或形容词后搭配的介词相同,但也存在例外,如

have confidence in;某些名词之前需要使用介词,如to one‘s surprise等

7. 牢记某些词的固定搭配,如be fond of, take pride in等,但切勿只根据固定结构而忽略题干

8. ☆注意to既可作为不定式的标志后接动词原形,也可为介词后接doing,注意分辨 以下提供部分含介词to的搭配,其中“to”表示介词to (试卷真题详见不定式章节)

add to, attend to (注意,照顾), cling to (坚守), come to (到达), contribute to (有助于), object to,

get to (开始做某事), react to (反应), resort to (诉诸), refer to (提及), relate to




stick to, take to (从事), apply ? to, attribute ? to (归因于), accustom ? to, commit ? to (使负有责任), devote ? to (致力于), owe ? to, prefer ? to, reduce ? to, be used to (习惯于), get down to (开始认真做), face up to, look forward to, deaf to (不愿听), equal to (相等的), loyal to,similar to, superior to, sensitive to, obstacle to, limit to (限速), aid to, objection to, key to, answer to, 一些复杂介词如according to, as to, owing to, prior to, thanks to, in addition to等

9. 特殊介词: 短语介词(because of, instead of等)、二重介词(from behind)、分词介词(concerning,given, including等) 考前巩固

I. Complete the passage by using appropriate prepositions (介词).

_____ plants, people could not live. We eat plants. We breathe the oxygen that plants produced. And we need plants _____ another very different reason: we need them _____ their beauty.

Imagine a world _____ no plants. You cannot find any plant _____ your reach. Imagine no flowers_____ their sweet smells, _____ their beautiful colors and lovely shapes. Imagine, when the wind blows,not being able to hear the leaves _____ the trees or watch the branches swing _____ side _____ side.

Imagine not being able to see the buds (花蕾) _____ the trees open and turn _____ colourful blossoms.

There are a large variety of plants _____ the world, _____ which sunflower is my favourite. Shealways faces _____ the sun, which filled people _____ hope. Different people have different attitudes_____ plants. Most people regard them _____ their friends or something.

II. Put in prepositions where necessary. Note a ―/‖ means that nothing is needed. 1. On my way _____ home, I met a young woman _____ twenty-five and a man _____ his thirties.

2. The one _____ dark glasses _____ the photo, the second _____ the left, is my former classmate.

3. Switzerland lies _____ France, Germany, Austria and Italy.

4. This is just _____ you and me: He fell _____ love _____ a girl _____ a hot temper.

5. _____ John, his wife Suzuki is also joining us.

6. Twice a day she took her dog for a stroll _____ the river.

7. Don?t approach _____ the dog. Won?t you be afraid _____ it?

8. He?s terribly tight-fisted. He simple hates to part _____ money and it turns _____ to be the only thing he is longing _____.

9. You cannot understand it until you?ve looked _____ the matter.

10. The Huangpu River runs _____ Shanghai and divides it _____ two parts.

11. You need to keep your Chihuahua _____ the road, or you won?t see it _____ good.

12. _____ the funeral, people were all dressed _____ black.

13. Now that I?ve shown you the proof _____ the story, can you give me the key _____ the door?



14. After a heated discussion they agreed _____ whether it is right to drive _____ full speed.

15. He attempted _____ vain to set up a company _____ his own.

16. Many words associated _____ life in the West are Spanish _____ origin. 17. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _____ an inch.

18. The Internet has brought _____ big changes _____ the way we work.

19. Doctor Bethune showed great concern _____ the wounded soldiers and felt sympathy ____ them.

20. I?m sorry it?s _____ my power to make a final decision _____ the project.

21. It suddenly occurred _____ Anne that money couldn?t make up _____ all that Bob had suffered.

22. He will agree to do what you require _____ him.

23. _____ principle, I agree _____ you. But it?s not so simple _____ practice.

III. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 他自幼喜欢画画。(fond)

2. 虽然他的健康每况愈下,但他仍然坚持给贫困学生免费授课。(persevere) 3. 约翰逊故意讲这些事来惹我生气。(purpose)

4. 我来不及刹车,一头撞到了前面那辆车上。(run)

5. 正是在春天人们可以看到许多美丽绽放的花朵。(bloom)

IV. Decide which one of the four choices given is the most suitable to complete the sentence.

a b c d

1. Fruit is rich _____ (with, in, of, for) vitamins.

2. She was deaf _____ (of, to, at, on) his request to do her work. 3. Jim was impatient _____ (of, with, at, on) his daughter. 4. I believe they are related _____ (on, by, with, at) marriage.

5. Our new house is very convenient _____ (for, to, at, in) the office as it?s within walking distance.

6. John got a job, so that he could be independent _____ (with, of, from, at) his parents.

7. The dialect was one peculiar _____ (to, on, with, at) the North.

8. The jury decided that Susan was guilty _____ (on, by, of, with) murder. 9. Everyone blames you _____ (on, for, in, against) a certain mistake.

10. The surgeon operated _____ (on, at, with, for) him for appendicitis (阑尾炎). 11. We can substitute garlic _____ (for, into, with, on) onion in that sauce.



12. Mrs. Robert got _____ (to, after, over, at) her sickness very quickly. 13. He compared the girl _____ (to, with, in, for) a flower. 14. A greengrocer deals _____ (with, in, on, at) vegetables.

15. Have you accounted _____ (for, in, to, down) all the breakages? 16. Dick boasted _____ (on, in, of, at) his success at billiards.

17. Do you think this scarf would go _____ (on, for, in, with) my dress? 18. He?s got a degree _____ (with, to, in, at) chemistry.

19. He takes pride _____ (of, in, to, with) doing things properly. 20. Her marriage _____ (with, to, at, of) Smith didn?t last very long. 21. Nobody knew the reason _____ (for, of, to, about) his disappearance.

