18届高考英语二轮复习疯狂专练二十七模块6Unit4 - 5(含解析)

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。 。 内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 内部文件,版权追溯 疯狂专练二十七 模块6 Unit 4-5


1.【2017·天津卷】11. It was when I got back to my apartment ______ I first came

across my new neighbors.

A. who B. where C. which D. that


【解析】句意:当我回到我的公寓的时候,我首先遇见了我的新邻居。根据关键词It was开头,后面连词首选that,构成强调句型,但需要验证,本句中去掉It was和that,句意完整,所以确定是强调句型。故选D。

2.【2015·湖南】21.It was when we were returning home ________ I realized what

a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.

A. which B. that C. where D. how


【解析】此句是It was…开头且去掉It was,when we were returning home I realized

what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.是一个完整意义上的句子,故判断此句是一个强调句,强调when we were returning home;强调句常用句型:It is (was) +被强调部分+that(who)… 。句意:正是在我回家的时候我才意识到帮助别人于危难之时感觉是多么令人愉悦。故选B

3.【2015·重庆】9.Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th

century____ his musical gift was fully recognized.

A. while B. though C. that D. after


【解析】句意:马赫死于1750年,但直到19世纪他的音乐天赋才被承认。强调句与not until连用。It be not until that…故选C项。Not until 引导的时间状语置于句首时,


句子的主谓应部分倒装。由not until 引导的时间状语从句位于句首时,主句应部分倒装,从句语序不变。如:

Not until 1998 did he return to his hometown.

直到1998年他才回到家乡。注意:当not until 引导的状语或状语从句用于强调句型


It was not until 1998 that he returned to his hometown.

4. 【天津市和平区2017届高三第四次质量调查(四模)】 It was at the entrance of

the zoo ___________ he met his girlfriend who had been to London for a better position.

A. where C. which

B. on which D. that


【解析】考查强调句型。强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that/wha+其他部分,把

it was……that 去掉,句子完整,所以句子中用了强调句型,故选D。

5. 【天津市南开区2017届高考三模】Why! I have nothing to

explain. you want me to say?

A. What is it that C. How is it that

B. What it is that D. How it is that



题干中you want me to say(你想要我说什么),缺宾语,填what,可以排除C、D两项,疑问句要用疑问语序,故选A。

6.【2017·北京卷】29. In the 1950s in the USA, most families had just one phone

at home, and wireless phones _______ yet.

A. haven’t invented B. haven’t been invented C. hadn’t invented D. hadn’t been invented




7.【2016·天津】3. When walking down the street, I came across David, when I

_____ for years. see 【答案】C

【解析】句意:当沿着街道散步的时候,我遇见了多年未见的David。根据语境,“not A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen C. hadn’t seen D. wouldn’t

see”这个动作发生在come across之前,是过去的过去发生的动作,用过去完成时。故选C。

8.【2016·浙江】9. Silk ______ one of the primary goods traded along the Silk

Road by about 100 BC.

had become B. was becoming C. has become D.is

becoming 【答案】A



9.【2015·北京】26.In the last few years, China ___ great achievements in

environmental protection.

A. has made B. had made

C. was making

D.is making



in the last few years可推知动作从过去一段时间持续到现在并对现在造成影响,用现在完成时。故选A。

10.【2015·北京】27.—Did you have difficulty finding Ann' house?

—Not really. She ___us clear directions and we were able to find it easily? A. was to give B. had given

C. was giving

D. would give




11.【2015·安徽】24.Just as I got to the school gate, I realised I ______ my


bank in the cafe.

A. have left

B. had left

C would leave

D. was leaving




12. 【2017届北京市海淀区高三5月期末练习(二模)】 Mary was pleased to see that

the seeds she in the garden were growing.

A. was planting C. would plant

B. has planted

D. had planted





【2017·东北三省四市联考】Most Americans don't like to get advice from members

of their family. They get advice from “strangers”. When they need advice, they __1__ (rare) go to people they know. Instead, many of __2__ write letters to newspapers and magazines __3__ give advice on many different subjects __4__ (include) family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and even on how to buy a house or a car.

Most newspapers regularly print letters from readers with problems. Along with

the letters there are answers written by people who __5__ (suppose) to know how to solve such problems. Some of these writers are doctors, and others are lawyers or __6__ (educate). Among the writers, two women are famous. __7__ they have no special training for this kind of work, they can give the readers suitable advice because they are rich __8__ life experience and good at communicating with others. A survey was done last year about why people __9__ (turn) to strangers for help and why the


two women were well-received. Most people interviewed in __10__ survey said this way could help protect their privacy and the advice from the women was practical and effective.


