2013版 垃圾管理计划- Eng

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船名(Name of ship): GAO CHENG 2 船舶登记号(IMO Number): 9571210 船舶呼号(Call Sign): VRGE8 船籍港(Port of Registry): HONGKONG 船旗国(Flag State) : HONGKONG




This plan has been approved by the Competent Authorities and is written in accordance with the requirements of regulation 10 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ship's, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating there to (MARPOL73/78) and the requirements as stated in the Guidelines for the Development of Garbage Management Plan by the International Maritime Organization.








前 言 Introduction


This plan is developed in accordance with the requirements of regulation 9 of Annex v, as amended in 2011 of the protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 International Convention for pollution from ships (hereinafter called MARPOL.73/78) and the state regulatory requirements.


This plan contains all information and procedures stated in Guidelines for the development of the garbage management plan adopted the International Maritime Organization


This plan is provided for shipboard crew members to use and is based on the working language Chinese which the crew use.


All crew members onboard must handle and dispose garbage in strict compliance with this plan to prevent garbage pollution at sea






Ship particular…………………….…..……………………………………1


Records of changes……………………..…………………………………..2




Table of content…………………………………….………………………4

第一章 管理要求

Section 1 Regulatory requirements…………………………………………5

第二章 实施人员职责

Section 2 Responsibilities………………………………………..…………6

第三章 定义

Section 3 Definitions…………………………………………….………….9

第四章 减少废弃物的措施

Section 4 Minimizing the amount of garbage………………….…………..12

第五章 发生事故时的响应措施

Section 5 Response………………………………………………….…..…13

第六章 船上垃圾的管理

Section 6 Ship waste management………………………………………....14

第七章 培训与教育

Section 7 Training……………………….………………………………….29

附件1 海上垃圾排放.

Appendix 1 Marine waste discharge………….………………………….30

附录2 船上垃圾处理和排放的选项.

Appendix 2 Ship waste treatment and disposal options………………….32

附录3 垃圾记录簿样本

Appendix 3 Sample of Garbage Record Book………………… ……….33




第一章 管理要求


1 垃圾污染告示牌要适当语言编写并张贴。

The garbage pollution placards for disposal requirements shall be written in the proper language of the ship 's personnel and English and the placards shall be conspicuously posted to notify the crew of the ship' disposal requirements.

2 垃圾管理计划应被船员所了解和熟悉。

The Garbage Management Plan which the crew should be familiar with..

3 《垃圾记录薄》应作为船上高级船员海上日志的一部分或其它记录。

The garbage Record Book shall be provided onboard the ship as a part of the ship' official log-book or otherwise, which shall be the form specified in the Appendix.

3.1 每次排放操作,或完成焚烧的内容,日期均要记录在《垃圾记录簿》上并签字。每

页用完后,需要船长签字。《垃圾记录薄》应该用船员工作语言(中文)和英语填写。 Each discharge operation, or completed incinerator, shall be recorded in the Garbage Record Book and signed for on the date of the incineration or discharge by the officer in charge. Each completed page of the Garbage Record Book shall be signed by the master of the ship. The entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be in both the working language of the ship's personnel i.e. Chinese and English.

3.2 每次焚烧或排放的填写内容包括日期、时间、船舶位置、垃圾说明和焚烧或排放的


The entry for each incineration or discharge shall be include date and time, position of the ship, description of the garbage and the estimated amount incinerated or discharge

3.3 《垃圾记录薄》应作为文件存放在船上便于检查所需,并从最后一笔记录日期起保


The Garbage Record Book shall be kept on board the ship and in such a place as to be available for inspection in reasonable time. The document shall be preserved for a period of two years after the last entry is made on the record.

3.4 发生排放、或灭失的情况下,参考《73/78防污公约附则V》第7条的规定,将详情、


In the event of discharge or losses referred to in regulation 7 of the Annex V an entry and recorded the details, the reasons and the circumstance of loss in the Garbage Record Book.

3.5 缔约国主管机关可以检查船上《垃圾记录薄》,但《垃圾记录簿》可以复印,但须由


Contracting state competent authority can check the Ship Garbage Record Book , But the Garbage Record Book can be copied and the copy must be consistent with the original by master.




3.6 渔具的意外落失或排放会对海洋环境或航行造成严重威胁,应向船舶的船旗国报告,


The accidental loss of the fishing gear or disposal will lead serious threat to the circumstance of ocean or shipping which should be reported to flag state, if the loss or disposal happens in a coastal state jurisdiction within the scope of the waters, it also should be reported to coastal state.




第二章 实施人员职责




1 船长职责

The Master responsibilities include

1.1 负责组织全体船员的培训,教育工作,提高意识;

To initiate programs to inform all personnel of the adverse effects marine pollution. Raising awareness improves compliance;

1.2 负责摘抄现行有关防污染的法律法规包括处罚信息通知船员;

To ensure crew information notices include periodic excerpts from current laws and regulations relating to pollution prevention. These notices will include information about penalties and fines, if applicable;

1.3 尽量减少购买产生垃圾的物料和改变习惯以便减少垃圾量;

Where possible, reduce the amount of disposal material brought onboard and modify standard practices to minimize waste generation;

1.4 确保实施本计划的程序措施并及时报告主管机关。

To implement procedures and polices contained in this plan to ensure that the collection, separation and processing etc. of garbage is accomplished in accordance with the Annex V and report to the administration authority in case of garbage pollution accident.

2 本船《垃圾管理计划》具体实施负责人是本船大副

The designated support person in charge of carrying out the garbage management plan is the Chief Officer.

2.1 负责组织垃圾管理人员实施《垃圾管理计划》;

To organize all crew members involved to implement the garbage management plan; 2.2 负责垃圾管理人员培训和训练工作;

To train crew members involved in garbage - management; 2.3 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,现场指挥应急处理工作;

To command the emergent actions on site in case of garbage pollution accident; 2.4 负责联系垃圾接收处理事宜;

To handle the garbage for reception facilities; 2.5 负责张贴垃圾污染公告牌;

To ensure that appropriate placards are displayed to notify the crew of the ship's disposal requirements;

2.6 负责《垃圾记录簿》记录和保管。

To make entries and keep Garbage Record Book.

3 船员自己负责日常生活垃圾收集、处理工作

Crew members are responsible for daily-garbage collection and handling by themselves; 3.1 负责分类,收集处理垃圾;

Waiters are responsible for categorizing and collection;

3.2 保持垃圾收集,储存点的卫生,不发生污染,腐烂,恶臭气味。

Keep collection of garbage and sanitation of storage site, no pollution, decay and





4 垃圾处理设备管理人员职责:

Responsibilities for persons involved in operating the garbage processing equipment 4.1 熟悉所分管的设备技术性能并严格按垃圾管理程序进行操作;

Be familiar with technical specifications of the garbage handling equipment and operate in strict accordance with the garbage management procedure; 4.2 负责所分管的设备维修与保养,使期处于良好状态。

Responsible for maintenance of the garbage processing equipment and keep it in good order.