22. A key _____ (with, at, to, into) the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door.

23. The Japanese mountain climber had a narrow escape _____ (to, against, for, from) death.

24. While some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban _____ (at, on, from, for) whale hunting.

25. Vitamin C tablets, if taken regularly, may reduce your chances _____ (to, of, at, in) getting a cold.

26. He had made many accusations, but he has never given any proof _____ (to, at, of, about) the truth of what he?s said.

27. Joe takes satisfaction _____ (with, in, about, at) having a beautiful garden.

28. Parents sometimes feel that that they have no influence _____ (on, of, to, with) their children.

29. He felt sympathy _____ (at, for, with, to) her misfortune. 30. My uncle is an expert _____ (in, at, of, to) electronics.

31. In many schools, students don?t have sufficient access _____ (in, to, from, at) the library.32. The key _____ (at, of, to, for) success is hard work.

33. We met him _____ (at, for, by, with) accident, quite _____ (at, for, by, with) chance.

34. The city was left _____ (at, in, on, with) ruins by the conquerors. 35. _____ (To, In, Of, At) a sense, your explanation is right.

36. We know the professor would visit everyone _____ (by, at, in, for) turn. 37. The chair is _____ (on, by, in, at) the way. Let?s move it away. 38. They arrived _____ (on, at, in, to) the afternoon of 20th December. 39. He always writes _____ (with, in, at, for) a careless manner.

40. Much _____ (to, at, with, for) his regret, he had found out his mistake too late. 41. Health is _____ (to, of, in, with) more value than money.

42. I consented yesterday. But _____ (for, to, on, with) second thoughts, I must refuse.

43. Jessie sang _____ (at, with, on, to) the accompaniment of the piano. 44. It would not be _____ (at, to, with, for) my benefit to do that.

45. He acted both tragic and comic parts, but he was _____ (at, in, to, beyond) his best in comedy.

46. He saved the boy from the fire but _____ (with, at, in, on) the cost of his own




47. Nobody knows the age of the earth _____ (at, in, for, under) certain.

48. _____ (Except for, Save for, Along with, In addition to) three children he had an adopted daughter.

49. He is superior _____ (than, to, on, at) me _____ (under, in, to, at) age.

50. No agreement was reached _____ (up to, thanks to, as to, due to) how much we must pay.

V. Decide whether to is functioning as a preposition or as part of an infinitive, and then complete

the sentence with the -ing participle or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

1. While he was in the office he preferred _____ (doing) something to _____ (doing) nothing.

2. They objected to _____ (leave) school and _____ (go) to work.

3. The teacher wishes to _____ (speak) to you in regard to _____ (be) late. 4. When it comes to _____ (bell) the cat, the mice have nothing to _____ (say). 5. Restraining home demand is the key to _____ (increase) our exports. 6. I now feel committed to _____ (try) to _____ (make) it work.

7. It might be better to _____ (try) to _____ (discuss) it in his own language, as he isn?t used to _____(speak) English.

8. Since the introduction of new services, many businessmen have taken to _____ (travel) by train for journeys between 100~200 miles. 9. He came to _____ (realize) that he was mistaken. 10. He was reduced to _____ (beg) for a living. 模拟演练

1. Four Chinese models were ____ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition. (09秋)

A. among B. between C. along D. beside

2. We‘re planning to send out a thousand invitations ____ Expo volunteers. (10春)

A. over B. in C. on D. to

3. Sean has formed the habit of jogging ____ the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day. (10秋)

A. between B. along C. below D. with

4. Soon after dinner Wayne drove off ____ the direction of Paris. (11春) A. to B. at C. for D. in

5. In the swimming competition, Phelps has an advantage ____ his opponents in confidence. (09市调研)

A. on B. of C. by D. over

6. With the economic crisis ____ hand, and the unemployment rate on the rise, career planning will definitely benefit you. (10奉贤-1) A. in B. on C. by D. at

7. Her exam results put her ____ the top ten per cent of students in her grade. (10闵行-1)



A. among B. between C. in D. at

8. Let‘s learn to use the problem we are facing ____ a stepping-stone to future success. (10嘉定-1)

A. with B. for C. as D. by

9. Though she tried hard to pull the fish ____ her, she was pulled deeper into the water. (10卢湾-1)

A. by B. with C. after D. towards

10. ―We Chinese people always put emphasis on the friendly relationships ____ the people of all countries. said the Ambassador. (10虹口-1) A. with B. under C. to D. between

11. My family and I are animal lovers, so we certainly have no objection ____ raising a pet at home.(10金山-1)

A. of B. to C. against D. with

12. The smart criminal always paid __ cash, so the police could not track him down. (10长宁-1)

A. on B. by C. in D. for

13. Researchers are working on treatments that lengthen the life time of mice ____ 50%. (10黄浦-1)

A. of B. by C. for D. at

14. Getting a good night sleep is directly related ____ not only how we feel next day but our long-term health as well. (10浦东-1) A. in B. from C. through D. to

15. A new study shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts ____ stress and help you become healthier. (10徐汇-1) A. in B. of C. on D. at

16. Given the current pollution problem, people are seriously considering settling ____ a new land like Mars to start life fresh. (10闸北-1) A. of B. on C. under D. off

17. No one could keep calm ____ such an occasion when big applause burst again and again. (10青浦-1)

A. for B. in C. on D. to

18. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao chatted with each child suffering ____ AIDS, listening to them and encouraging them to face their difficulties bravely and be confident. (10静安-1)

