2017电大《开放英语I(2)》 unitl 19-22作业题目答案

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unitl 19


Listen and fill in the gaps. 根据录音填空(听力部分每空2分,共20分)。 I didn’t get up until 11.30 this morning! The flat was in a bit of a mess. Some people stayed late, and Xiaoyan and I didn’t want to clear up last night. We just talked and finished a bottle of wine together. We cleared up this afternoon. We had a great time. The weather was really nice and sunny. Xiaoyan helped Tim with the barbecue. The food wasn’t very good, and we didn’t finish it – in fact, no one had any rice, because Tim burned it. But everyone enjoyedthemselves. We listened to some CDs. My friends from college didn’t turn up until about 10 o’clock. When they arrived, we played live music! Everyone really liked our new songs. When Franco danced with Polly, he tripped over. Everyone laughed. Too much wine, I think. I didn’t dance.



Ⅱ.Vocabulary 词汇

Choose the correct answer.选择正确答案(词汇部分每题2分,共30分)。 1.My mother _C_ early in the morning every day when I was a child. A. get upB. gets upC. got up 2.Do you know when they will _B_? A. engageB. be engaged C. engaged 3.There was no school _B_ in the past. A. in a villageB. in this villageC. in village 4.You will understand it when you _A_. A. grow upB. growC. grow out

5.People here usually go to _C_ on Sunday. A. a churchB. the churchC. church 6.He likes to play _A_.

A. cricketB. cricketsC. a cricket

7.Today is too busy. Let’s discuss it _A_ next week. A. some timeB. sometimesC. some times 8.I don’t like the place because it is _C_. A. messB. in messC. a mess 9.Sorry, I can not _B_ your cooking. A. help youB. help you withC. help you for 10.I think he is American, but _A_ he is British. A. in fact B. in the factC. in a fact

11.I don't think Mary is _B_ very much at school A. enjoying herB. enjoying herselfC. enjoying 12.I don’t think many people will _A_ at the party. A. turn upB. turn outC. turn on

13.They will _C_ that they will build a new station. A. tellB. speakC. announce

14.I waited for him _B__ in the station. A. for an ageB. for agesC. for age 15.Please _B_ take the key with you.

A. rememberB. remember toC. to remember Ⅲ.Grammar & Function语法功能

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案(语法部分每题3分,共30分)。

1.My classmates and I C the Great Wall the day before yesterday. A. visitB. have visitedC. visited

2.Let’s begin the meeting. Is ___A___ here? A. everybodyB. somebodyC. anybody 3.Xiao Wang’s father C ten years ago. A. has diedB. diesC. died

4.My younger brother C until 10 o’clock this morning. A. don’t get upB. doesn’t get upC. didn’t get up 5.I didn’t like playing football when I B a child. A. amB. wasC. were

6.Tom B Chinese two years ago.

A. couldn’t sayB. couldn’t speakC. can’t speak 7.What ___C__ you _______ just now?

A. do…sayB. did…saidC. did…say

8.____B____ your friends coming to the party this evening? A. WasB. Were C. Did

9._____C____ enjoys it, don’t they? A. NobodyB. SomeoneC. Everyone

10.There’s ____C____ on the telephone for you. A. anybodyB. everybodyC. somebody


Read and choose the correct answer. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(阅读部分每题4分,共20分。)

Diana first met her future husband when she was just a baby. It happened during the winter of 1961. At that time, Charles, Prince of Wales, was twelve years old, and Diana was a baby sleeping in her small bed. Charles, the twelve-year-old boy didn’t have a look at the baby.

Charles became interested in the baby sixteen years later, when they met each other in the middle of a farmer’s field during a shooting party in November 1977. It was a cold, rainy afternoon. Diana was sixteen years old then. She walked across the field to meet Charles. And they talked face to face near a forest. The day was getting dark, but they kept talking. Diana thought Charles was a sad man when she first saw him. She said later she liked his beautiful blue eyes. The Prince thought Di-ana was a very happy and lovely girl.



