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Prescriptive vs. descriptive Birds of a feather flock together. 同毛鸟,飞一道; /// 物以类聚,鸟以群分 /// Laugh off one’s head. 笑掉脑袋; //// 笑掉大牙/捧腹大笑 ///
To kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟; /// 一箭双雕 //// 1)
Featherwater: Light as a feather. 法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。 /// Adidas:Impossible is nothing! 阿迪达斯:没有什么是不可能的。 /// Ricoh: We lead Others copy!
理光复印机:我们领先,他人仿效。 //// 为你未来,做好现在
Striving today for all your tomorrow. //// 培育新一代,携手创未来
Nurture the Young. Create the future. /////
IBM: No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 //// Sony: Hi—fi, Hi—fun, Hi—fashion, only from Sony. 高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。(索尼音响) //// Life is a journey. Travel it well. 人生如旅程,应尽情游历。 /// 来是他乡客,去时故人心。
When you come, you are a guest of ours.
When you leave, we are the friends of yours. /////
一、 直译(literal translation),或语义翻译(semantic translation)、异化翻译 (foreignisation translation) Ask for more!
渴望无限(百事可乐) ////
Rossini watch: Time always follows me. 罗西尼表:时间因我存在。 /// 雷达牌驱虫剂:蚊子杀、杀、杀。 RADAR: Mosquito bye bye bye. ///
UPS: On time, every time. 准时的典范。 //// Every time a good time. 秒秒钟欢聚欢笑。(麦当劳) ////
We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty. 殷勤有加 风雨不改 (UPS) ///
二、 意译(free translation),或“灵活对等”、“动态对等”、“功能对等”(flexible, dynamic, functional equivalence),或“交际/传意翻译”(communicative translation)、“归化翻译”(domestication translation) We are at the heart of Asia. 亚洲脉搏亚洲心 (国泰航空) /// Now you are really flying.
飞跃人生,非凡感受 (国泰航空) //// Connecting People 科技以人为本 (Nokia)/// Apple:Think Different 苹果:不同凡想 (苹果电脑)///
Music makes us.
生有趣·乐无穷 (2000/01乐季——康乐及文化事务署) //// Lenovo: Without Lenovo, Without life 失去联想,人类将会怎样?(联想电脑) ///// It happens at the Hilton.
希尔顿酒店有求必应。(希尔顿酒店) ////
三、 创译(creative translation) 翻译vs.创作?
四、扩译或增补型翻译(supplementary translation / over translation) 一)
无论几急,DHL准时送及! ///
Be good to yourself. Fly emirates. (Emirates –阿联酋航空) 纵爱自己 纵横万里 ////
Elegance is an attitude. (Longqines –浪琴手表) 优雅态度 真我性格 //// Nobody is perfect. (健身器材) 没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。 //// Intel Pentium: Intel Inside.
英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。 ////
The Power of Partnership. (瑞士银行集团) 力量凝聚,实力尽显。 ////
结语:对原文某关键词的词义进行挖掘、引申或扩充,将原文的深层意思进行发挥,使其隐含意思凸显。 //// 二)
Begin your own tradition. (Patek Philippe Geneve 百达翡丽——watch) 不但长伴身旁,还是传家风范。 //
Trust us for life. (American International Assurance) 财务稳健 信守一生 //// We race, you win. (Ford汽车) 以实战经验,令你一路领前。 //// Live with focus. (Ford Focus) 生活有 “焦点”,才是真享受! ///
Continuing study is the key to reaching new heights. (The Open University of Hong Kong)
上进源于不断进修,进修完全握在你手。 ////
结语:主要出于中文表达习惯上的考虑。四字句,对偶、押韵等修辞特点 ////
五、缩译(condensed translation)
Overseas. Time set free Overseas. (Vacheron Constantin ——江诗丹顿男表 纵横四海) 自由真义 /////
Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. (Allianz Group ——安联集团) 安联集团,永远站在你身边。 /////
Buick—your key to a better life and a better world. (别克汽车) 别克——通往美好生活的秘诀。 ///
In today’s rat race, either you stay ahead or bail out. ////
结语:在广告翻译中占比很小,但仍不失为一种必选策略。再就是语言的独特风格,如有的需要重复,或修饰语累赘。 //// 六、不译
一)新企业、新品牌、新产品系列的名称以及/或老企业之新产品系列的名称往往不需要翻译,只需照搬外文名称即可。 二)广告中的某些句子
Volvo have always forced others to be safer. This one will force them to be better. (S) for life.