A. with B. up C. from D. in

19. What a dangerous scene! A car has missed the boy playing on the roadside ____ only an inch.(10宝山-1)

A. with B. up C. from D. in

20. The manager assured the customer that his complaint would be seen ____ immediately. (10崇明-1)

A. at B. to C. on D. with

21. Before the bridge-tunnel opened on October 31, 2009, Chongming Island was only accessible ____ferry. (10杨浦-1)



A. to B. on C. in D. by

22. When supply is more than demand ____ any product, prices are timely to fall. (10长宁-2)

A. for B. with C. about D. to

23. They chatted ____ coffee about their experience as volunteers during the charity. (10卢湾-2)

A. over B. on C. to D. with

24. I felt it rather inappropriate to turn up at the graduation ceremony ____ jeans and a T-shirt. (10浦东-2)

A. in B. on C. by D. with

25. This new computer is obviously superior ____ the old one because it has many new functions.(10闵行-2)

A. with B. on C. at D. to

26. It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot ____ easy reach. (10四区-2)

A. near B. upon C. within D. around

27. The application of new scientific discoveries ____ industrial production methods usually increases efficiency. (10徐汇-2) A. of B. for C. to D. in

28. We regret to hear nearly half of the people in that area still live ____ the poverty line. (10虹口-2)

A. under B. over C. below D. above

29. The effective communication ability for a writer is to get the knowledge out of his head and ____readers‘heads. (10松江-2) A. out of B. into C. towards D. for

30. Jack used to work in a garage for a full 10 years, so he fixed the broken machine ____ ease. (10闸北-2)

A. in B. with C. on D. beyond

31. This is the latest attempt to find a peaceful solution ___ the troubles in this area. (10黄浦-2)

A. of B. to C. for D. about

32. – Can he take charge of the computer company?

– I‘m afraid it is ____ his ability. (10奉贤-2) A. beyond B. within C. of D. to

33. American people are wondering whether the newly-elected president and his administration will keep the nation safe and defend it ____ any terrorist attack in the future. (09八校)

A. to B. on C. with D. against

34. Certain actions, especially ____ hands and feet, can cause offense in many countries because of various cultures. (10十校) A. in B. by C. on D. with

35. The director of the language training department said that they needed to keep



making an effort to tailor their programs ____ the needs of the individual. (10七校)

A. to B. for C. by D. about

36. Earlier than the scientists had expected, it snowed ____ the night of November 10ththis year. (10六校-1)

A. at B. in C. on D. for

37. The plane departs at 8:00, so we may as well be at the airport ____ 7:00 at the latest. (11奉贤-1)

A. by B. after C. till D. in

38. In recent years much more emphasis has been put ____ developing the students? productive skills.(11普陀-1)

A. over B. onto C. in D. on

39. Open source classes are part of a growing trend to make higher education available ____ all. (11长宁-1)

A. to B. of C. in D. with

40. We greatly feel sorry ____ those who died or got injured in the disaster. (11闵行-1)

A. for B. with C. at D. in

41. The impacts of any climate change ____ the human population are astonishing. (11虹口-1)

A. in B. on C. with D. by

42. Julia felt superior, when she was general manager, ____ her colleagues. (11卢湾-1)

A. at B. on C. to D. of

43. St. Louis has replaced Camden, New Jersey ____ the most dangerous US city, according to a study based on FBI crime data which was released Monday. (11徐汇-1)

A. for B. to C. as D. with

44. They won the first prize again. They succeeded ____. (11嘉定-1)

A. in working hard B. to work hard C. in spite of hard work D. by working hard

45. Sale goods can be brought back to the store ____ an exchange or store credit. (11静安-1)

A. to B. under C. for D. with

46. We were all confused, wondering what was ____ this sudden change of plan. (11杨浦-1)

A. against B. beyond C. below D. behind

47. We are all born ____ a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. (11黄浦-1)

A. of B. with C. by D. into

48. It was pretty cold last Thursday when we were taking the final exam. But I was



dressed ____ it, so I didn‘t mind. (11宝山-1) A. in B. with C. for D. on

49. Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is ____ our control.(11浦东-1)

A. against B. beyond C. among D. in

50. The last time we had a family reunion was ____ my brother?s wedding ceremony four years ago.(11金山-1) A. over B. at C. on D. in

51. Failing to find more channels for profit, many website companies are still dependent ____ online advertisement for survival. (11闸北-1) A. on B. in C. at D. beyond

52. Getting involved ____ after school activities has given me the opportunity to build up friendship with local students. (11青浦-1) A. with B. in C. for D. about

53. The two sportsmen congratulated each other ____ winning the match by shaking hands. (11崇明-1)

A. with B. on C. in D. to

54. – Do you rent rooms _____ the week? You see, I‘m not sure whether I‘ll stay for a whole month?

– Yes. The rent is higher, though. (10十一校)

A. for B. by C. at D. on

55. I felt it rather inappropriate to turn up at the graduation ceremony _____ jeans and a T-shirt. (11六校)

A. on B. with C. in D. by

56. Recently, much more emphasis has been put _____ developing the students‘creativity. (11十校)

A. onto B. in C. over D. on

57. Rock ?n? roll was Black music that broke through to white culture when whites played the Blacks?songs _____ the same style. (11四区-2) A. with B. on C. in D. by

58. The environment in major cities in our country has been improved _____ some extent in the last decade. (11卢湾-2) A. by B. to C. in D. with

59. The suspect was stopped by the security guards at the entrance _____ the hall where an important conference was being held. (11长宁-2) A. inside B. to C. for D. from

60. We can remember a word better _____ seeing it repeatedly. (11闵行-2) A. in B. by C. for D. on

61. Over several thousand years of development, Chinese medicine has attracted great attention _____its unique and marvelous effects. (11浦东-2) A. to B. in C. on D. for

62. A man _____ plenty of money doesn‘t always have plenty of friends. (11



20. I hope there are enough glasses for each guests to have _____.

A. it B. those C. them D. one

21. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. They each have two tickets. B. They cost twenty yuan each.

C. Each they have bought the same book. D. They were given two magazines each,

22. When one has good health, _____ should feel fortunate.

A. you B. they C. he D. we

23. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures are very interesting. B. Half their savings were gone.

