第1讲 环境科学与工程专业英语

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Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

环境科学与工程专业英语》 《环境科学与工程专业英语》教案

English Course for Environmental Science and Engineering课程类型:环境科学与工程专业英语 课程类型: Lesson Type: English Course for Environmental Science and Engineering

主讲人: 主讲人:李-Spoken by Li --

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and Engineering

Part I The Basic Knowledge Unit 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose Unit 2 The Translation of English for Special Purpose Unit 3 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental Engineering Unit 1 What is “The Environment” Unit 2 Introduction to Environmental Science Unit 3 Historical Overview of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA Unit 4 Engineering and Environment Unit 5 Environmental Analysis Unit 6 Studies and Designs Unit 7 Environment-the Human condition Unit 8 Global Environmental Issues Unit 9 Urban Environmental Problems Transition Unit 10 Extinction of Species

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies Unit 1 Water Pollution and Pollutants Unit 2 Biological Wastewater Treatment Unit 3 Wastewater Treatment Process Unit 4 Sludge Treatment Unit 5 Air Pollution Unit 6 Type and Sources of Air Pollutants Unit 7 Conventional Technology of Air Pollution Control Unit 8 Solid Waste Unit 9 Sources and Types of Solid Wastes Unit 10 Solid Waste Disposal Technology

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies Unit 11 Sound and Noise Unit 12 Noise Control Unit 13 Energy Consumption and Pollution Unit 14 Techniques for Removal Pollutants from Soil

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part Ⅳ Environmental Management and Policy

Unit 1 Environmental Degradation and the Law Unit 2 Environmental Management Systems Unit 3 Environmental Protection and Education in China Unit 4 Solid Waste Management Overview Unit 5 Sustainability and Water Management Unit 6 A New Politics for a New Era-A Political Agenda for the 1990s

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Unit 1 Words and Phrases of Literatures Unit 2 Glossary of Environmental Science and Engineering

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

Part I The Basic Knowledge 基本知识〗 〖第一部分 基本知识〗

Unit 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose1.1 The Character of Language1.1.1 Accuracy e.g. 1. Water Supply and Drainage Engineering offers a particular challenge because almost every process of wastewater treatment that is designed and built by engineers is unique. One process rarely duplicates another exactly. 1.1.2 Brevity e.g.2. Be strict to the examination and approval of the new projects in Huaihe River basin , and carry out environment influence assessment system. The Projects which are not in accord with the Tenth-Five-year plan should not be approved.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.1.3 Clarity e.g.3. Once a project has been identified, the next step is a preliminary of feasibility study to consider in detail the implementation of alternatives , together with approximate costs. For example, wate

r system study alternatives for a region might include:(1)possible service areas and conditions; (2) a well-water supply with water softening and iron removal; (3)an upland lake or reservoir with multipurpose uses requiring land acquisition, water rights, and a conventional water treatment plant.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.2 The Characters of Grammar 1.2.1 非人称的语气和客观的态度 常使用It…结构 非人称的语气和客观的态度,常使用 常使用 结构 e.g.4. Although the quantities of water used for potable reuse are limited, because it is a hotly debated subject to reuse reclaimed water that encompasses important issues related to advanced wastewater treatment, public health, and public acceptance. 1.2.2 较多使用被动语态 e.g.5. Before any wastewater treatment engineering project can be designed, a investigation of water consumption and a survey at site must be made. 1.2.3 大量使用不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词 大量使用不定式、动名词、 e.g.6 The total quantity of water being increased, it is possible to reuse reclaimed water.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.2 The Characters of Grammar

e.g.7 The demands for sophisticated analysis, coupled with some serious limitations on computation capability, led to a host of special techniques for solving a corresponding set of special problems. 1.2.4 较多地使用祁使语气和公式化表达方式

在理论分析和公式推导中常采用Assume that…, Suppose 在理论分析和公式推导中常采用 that …., Let…等祁使语气表达方式 等祁使语气表达方式. 等祁使语气表达方式 e.g.8 Suppose that P=0 at x=y.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.2 The Characters of Grammar 1.2.5 条件语句较多

e.g.9 The huge investment in the infrastructure will be erased quickly if proper maintenance and rehabilitation procedures are enforced and funded. e.g.10 If substituting Eq.(1) into (7) , we obtain F=xyz. 1.2.6 长句较多 但一般比较简洁清晰 长句较多,但一般比较简洁清晰 e.g.11 Unfortunately, it is universal that the polluted rivers can be found near densely populated areas all over the world, support no fish , are high in bacterial content (usually including pathogenic organisms) since, in extreme cases, the polluted rivers which appear muddily blue-green from choking algae and stink from putrefaction and fermentation.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.2 The Characters of Grammar 1.2.7 省略句较多 e.g.12 If not well controlled , the inland water may be more deteriorate. 常见的省略句型有: 常见的省略句型有 As already discussed(前已讨论);If possible(如果可能的 (前已讨论) ( 倘若如此) 话);As described above(如前所述);If so (倘若如此); (如前所述) 倘若如此 As explained before(前已解释);When needed(需要时); (前已解释) (需要时) As previously mentioned (前已述及);Where feasible (在 前已述及) 实际可行的场合) 实际可行的场合);When possible(在可能的情况

下) (在可能的情况下)

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.3 The Character of Words and Expressions (词汇特点) 词汇特点) 1.3.1 专业词汇( 专业词汇(Special)和半专业词汇(Semispecial) )和半专业词汇( )