5 全体船员职责

Responsibilities for all crew

5.1 严格遵守《垃圾管理计划》的要求;

To observe the requirements of the garbage management plan strictly; 5.2 认真参加《垃圾管理计划》的培训和演习;

To participate actively in training and drill relating to the garbage management plan; 5.3 船舶发生垃圾污染事故时,按大副指令参加应急处理工作;

To participate in emergency response according the Chief Officer's orders in case of garbage pollution incidents;

5.4 船员应协助船长来确保船上任何区域减少垃圾数量,垃圾收集、分类和处理要适当


Sailor should assist master in ensuring that minimizing the trash quantity , the garbage collection , classification and handle properly and efficiently.




第三章 定义


1 垃圾系指产生于船舶正常营运期间并需要连续或定期处理的各种食品废弃物、生活废弃物、操作废弃物、所有的塑料、货物残留物、焚烧炉灰、食用油、渔具和动物尸体、但本公约其他附则中所界定的或列出的物质除外。垃圾不包括因航行过程中的捕鱼活动和为把包括贝类在内的鱼产品安置在水产品养殖设施内以及把捕获的包括贝类在内的鱼产品从此类设施转到岸上加工的运输过程中产生的鲜鱼及其各部分。

Garbage means ll kinds of food wastes, domestic wastes, operational wastes,all plastics, cargo residues, Burning ashes, cooking oil, fishing gear and animal carcasses generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in other Annexes to the present Convention. Garbage does not include fresh fish and parts thereof generated as a result of fishing activities undertaken during the voyage, or as a result of aquaculture activities which involve the transport of fish including shellfish for placement in the aquaculture facility and the transport of harvested fish including shellfish from such facilities to shore for processing.

1.1 动物尸体系指船上作为货物载运且在航行中死亡或被实施安乐死的任何动物的躯体。

Animal carcasses means the bodies of any animals that are carried on board as cargo and that die or are euthanized during the voyage.

1.2 货物残留物系指公约其他附则未规定的、货物装卸后在甲板上或舱内留下的任何货物残留物,包括装卸过量或溢出物,不管其是在潮湿还是干燥的状态下,或是夹杂在洗涤水中,但不包括清洗后甲板上残留的货物粉尘或船舶外表面的灰尘。

Cargo residues means the remnants of any cargo which are not covered by other Annexes to the present Convention and which remain on the deck or in holds following loading or unloading, including loading and unloading excess or spillage, whether in wet or dry condition or entrained in wash water but does not include cargo dust remaining on the deck after sweeping or dust on the external surfaces of the ship.

1.3 食用油系指任何用于或准备用于食物烹制或烹调的可食用油品或动物油脂,但不包括使用这些油进行烹制的事物本身。

Cooking oil means any type of edible oil or animal fat used or intended to be used for the preparation or cooking of food, but does not include the food itself that is prepared using these oils.

1.4 生活废弃物系指其他附则未规定的、在船上起居处所产生的所有类型的废弃物。生活废弃物不包括灰水。

Domestic wastes means all types of wastes not covered by other Annexes that are generated in the accommodation spaces on board the ship. Domestic wastes does not include grey water.

1.5 渔具系指任何以捕捉、控制以便随后捕捉或收获海洋或淡水生物为目的而布设于水面、水中或海底的实物设备或其任何部分或部件组合。

Fishing gear means any physical device or part thereof or combination of items that may be placed on or in the water or on the sea-bed with the intended purpose of capturing, or controlling for subsequent capture or harvesting, marine or fresh water organisms.

1.6 食品废弃物系指船上产生的任何变质或未变质的食物,包括水果、蔬菜、乳制品、家禽、肉类产品和食物残渣。

Food wastes means any spoiled or unspoiled food substances and includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry, meat products and food scraps generated aboard ship.




1.7 焚烧炉灰系指用于垃圾焚烧的船用焚烧炉所产生的灰和渣。

Incinerator ashes means ash and clinkers resulting from shipboard incinerators used for the incineration of garbage.

1.8 操作废弃物系指其他附则未规定的、船舶正常保养或操作期间在船上收集的或是用以储存和装卸货物的所有固体废弃物(包括泥浆)。操作废弃物也包括货舱洗舱水和外部清洗水中所含的清洗剂和添加剂。考虑到本组织制定的导则,操作废弃物不包括灰水、舱底水或船舶操作所必须的其他类似排放物。

Operational wastes means all solid wastes (including slurries) not covered by other Annexes that are collected on board during normal maintenance or operations of a ship, or used for cargo stowage and handling. Operational wastes also includes cleaning agents and additives contained in cargo hold and

external wash water. Operational wastes does not include grey water, bilge water, or other similar discharges essential to the operation of a ship, taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization.

1.9 营运废物


? 锅炉、节热器的排泄; ? 船艇引擎的湿废气; ? 锚链间的排出物;

? 调距螺旋桨和推进器液压液体和其他油类至海界面(例如:推进器、轴承、稳定器、

橡胶轴轴承等等); ? 蒸馏/逆渗透卤水; ? 升降器底坑排出物; ? 消防总管系统的水; ? 停用的淡水; ? 汽轮机清洗水;

? 马达汽油和补偿排放; ? 机器废水;

? 泳池、矿泉水和娱乐用水; ? 声呐罩排放物;及 ? 井围甲板排放物。

“Operating wastes”(《Marpol article》1.12 of Annex V) does not include grey water, bilge water or other similar emissions which is vital to the operation of ship. “Other similar emissions” which is vital to the operation of ship include, but not limited to the following list:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Discharge of Boiler or Economizer; Wet Gas of Boats Engine; Emissions of Anchor Chain;

Controllable Pitch Propeller and Propeller Hydraulic Fluid and other oils float on the ocean; Distillation/Reserve osmosis brine; Emissions of Lifter Pit; Water of Fire Main System; Deactivated freshwater;

Washing Water of Steam Turbine;

Motor Gasoline and Compensation Emissions; Machine Wastewater;

Swimming pool, Mineral water and Entertainment water; Discharge of Sonar Dome; and




? Discharge of Well Deck.

1.10 塑料系指以一个或多个高分子质量聚合物为基本成分的固体材质,这种材质通过聚合物制造成型或加热和(或)加压制作成成品。塑料的材质特性从脆硬易碎到柔软有弹性。就本附则而言,“所有塑料”系指所有含有或包括任何形式塑料的垃圾,其中包括合成缆绳、合成纤维渔网、塑料垃圾袋和塑料制品的焚烧炉灰。

Plastic means a solid material which contains as an essential ingredient one or more high molecular mass polymers and which is formed (shaped) during either manufacture of the polymer or the fabrication into a finished product by heat and/or pressure. Plastics have material properties ranging from hard and brittle to soft and elastic. For the purposes of this annex, \includes plastic in any form, including synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic products.

