初一 unit3 周周清试题

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初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清坚持·努力·智慧·完美周周清(四) 辅音及辅音字母组合发音及Unit 3

满分: 100分

班级: _______________ 姓名: ________________

I. 听力测试 (语音) (共30分)


( ) 1. A. dad B. had C. fat

( ) 2. A. book B. look C. foot

( ) 3. A. bottle B. little C. cotton

( ) 4. A. mum B. map C. mad

( ) 5. A. pat B. pen C. pink

( ) 6. A. orange B. gate C. grey

( ) 7. A. these B. those C. they

( ) 8. A. late B. hate C. mate

( ) 9. A. nut B. fun C. bus

( ) 10. A. snake B. like C. hate

第二节听两遍,选出你所听到的单词, 短语或句子。(每小题1分,共7分)( ) 11. A. her pen B. my name C. your pencil

( ) 12. A. his B. hers C. here’s

( ) 13. A. e-mail meB. call me C. ask me

( ) 14. A. an ID cardB. an orangeC. an apple

( ) 15. A. It’s yours. B. It’s mine.C. It’s hers.

( ) 16. A. Here’s a photo. B. Here are his books. C. These are pens. ( ) 17. A. I lost my watch. B. She found a baseball. C. Here’s a set of keys.命题人:吴海燕蒋雨池共7页第 1页

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清坚持·努力·智慧·完美第三节听一遍,选出划线部分读音与另外两个不同的选项。(每小题1分,共7分)( )18. A. cake B. nice C. cute

( )19. A. green B. gate C. age

( )20. A. huge B. orange C. game

( )21. A. familyB. Lily C. by

( )22.A. tree B. try C. dream

( )23. A. rice B. face C. Clark

( )24. A. bye B. fly C. city


( ) 25. A. Yes, they are. B. This is my watch. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 26. A.Yes, it is. B. That’s OK. C. All right.

( ) 27. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. I don’t know.

( ) 28. A. She’s my sister. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he isn’t.

( ) 29. A. Yes, it’s hers. B. Mine. C. They’re Sue’s.

( ) 30. A. Thank you. B. That’s OK. C. I’m sorry.

II. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( )31. --Is this your ruler? --No, ________.

A. this is

B. it isn’t

C. it is

D. this isn’t

( ) 32. Mr Green is a teacher. ______car is green.

A. His

B. Her

C. He

D. He’s

( )33. -- Hello! Are you Amy?

-- . My full name(全名) is Bob Green.

A.Yes, I’m Bob

B. Yes, I am

C. Yes, it is

D.No, I’m not

( )34. -- What’s that ____ Chinese(汉语)?

命题人:吴海燕蒋雨池共7页第 2页

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清坚持·努力·智慧·完美-- It’s “烟火”.


B. at


D. in

( )35. Please call Gina ________ 234-5678.

A. for

B. at


D. in

( )36. -- ____ _? -- Yes, C-A-S-E.

A. Can you spell “case”, please?

B. What’s this?

C. Whose case is it?

D. Is that a case?

( )37. -- Your watch is very nice.

-- ___ .

A. Thank you

B. Sorry

C. Yes, it is

D. That’s right

( )38.You can look up(查)the new word(单词) in the _____.

A. pencil case

B. schoolbag

C. eraser


( )39. His name is George Bush.

His family name is______ ..

A. Alan

B. Tom

C. George

D. Bush

( )40. Is this your baseball, Leo? No, it isn’t. It’s ________.

A.her B.my C.his D.Tom

III. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

A: Hello!

B: Hello! What’s 41 ?

A: My name is Wang Lin. 42 yours?

B: My name is Wei Hua. How are you?

A: 43 fine, thank you. And you?

B: I’m fine, 44 . What grade are you in, Wang Lin?

A: I’m in 45 . Are you in the same grade(同一个年级),too?

命题人:吴海燕蒋雨池共7页第 3页

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清坚持·努力·智慧·完美B: No, I’m in Grade Two. How old are you?

A: I’m 11. And how about ____46____?

B: I’m years old. Two years older than(比你大) you.

A: And I lost 47 watch this morning.

B: Oh! My 48 Mary found a watch this morning.

49 is your watch?