1 ) 只 有 一 种 专 业 含 义 : coagulation/flocculation ( 混 凝 / 絮 小规模试验) 凝 ) 、 pilot-scale(小规模试验 ) 、 chemical-physical( 物理化 小规模试验 ( 学)、activated sludge(活性污泥)、secondary air pollutant (活性污泥) 二次大气污染物) (二次大气污染物)、wastewater flow(污水量) 等。 (污水量) 2)半专业词汇 )半专业词汇——在各个专业通用,在不同的专业领域却可 在各个专业通用, 在各个专业通用 能有不同的含义:foundation( 基础 、 基金 、 创立 ) 、 frame 能有不同的含义 ( 基础、 基金、 创立) 框架、 屋架、 机座、 体系等) ( 框架 、 屋架 、 机座 、 体系等 ) 、 operation( 操作 、 运行 、 ( 操作、 运行、 作业、效果等) 作业、效果等)、load(载荷、加载、装入、输入等)。 (载荷、加载、装入、输入等) 3)非专业词汇 )非专业词汇——在非专业英语中使用不多,但却严格属于 在非专业英语中使用不多, 在非专业英语中使用不多 非专业英语性质的词汇: 非专业英语性质的词汇:application(应用、用途、作用、申 (应用、用途、作用、 请等) 请等)、implementation(实现、执行、运行)、to yield(产 (实现、执行、运行) ( 得出、 发出等) 生 、 得出 、 发出等 ) 、 characterization( 表征 、 性能描写 ) 、 ( 表征、 性能描写) study(研究、学习、读书、书房)等。 (研究、学习、读书、书房)

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.3 The Character of Words and Expressions (词汇特点) 词汇特点) 1.3.2 词性( 词性(Syntactical Functions)转换 )

1)standard( n.标准) → standardize(v.标准化) ) 标准) 标准化) ( 标准 ( 标准化 2)former( adj.前面的) → the former ( n.前者) ) 前面的) 前者) ( 前面的 前者 3)wide ( adj.宽的) → widen (v.加宽) ) 宽的) 加宽) 宽的 加宽 1.3.3 词缀(Affix)和词根(Etyma) 词缀( )和词根( ) 1.3.4 缩写( 缩写 ( Abbreviation) 、 数学符号 ( Mathematical ) 数学符号( Symbol)及其表达式(Expression) )及其表达式( ) COD BOD KN PAN CAD Leq Fig. TN Eq. IUCN FIB MLSS SVI m/s WCC ISO ml TVOC in. i.e. TSP Etc.






Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.3 The Character of Words and Expressions (词汇特点) 词汇特点) 另外, 另外,专业文献中也时常会出现数学符号及其公式和文字表 达方式。 达方式。 e.g. 13 All primed terms are initially assigned to zero for the experiment. e.g.14 Substituting E

q.(5)into (2),dropping higher ( ) ) order terms, and removing the prime notation for simplicity, give the linear variable coefficient system A=Bx.

Teaching Plan on English Course for Environmental Science and EngineeringPart I The Basic KnowledgePart Ⅱ Introduction to Environmental EngineeringPart Ⅲ Environmental Pollution and Control TechnologiesPart Ⅳ Environmental Management and PolicyPart Ⅴ Words and Phrases

1.4 The Character of Structure 语域分析→逻辑思维 语域分析 逻辑思维 仔细阅读下面一篇短文,分析其结构特点, 仔细阅读下面一篇短文,分析其结构特点,并结合前面提到 的语言、语法和词汇的特点,进一步体会专业英语的特点。 的语言、语法和词汇的特点,进一步体会专业英语的特点。 The Resources and the Environment

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From a human standpoint , a resource is anything obtained from the environment to meet human needs and wants. The resources we say here is material resources . On our short human time scale, we classify the material resources we get from the environment as (1) perpetual, such as direct solar energy winds, tides, flowing water, (2)nonrenewable, such as fossil fuels, metallic minerals (iron, copper, aluminum), nonmetallic minerals(clay, sand, phosphates) or (3)renewable, such as fresh air, fresh water, fertile soil, plants and animals(biodiversity). Some resources ,such as energy, fresh air, wind, fresh surface water, fertile soil, and wild edible plants, are directly available for us. Other resources, such as petroleum(oil), iron, groundwater(water found underground) and modern crops, are not directly available. They become useful to us only with some effort and technological ingenuity.

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Environment can be defined as (1) the circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms, or (2) the complex of social or cultural conditions that effect and individual or community. It can be divided into the natural environment with the artificial environment. There is an internal relation between resources and environment, they are the base for human being. If we exceed a resource’s natural replacement rate, the available supply begins to shrink. A process is known as environmental degradation. With the development of the society, we face a number of interconnected environment and resource problems ,such as air pollution, biodiversity depletion, food supply problems, water pollution, waste production, etc.

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Their underlying cause are rapid population growth, unsustainable resource use, and poverty, not including the environment costs of economic goods and services in their market prices, trying to manage and simplify nature with too little knowledge about how it works. In developed countries, population size and the resulting degradation of potential renewable resources tend to be the key factors in total environment impact. In such countries per capita resources use is low. In developing countries, high rate of per capital resources use and the resulting high levels of pollution and environmental degradation per person usually are the key factors determining overall environmental impact. For example, it is estimated that the average U.S citizen consumes 35 times a

s much as the average citizen of India and 100 times as much as the average person in the world’s poorest countries.

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We should live more sustainable by working with the earth . Building an environmentally sustainable future depends on: ★ A resulting of the global economy so that it does not destroy of degrade its natural support system. ★ Major shifts in human reproductive behavior. ★ Dramatic changes in values and lifestyle all within a few decades.