2 其他

2.1 洗碗水系指残留自人工或机械事先对碗碟和厨房用具的冲洗,而粘附在这些用具的食品颗粒在正常情况下不妨碍自动洗碗机运行。

Dishwater means the residue from manual or mechanical prior to the dishes and kitchen utensil

washing,and adhesion in the appliance of food particles do not interfere with automatic dishwater operation in normal circumstances.

2.2 回收系指分类与回收可再处理的部件和材料的活动。

Recycling means the activity of classifying and recycling the parts and materials which can be dealt with again.

2.3 重复使用系指回收无需再处理就可进一步使用的部件和材料的活动。

Re-use means the activity of recycling the parts and materials which don’t need to be dealt with again can be further used.

2.4 在航途中系指船舶在海上包括偏离最短直线航道的航行。就实际航行目的而言,会造成海上大范围实际又合乎情理的排放。

En route means that the ship is underway at sea on a course or courses, including deviation from the shortest direct route, which as far as practicable for navigational purposes, will cause any discharge to be spread over as great an area of the sea as is reasonable and practicable.

2.5 特殊区域指特殊区域为地中海区域、波罗的海区域、黑海区域、红海区域、海湾区域、北海区域、南极区域和大加勒比海区域。

The special areas are the Mediterranean Sea area, the Baltic Sea area, the Black Sea area, the Red Sea area, the Gulfs area, the North Sea area, the Antarctic area and the Wider Caribbean Region.




第四章 减少废弃物的措施


1 船上人员应减少使用可变为垃圾的材料。

All ship personnel aboard the ship should minimize the taking of potential garbage and on –board generation of garbage.

2 根据需要,应考虑在任何形式下减少船舶物料、食品和货物产生垃圾来进行管理。

According to the demanding, Reducing shipping material, food and cargo should be considered in any ways to manage.

3 当制定物料和食品安排时,如可能,与供应商一起从产生垃圾的条件来考虑采购产品。应考虑选择如下措施来减少垃圾数量:

When laying down the arrangement of material and food, if possible, considering procuring product from the condition of generating garbage with suppliers:

3.1 当使用包装袋时,应考虑如足够的保质期(一旦容器打开后)的因素以避免这些产


When using bags, the factor of enough shelf life should be considered to reduce trash quantity from these products.

3.2 当使用可重复使用或可回收的包装袋和容器时,应尽量避免使用一次性的杯,器皿、


Reusable bulk packaging and use of containers. Disposable cups, utensils, dishes, towels and rags and other convenience items should be limited and replaced by washable items when possible;

3.3 除可重复使用或可回收的塑料物品外,避免供应塑料包装的物品。

In addition to reusable or recycled plastic items outside, avoiding to supply Plastic packaging items.

4 当选择材料对货物存储和绑扎或由于天气而对货物进行保护时,应考虑这些材料会产生多少垃圾。应考虑选择如下措施来减少垃圾数量:

When choosing materials for the storage and tie or due to weather to protect cargo, these materials should be considered that how much garbage will be generated and reducing trash quantity by choosing the following measures.

4.1 使用永久重复使用的货物盖布来代替一次性或使用可回收的塑料覆盖物;

Using the permanent of reusable cargo cover instead of disposable or recyclable plastic covering;

4.2 尽量使用可重复使用的垫板、支撑材料、衬板和填充材料进行装载和贮藏;及

Stowage systems and methods than reuse coverings, dunnage, shoring, lining and packing materials;

4.3 在港内卸货时产生禁止排放的垫舱物料,衬版和填充材料应送往港口接收设施。

Dunnage, lining and packaging materials or cargo residues generated in port during cargo discharge should preferably be disposed of at the port reception facilities with the

assistance of the charterers, shippers and consignees and not retained onboard the ship for discharge at sea. This is especially important if the cargo residues are such that there are restriction for disposal of the residues at sea, under MARPOL or local regulations.




第五章 发生事故时的响应措施

SECTION 5 Responses to garbage pollution incident

1 发生垃圾污染事故时,应及时采取控制,回收等措施,减少污染。

Measures to control the spread of and recollect of garbage should be taken to mitigate pollution in case of garbage pollution incidents.

2 船长或者大副应及时向主管机关报告,内容包括:

The ship master or chief officer should report the particulars of such incident in general: 2.1 船名及呼号;

The ship name/call sign;

2.2 船籍港;

The ship's flag port;

2.3 发生事故的日期和时间;

The date and time of occurrence of the incident; 2.4 发生事故船舶的位置(经纬度);

The geographic position of the ship when the incidents occurred; 2.5 垃圾污染说明,垃圾种类和估计量;

Description of garbage pollution, category of garbage and estimate amount; 2.6 原因;


2.7 采取的措施。

Steps for emergency responses taken.




第六章 船上垃圾的管理


1 总则 General information

1.1 除列于附件1的限制外, 海上排放是禁止的。在某一定条件下,对海洋环境无害的食品废弃物、动物尸体、清洁剂、混杂在货舱清洗液、甲板和外表清洗液和货物残留物是允许排放的。

Except for the restrictions listed in annex 1, Marine discharge is forbidden. In a certain

condition, to the Marine environment harmless food waste, animal bodies, detergents, hybrid in the cargo hold cleaning fluid, deck and appearance leaner and cargo residue is to allow emissions.

1.2 为满足公约,应配备人员、设备并建立程序以收集、分捡、加工、贮藏、回收、再使用和排放。与上述工作有关的经济和工作程序包括贮藏空间要求、卫生、设备和人员费用以及港区内处理垃圾服务费用。

To meet the convention, shall be provided with personnel, equipment and establish procedures to collecting, sorting, processing, storage, recovery and reuse and emissions. And the work of the economic and working procedures including storage space requirements, health, equipment and personnel costs and disposed of the rubbish in the port service fee.

1.3 处理和贮藏船上垃圾最适当的方法的制定应因船舶下列因素不同而各异:营运距离(即特殊区域,离近岸或冰架)、船上垃圾处理设备和贮藏空间、航程和所靠港口的垃圾处 理规则和设备。正确的垃圾处理和贮藏方法能够减少垃圾对船上贮藏空间的需求,且能有效地向港口接受设备转移船上的垃圾。

To process and storage the ship garbage, the most suitable method should be formulated for ship the following factors varies: operating distance (or special area, away from the coastal or ice shelf), the garbage disposal equipment and storage space, range and by port of garbage place reason rules and equipment. The correct disposal and storage method can reduce trash to the demand of the ship storage space, and can effectively to the port accept equipment and transfer ship's garbage.

1.4 处理船上产生的垃圾的步骤可分为四个阶段:收集、加工、贮藏和排放。附件2对船上垃圾处理和排放做了概述。

Deal with the steps of rubbish on board can be divided into four stages: collection, processing, storage and discharge. Attachment 2 summarize the ship garbage treatment and discharge.