C. Many his friends came to the party. D. Both his sisters are nurses.

24. I know he failed his last test, but really he?s _____ stupid.

A. something but B. anything but C. nothing but D. not but

25. He is _____ as a leader but he hasn?t _____ in teaching.

A. success…many experiences B. a success…much experience

C. great success…an experience D. a great success…a lot of experiences

26. Don?t leave matches on the table within _____ of little children.

A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance

27. The teacher gave John one of the best _____ he had ever known.

A. piece of advice B. pieces of advices C. piece of advices D. pieces of advice

28. The book is given by _____.

A. a friend of my sister B. a friend of my sister?s



C. my sister friend D. my sister friend?s

29. _____ came that our football team beat the opponents.

A. The word B. A word C. Words D. Word

30. It is not _____ to talk loudly in public places.

A. a good manner B. good manner C. good manners good manner

31. I have been to _____ to have my hair cut.

A. barber?s B. the barber C. barber D. the barber?s 32. Shanghai is larger than _____ city in Jiangsu.

A. any B. any other C. other D. one

33. If you want to change for a single room you?ll have to pay _____ £15.

A. another B. other C. more D. each

34. Why is there _____ traffic on the streets in February than in May?

A. less B. fewer C. few D. little

4 (三)名词(属格)、代词与某些限定词

35. The model worker had _____ thought of his own interests.

A. the last B. less C. the least D. another

36. The additional work will take _____ weeks.

A. the other B. another five C. other five D. the more

37. I saw _____ boys in the cinema.

A. the both B. many a C. both the D. the several 38. Are you going to buy _____ rice?

A. all these B. these all C. all this D. both these


D. the 张U暑假高三资料

39. _____ dictionary is enough for me.

A. Such one B. One such C. Such a one D. One such a

40. They are not likely to agree to _____ propositions.

A. other any B. other all C. all other D. other these

III. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences.

1. Mrs. Blake has had few opportunity to travel.

2. Both sentences are not correct English.

3. He has much more problems than he used to.

4. There are warehouses on either side of the river.

5. The librarian has catalogued each book in the fiction section.

6. More corn is produced in the United States than in any country in the world.

7. She has a great many of friends in New York.

8. Some boy has broken a window.

9. Presumably there are less diseases in the frigid (寒冷的) zones than there are in the torrid zones.

10. He came to see me once three months.

11. Linguistics is a scientific study of the language.

12. Would you like any more soup?

13. I had a little difficulty in solving the problem.

14. Anything on the table can be thrown away, can?t they?

15. They caught his cheating on the exam.

16. The furniture is their?s, but the house is our?s.

17. I‘ve bought several paintings of him. (我从他那里买了几张画。)



18. If one doesn?t want to get lost in the mountain, you must have a guide.

19. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

20. There were some looker-ons by the roadside.

21. It wasn?t his car but someone elses?.

22. The friend of my father?s called last night.

23. Those new shoes of you look very smart.

24. Several hundred guests appear at the meeting.

25. They each had their problems. 模拟演练

1. – Wow! You?ve got so many clothes.

– But ____ of them are in fashion now. (09秋)

A. another B. other C. more D. each

2. It is said that two man-made structures are clearly visible from space. One is the Great Wall of China, and ____ is Japan‘s Kansai International Airport. (10春)

A. another B. other C. the other D. either

5 (三)名词(属格)、代词与某些限定词

3. If our parents do everything for us children, we won‘t learn to depend on ____. (10秋)

A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves

4. They produced two reports, ____ of which contained any useful suggestions. (11春)

A. either B. all C. none D. neither

5. She always buys a postcard of the place she visits, addresses ____ to herself and posts it at the nearby post office. (09市调研)



A. her B. it C. herself D. them

6. Although house prices are unpredictable, most people believe that they will not rise by more than ____ five percent. (10奉贤-1)

A. any other B. the other C. another D. at

7. Make sure you‘ve got the passports and tickets and ____ before you leave. (10普陀-1)

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

8. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which ____ of the parents spoke the language. (10普陀-1)

A. none B. neither C. both D. each

9. I didn‘t choose any of the three offerings, because I found _____ of them satisfactory. (10闵行-1)

A. neither B. either C. all D. none

10. In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls ____ of their mothers. (10嘉定-1 / 11嘉定-1)

A. that B. those C. one D. the ones

11. The boy‘s parents often quarrel about their son, and ____ of them is willing to give in. (10卢湾-1)

A. any B. others C. neither D. none

12. Talking with Barack Obama face to face at the Museum of Science and Technology in Shanghai was an unforgettable moment, ____ the students will always treasure. (10虹口-1)

A. one B. it C. that D. this

13. We had a party last month and it was a lot of fun, so let‘s have ____ one this month. (10长宁-1)

A. the other B. some C. another D. other



14. Learning that my mother was playing the word game against ____. I bought a computer for her to play against. (10黄浦-1)

A. her B. me C. itself D. herself

15. – Would you like steak or chicken? – ____. I‘m full now. (10浦东-1)

A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither

16. The patient has tried quite a few kinds of medicine, but ____ had any effect on his disease.


A. none B. nothing C. neither D. no one

17. No important progress was made in the U.N climate conference in Copenhagen as ____ of the rich countries agreed to offer large amounts of money to fight carbon crisis. (10闸北-1)

A. nothing B. none C. neither D. both

18. You can take ____ half of the turkey. They are of the same weight and price. (10青浦-1)

A. both B. either C. neither D. any

19. The auto-man checked the car engine thoroughly but could find ____ wrong with it. (10静安-1)

A. none B. nothing C. no D. no one

20. – Was the exam you took last week easy?

– ____ but easy but I did my best. (10宝山-1)

A. Something B. Everything C. Nothing D. Anything

21. It‘s wrong for ____ parent to tell kids to ignore what the other parent tells them to do. (10长宁-2)

A. each B. either C. every D. both



22. – Did you watch the football match last night?