A: It’s blue and white. Excuse me. What is in your hand?

B: It is an 50 .

A: Can you spell it?

B: Yes, O—R—A—N—G—E, orange.

( )41. A. her name B.family name C. your name D.first name ( )42.A. What about B. How C.What D. Who’s

( )43.A I . B. am C.I’m D. me

( )44.A. too B. to C.two D. also

( )45.A. grade one B. one grade C.Grade One D. Grade one

( )46. A. her. B.him C.you D.Tom ( )47. A. me B.my C.her D. mine

( )48.A. friends B. sisters C.friend D. brother

( )49.A. What color B. What number C.Which D. Whose ( )50.A. apple B.orange C.English book D. eraser

IV. 阅读理解。(每小题1分,共10分)

A: 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空,每空一词。

Jane: Good morning, Lucy.

Lucy: Good morning, Jane.

Jane: 51 are you?

Lucy: I’m fine.

命题人:吴海燕蒋雨池共7页第 4页

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清 坚持 · 努力 · 智慧 · 完美 命题人:吴海燕 蒋雨池 共7页 第 5页 Jane: 52 this in English?

Lucy: It ’s a dictionary.

Jane: Is it a black 53 ?

Lucy: Yes, it is. I found it in the lost and found case. Is it your dictionary? Jane: No , it isn’t 54 . Look! That girl is Nancy. It is her dictionary. Lucy: Excuse me, is this 55 dictionary?

Nandy: Yes, it is mine. Thank you.

51. ____________

52. ___________ 53. ____________ 54. ____________ 55. ___________

B: 阅读下列短文并选择正确的答案。

Look! I ’m Tom. This is a pencil case. It ’s orange. It ’s my pencil case. What ’s in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil.

Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found(发现,找到) his green pen in the pencil case. I call Tim at 7890003. It is his telephone number.

( ) 56. What color is the pencil case?

A. It ’s orange.

B. It ’s blue and red.

C. It ’s green.

( ) 57. I am Tom. That is not my_________.

A. pencil

B. pencil case

C. ruler

( ) 58. ________ has (有) a pencil.

A. Tom

B. Lucy

C. Tim

( ) 59. ________ found the pen in the lost and

found case.

A. Tom

B. Lucy

C. Tim

( )60.Tim’spen is _____________.

A. blue

B. on the pencil case

C. green

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清坚持·努力·智慧·完美V. 词汇运用。按要求填空。(每空1分共10分)

61. last(反义词) ___________ 62. is not(缩写) _______________

63. R(同音词)___________ 64. it is (缩写) ________________

65. black(反义词) _________ 66. U(同音词) _________________

67. I am(缩写) ___________ 68. name’s(完全形式)___________

69. boy(对应词) __________ 70. this(对应词)_______________

VI. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共5分)

71.Are __________ (that) your books?

72.These are my ____________(ruler).

73.Jane,that pencil case isn’t ___________ (I)

74.I have two sisters.__________ (she) are Mary and Coco.

75.The schoolbag in the lost a nd found isn’t _________ (he).


76.This is my book.(改为一般疑问句) ________ your book?

77.Is this your pencil?(变复数) _______ ________ your pencils?

78. This is a ball.(对划线部分提问)this?

79.you, do, watch, How, spell(连词成句)

do youwatch?

80.This is a baseball. This is her baseball(变同义句)

This ___________ is _________.


81. Is that your __________ ________ (电子游戏) in Classroom 8A?

82. Please ________(打电话) Eric _________ 976-659.

83. Five _________ (笔记本) are found ________ (在里面)the school library.

命题人:吴海燕蒋雨池共7页第 6页

初2020级七年级(上)English 周周清 坚持 · 努力 · 智慧 · 完美

命题人:吴海燕 蒋雨池 共7页 第 7页 84. __________(发邮件) him ___________ @.

85. It ’s ________ __________ (一串) of keys on the desk.

IX. 书面表达。(5分)

请同学们根据自己的情况任选一题 写作一:请模仿造句

1.This is my pencil.


2. Are those your friends? Yes, they are.


3. He is my brother.


4. Is this her schoolbag? No, it’s his.


5. They are Tom ’s books.



Found: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