Volvo安全可靠,早已闻名天下。崭新S80一登场,再度成为典范!(口号:)for life. ////
Because ENERGY is essential and LIFE is precious. (S) Doing what other dare not. (Environmental Protection)
能源虽是必须的,但我们更需要尊重大自然的生命。(口号:)Doing what others dare
not. ////
Use the American Express Card to reflect your classic style. (S) do more. (American Express——美国运通)
使用美国运通卡,配衬型格 (口号:)do more. ////
How would you know which one handles better? (S) The Ultimate Driving Machine. (BMW)
好与不好?自己掌握 (口号:)登峰造极 //// 缩译:
Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. (Heading)
If information is power, then inspiration must be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results. At Compaq we believe technology is no longer simply a tool for information. It’s a tool for inspiration. Redefining access. From set time to any time. From one place to millions of places. With the touch of a button, we no longer fire-up just our computers, but our imaginations. We’re moving beyond the limitations of Information Technology to a new technology. Welcome to the new IT. Inspiration Technology from Compaq. 灵感——伟大成就之源
供了新的工作方法,新的合作模式。触动按钮,我们启动的不再是电脑,还有无穷的想象力。现在,我们终于超越了资讯科技的限制,迈入全新科技境界。激发灵感的科技——康柏Inspiration Technology, 欢迎进入新的IT世界。
What’s in a name?
It sounds ordinary on paper. A white shirt with a blue check. In fact, if you asked most men if they had a white shirt with a blue check, they’d say yes.
But the shirt illustrated on the opposite page is an adventurous white and blue shirt. Yet it would fit beautifully into your wardrobe. And no one would accuse you of looking less than a gentleman. Predictably, the different white and blue check shirt has a different name. Viyella House. It’s tailored in crisp cool cotton and perfectly cut out for city life. Remember our name next time you are hunting for a shirt to give you more than just a background for your tie.
On women and children’s wear as well as on men’s shirts, our label says – quietly but persuasively – all there is to say about or good quality and your good taste.
Our label is our promise. 直译:
我们的品牌是我们承诺。 编译:
1. Because of bad management, the company was in the red. 2. A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts. 1) 一千个男人可以住在一起,两个女人却不行。 // 2) 千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容。 ///
Compact disc 密纹唱片 激光唱片/镭射影碟 //// Biological parent 生物父母 亲生父母 /////
You can’t be too careful. 不能太小心 应特别小心 /// Gold Lion 金狮 金利来 //// 红茶 red tea black tea /////
要注意策略 Pay attention to the strategy. //// Be diplomatic. //// REMY MARTIN XO Exclusively Fine Champagne Cognac. 人头马一开,好事自然来。(黄沾翻译公司) ////
I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. True to type he told his parents the whole story. 一五一十 ///
If you are doing business in Hong Kong, it pays to get the pick of the crop. 保管发财 /// 百事可乐击中要害,
分量十二盎司实实在在, 花上五分镍币能喝上两份, 百事可乐对你竭诚相待。 Pepsi-Cola hits the spot,
Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. ////
三、归化/异化? 巧妇难为无米之炊
Even a clever housewife can’t make bread without flour.
Even a clever housewife can’t cook a meal without rice. ///// Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。
冰冻三尺非一日之寒/修炼成仙非一日之功。 /////
1. 粤翠轩 粤式午间套餐
6道精选菜品 每位人民币128元起,需另加15%服务费。
时间:星期一至星期五 午间11:30分至下午14:30分。 地点:47楼粤翠轩餐厅
粤翠轩 晚间特选套餐
厨师精选套餐 每位人民币368+15%服务费
鱼翅海鲜套餐 每套供3~4位食用 人民币1,988+15%服务费 片皮鸭海鲜套餐 每套供5~6位食用 人民币2,288+15%服务费
Cantonese Set Lunch in YUE CUI XUAN
Create your own lunch with choices of starters, Dim Sum and main dishes—6 course dishes for RMB 128 + 15% service charge per person
Terms & Conditions
Set lunch is not applicable to any discount or discount cards.