6 (三)名词(属格)、代词与某些限定词

– Yes, that‘s a most close one, and eventually neither could defeat ____. (10卢湾-2)

A. both B. the other C. another D. each

23. – Which of these electronic watches do you like?

– ____ of them. They are expensive and of little use. (10浦东-2)

A. None B. All C. Both D. Either

24. I bought three DVD copies of the film Avatar and now ____ is left. Somebody just borrows something and never returns. (10闵行-2)

A. none B. nothing C. either D. neither

25. We are ensured that there are enough textbooks for each student to have ____ when the new semester comes. (10四区-2)

A. it B. those C. one D. them

26. I made a call to all of my friends yesterday. To my disappointment, ____ of them answered it. (10普陀-2)

A. either B. neither C. none D. nobody

27. Take 5 percent of your paycheck to pay off debt and put ____ 5 percent into savings. (10徐汇-2)

A. other B. more C. another D. the other

28. The woman managed to send her three children to universities but ____ came to see her when she was old and seriously ill. (10虹口-2)

A. none B. all C. neither D. both

29. We had a party last month and it was a lot of fun, so let‘s have ____ one this month. (10松江-2)

A. other B. more C. the other D. another



30. Now on hand are two tough tasks for the newly-elected Chile (智利) president: one to help the country to recover from the earthquake, and ____ to invite more foreign aid. (10闸北-2)

A. other B. the other C. another D. either

31. There is only one dress of this kind left here. I wonder if you still want to buy ____. (10黄浦-2)

A. it B. one C. some D. any

32. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ____ of them answered it.


A. either B. none C. neither D. nobody

33. – Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

– I‘m afraid ____ day is possible. (09八校)

A. either B. neither C. some D. any

34. As Hubble is above the Earth?s atmosphere, which disturbs starlight,

Hubble?s images are much sharper than ____ of other Earth-based telescope. (10七校)

A. one B. ones C. that D. those

35. Of the most popular campus singers in their school this year, ____ came from Senior 3. (10六校-1)

A. none B. no one C. nothing D. both

36. The friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr. and Mrs. Smith without hurting the feelings of ____, but failed. (11奉贤-1)

A. none B. either C. all D. neither

37. ____ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience. (11普陀-1)



A. Some B. Anyone C. One D. Someone

38. This mathematic problem is very difficult, but we have managed to work it out ____. (11长宁-1)

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. somehow D. somewhat

39. – Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

– ____. I‘m not particular about drinks. (11闵行-1)

A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither

40. – I have a sore throat today!

– You‘d better take advantage of the tea break to go to ____. (11虹口-1)

A. chemist?s B. the chemist C. the chemist?s D. the chemists? 41. Boston, Paul and Ray were all superstars on fierce different teams. Yet, ____ of them had any title to show for that. (11虹口-1)

A. all B. none C. both D. neither

42. Busy as he was with all the documents in the office from day to night in the big city crowded with people, he usually, looking out of the big window, felt ____ lonely. (11卢湾-1)

A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but 43. – Do you often talk with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?

– ____. I like using QQ. (11徐汇-1 / 11金山-1)

A. None B. Either C. Any D. Neither

44. The films that create a high box office are not necessarily ____ with high investment. (11杨浦-1)

A. these B. the ones C. that D. one

45. Tommy and his younger sister play together, but their brother likes being by ____. (11黄浦-1)

A. oneself B. herself C. themselves D. himself

46. As the world changes faster than ever, our greatest concern is making sure that ____ of these changes do us harm. (11宝山-1)



A. any B. some C. neither D. none

47. Books cannot change the world, but people change the world by changing ____ through reading. (11浦东-1)

A. themselves B. them C. ourselves D. us

48. Given the huge price increase in the food market, ____ is expecting the government to take action. (11闸北-1)

A. nobody B. everybody C. either D. none

49. If more readers become comfortable with reading digitally, ____ but the book-collectors will want to buy paper books. (11青浦-1)

A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. none

50. Michael Jackson gained popularity at a time when MTV was establishing ____ as a creative force. (11崇明-1)

A. it B. him C. itself D. himself

51. Knowing the meaning of a word is one thing; yet using it both grammatically and communicatively properly is quite _____. (10十一校)

A. much B. many C. little D. another

52. The range discount cars issued by Golf Corps are still being honored, but _____ are being sold. (11八校)

A. none B. nothing C. neither D. no

53. The previous lecture focused on the reading problems in new words, while this lecture will turn to _____ in complex sentence structures. (11八校)

A. that B. one C. those D. ones

54. The little boy, who can play the piano perfectly, is thought to be _____ of a pianist. (11八校)

A. somebody B. someone C. something D. some one

55. After John had been in captivity for three years, he and his wife had a lot to tell _____. (11六校)



A. themselves B. each other C. himself D. herself

56. Many people complained about the stones scattering on a roadway, but _____ did anything about getting the stone out of the way. (11十校)

A. neither B. both C. none D. all

57. The information he gave us was quite different from _____ we got ourselves. (11四区-2)

A. one B. those C. that D. it

58. Please put these laptops on the shelf by _____. Don‘t mix them with others. (11卢湾-2)

A. ourselves B. themselves C. itself D. oneself

59. _____ of these three buses will go to Century Park, but you can walk a little bit ahead to take Metro Line 2. It will take you right there. (11长宁-2)

A. Neither B. All C. None D. Each

60. – Which do you prefer for dinner tonight, beef or steak?