1.Charles and Diana met for the second time when __A__.查尔斯和戴安娜第二次见面 A. they were in a shooting party 他们参加了一个射击聚会。 B. they were dancing in a dance party 他们在舞会上跳舞

C. Diana was a baby sleeping in her small bed 戴安娜是一个婴儿睡在她的小床上 2.When they met in the middle of a farmer’s field, Charles was __A___ years old.他们在一个农民的田地中见面时,查尔斯_____岁 A. 28B. 16C. 12

3.What was the weather like during the shooting party?C 射击场的天气怎么样? A. It was cold冷.B. It was rainy下雨.C. Both of A and B

4.Diana thought Charles was a __A__ man when she first saw him.戴安娜认为查尔斯第一次见到他时是个悲伤的人 A. sadB. happyC. bad

5.Which of the followings is NOT correct?A下列哪一项是不正确的? A. They met when it was getting dark.天黑时他们相遇了

B. Charles thought Diana was a happy girl. 查尔斯认为戴安娜是个快乐的女孩。 C. Diana walked across the field to meet Charles.戴安娜穿过田野去见查尔斯。

unitl 20


Listen and fill in the gaps. 根据录音填空。

Xiaoyan: Where shall we go then?

Polly: Well, we want to go by tube, and we don’t want to travel too far. Why (1)don’t we go to one of the cinemas around Piccadilly Circus, or Leicester Square?

Xiaoyan: That’s a good (2)idea . Polly: What’s the time now? Xiaoyan: About half past (3)six .

Polly: That’s OK then. If we can find something that starts at about 7.30 or 8.00, we’ll have plenty of (4)time. Then we could have something to eat after the film or go to a pub. I know a really (5)nice pub near Covent Garden.

Xiaoyan: Sounds great. Hmmm… let’s see… this one’s (6)no good. It’s at Victo-ria. This one’s better, but it is (7)more expensive and the films start a bit later. So that’s no good either. How about (8)goinghere? This looks fine.

Polly: Oh yes. That’s a nice cinema, and there are (9)three films to choose from. Let’s read the reviews to (10)see what they say about the films. Xiaoyan:那我们去哪儿呢?

波莉:嗯,我们想乘地铁去,我们不想走得太远。(1)为什么我们不去一个在皮卡迪利广场的电影院,还是莱斯特广场? Xiaoyan:这是一个好主意(2)。 波莉:现在几点了?



Xiaoyan:听起来很棒。Hmmm.:让我看看…这是(6)不好。在Victoria。这个比较好,但是(7)更贵,电影开始晚了一些。所以这也不好。(8)去这儿怎么样?这看起来很好。 波莉:哦,是的。那是一家不错的电影院,有(9)三部电影可供选择。让我们把评论读到(10)看他们对电影的看法。


Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。(每道题2分,共30分)

1.He left for London (B)。

A. on the businessB. on businessC. in business 2.They (C) leave next Friday. A. decidedB. decideC. decided to 3. I lost the keys (A).

A. on my way to the office B. on way to the office C. on my way the office 4.The house is built in a tree. It sounds so (C). A. weakB. interestedC. romantic

5.“Hamlet” is one of Shakespeare' s (B ). A. a tragedyB. tragedies C. tragedy 6.The restaurant is (C).

A. air-conditioningB. air-conditionC. air-conditioned 7.I’ve (C) a beer for you. A. askedB. pointedC. ordered

8.He always has (C) housework to do. A. a lotB. manyC. plenty of

9.The film is about a successful (A) woman. A. careerB. jobC. employ

10.There is a page (C) from this book. A. missB. missedC. missing

11.The play has a very complicated (A). A. plotB. plotsC. action

12.We had a most (C) journey.

A. enjoyB. funC. enjoyable

13.(B) is a person who answers questions. A. An interviewerB. An intervieweeC. An interview 14.She (B) the man with blue eyes. A. fancyB. fanciesC. fancys

15.We (C) a small room between us. A. useB. EnjoyC. share Ⅲ.Grammar & Function.

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。(每道题3分,共30分)

1.Li Ming ____C____ to school at seven, and he _________ English lessons on Mondays

and Fridays.

A. go, haveB. goes, haveC. goes, has

2.Mrs. Green ____C____ a very good nurse. She always _______ the children a lot of

love and kindness.