2 垃圾收集程序

Garbage collection program

2.1 为在收集后减少或避免分拣的必要,并为便利回收利用,建议在船上提供有明确标记的垃圾接收容器随时接受所产生的垃圾。船上容器的形式可以是桶、金属箱、罐、容器袋、或有轮箱。

For reducing or avoiding sorting after collecting, and convenient for recycling, Suggestions on board provide a clear mark of garbage receiving container to accept the garbage at any time. The ship container form can be barrel, metal box, cans, container bag, or wheel box.

2.2 甲板区域、船尾甲板或无遮挡区域中的任何容器应系固在船舶上并有紧密和安装牢靠的盖子。所有垃圾容器应加以系固以防丢失、撒落、或置于容器内的任何垃圾的丢失。

Deck area, and the stern deck or no masking area of any container should be lashing in ship




and install firm lid. All garbage container should be lashing in case of loss, sifted, or the loss of any garbage in the container.

2.3 容器应有清楚标记并可通过图形、大小或位置加以识别。容器应置于全船所有适当处(例如:机舱、居住甲板、起居室、厨房和其他生活或工作处所),应告知所有船员和旅客何种垃圾应或不应放置于其中。

Containers should have clear mark and through the graphics, size or position to identify. Containers should be kept in the whole ship all appropriate place (such as: engine, living deck, living room, kitchen and other life or work space), and inform all the crew and passengers what garbage should or should not be placed in it.

2.4 垃圾应按如下种类分拣:

Garbage should be sorted as following species:

? 不可回收利用的塑料和混有非塑料垃圾的塑料;

Plastics can not be recycled and mixed with which is not plastics garbage: ? 破布;


? 可回收利用的材料;

Materials can be recycled: ? 食用油;

Cooking oil; ? 玻璃;

Glass; ? 铝罐;

Aluminium pot;

? 纸张、硬纸板、瓦楞纸板;

Paper, cardboard, corrugated board;

? 木头;

Wood ? 金属;


? 塑料(包括泡沫聚苯乙烯或其他类似塑料物质);及

Plastics (Including polystyrene foam or other similar plastic material);

? 会对船舶或船员构成危险的垃圾(例如:渍油碎布、灯泡、酸类、化学品、电


Garbage which will foam a danger to ships or crew. (such as: oil stains rag, bulb, acids, chemicals, batteries, etc.).

2.5 容器应用不同的颜色来清晰地标识和区别所要接收的垃圾类型。

Container should used different color to mark clearly and distinguish the junk type received.

2.5.1 “红色”标记的容器用于不可回收的塑料制品和混合了非塑料垃圾的塑料制品、


Red receptacles for plastics includes synthetic ropes and fishing nets, garbage bags, which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues and other garbage which can not be disposed of at sea.

2.5.2 “黑色”标记的容器用于处理食用油、作业废弃物、焚烧炉灰烬但可能含有有





Black receptacles for incinerator ashes except ashes from plastic product which may contains toxic or heavy metal residues.

2.5.3 “蓝色”标记的容器用于处理货物残留物物、生活废弃物(如纸制品、破布、


Blue receptacles for cargo residues, paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery and similar refuse.

2.5.4 “绿色”标记的容器用于处理食品废弃物。

Green receptacles for food waste.

2.6 建议以下处所安放所需的各类容器,但可依据实际情况增减。表一列出了各类容器在船上的位置和数量。

Suggestions for the following space to put all kinds of containers, but can increase or decrease according to actual situation. Table 1 lists all kinds of containers in the ship's position and quantity.

2.6.1 作为集中垃圾贮存地方的尾楼甲板或其它处所;

Poop deck or other chosen location for central garbage storage; 2.6.2 厨房; Galley; 2.6.3 餐厅;

Pantries/Mess Room; 2.6.4 机舱工作间;

Engine room workshop; 2.6.5 机舱集控室;

Engine room control room; 2.6.6 甲板物料间; Deck stores; 2.6.7 驾驶台; Bridge;

2.6.8 产生垃圾的任何地方。

Any other public spaces where garbage is generated.

2.7 每个容器务必用颜色明显清洗地按本章2.5所述的标示。

Each of these receptacles must be clearly labeled/marked and / or be distinctively colored as per the color code given in 2.5 of this section.

2.8 根据产生垃圾类型不同,每处公共场所相应地放置不同容器,避免后期进行分类的额外工作。

The purpose of providing 4 receptacles at each of the public places is to segregate the different categories of garbage at the source of generation, and hence avoid extra work to separate them at a later time.

2.9 船员房间至少提供两类容器,收集塑料和其它垃圾。

The crew rooms provide at least two types of containers to collect plastic and other garbage.

2.10 船员将自己房间的垃圾,机工将机舱的垃圾和甲板部船员将甲板处所的垃圾按类型送到加工点、短期贮存点和长期贮存点。

The disposal site, short-term and long-term storage sites shall be established onboard, the transfer of garbage from the various locations on board to the centralized storage location shall




be done by crew for cabins, oilers for Engine Room, and deck crew for the deck spaces.

2.10.1 塑料垃圾包括混用塑料的垃圾制品必须留存在船上,到港后送往港口接收设


Plastics garbage, including plastics mixed with non-plastics garbage must be

retained onboard for discharge to port reception facilities;

2.10.2 油破布和被污染的破布应焚烧炉焚烧或到港后送往港口接受设施处理; Oily –rags and contaminated rags should be incinerated of be disposed of to port

reception facilities;

2.10.3 对带有病菌的食品废弃物及其用具与其它垃圾分开存放并妥善保存,到港后


Foreign food wastes and associated garbage which may carry discase of pests

should be kept separate from other garbage which does not contain such food wastes, and discharged to port reception facilities in accordance with the laws of the receiving country.

2.11 船员应就垃圾分类和收集的程序进行培训。

The crew shall be instructed during training sessions on the correct procedures for segregation and collection of garbage on board the ship.




表一 船上垃圾收集容器位置和数量

Table .1 Receptacles for Collecting Garbage

舱室位置 收集塑料容器数量 Compartment Number Number of Plastic Receptacles 驾驶台 BRIDGE 厨房 KITCHEN 高级船员餐厅 SENIOR OFFICER DINNING ROOM 普通船员餐厅 JUNIOR OFFICER DINNING ROOM 甲板办公室 DECK OFFICE 轮机办公室 ENGINE OFFICE 洗衣间 LAUNDRY ROOM 机舱集控室 ENGINE CONTROL ROOM 机舱工作间 ENGINE WORKSHOP 甲板物料间 DECK STORE 收集非塑料容器数量 Number of Non-plastic Receptacles 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 垃圾加工程序

3.1 垃圾加工设备

3.1.1 容器数量等列于表一

Container number listed in table 1

3.1.2 船上的垃圾处理设备列于表二

The refuse treater on the ship listed in table 2 3.1.3 粉碎机由大厨负责

The chief cook is responsible for disintegrator

3.1.4 设备应按产品说明书操作,根据焚烧炉、压实机和粉碎机等说明书加工垃圾,但


Equipment should be according to the product manual operation, processing garbage according to the incinerator, compaction machine and disintegrator and manual, but can only process can burn garbage types. Three engineer is in charge of the incinerator operation.