– _____, I‘m on a diet and I‘d like to have some salad if there‘s any. (11闵行-2)

A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None

61. To know more about the British Museum, one can use the Internet or go to the library, or _____. (11浦东-2)

A. neither B. some C. all D. both

62. The two stories share too much in common. There is no doubt one is copied from _____.(11黄浦-2)

A. each other B. other C. another D. the other

63. The agreement was made quickly as both sides were satisfied with the conditions of _____. (11虹口-2)

A. another B. others C. the other D. either

64. With the rapid increase of crimes concerning credit card, people have begun to look at the use of credit card _____. (11闸北-2)



A. the other way B. another way C. by the other way D. by another way

65. The parents of the bride and groom arranged the marriage in order to end a fight between the two families without _____ family having to lose face in the end. (11松江-2)

A. any B. neither C. every D. either

66. John is one of these men who I am sure always do _____ best even under the most difficult conditions. (11奉贤-2)

A. his B. their C. your D. one?s

67. To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered _____. (11秋)

A. the other B. other C. the others D. another


一、 词与数词

1. 定冠词the:

? 用于前面已说过的人或事,也可用于说话方、听话方都知道的共同指代事物前

? 序数词、最高级、江河、山脉、群岛、特指事物(如定语从句)、独一无二的事物、报刊、

乐器、某些专有名词前;用于某些名词前表抽象意义,如be pleased to the eye

? 特指一家人、一类人: the Greens (此时将其视作复数对待), the poor, the disabled

? 某些固定搭配,如the more…the more, pat sb. on the shoulder, etc.

2. 零冠词:

? go to school与go to the school / in class与in the class / at table与at the table / in front of与



in the front of / take place与take the place of / the three of us与three of us等

? 表示玩球时,球类名词前为零冠词;季节、月份、节假日、日期、星期、称呼、三餐等名

词前为零冠词(注: 球类名词前可加the,如the ball over there)

? 用于复数可数名词前表不定指;某些表示时间的词前为零冠词,如next week, at night

? 普通职称、头衔前一般零冠词,如President Kennedy

3. 不定冠词a与an:

? 用于名字前,表示不确定的某人

? 第一次提到某事物或表示一类事物前;用于某些单位前(ten miles an hour / pay by the hour)

? 特殊结构,如many a / an;某些不可数名词具体化时,多需加a / an,如knowledge4. 注意某些情况下有无冠词的区别,如

the doctor and lawyer5. 时间、数字、分数等的正确表达以及a hundred与hundreds of / unit six与the sixth unit6. 注意特殊的数词表达方式:

? two dozen (nu将dozen等词视作hundred解题)

? 几十年代 in the + 数词复数,如in the 1990s (in the 1990?s / in the nineteen nineties)

在某人的几十岁时in one‘s + 数词复数(整十数)

二、 谓一致

7. 一些名词: (斜杠分隔不同种类的名词,每一类名词仅举数例)

a. police, people, youth, cattle, poultry + v. (plural)

b. furniture, knowledge, clothing, luggage, baggage, vegetation, machinery + v. (single)

c. clothes, trousers / glasses / belongings, savings, surroundings, sufferings, understandings /



arms, goods, manners, suburbs, wages / the Olympic Games + v. (plural)

d. politics, physics, mathematics, economics, electronics, the United States + v. (single)

e. time / distance / weight / money + v. (usually single)

e.g. $5 is enough. Ten years have passed since he returned.

f. sheep, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanese, means, species, series, works + v. (single or plural)

e.g. The Chinese speak Chinese.

g. family, group, class, team, crew, staff, population, audience, committee, club, crowd, public,

party, government + v. (single or plural)

h. potatoes, tomatoes, heroes, Negroes, mosquitoes + v. (plural)

8. 一些结构:

a. not only … but (also) / neither … nor … / either … or … / not … but … / whether … or … /

there be (stand, lie, live, etc.) 就近原则 正确理解“就近原则”,

b. each, every + n. / neither, either + v. (single)

c. both ? and ? / ? and ?常用复数

d. Tom, as well as his friends, is going to the bar. (but, except for, besides, along with, together with, in addition to, etc.) 可视作插入语

2 (四)冠词与数词 主谓一致9. 比较:

going to leave.

like the film.



(only, very) one of the students who has been given the prizes. there. wants is more money.


k. All is silent. (物)万籁俱寂。 All are silent. (人)鸦雀无声。(people, sb.)

10. 某些数词:

a. a lot of / plenty of + n. ([C] or [U])+ v. (single or plural)

b. some, any, every, no + -body, -one, -thing + v. (single) / all, some, any + n. (plural) + v. (plural)11. 注意:

a. It is I that am right on the matter.

b. That he bought some books yesterday is surprising.

c. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

d. Doing a lot of exercises benefits us students.

e. It was Tom & Jerry who I wanted to meet.

f. of问题: This pair of shoes is great. / Most of the students are here.

对应平衡结构: The audience have seats. 提示此处audience不指一个整体,故用have



g. what, which, who, none, some, any, more, most等的谓语单复数由指代词决定

h. 带all, most, half, part, rest, per cent, one-third等词的名词词组由中心词决定谓语动词

i. 当并列主语指的是同一人、物或概念时,或and连接两个含有every, each, no的名词短语时,谓语动词用单数 考前巩固

I. Put in the, a, an or ―/ (which means no article is needed)‖.

1. Sam had worked thirty years for _____ same company and now he had to retire. As _____ sign of gratitude, _____ company held _____ dinner in his honor. ―Sam,‖ announced _____ boss, ―it is my great honor to present _____ gift to you on behalf of _____ company.‖ Sam walked down to _____ front of the table and accepted _____ gift with _____ pride. It was _____ gold watch and on it was written ―To faithful Sam for thirty years of service‖ Sam wept. ―I am at _____ loss for words.‖ At home, Sam?s wife looked at _____ gold watch critically. ―For this you worked thirty years? _____cheap gold-plated watch?‖ ―It‘s _____ thought, dear,‖ answered Sam, ―_____ important thing is that I am not working anymore.‖ His wife held _____ gold watch to her ear and said, ―Neither is your watch.‖

2. Benita enjoys wearing _____ jewelry.

3. They told me that they had _____ respect for their employer.

4. This is _____ first time that the child has seen _____ elephant.

5. For many people, _____ childhood was a happy time.

6. It takes _____ courage to begin a new life in _____ strange country.

7. She is wearing _____ beautiful dress her mother bought her.

8. I had _____ trouble with _____ car this morning.

9. At home, Miles Davis will play _____ piano every night.

10. _____ Olympic Games for 2008 were held in China.