A. is, gaveB. was, givesC. is, gives

3.I can’t hear her ___C___ she has a low voice. A. because ofB. althoughC. because

4.I didn’t want to go fishing ___B___ I had a bad cold. A. afterB. because C. so

5.Is there ____B___ in that box? A. everythingB. anything C. nothing 6.There is Bwrong with my bicycle. A. anythingB. something C. everything 7.Shall I turn on the TV? C.

A. No, you don’tB. Yes, you doC. Yes, please 8.A: Let’s go to America for our holiday.

B: Cstay at home.

A. I’d preferB. I likeC. I’d rather 9.It’sA warm today. A. very B. muchC. most

10.The weather during our holiday was ____C____ perfect. A. TooB. veryC. really Ⅳ.Reading.

Read and choose the correct answer. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(每道题4分,共

20分) Passage:

One day an old man was going to his home. Just then a stranger stopped him and asked him, “Excuse me, how long will it take me to walk to the next village?” The old man studied the stranger quietly but he didn’t answer. The stranger said to himself, “This old man is deaf. I will ask him again.” Then he repeated more loudly. The old man thought for a while, but he still did not answer.

By this time, this stranger got very angry and shouted at him, “I say how long it will take me to the next village.” But the old man still did not give him any an-swer. The stranger turned away and began to walk quickly to the village. After watching him for a minute or two, the old man called after him. “My friend, it will take you only fifteen minutes.” The stranger turned around and said, “Well, why didn’t you tell me that before?” “How could I? Because I didn’t know how fast you could walk.”





1.The stranger had to walk to the next village because there was no bus going

there.那个陌生人不得不步行到下一个村庄,因为那里没有公共汽车。 A. Wrong.B. Doesn’t say. C. Right

2.When the stranger knew the old man was deaf, he didn’t ask again.当陌生人知道

老人是聋子的时候,他没有再问了。 A. Wrong. B. Doesn’t say.C. Right.

3.The stranger was angry with the old man when he didn’t say anything.那个陌生人

什么都没说,就对那个老人生气了。 A. Wrong.B. Right. C. Doesn’t say.

4.After the stranger got to the village, the old man began to talk to him.陌生人到达

村庄后,老人开始和他交谈。 A. Right.B. Doesn’t say.C. Wrong.

5.The old man wanted to know how fast the stranger could walk before giving him

the answer.这位老人想在回答陌生人之前知道他能走多块. A. Right. B. Doesn’t say.C. Wrong.

until 21


Listen and fill in the gaps. 根据录音填空。 请听录音:

interviewer:How old is the band?

Mary: We set it up about two years ago. But it began when Steve and I got to-gether while we were at school. We(1)wrote songs together. He played the guitar and sang the songs. Then I (2)metDave and Paul two years ago and we(3)setup the band. The four of us get on really well. Paul plays the keyboards and Dave plays the drums.


Mary: e used to play rock and (5)popongs. When Paul joined us, things changed, because he’s really keen on Irish music and so we now do some of that. I’m also (6)keedonsomeoftheoldjazzsingers. interviewer:Whatareyourplansforthefuture?

Mary: We have lots of gigs in the(7)nextfewmonths.We are going to make a CD next month. You can see our website. Paul (8)setitup. interviewer:And what do you do when you’re not playing?

Mary: Well, Paul is a part-time librarian, Dave is looking (9)fora job and Steve looks after his children while his wife works as an accountant. I’m still a mu-sic(10)student. Oh yes, and Dave and I put up posters for the concerts. 记者:这支乐队成立有几年了?

玛丽:我们大约是两年前正式成立的。但是乐队从我跟史蒂夫上学的时候就开始有了。我们一起写歌。他弹吉他加演唱。后来两年前我遇到了戴夫和保罗,于是我们就成立了乐队。我们四个人相处得非常好。保罗是键盘手,戴夫是鼓手。 记者:你们搞什么样的音乐?





玛丽:嗯,保罗是个兼职图书管理员,戴夫正在找工作,史蒂夫在家照顾孩子,他的妻子是个会计。我现在还是个音乐专业的学生。哦,对了,戴夫和我为演唱会贴海报。 Ⅱ.Vocabulary.