表二 垃圾处理设备

Table 2 Equipment for Processing Garbage 设备 制造厂/型号 处理能力 存放地点 Equipment Maker/Type Capacity Location HSINC-I8 0.02m3/hr ER Incinerator焚烧炉 Garbage comminuter 磨碎机 存放数量 Quantity 1 3.2 粉碎加工处理

3.2.1 与塑料一起粉碎处理的食品废弃物不能再海上排放,因此食品废弃物放进捣碎机或研磨机前需把所有的塑料材料去除。

The food wastes which are shattered with plastic can’t discharge on the ocean, so all of

plastic must be eliminated before putting food wastes into triturator or grinder.

3.2.2 船舶仅在航行途中时在特殊区域内才允许在尽可能远离最近陆地,但距最近陆地或最近冰架应不小于12海里处将经粉碎或研磨的食品废弃物排放入海。这种食品废弃物应业已经粉碎或研磨粉碎并能通过网眼不大于25mm的筛子,且不应被任何其他类型的垃圾污染。 Only in the way of ship sailing in special area in recent is allowed as far as possible from the land, but from the recent land or recent ice shelf should be not less than 12 miles of the crushing and grinding of food waste discharged into the sea. This kind of food waste should be industry has shattered or abrasive grinding and can through the mesh is not more than 25 mm sieve, and should not be any other type of garbage pollution.

3.2.3 除3.2.2要求外,船舶仅在途中时才允许在尽可能远离最近陆地的特殊区域外将食品废弃物排放入海,但在任何情况下不得:

.1 最近陆地不到3海里处将经粉碎或研磨的食品废弃物排放入海。这种食品废弃物应


Food wastes ground to particle size capable of pass through a screen with openings no larger than 25 millimeters can be discharged at sea when ship’s position is beyond 3 nautical miles from the nearest land and outside special areas.

.2 在距最近陆地不到12海里处将上述.1规定处理的食品废弃物排放入海。

From the recent land in less than 12 miles of processing food wastes of the above. 1 regulation discharged into the sea.

3.2.4 船舶在禁止排放区域进行操作处理时,从船上粉碎机或磨碎机应直接排放至船上合适




的结构贮存柜,不能排入船舶生活污水处理系统,也不能贮存在含有油污水的舱底或油舱内。 The ground or comminuted garbage should be kept in storage receptacles instead of bilge system and oily water tanks when ship is within special areas.

3.3 压实处理

3.3.1 为便于贮存、易于输送到港口接收设备或在海上排放,对可压实的垃圾应在船上进行压实处理。

Garbage liable to be compacted should be compacted for easier storage, transfer to port

reception facilities and discharge at sea when discharge limitations permit.

3.3.2 大部分垃圾可以压实,各种垃圾压实方案列于表三。

Most garbage can be compacted a guide to the option for incineration of shipboard

generated garbage is given in Table 3.

3.3.3 垃圾压实前应送入磨碎机磨碎提高压缩率和减少贮存场所。当处理和贮存包裹物时要小心以防止意外进入海洋环境。

Garbage should be packed, ground or comminuted before compaction so as to increase ratio, of compaction, and decease storage space.

3.3.4 不使用专门设备,未磨碎的塑料、纤维、纸板、体积大的货物容器和厚金属件,蓄有压力的容器等在标准压实机会引起爆炸的危险,因此这些垃圾是不能压实或破碎。

Ungrounded plastics, fiberboard, bulk cargo containers, thick metal pieces and pressured containers etc., should not be compacted.




表三 船上产生的垃圾的压实选项 压实特性 垃圾示例 压实前船上人员进行的特殊处理 改变率 经压实形状的保持 几乎100% 经压实形状的密度 高 船上贮存储空间 金属、食物和饮料容器、玻璃、小木块 无 非常快 最小 较小-将材料减小经粉碎的塑料、纤维至进料尺寸,少量和纸板 人工 小金属桶、未经粉碎中等-将材料整成的货物包装、大块木进料尺寸,需要较块 长工时 较大-将材料整成进料尺寸,需要极未经粉碎的塑料 长工时;通常不实际 大型金属货物容器,船上整压不实际;厚金属件 不可行 快 约80% 中等 相对较低 最小 慢 约50% 中度 很慢 小于10% 很低 最大 不适用 不适用 不适用 最大 备注:(1)无论压实筒的大小,用合适的设备都很容易压实——很多这些设备已经设计成遥控使用,因此它们变得小且容易操纵即有很好的效果。应注意的是由于船上缺乏空间,小船对大船来说,可能更严格要求。

(2)使用适当装置可容易地将小桶和大桶压实 - 已为边远地点设计出大量的此种设备,它们因而是小巧并易于使用的,效果良好。应注意的是,桶类的压实可能仅限于大型船舶,因为小型船舶(渔船)上缺少空间。

Table 3

COMPACTION OPTIONS FOR SHIPBOARD-GENERALTED GARBAGE Typical examples Special handling On board by vessel personnel Rate of Retainment of Density of storage compacted before compaction alteration compacted space form form None Very rapid Compaction characteristic Metal, food and beverage containers ,glass, small wood pieces Almost 100% Approximately80% Approximately50% High Medium Minimum Minimum Comminuted plastics, Minor-reduce fiber and paper board Rapid Small metal drums, uncomminuted cargo packing ,large pieces of wood Uncomminuted plastics Moderate-longer manual labor time required to size material for feed Slow Relatively low Moderate Major-very long manual labor time to Very slow size material for feed usually impractical 21

Less than10% Very low Maximum



Bulky metal cargo containers, thick metal items Impractical for shipboard compaction ,not feasible Not applicable Not applicable Not Maximum applicable Remarks: (1) No matter the size of the compaction cylinder, using proper equipment are easy to compact, many of these equipment has been designed to use remote control, so they become small and easy to control which has a very good effect and should pay attention to is due to lack of space on board, the boat to the ship, it may be more strict requirements. (2) Using appropriate device can easily small bucket and VAT compaction - already for remote location design a large number of such equipment, which is small and easy to use, the effect is good. Should pay attention to, barrel type of compaction may be limited to large ships, because small ship (fishing boat) lack of space. 3.4 焚烧处理

Incineration disposal

3.4.1 焚烧炉处置垃圾应根据本船的具体情况来实施。焚烧炉仅适用制造商指定的材料进行焚烧。

Incinerator handles garbage should be based on the specific circumstances of the vessel to implement. Incinerator is only manufacturer designated materials for burning.

3.4.2 纸及其制品、浸油破布、塑料等容易燃烧的垃圾,可在船上焚烧炉内焚烧处理。 Paper and its products, immersion oil rag, plastic easily burn garbage, and can be in the ship within the incinerator incineration.