11. Children should be taught to behave themselves at _____ table.

12. If you‘re in a hurry, take _____ taxi.

13. He was sent to _____ prison for stealing.

14. My watch gains twelve seconds _____ day. (我的手表每天快12秒。)

15. The Ching Dynasty in China (清王朝) was overthrown in _____ autumn of 1911.

16. _____ sick have been cured, _____ lost have been found, and _____ dead have been revived.

17. What on _____ earth are you doing?

18. He kicked me in _____ belly (肚子).

II. Complete the following sentences, writing all the figures in words.

1. Could you send me ____________ (1, 830本) copies of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995)?

2. Alice counted the trees as she walked, and she stopped at ____________ (第100棵那里).

3. In that city, ___________ (七分之一的在职妇女) have received higher education and it‘ll take them ___________ (一刻钟时间) to have each class.

4. Could you give me ____________ (三打鸡蛋) and ___________ (两公斤面粉).

5. It is said that ____________ (一条八英寸的鱼) was caught in the lake.

6. ____________ (20世纪60年代), most Chinese, regardless of sex, wore dark jackets and trousers.

7. She looks ____________ (50刚出头); but in fact she‘s already ___________ (61岁了).

8. ____________ (一千多本的小册子) have been given out.

9. ____________ (在过去的几年里), ____________ (成百上千的) new businesses have sprung up. IV. Choose the best answer.

29. Personally, I think it is the sales manager, rather than the sales girls, ____ to blame. (11普陀-1)



A. is B. that is C. are D. who are

30. How close parents are to their children ____ a strong influence on the character of the children. (11卢湾-1)

A. have B. has C. having D. to have

31. The sign on the door reads: ―In case of _____ fire, break the glass and push _____ red button. (11八校)

A. /…a B. /…the C. the…the D. a…a

(七) 情态动词及虚拟语气(初步)

说明: 虚拟语气现已不作为上海高考选择题测试内容,仅作理解要求。但它仍为英语语法中较为重要的内容,故配有相应习题,供选用。希望考生能基本了解虚拟语气 考点归纳

1. 基本情态(助)动词: can / could, may / might, must, shall, should / ought to, will / would (表意愿)

2. 常见情态动词的区分:

? can / be able to: ①前者表示固有能力,后者表示努力后获得的能力;②过去时态,前者表示具有能力做(但不一定做),后者仅表示过去做且已成功;③时态上,前者只能变为


? must / have to: 前者指主观意见,后者指客观需要

? would / used to: 都表示过去经常重复的动作,但前者只能用于表示过去习惯性动作,而不能表示过去的状态,而后者皆可;后者一般不能与表确定时间段的时间状语并存

? dare / need: 两个词都兼作实义动词与情态动词[语法上称其为边际情态助动词(Marginal Modal Auxiliary)];参照其他只能做情态动词的词的搭配,区分dare / need是何种动词(如 can do sth. / can‘t do sth.);一般肯定句中,两者只能作及物动词;作实义动词时两者均后接带to的不定式;特殊地,dare作实义动词时可省略to;dare的否定形式为daren‘t

? mustn‘t / needn‘t: 两者均为must的否定形式,前者表示不许,后者表示不必



? needn‘t have done / didn‘t need to: 前者表示没必要做但已做完,后者表示没必要做且未做

3. 特殊情态动词的用法:

? modal verbs + v. -ing: 对于正在进行(或将来)的事表示揣测,解释为“应当正在”、“想必正在”等,如

e.g. The child can‘t be telling the truth. It must be snowing. He might still be sleeping.

? shall: 用于征求允诺;用于法律法规的允诺、要求、命令(表示说话人的强烈意志、决心)

? should: 表示应该;抒发诸如惊奇、不满等情绪

4. 情态动词表“推测”:

? 可能性由小到大依次为: Uncertain———————————————————————————→Certain

might may could can should ought to would will must

? 表推测时,can不用于肯定句,may不用于疑问句,即“may不疑,can不肯”,但could 没有这一限制

? must用于肯定句;表示一定不,改用can?t而非mustn?t;must很少用于推测将来情况

? can在疑问句中表示“可能,会”,couldn?t表示否定推测

5. modal auxiliary + have done:

can‘t / couldn‘t have done 过去不可能 must have done 过去必然发生

may / might have done 过去可能发生却未发生 ought to / should have done 过去应该做却未做

could have done 过去可以完成却未完成(委婉、遗憾) (needn‘t见上)6. 涉及情态动词的一些词组:

may well / might (may) as well = had better / would like (love / care) to do /



should like (love) to

do / would rather … than / could you please do sth.? / can?t help but do / can?t be too / be to have done = should have done

7. if引导的非真实条件状语从句: 注意①去掉if倒装;②主从句时态可不一致

if从句 主句

一般时 v.-ed / were would / should / might / could + v.

过去时 had v.-ed would have v.-ed

将来时 v.-ed / were to v. / should + v. would + v.