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。 1.Did he learn to play (C) when he was a child? A. violinB. a violinC. the violin

2.He (C) me back here in his car yesterday evening. A. bringsB. tookC. brought

3.They want to take an active part (B) their country’s development. A. toB. inC. for

4.He usually (A) our mistakes in class. A. points out B. points atC. points 5.Can you (B) where he comes from? A. seeB. find outC. find 6.I can't afford (A) a house. A. to buyB. buyC. buying

7.They named the island (B) its discoverer. A. inB. afterC. to

8.Don't worry about Mary — she can (C) herself. A. take careB. look atC. look after

9.Our car (A) on the motorway yesterday.

A. broke downB. has broken downC. was broken down 10.I don’t intend (A) the gig today. A. to go to B. go toC. going to

11.He has (B) stamps for about 10 years. A. gatheredB. collectedC. gotten

12.Don’t forget (A) your book with you. A. to bringB. bringC. bringing

13.I mailed a few letters (C) my way to the store. A. inB. out ofC. on

14.The first thing we did when we arrived in New York was check (B)at the hotel. A. toB. inC. at

15.Can you finish the work (B) five o’clock this afternoon? A. inB. byC. to

Ⅲ.Grammar & Function.

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。 1.Look at the cloud. It (C). A. rainsB. will rainC. is going to rain

2.You (A) the exam in English if you ( ) hard. A. will pass, workB. pass, workC. will pass, will work 3.What (B) you ( ) tomorrow evening?

A. do, do; will goB. are, doing; am goingC. are, doing; go 4.Perhaps I’ll (A) him at Mary’s party. A. come acrossB. come aboutC. come for 5.His parents always (C) early every day. A. getting upB. gets upC. get up

6.They named the boy (B) his grandfather. A. forB. afterC. to

7.I’ve checked you (A) at the Beijing Hotel. A. in B. forC. with

8.How are you (C) your work?

A. get on withB. getting onC. getting on with 9.I’ll (A) one of my best rooms ( ) a student. A. rent, to B. hire, toC. rent, for

10.We (A) a company to help us sell our new product. A. Hired B. letC. rented Ⅳ.Reading.

Read and choose the correct answer. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

I go to the barber every month. I don’t like very short hair, so my barber doesn’t cut off much. I have known him for almost four years now, and when I go to him, we always talk a lot. He tells me all his news, and I tell him all mine. He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he talks to most of them, so he always has a lot of news for me.

Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays, and when he comes back to England, he has a lot of interesting news. While he is cutting my hair, he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages, strange food and drinks and many other things. I sit there and listen to the old man with open ears.

Although my barber is old, he always tries new things. He never said, “I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now.”

我每个月都去理发店。我不喜欢短发,所以我的理发师剪得不多。我认识他将近四年了,当我去找他时,我们总是聊很多。他把所有的消息都告诉了我,我把我的一切都告诉了他。他在店里遇到很多有趣的人,他和大多数人交谈,所以他总是有很多消息要告诉我。 每年我的理发师到法国度假两周,当他回到英国时,他有许多有趣的消息。他一边剪头发,一边告诉我美丽的老城区和安静的小村庄,奇怪的食物和饮料以及其他许多东西。我坐在那里,听着老人的耳朵。


1.The writer has his hair cut every month.那位作家每个月都理发。 A. Doesn’t say.B. Right.C. Wrong.

2.They got to know each other only a few months ago.他们几个月前才认识的。 A. Doesn’t say.B. WrongC. Right.

3.Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France.理发师每年都去法国的一些城市或村庄。

A. Wrong.B. Doesn’t say.C. Right.

4.The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks.理发师年纪不大,但他试过许多奇怪的食物和饮料。 A. Right.B. Doesn’t say.C. Wrong.

5.The barber lived in France when he was young.理发师年轻时住在法国。 A. Doesn’t say.B. Right.C. Wrong.

until 22


Listen and fill in the gaps. 根据录音填空。 请听录音:

Paul talks about the sports and games he does. Interviewer:What sports do you do, Paul?

