商务英语Unit 9 参考答案

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Unit 9 Money

Part I Business Vocabulary

Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.

1 Do you _____C_______ used items, such as clothing?.

A give off B give up C give away D give out

2 Yule Catto, the chemicals group, launched a £240m _______C_________ for Holliday Chemical.

A offer B quotation C bid D price

3 Sales of the Financial Times hit an ______A________ record in November.. A all-time B pre-time C over-time D a-time

4 The South Sea Bubble had C and it led to an economic depression in the country.

A broken B outbroken C burst D burst out

5 Foreigners joined in the _______D_______ to buy the flowers and money poured into Holland from other countries..

A run B snatch C seizure D rush

6 In 1673, the boom in the market ended. No one knows why, but people began to sell. Others followed _______A_________.

A suit B suite C up D down

7 Many people who had offered their property as ____B_____ for credit went bankrupt.

A safety B security C warranty D guarantee

8 People who had agreed to buy tulips at ______C_______ prices were unable to pay their debts.

A rated B lifted C inflated D lowered

9 When sellers took legal action to ______D________ their money, the courts were not helpful because they saw such investment as a kind of gambling.

A cover B repay C settle D recover

10 However, they also expect to make money, usually by taking a _____D______ in the business or a share of the profits.

A risk B credit C investment D stake

11 We have learned your name and address _____ B _____ the Commercial

Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in your country.

A at B from C in D by

12 We would like to take this opportunity to write to you ______ D _____ the hope of establishing business relations with you.

A at B for C with D in

13 We are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide _____ D ______ of raincoats for all age groups.

A scope B kind C type D range

14 As we usually place substantial orders, we would like to ______ A _______ a quantity discount.

A be allowed B allow C allowing D have allowed

15 We usually deal with new suppliers ______ C ______ the basis of payment in our currency by 60-day irrevocable letter of credit.

A for B at C on D under

16 If these conditions ______ D _____ you, please send us your latest catalogue and price-list.

A have interest B are interested C are interesting D interest

17 We are looking forward to hearing ______ C ________ you soon.

A about B of C from D to

18 Thank you for your letter of January 5, enquiring _____ D _____ our raincoats. A of B at C in D for

19 We always deal ________ D _______ payment by sight L/C.

A with B in C at D on

20 We are now enclosing our spring catalogue and price list ____ D ______ CIF Shanghai.

A quoted B to quote C having quoted D quoting

Part II Phrase Translation

Directions: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.

1 商业做法 business practice

2 商务要闻 business in brief

3 城市开发项目 urban development project

4 收购出价 takeover bid

5 股市 stock market

6 拍卖行 auction house

7 空前记录 an all-time record

8 销售数据 sales figure

9 金融灾难 financial disaster

10 国债 national debt

11 经济萧条 an economic depression

12 经济泡沫 an economic bubble

13 经济不景气 an economic recession

14 过高价格 inflated price

15 华尔街 the Wall Street

16 经济危机 an economic crisis

17 定价政策 pricing policy

18 现有顾客 existing customer

19 目标顾客 target customer

20 经销方式distribution method

Part III Sentence Translation

Directions: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.

1. Yule Catto, the chemicals group, launched a £240m bid for Holliday Chemical. Yule Catto化工集团出价2亿4千万英镑竞购好乐迪化工。

2. Sales of the Financial Times hit an all-time record in November. 金融时报十一月的销售额创下了空前记录。

3. New car registrations in Western Europe in November rose 10.4% to 991,800 from 898,400 a year ago.


4. People bought shares in the company expecting to make a huge profit, but the boom in shares collapsed and many investors lost all their money.


5. The South Sea Bubble had burst and it led to an economic depression in the country.


6. It is not surprising that the collapse in prices led to a severe economic recession in Holland.


7. There was a rumour that the big bankers were getting out of the market. Shares prices fell dramatically and kept falling.


8. Angel Investments plc (AI), is based in Warsaw Poland. It provides finance for start-up or young companies which need capital to develop their businesses. 天使投资公司总部位于波兰的华沙。他向需要资金发展业务的新创办或成立不久的公司提供融资。

9. They enjoy the excitement of working with start-ups and small companies, and believe that Central and Eastern Europe offers outstanding opportunities for investment.


10. They are willing to take risks and back projects which seem unusual or extraordinary.


Part IV Sentence Translation

Directions: There are five sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, four points for each sentence.

1. 在国际贸易中,国家间常常出售同类产品,在汽车业、纺织业、鞋类和食品业是这样,而且从长期看,任何产品都可能是这样。

In international trade, products of the same categories are always sold among countries. This is common not only in automobile, textile, footwear and food industry, but also in any industry from a long-term point of view.

2. 外贸能促使两个贸易国增进了解,增加财富并建立平等互利的良好关系。 Foreign trade can help promote better mutual understanding between two trading countries, increase wealth and establish the good relationship of equality and mutual benefit.

3. 一旦商品出售后,公司就必须提供售后服务来保证顾客的满意,从而促进将来的销售。

In order to improve the prospective sales, companies must guarantee customers’ satisfaction by offering after-sale services once the commodities are sold.

4. 在国际贸易中业务成交与实际交货时间间隔较长,因此付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。

In the international trade, the time between the conclusion of business transaction and physical delivery is comparatively longer, therefore the payment problem is far more complex than that in domestic trade.

5. 世界贸易组织不仅处理货物贸易,还涉及服务贸易和知识产权贸易。

World Trade Organization deals not only with cargo trade, but also trade of service and intellectual property right.