8. wish / as if表示与真实相反

9. 表示“建议”、“命令”、“愿望”、“要求”的a. / v. / n. 用于名词性从句中,从句用(should) + v. 特别注意insist(坚持说、坚持认为)及suggest(表明、暗示)

2 (七)情态动词及虚拟语气 (初步考前巩固

I. Put in verbs with appropriate modal auxiliary according to the meaning.

1. This photo _______ (take) in the fifties of the century. You can judge this by the clothes the people are wearing.

2. I have to speak of the place because the story of my life _______ (not tell) without mentioning it.

3. We?re supposed to have a volleyball match this afternoon, but they say it _______ (rain).

4. He _______ (not tell) them apart because they are much alike.

5. He _______ (go) to Beijing for I saw him at People?s Square at ten.

6. It _______ (rain) outside. I can see many people with an umbrella or a raincoat.

7. You _______ (tell) me that you were bringing your friends to dinner!

8. Where is Wendy? She _______ (not go) out, as the door?s locked.



9. The group got lost in the mountains. They _______ (take) a map and a compass with them.

II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 请问你能借给我5美元吗?明天就还。(until)

2. 他竟出了车祸,真是我吃惊。(surprise)

3. 你怎么竟敢在校长面前说那种话?(dare)

4. 如果我是你的话,我绝不会错过如此好的良机。(If)

5. 从她兜圈子说话的方式就可看出,她物理考试准没过。(can)

6. 我没有想到你竟然这么快就解决了这个困难的问题。(expect)

7. 你现在如此昏昏欲睡,今天一定起了个大早。(get up)

8. 有些女性本可拥有一份工资不错的活儿干而不用呆在家中,但她们为了家庭放弃了工作机会。(sake)

III. Choose the best answer.

1. With all this work at hand, he _____ to the cinema last night.

A. mustn?t go B. wouldn?t go C. oughtn?t to go D. shouldn?t have gone

2. He is an hour late. He _____ by fog. Of course, that?s only a possibility.

A. may have been delayed B. should have been delayed

C. can have been delayed D. must have been delayed

3. You _____ such a long essay. The teacher only asked for 300 words, and you have written 1, 000.

A. needn?t write B. needn?t have written C. didn?t need to write D. didn?t need write

4. I don?t believe him. He _____ be serious.

A. needn?t B. mustn?t C. may not D. can?t



5. It?s wonderful that you _____ have achieved so much in these years.

A. would B. might C. should D. could

6. Since it is already midnight, we _____.

A. should take our leave B. had better be leaving

C. might as well leave D. ought to be leaving

7. He _____ back to work without the doctor?s permission. Now, he has to stay in his bed for a couple of weeks.

A. needn‘t have gone B. couldn‘t have gone C. shouldn‘t have gone D. mustn‘t have gone

8. ―This book gives a vivid picture of life in ancient Greece.―How beautiful life _____ in ancient Greece!

A. must be B. should be C. must have been D. should have been 9. It has been announced that candidates _____ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.

A. can B. will C. may D. shall

10. A left-luggage office is a place where bags _____ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station.

A. should B. can C. must D. will

11. How _____ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article.

A. can B. must C. need D. may

12. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _____ have taken it?

A. should B. must C. could D. would

13. Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _____ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony.

A. can B. should C. may D. must



14. – Who is the girl standing over there? – Well, if you _____ know, her name is Mabel.

A. may B. can C. must D. shall

15. – Mum, I?ve been studying English since 8 o?clock. _____ I go out and play with Tom for a while?

– No, I?m afraid not. Besides, it?s raining outside now.

A. Can?t B. Wouldn?t C. May not D. Won?t

16. – Didn?t they come to the party last week?

– Yes. They didn?t want to come with us at first, but then we _____ persuade them.

A. would B. could C. were able to D. had to

17. You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _____ not like the design of the furniture.

A. must B. shall C. may D. need

18. – Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?

– Sorry, I am not sure. But it _____ be.

A. might B. will C. must D. can

19. There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn?t B. shan?t C. shouldn?t D. needn?t

20. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They _____ at least 150 km an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing

C. could have been D. would have done

21. You _____ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. can?t B. should C. must D. needn?t



22. Aren?t you tired? I _____ you had done enough for today.

A. should have thought B. must have thought C. might have thought D. could have thought

23. The hotel is only a stone?s throw away, so you _____ take a bus.

A. need not to B. not need to C. don?t need D. need not

24. – You needn?t do it right now, need you? – Yes, I am afraid I _____.

A. need B. needn?t C. must D. mustn?t

25. Be quick! They _____ for us at the school gate now.

A. must have waited B. must wait C. must be waiting D. ought to have waited

26. The little girl _____ touch the worm.

A. dares not B. dares not to C. dare to D. dare not

27. – Do you know where David is?

– Well. He _____ have gone far — his coat is still here.

A. shouldn?t B. mustn?t C. can?t D. wouldn?t

28. He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn?t be enjoying himself by seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn?t D. can?t

29. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _____ for her.

A. had to write it out B. must have written it out

C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out

30. You can?t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _____ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

专题训练2 情态动词训练40题

1. Soldiers _____ obey orders.



A. can B. may C. must D. will

2. _____ I carry your luggage?

A. Will B. Shall C. Must D. Need

3. We _____ have come here unless it had rained.

A. can B. must C. would D. might

4. – We didn?t see him at the lecture yesterday. – He _____ it.

A. mustn?t attend B. cannot have attended

C. would have not attended D. needn?t have attended

5. She was a good swimmer so she _____ swim across the river.

A. might B. could C. would D. was able to 6. _____ I to go and apologize for my mistake?

A. Need B. Dare C. Used D. Ought

7. Parents must take good care of their children, _____ they?

A. mustn?t B. don?t C. needn?t D. aren?t

8. – May I talk about it with anyone I like? – No, you _____.

A. shouldn?t B. needn?t C. mustn?t D. don?t have to 9. – Would you come back later next time? – No, I _____.

A. shan?t B. wouldn?t C. won?t D. mustn?t

10. Tom _____ have gone to bed before ten o?clock; now he?s late again.

A. must B. would C. should D. could

11. I am sorry I _____ to tell you I was coming.

A. ought to call B. should call C. need to call D. ought to have called