Paul:I do quite a lot of sports. I go jogging every morning before work and I play football every Wednesday with a group of my friends. I try to go swimming at least once a week as well in my lunch break, and I do karate on Friday evenings at a club. I sometimes play cricket or basketball in the summer in my local park, and I occa-sionally play rugby in the winter with a team from the office where I work. I some-times play cards when it’s raining.



保罗:我参加的体育活动相当多。每天早晨上班前我都慢跑,每个星期三我都和一帮朋友踢足球。我争取一个星期游一次泳,午休的时候也游。每个星期五晚上我到俱乐部去练空手道。夏天有时候我在附近的公园打板球或着打篮球,冬天偶尔也和一些同事组成球队打橄榄球。下雨的话,有时候玩玩扑克牌。 Ⅱ.Vocabulary.

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。 1.He often played _A_ in middle school. A. baseballB. a baseballC. the baseball 2.He visits me _A_, about once a month. A. occasionallyB. oftenC. usually

3.There are more than 10 _A_ in Beijing now. A. million peopleB. million peoplesC. millions people 4.The 2008 Olympic Games _C__ scheduled for Beijing. A. beB. isC. are

5.This is _A_ international team of scientists. A. anB. aC. one

6.Visitors __B__ come to China every year.

A. over the worldB. from all over the worldC. all of the world 7.Will you _B_ come?

A. are able toB. be able toC. able to 8.England _B_ two goals before half-time. A. was scoredB. scoredC. score

9.In March 2001 Australia __C_ Tonga 22 – 0. A. beatsB. beatedC. beat

10.He was the best _A_ on the Chinese team. A. goalkeeper B. goal keeperC. goal-keeper 11.She is determined to _B_ the race. A. beatB. winC. score

12.The child _C__ fluent French. A. saysB. talksC. speaks

13.He is very careful _C__ his money.

A. toB. inC. with

14.He hasn't finished it _B__. A. alsoB. yetC. already 15.It was a _B_ day.

A. real interestingB. really interestingC. interesting really Ⅲ.Grammar & Function.

Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案。

1.____C___ you ever ________ to Shanghai?

A. Did, wentB. Are, beingC. Have, been

2.I was so happy to see John again last Sunday. We ____B_____ each other for more than two years.

A. hadn’t seenB. haven’t seenC. didn’t see

3.In recent years, Tim ____C____ to London several times. A. wentB. have goneC. has been 4.It is _____C_____ today than yesterday. A. coldestB. very coldC. colder

5.Beijing is one of _____C____ in the world.

A. the most beautiful cityB. most beautiful citiesC. the most beautiful cities 6.Would you mind ____A____ the door for me please? A. openingB. to openC. open

7.We are thinking about ______B_____ to France for our holiday. A. to goB. goingC. go

8.I’ll show you how to ____B____ the game. A. goB. playC. do

9.We often _____C___ swimming together. A. doB. playC. go

10.What kinds of sports do you often ___B____? A. goB. doC. play Ⅳ.Reading.

Read and choose the correct answer. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Basketball is an American game. A man named James Naismith invented it in 1891. He wanted a game to playindoors in the winter. The first real game was played in 1892.

Naismith put up two baskets. There were nine men on each side. The men tried to throw the ball into the baskets. There were no holes in the baskets. When a ball

went in the basket, it stayed there. The game had to stop. A man had to climb up to get the ball. It was a slow game. After a while, people cut the basket and made a hole in it.

At first, many men could play. Now only ten men play the game. There are five on each side. And basketball today is a very fast game.

Once basketball was played only in America. Now basketball is played almost all over the world.





1.Basketball was first played in America. 篮球最初是在美国举行的。 A. Doesn’t say.B. WrongC. Right

2.Basketball was played as a real game in 1982.篮球在1982被当作一场真正的比赛。 A. Right.B. WrongC. Doesn’t say.

3.At first eighteen men could play the game.起初十八个人可以玩这个游戏。 A. Doesn’t say.B. Wrong.C. Right.

4.At first, basketball was a slow game because there was no hole in the basket.起初,篮球是一场很慢的比赛,因为篮子里没有洞。 A. Wrong.B. Right.C. Doesn’t say.

5.All the basketball players are very rich.所有的篮球运动员都很富有。 A. Wrong.B. Right.C. Doesn’t say.