3.4.3 一般来说,船在港口或平台码头时不应使用焚烧炉焚烧垃圾。靠近污染严重区域的某些港口,有些制定了附加空气排放限制的当地法律。用焚烧炉焚烧垃圾须得到港口有关主管部门许可,另外,内河水域不得使用焚烧炉。

Generally speaking, when the ship in port or platform terminal, it should not be used

incinerator to burn. Close to some port of the pollution area, some made the local laws of additional air emission limit. Using incinerator to burn garbage must get port relevant competent department permission, in addition, inland waters shall not use incinerator.

3.4.4 各种垃圾焚烧选择列于表四,包括为船上人员考虑需要特别处理、可燃性、体积减少、残余、废气和船上贮存空间。除金属盒玻璃外,大部分垃圾是可以进行焚烧的。

All kinds of garbage incineration choice listed in table 4, including those on board for consideration need special treatment, flammability, volume reduction, residual, waste gas and its storage space. In addition to metal box glass outside, most of the garbage can burn.

3.4.5 焚烧如脱落的油漆、浸染过木材的有毒材料和某些PVC塑料需要特别注意,因为这些燃烧副产品对环境和健康有潜在的影响。电池、过期的药品、湿润剂桶、有发荧光敷层的管子、化学废弃物和陈旧的油漆等任何时候都不能焚烧。在处理前,应根据要求贮存焚烧后的残余物(如塑料灰烬不能在海上排放),到港后送往港口接收设施处理。

Burning such as the Chipped paint, disseminated wood of toxic materials and some PVC plastic need to be paid close attention, because these Combustion by-products have the potential to influence to circumstance and health. Battery, overdue medicine, wetting agent barrel, fluoresce coating pipe, chemical wastes and old paint can’t be burned in any time. In the treatment of the former, it should according to the requirements of the storage after burning residue (such as plastic ashes can't in Marine discharge), and deliver to the port and receiving facilities processing after arriving at the port.




3.4.6 应禁止在船上焚烧下列物质:

Shipboard incineration of the following substances shall be prohibited

(a) 公约附则Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ货物残余物及其相关的被沾污的包装材料;

AnnexⅠ、Ⅱand Ⅲ cargo residues of the present Convention and related contaminated packing materials; (b) 多氯联苯(PCBs);

Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs);

(c) 公约附则V中定义的含有微量重金属的垃圾;和

Garbage, as defined in Annex V of the present Convention, containing more than trace heavy metals; and

(d) 含有卤素化合物的精炼石油产品。

Refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.

3.4.7 在正常船舶操作过程中产生的污油和油渣,在船上焚烧也可在主、辅发电机或锅炉内进行,但是这种焚烧不能再码头、港口和河口内进行。

Shipboard incineration of sewage sludge and sludge oil generated during the normal

operating of a ship may also take place in the main or auxiliary power plant or boilers, but in those cases, shall not take place inside ports, harbours and estuaries.

3.4.8 应禁止在船上焚烧多氯联苯(PCBs)。在颁发了国际海事组织型式认可证书的焚烧炉中焚烧除外。

Shipboard incineration of Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)shall be prohibited, except in shipboard incinerators for which IMO Type Approval Certificates have been issued.

3.4.9 焚烧在排气中产生有毒气体的塑料、雾化盐酸(HCI)及氢氰酸(HCN)等垃圾时,应在能承受高温的焚烧炉中进行焚烧。

Plastics, HCI , HCN generated poisonous gases when incinerating should be burned in incinerators which can stand higher temperatures.

3.4.10 船上焚烧时应要求始终检测燃烧烟道烟气出口的温度,在温度低于850℃的最低允许温度时,废物不应填入船上连续进料焚烧炉。对于分炉填烧的焚烧炉,该装置应设计成在开烧5分钟后燃烧室的温度达到600℃。

Monitoring of combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be required at all times and

waste shall not be fed into a continuous-feed shipboard incinerator when the temperature is below the minimum allowed temperature of 850 degrees C. For batch-loaded shipboard incinerators, the unit shall be designed so that the temperature in the combustion chamber shall reach 600degrees C within 5 minutes after start-up.

3.4.11 船载焚烧炉的灰、渣应被视为营运废物,因此为不可排放入海的垃圾。

Shipboard incinerator ashes and slags should be regarded as operating waste, therefore it can’t be discharged into the sea.




表四 船上垃圾的焚烧选择 垃圾示例 纸包装、食物 和饮料容器 纤维和纸板 塑料包装、 食品和饮料 容器等等 塑料布、网、绳和大件材料 橡胶管和大型物件 食品和饮料的金属容器等等 金属货物、大件容器、厚金属件 食品和饮料的玻璃容器 木头、货物容器和大木块 船上人员6 在焚烧前的 特殊处理 小-易于 进料斗 小-将材料减 小到进料尺 寸,少量人工 小-易于进料斗 中等-减少尺寸人工工时 大-减少尺寸人工工时 小-易于进料斗 大-减少尺寸人工工时(不易于焚烧) 小-易于进料斗 中等-减少尺寸人工工时 焚烧特性 燃烧性 高 高 体积 减少 大于95% 大于95% 残余物 灰粉 灰粉 废气 可能有烟气,无害 可能有烟气,无害 根据焚烧炉的设计,可能有烟气,无害 根据焚烧炉的设计,可能有烟气,无害 根据焚烧炉的设计,可能有烟气,无害 可能有烟气,无害 可能有烟气,无害 可能有烟气,无害 可能有烟气,无害 船上 存储 空间 最小 最小 高 大于95% 灰粉 最小 高 大于95% 灰粉 最小 高 低 很低 大于95% 小于10% 小于5% 灰粉 渣 大金属块和渣 渣 最小 中等 最大 低 小于10% 中等 高 大于95% 灰粉 最大 1 检查当地规定是否有可能减少

2. 每个在船的操作人员应针对垃圾焚烧炉进行培训,熟悉设备的使用和可在焚烧炉中被焚烧





Table 4

INCINERATION OPTIONS FOR SHIPBOARD-GENERATED GARBAGE Special handling by personnel Combos Typical examples vessel before incineration liability Incineration characteristic Reduction of volume residual Power ash Power ash Power ash Exhaust Possibly smoky and not hazardous Possibly smoky and not hazardous Possibly smoky and hazardous based on incinerator design Possibly smoky and hazardous based on incinerator design Possibly smoky and hazardous based on incinerator design Possibly smoky and not hazardous On-board storage space Paper packaging, food and Minor-easy to feed into hopper beverage containers Fiber and board paper Minor-reduce material to size for feed minimum manual labor High Over95% Minimum High Over95% Minimum Plastic packaging food Minor-easy to feed and beverage containers into hopper High Over95% Power ash Minimum Plastic sheeting Moderate manual netting ,rope and labor time for size bulk material reduction Major manual labor Rubber hoses and time for size bulk pieces reduction Metal food and Minor-easy to feed beverage containers, into hopper etc.. High Over95% Minimum High Over95% Power ash Minimum Low Less 10% Slag Moderate Metal cargo, bulk containers, thick metal items Glass food beverage containers .etc. and Major manual labor time for size reduction(not easily incinerating) Minor-easy to feed into hopper Very slow Low Large metal Possibly smoky Less 5% fragmentand not s and hazardous slag Possibly smoky Less 10% Slag and not hazardous Over 95% Power ash Maximum Moderate Wood ,cargo Moderate manual containers and large labor time for size wood scraps reduction High Possibly smoky and not Minimum hazardous * Check local rules for possible reductions

** Each operator of the onboard garbage incinerator should be trained and familiar in the use of the equipment and the types of garbage that can be destroyed in the incinerator.