1.rarely 2.them 3.which/that 4.including 5.are supposed 6.educators 7.Although/Though/While 8.in 9.turned 10.the 【解析】 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了大多数美国人不喜欢向熟悉的人寻求建议,他们更喜欢写信到报纸或杂志,因为他们认为这样可以保护他们的隐私。 1.rarely 空格处应用副词修饰动词“go”,故用rarely。 2.them 空格处指代上文的“Most Americans”。故用them。

3.which/that 本句中先行词是“newspapers and magazines”,指物,且在从句中作主语。故用which/that引导定语从句。

4.including 空格后面是名词,所以这里应填介词,include的介词形式是including,意为“包括”。

5.are supposed be supposed to do是固定短语,意为“应该做,应当做”,符合语境。因为主语是“people”,故用are supposed。

6.educators or是并列连词,前面是名词“lawyers”,所以后面也应该是名词的复数形式。故用educators。

7.Although/Though/While 句意:尽管她们在这类工作方面没有接受过专门的培训,但是她们能给读者合适的建议……根据句意可知,前后句之间为让步关系。故用Although/Though/While。

8.in be rich in是固定短语,意为“在……方面丰富的”。根据语境可知,因为他们有丰富的人生经验,并且擅长和别人交流。故用in。

9.turned 根据“last year”可知,动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故用turned。 10.the 上文提到过这次调查,所以这里表示特指。故用the。


【湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学2017届高三上学期期中考试】A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two of humankind's most dreaded fears—getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework 61________(do), in a single night 62________(owe) to his calm-witted character.

Sun Yixiao was on his way up on Tuesday evening after school, 63________ the

lift suddenly came to a stop. A moment of panic followed before the


64________(teenage) could find a way out.

Sun said he tried to open the elevator door, 65________(press) all the buttons

in the hope to get the elevator to work again, but it didn’t work.

Without a cell phone at hand, Sun tried yelling to get attention of people outside, but no one responded as time passed by. He slipped a note through the door 66________ the message \stuck inside, please ask the property management for help,\and hoped someone 67________(pick) it up and act on it.

After exhausting all his options without knowing how long it would take before

someone found him, he took out his textbooks and started to do his homework 68________(patient).

Soon after he finished his duties, Sun heard loud 69_________(voice) outside.

A large crowd including his teachers and other parents had come to the rescue, by which time he 70_________(trap)in the elevator for over five hours. 【答案】

61.done 62. owing 63. when 64. teenager 65. pressing 66. with 67.would/could pick 68. patiently 69. voices 70.had been trapped 【解析】一个14岁的中国男孩被困在电梯里的故事。

61.done get+名词/代词+过去分词,此处是过去分词做宾语补足语。故填done。 62.owing 固定词组:owing to 由于…,故填owing。 63.when 句意:这时候突然停了。故填when。

64.teenager 句意:青少年找到方法之前。故填teenager。 65.pressing 现在分词做伴随状态,表主动关系,故填pressing。 66.with 句意:带着信息的一个便条。with和---在一起,故填with。 67.would/could pick 句意:希望有人能把它捡到。故填would/could pick。 68.patiently 副词修饰动词,故填patiently。

69.voices 句意:听到外面大的声音。名词用复数形式,故填voices。

70.had been trapped 根据by which time可知用过去完成时态,再根据he和trap之间是被动关系,故用过去完成时态的被动语态had been trapped。


【2017·河南、河北、山西质量检测】Man has been on the earth for millions of years.


He 1.____________(manage) to live on every part of the planet, even though some climates have made life difficult. It is thought 2.____________(different) in skin color are the result of climatic 3.____________(adapt). For example, people with skin colors of yellow, red, and olive, generally come from areas 4.____________ they have had to adapt to other climates. Man's size also seems to 5.____________(various) according to climate. People living in colder regions are generally larger than 6.____________ living in hotter ones. This difference might be explained 7.____________ the fact that big people have less skin compared to weight than small people do. The less skin a person has relative to his weight, the 8.____________(easy) it is for him to keep warm. As part of the natural environment, climate greatly affects human activities. Climate has a significant 9.____________(effective) on agriculture. Climatic factors restrict the kinds of crops that can be grown. Man changes his living habits in order to adjust to climate, but climate 10.____________(change) as well, though more slowly. By learning more about his climate, man will find a way to adapt to or control it and live a more comfortable life.


1.has managed 2.differences 3.adaptation 4.where 5.vary 6.those 7.by 8.easier 9.effect 10.changes 【解析】

语篇解读:本文讲的是人类已在地球上生活了大约一百年万年,地球气候影响着人类。人类了解更多的气候信息,才能更好的适应或改变地球环境,从而生活的更舒服。 1.has managed 由后面让步状语从句中的时态可判断主句应用现在完成时,表示已经完成。故填has managed。

2.differences 分析句子结构可知,it为形式主语,真正的主语为thought后面的从句。主语从句中有系动词are和表语the result of...,因此所填词为主语,要将形容词different转换为名词difference,由系动词are可知应用复数形式differences。

3.adaptation 形容词climatic后用名词,故将动词adapt变为名词adaptation。句意:人们认为肤色差异是适应气候的结果。

4.where 所填词前后均为句子,并且空后句子修饰前面的句子,由此可知所填词引导定语从句,修饰先行词areas,并在从句中作状语,故填where。

5.vary seem to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“看起来……”。to后接动词原形,故将形容词various转换为动词vary。

6.those 句意:生活在更寒冷地区的人们一般比住在较热地区的人们体型更大。所填



7.by 此处指这个差异可以被以下事实解释,故用by,表被动。

8.easier “the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越……,越……”,为固定结构。is后面缺表语,所以要用形容词的比较级,故填easier。

9.effect 形容词significant用来修饰名词,故填名词effect。have a(n)..effect on sth.为固定短语,意为“对……有……影响”。

10.changes 前面的but为并列连词,连接两个并列分句Man changes his living habits与climate...as well,两个分句时态应保持一致,都用一般现在时叙述客观事实。climate为不可数名词,故其谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。