Time: Monday to Friday 11:30 -14:30 Location: 47th floor YUE-CUI-XUAN
Chef’s special set menu RMB368 + 15% service charge per person
Shark’s fin and seafood set menu available for 3~4 persons RMB1,988 + 15% service charge per table Beijing duck and seafood set menu available for 5~6 persons RMB2,288 + 15% service charge per table
一、 以动词“to be”构成的陈述句 最常出现
Health is an attitude to life. (Osim按摩椅) Osim健康生活新概念
Elegance is an attitude. (浪琴手表) 优雅态度 真我性格
Life is marathon. (渣打马拉松) 生活就是一场马拉松。
The possibilities are infinite. (Fujitsu IT) ////
二、 以动词“make”、“create”为代表的简单陈述句 其次,以make为谓语动词的简单陈述句; 次之,make的祈使句和现在分词短语句。
We Make Fund Investment Easy. (Dao Heng Bank) 基金投资 倍感轻松
Whatever makes you happy. (Credit Suisse) 为您设想周全 让您称心如意
We make it easy! (Fidelity Investments) Let’s make things better. (Philip)
Music makes us. (香港康乐及文化事务署) 生有趣·乐无穷
Making the Internet society truly mobile. (NEC)
高频率:create, get, use, give, have, see, buy, come, go, know, keep, look,
need, love, take, begin, start, taste, serve;
中等频率:do, set, want, hear, live, care, help, meet, save, choose, last,
offer, think, believe, connect.
三、 祈使句及现在分词短句 Just do it! (Nike-Sneaker) 想做就做
Fight corruption. The mission continues. (ICAC—Government organization) 打击贪污,再接再厉
Prepare to want one. (现代汽车) 众望所归,翘首以待
Trust us for life. (American International Assurance) 财物稳健,信守一生
Live with focus. (福特汽车) 生活有“焦点”,才是真幸福
Empowering. (Shiserdo—the Makeup) 魅力凝聚
Shining and Caring (加拿大永明人寿) 关怀周详 一生照亮
Driving technology (日产汽车) 科技疾驰于前
Wining the hearts of the world. (法航) 赢取天下心
Connecting People (Nokia) 科技以人为本
Taking the lead in a Digital World (三星) 领先数码,超越永恒
Making the sky the best place on earth. (法航) 晴空万里 创写意天地
四、 否定句的特点与写作规律 1) 用not, no, none, never, few, less等否定词; 2)
包含weak, poor, bad等贬义的否定词。
No two eyes see the same world. No two businesses are identical. And now one company creates internet solutions unique to you. (富士) The Best, for less. (万宁商店)
It’s not just a website, it’s an experience. So don’t just show it—feel it. (I-Sketch)
Don’t dream it. Drive it. (Jaguar--automobile) Do not just hear convergence. Make it happen. (TVB)
We offer careers, not jobs. (Shui On Properties Management Ltd.)
五、 疑问句的特点及写作规律 一) 独立答句
Is your money taking you where you want to go? Get it. (珍利时世界基金) 阁下的投资有否更上一层楼?登峰造极
Is your payroll system giving you an MPF headache? We make it easy! (Fidelity Investments)
Go to the cinema? I live at the cinema. (Philips)
So you’re looking for seamless worldwide travel in comfort and style. Who cares? We do.
(Scandinavian Airlines) 二) 以企业口号作答
How would you know which one handles better? (Slogan: The Ultimate Driving Machine) (BMW)
好与不好?自己掌握 (口号:登峰造极)
Is your future worth as much time as you spend choosing a pair of shoes? (Slogan:
For a richer life.) (怡富基金)
Traveling to the end of the earth? We’ll make you feel at home. (Slogan: Life is a journey. Travel it well.) (联合航空) 环游世界 安坐家中(口号:人生如旅程,应尽情游历) 三) 以企业或品牌的名称作答
Who’s taking care of you? Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Who is behind an Audemars Piguet watch? Audemars Piguet How many doctors don’t charge you? BUPA Gold-insurance
六、 特殊句型:where+主语+动词 Where money lives. (Citibank) 让财富充满活力
Where Businesses Blossom. (The Garden Hotel Guangzhou) 非凡之聚 商务之最
Where digital dreams come true. (三星)
Where innovation meets application. (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University )
一、 比喻(simile & metaphor) 构成:1. 本体:被比喻事物
2. 喻体:用作比喻的事物
3. 喻词:联系本体和喻体的副助词 4. 喻解:本体与喻体间的相似点 明喻:什么像什么/似什么 如:
A flawless skin, a porcelain-clear complexion – Marie Claire 搪瓷般的透白肌肤 美白新肌系列
Be White ?Be Silky --Marie Claire 丝一般的柔白肌肤。
Chocolate, like love, is a delight to be shared. – Godiva Tough as a Tiger -- Tudor (帝舵表) 坚毅犹如虎威
投保中保 铁一般的保障
暗喻或隐喻:把喻体和本体说成是同一个事物,即什么是什么 如:
1. 餐桌上的公主 ---果酱 契沃夫父子食品公司
2. America – A nation on the wheel, Gasoline – Blood of America.
美国——轮子上的国家;汽油——美国的血液。 ——美国汽油联合会
2)喻体比本体通俗,否则将让人糊涂 3)比喻须新颖,富具创造性
翻译策略:灵活 可同原文用,可不用,可添用
二、 双关(pun)
双关指的是用一个或几个词语,一句或几句话同时关顾着双重意义的修辞格。 分两种:谐音双关(homophonic pun)和语义双关(homographic pun) 1. 谐音同字
Live with focus. --- Fordfocus 生活有“焦点”,才是真享受!
From Sharp Minds come Sharp Products. --- Sharp
生活可以更美的! --- 美的
德国科技 大众首选。 ---大众汽车 万事俱备,只欠东风。 ---东风汽车 2. 谐音异字
完美无“夏”的体现,终身无“汗”的选择! --- 中意空调
“闲”妻良母! ---台湾海龙洗衣
华力牌电蚊香,默默无“蚊”的奉献。 --- 柳州市华力电器厂 3. 语义双关
在每一支铅笔的后面都有一只翘起的大拇指。 ---美国奎斯特制笔公司 一笔勾销! ---攀特涂改笔
吸烟——病从口入; 吐烟——祸从口出。 ---中国戒烟广告
再现“领袖”风采。 ---三点衣领净 双关是指“借物表意”,言在此而意在彼,在广告中使用双关往往给消费者一种恍然大悟的感觉,容易对产品留下深刻印象。但双关往往和语言和文化有很紧密的联系,很难翻译,language/culture specific. 一般用别的手法创造性解决。 --Why is a river so rich? --Because it has two banks.
三、 拟人(personification)
拟人指的是将物拟作人、将人拟作物、或将一物拟作另一物的修辞手段。广告的创作和翻译中主要是将产品当作有思想、有感情、有生命的人来描写,借以增加感人的力量,拉近物与人之间的距离。 如:
Send melanin to sleep ---Chanel 让黑色素睡着 肌肤彻底美白了!
With genes from jets ---SAAB(绅宝) 航天血统,成就独特个性
No more thirsty skin ? ---Marie Claire 肌肤不再干渴
True passion forgets fear ? Overcomes fatigue ?
Triumphs over difficulties.
此刻已被炽热击退。 --- Rolex/劳力士
We are proud of the birthplace of our children, the grapes of Almaden. --- Almaden 葡萄酒
Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. --- Interflora 花店 注意:
1)拟人或比拟或拟物须自然、得体,否则难以引起共鸣,甚至会让人反感; 2)在使用拟人等手法的同时须保留原物特质。
四、 夸张(exaggeration)
如: Heaven on earth. --- BMW
Perfect Skin as An Angel. --- Guerlain 拥有天使般完美肌肤
Give us 20 minutes, we give you the whole world.
给我们20分钟,我们就能给你整个世界! --- WINS 广播公司 左耳在苏州听评弹,右耳在威尼斯听歌剧。 ---中国网通
不要对刚刚从我们这里出来的姑娘使眼色,她很可能是你奶奶。 --- 芝加哥美容院 注意:夸张的度,否则将适得其反,否引起诉讼 翻译策略: 直译或创译
五、 对比(contrast)
对比指的是把两种相互对立的事物或是同一事物的两个对立面放在一起进行比较,从而使各自特征鲜明,或是突出某一特征。这一修辞手法有很强的表现力,在广告创作中使用频率较高。 如: New age Volvos Age old wisdom For Balance
For life
我们让您在新生代Volvo体内悟尽古人和谐之道 --- Volvo Big thrills. Small bills. ---汽车出租公司 Looks like one, works like four. --- Rotring 燃油机 We go faster
You go further --- Standard Chartered 渣打银行
今天,已令世人仰慕 --- 劳力士
利润之薄,无以复减。 --- 上海鸡鸣皮鞋
六、对偶/对仗(antithesis/antithetical parallelism)
即把一对字数相等、词性、结构相同或相似的语句连接起来,表达相对或相关意思的修辞方式。 为中华文化中最为传统、最受人喜爱的修辞格。 如:
1. Use your heart. Free your mind.
The fragrance of the spirit. ------Shiseido/资生堂 心之所至 豁然自在 触动心灵的香气
2. Your Future Our Promise ------National Mutual/国卫保险
坚守诺言 携手向前 3. The object of golf is not just to win.