4 垃圾贮存程序

4.1 在船上收集的垃圾应送至到指定的处理或地点。必须返港处理的垃圾应按要求贮存,直


The garbage is collected on the ship should be sent to appointed processing or location. The

garbage which must be back to the port to process should be stored according to the demanding.

4.2 船上应备有足够的贮存空间和设备如箱、筒、袋或其他容器。若贮存空间有限,船上应


The ship should have enough storage space and equipment such as box, drum, bags or other containers. If the storage space is limited, the ship should be installed compactor or incinerator.

4.3 要根据第六章1.1条所述的垃圾排放限制要求来分开贮存。每个容器要清晰地以m3标记

According to chapter 6 as mentioned in article 1.1 of the waste discharge limits to separate storage requirements. Each container should be marked with m3 clearly.

4.4 处理前,应考虑如塑料等垃圾按长期贮存要求进行。

短期贮存点:船员房间、厨房、驾驶台、集控室 长期贮存点:尾甲板

The storage receptacles are provided, taking into account that some garbage (e.g. plastics) requires long term storage before it can be disposed off.

The short-term storage station located in CABIN,GALLEY,BRIDGE AND E/C The long-term storage station located in POOP DECK

4.5 在垃圾贮存区域,应定期运用清洁、无菌、预防和补救控制方法来控制传染。

Disinfection and both preventative and remedial pest control methods should be applied regularly in garbage storage areas.

4.6 可从船上直接排放于海上的垃圾应送往短期贮存点贮存或不贮存。

Garbage which can be discharged into sea should be kept in short-term storage locations or disposed directly.

4.7 在贮存点,垃圾分类装入罐、桶、箱、袋或其它容器内。

Garbage should be filled in bins, barrels, boxes, bags and other receptacles respectively according to its category in storage locations.

4.8 短期贮存的垃圾,当船舶航行到非禁止排放区时可将垃圾排放入海。

Short-term stored garbage,which can be can be discharged at sea when limitations permitted as per C/O’s requirement, others should be kept it in long-term storage station which is prohibited to discharge into the sea.

4.9 长期贮存的垃圾必须装入有严密、坚固盖子的罐、桶、箱、袋等容器内

Long-term stored garbage must be filled in bins, barrels boxes, bags and other receptacles with tight and solid covers.




4.10 返回港口卸载处理的、可能携带有害动、植物或疾病的食品废弃物应贮存密封的容器内,


To return to port discharge processing, may carry harmful animals and plants or disease of food waste should be stored a sealed container, and be isolated with other food wastes. In some

countries it may required for these wastes with double bag packaging to quarantine. These garbage should be kept in isolated container and marked clearly to avoid the wrong discharging and disposed with improper facility

5 垃圾排放程序

5.1 虽然遵守本规则下可以排放垃圾入海,但送往港口接收设施处理应列为首选。

Although garbage can be discharged into ocean with observing the regular, delivering to port to receive processing facilities should be as the first choice.

5.2 通常情况下,当船舶仅在航途中且尽可能远离最近陆地时才排放垃圾。当允许排放


Normally, when the ship only en route and as far as possible from the nearest land, it can discharge the wastes. When being allowed to discharge wastes, the impact of ocean current and tide should be thought about, discharging as far as possible in the open and deep water

(fifty meters or more) area.

5.3 符合焚烧炉焚烧的垃圾,应该焚烧处理。塑料垃圾的灰渣要存留船上,到港后送往

港口接收设施处理,其它垃圾灰渣依据垃圾排放限制要求进行排放于海上。 All garbage which can be incinerated depending on type of incinerator fitted shall be

disposed in the incinerator. Ashes must be retained for disposal to port reception facilities.

5.4 为了保证及时把船上产生的垃圾转移到港口接收设备,船舶垃圾管理计划实施负责


To ensure timely transfer of ship-generated garbage to port reception facilities, the

designated person in charge should prepare the garbage discharge plan and contact the port authority on time. A receipt or certificate specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred should be obtained from receiving port and must kept onboard the ship together with Garbage record Book for 2 years.

5.5 船舶在港内或特殊区域内时,应把能在特殊区域外排放或要返港接收设备的垃圾按


Garbage which can be discharged at sea outside special areas or to port reception facilities should be filled in receptacles according to its category in short-term storage locations when ship is in port or within special areas.

5.6 对可能散落或漂浮的垃圾,经压缩加工或附加重物后再排放入海,使其容易沉底而


The garbage which may scatter or float, discharging into the ocean after compressing or attaching a weight, making it easier to sink and not floating on the ocean.

5.7 被油浸透或有毒化学物质污染的垃圾,必须经严格处理达到排放标准后再排放入海


The garbage which is immersed by oil or polluted by toxic chemicals must be disposed severely to reach emission standard before discharging garbage into the ocean or being




delivered to the port reception facility.

5.8 装卸货物时产生的废弃物,在开航前送往港口接收设施处理更合适。

Wastes generated in port during cargo discharge should preferable be disposed of at the port reception facilities before departure.

5.9 食品废弃物和非塑料废弃物在海上排放时不应用塑料容器打包。

Food waste and non plastic waste should not be bagged in plastic containers if intended for disposal at sea.

5.10 旧电池和过期药品应累积一定数量(如满一箱),然后送掉掩埋处理和领取收据。

Used Batteries and expired medicines should be accumulated to a substantial quantity (e.g. a box full) and then landed shore for disposal and a receipt taken for same. 5.11 基于生态和安全因素,过期的烟(焰)火产品要在岸上处理,如

Expired pyrotechnics must be disposed of ashore for ecological and safety reasons. Some recommended ways of disposal are as listed.

(a) 直接或通过其当地的产品代表送还供应商;

Returning them to the supplier, directly or via their local representative; (b) 请求救生服务站接收船上过期的烟(焰)火产品;

Requesting a life raft service station to accept any of the ship’s out of date pyrotechnics when life rafts are being sent ashore for servicing; (c) 了解当地政府部门有关处理这些产品的措施。

By contacting the local coastguard or police for information on local arrangements




第七章 培训与教育

1 船上人员应接受有关垃圾污染方面的培训,内容包括:

All shipboard personnel are provided with training, as port of their operational responsibilities,

which includes:

1.1 在海洋环境中的垃圾,防止垃圾排放到环境的源头和方法以及对环境的影响; The garbage in marine environment and the source and method to prevent waste from

discharging into environment and the influence to the environment

1.2 有关船上废弃物管理的国家和国际的法律或影响;

Current domestic laws and regulations relating to the prevention of pollution of the sea by garbage.