It is to play like a gentleman, and win. ----- Rolex 以球技赢得的,是名衔; 以修养赢尽的,是名望。
4. Ideal for work, cool for play. ----- Nikon 5. We set the pace
You win the race
---- Standard Chartered Bank
6. 酿成春夏秋冬酒,醉倒东西南北人。 -----醉留香酒楼 7. 为名忙,为利忙,忙里偷闲,且喝一杯茶去;
劳心苦,劳力苦,苦中作乐,再倒二两酒来。 ---- 四川酒家 8. 运筹人间冷暖,遥控雅室春秋! -----中意空调
即在现成诗词、谚语、俗语、歌词等的比照下,更换词语中的某个词素或词语,临时造出新词或句子的修辞方式。 一种取巧的行为 如:
1. Slim Express. ----Modern Beauty Salon 大家归瘦。(大家闺秀)
2. Walk on the blue side. ---- Nokia 8250 型出于蓝 (青出于蓝)
4. The best car for 2001 has just gotten better. ----BMW 5 Series
5. Where there is life, there is hope. ----香港政府 生命满希望,前路由我创
6. Think before you act. Read before you think. -----SCMP
7. Wearing is believing. ------ LOVABLE(内衣) 8. 路遥知马力,日久见跃进。 ------跃进汽车 9. 万事俱备,只欠东风。 ------东风汽车 10. 一片冰心在美菱 -----美菱冰箱
翻译: 仿拟的文化专属性很强,难以翻译,需译意,采用补偿等手段
八、排比(parallelism/parallel construction)
指的是用一连串结构相同或相似的语句去表达相关的内容修辞方式。作用在于气势很强,增强了语言的感染力。 如:
1. New Fortress New Perspective ---- Fortress 新丰泽,新视野
2. Maybe she’s born with it Maybe it’s Maybelline ----Maybelline
美来自内心 美来自美宝莲
3. Extra Value Extra Fun ----Compass Visa 增值 增精彩 4. Best Bank
Best Trade Finance Bank
Best Bank for Payment and Collections Best Sub-Custodian
Best Securitization House
At HSBC, we strive to do the best. -----HSBC 最佳银行
最佳账款收支管理银行 最佳附属托管银行 最佳资产融资机构 竭诚以赴,以您为尊 5. It’s not your car
It’s not your friends It’s not your job
It’s your watch that tell most about who you are.
---- Seiko
你的名贵爱车 你的名流朋友 你骄傲的工作
都无法代表 你自己
唯有你手上的表 是你真正的风采 翻译:多采用直译
作用:节奏鲜明、抑扬顿挫、格调优美、朗朗上口,给人深刻印象。 如:
1. Always listening. Always understanding. ----Prudential/英竭诚保险 用心聆听 更知你心
2. Shining and Caring -----加拿大永明人寿保险公司 关怀周详 一生照亮
3. Be Safe Be Right. Turn on the Lights. -----香港政府
顾己及人 记得着灯
翻译: 常常韵、义难同时求得,故常舍韵取义。
十、设问(Rhetoric question)
指无疑而问或明知故问,即为了增强表达效果而故意自问自答或问而不答的修辞方式。 作用:唤起注意,启发思考,令加深印象。 如:
1. Go to the cinema?
I live at the cinema. -----Philips 2. UFO? No.
MP3? Yes. ----an electronic manufacturer 3. B & O? Of course. ---- Bang & Olufsen
4.Is your payroll system giving you a MPF headache?
We make it easy. ----- Fidelity Investments
5. 美梦值得回味,为何总也想不起? ---- Simmons / 席梦思
幽默不算修辞格的一种,但在广告及其翻译中占很大比例。 如:
1. Regardless of how good a phone looks, only one thing matters to your ears. ---Nokia
手机除了悦目 更重要的是悦耳
2. The 1999 BMW 7 Series and its closest rival: a side-by-side comparison. ----BMW 7
3. 别把感冒留在兜里。 --- 美金伯利克拉克面巾纸
4. 在玛丽用过伊潘那牙膏之前,没有人向她打过口哨。 --- 美 伊潘那牙膏 5. 阁下驾驶汽车,时速不超过30公里,可以欣赏到本市美丽景色;超过60公里,请到法院做客;
超过80公里,请光顾本市设备最新的医院;上了100公里,祝你安息吧! ----- 国外某市交通安全广告 翻译:凸显幽默,直译或创译
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