1.3 贮存、处理和转移船舶上垃圾对健康和卫生考虑;

Heath and sanitation measures required to handle, store and dispose of wastes;

1.4 当前在船上和岸上处理船舶上产生的垃圾的技术;

Current onshore and aboard technique for processing the waste which generated onboard


1.5 减少在船上产生垃圾的物料选择的方法和程序;

The selection method and procedure of store which reduce the quantities of waste generation.

1.6 在废弃物贮存区域控制疫害措施;

Pest control procedures for waste storage areas;

1.7 舷外排放垃圾的准备要求。

Requirement for preparing for waste overboard discharge.

2 船上每季度组织一次全体船员学习船上《垃圾管理计划》,教育全体船员严格按《垃圾管理计划》要求管理垃圾。

Training should be provided for all crew members to keep them being informed of the applicable regulations for handling and disposal, and abide by the requirements of the garbage management plan, such a program should be reviewed once every season;

3 首次到达一个新的港口时,获得港口对垃圾管理的规定和特殊要求时,应及时向全体船员宣传。

All crew members should be timely informed if the special requirements and/or regulations of garbage management of port authority were obtained when the port is firstly called.

4 新上船的船员及时进行《垃圾管理计划》培训。

Crew members newly onboard should be trained on garbage management plan.




附件1 海上垃圾排放 1垃圾分类 除平台以外之所有船舶 第6条特殊区域内 (距第4条特殊区域外离指距最近陆地或冰(距离指距最近陆架) 地) 4第6条近海平台(距最近陆地大于12海里)和靠泊在或与这种平台相距在500米以内的一切船舶 4 经粉碎或碾磨 的食品废物2 未经粉碎或碾磨 的食品废物 非含于清洗水中 ,的货物残留物56 清洗水中的货 ,物残留物56 ≧3海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地 ≧12海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地 ≧12海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地 ≧12海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地3 禁止排放 禁止排放 ≧12海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地(但要遵守第6.1.2条中的条件) ≧12海里,航行中并尽实际可行地远离陆地(但要遵守第6.1.2条中的条件) 允许排放 禁止排放 禁止排放 禁止排放 货舱洗舱水中的 清洁剂和添加剂6 甲板和外部表面清洗水中的清洁剂和添加剂6 动物尸体(应劈开或另行处理以确保尸体将立即沉没) 所有其他垃圾,包括塑料、合成绳索、渔具、塑料垃圾袋、焚烧炉灰、渣、食用油、漂浮垫舱物料、衬料和包装材料、纸张、碎步、玻璃、金属、瓶子、陶器和类似废物 允许排放 禁止排放 必须在航行中并尽可能地远离陆地。应>100海里及最大水深 禁止排放 禁止排放 禁止排放 禁止排放 禁止排放 1 当垃圾中混有或被其他有害物质沾染时,禁止排放或有不同排放要求,须适用更严格的要求。 2 经粉碎或碾磨的食品废物必须能够通过不大于25毫米的网眼。

3 未经焚烧、高压灭菌器消毒或其他灭菌处理的外来禽类产品,禁止在南极区域排放。 4 位于距最近陆地12海里之外的近海平台和有关船舶包括所有从事勘探或开采或相关海床矿物资源加工的固定或浮动平台,和所有与此类平台靠泊或距离在500米之内的船舶。 5 货物残留物系指仅使用通常可用商业卸货方法无法回收的货物残留物。 6 这些物质必须对海洋环境无害。






All ships except platforms 4 Within special areas Regulation 6 (Distances Outside special areas are from nearest land or Regulation 4 nearest ice-shelf) (Distances are from the nearest land) >12 nm, en route and as far as practicable33 Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited > 12 nm, en route and as far as practicable > 12 nm, en route and as far as practicable (subject to conditions in regulation 6.1.2) > 12 nm, en route and as far as practicable (subject to conditions in regulation 6.1.2) Discharge permitted Must be en route and as far from the nearest land as possible. Should be >100 nm and maximum water depth Discharge prohibited Offshore platforms located more than 12 nm from nearest land and ships when alongside or within 500 meters of such platforms4 Regulation 5 Discharge permitted Discharge prohibited Garbage type1 Food waste comminuted or ground2 Food waste not comminuted or ground Cargo residues not contained in ,washwater5 6 Cargo residues contained in ,washwater 5 6 Cleaning agents and additives contained in cargo hold washwater6 Cleaning agents and additives in deck and external surfaces washwater6 Animal Carcasses (should be split or otherwise treated to ensure the carcasses will sink immediately) All other garbage including plastics, synthetic ropes, fishing gear, plastic garbage bags, incinerator ashes, clinkers, cooking oil, floating dunnage, lining and packing materials, paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery and similar refuse >3 nm, en route and as far as practicable >12 nm, en route and as far as practicable Discharge permitted Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited Discharge prohibited 1 When garbage is mixed with or contaminated by other harmful substances prohibited from discharge or having different discharge requirements, the more stringent requirements shall apply. 2 Comminuted or ground food wastes must be able to pass through a screen with mesh no larger than 25 mm.

3 The discharge of introduced avian products in the Antarctic area is not permitted unless incinerated, autoclaved or otherwise treated to be made sterile.

4 Offshore platforms located 12 nm from nearest land and associated ships include all fixed or

floating platforms engaged in exploration or exploitation or associated processing of seabed mineral resources, and all ships alongside or within 500 m of such platforms.

5 Cargo residues mean only those cargo residues that cannot be recovered using commonly available methods for unloading.

6 These substances must not be harmful to the marine environment.




附件2 船上垃圾处理和排放的选项

Table 2: Options for shipboard handling and discharge of garbage Ship-generated garbage船上产生的垃圾 Collection and separation 收集和分拣 No 否 Sea-dischargeable garbage Reusable? 可以海中排放的垃圾 No 否 可重复使用 吗? Yes 是 No processing Grinder or comminuter No否 No processing无处理 粉碎或碾磨机 无处理 Reuse on ship 船上重复使 用? IncineratorCompactor 整压机 焚烧炉 Yes 是 Retain and Reuse on ship 保留和船上重复使用 No否 Option 选项 Authorized Trip-long storeageShort-term storeage discharge 航程期间存储 短期储存 area?经批准 排放区域? Non-sea dichargeable garbage 不可海中排放的垃圾 Incinerator焚烧炉 Grinder or comminuter

粉碎或碾磨机 Compactor整压机 Port reception landfillPort reception recycling/reuse Yes是 港口接收特殊/先进港口接收填埋 Sea discharge 海上排放 处理(如焚烧、灭菌、生物、治理、能源回收) Port reception special/advanced treatment (e.g. incineration, sterilization, bioremediation, energy recovery) 港口接收再生利用/重复使用 32 垃圾管理计划


Appendix 3 附录 3


船 名:

Name of ship_____________________________________________________________


Distinctive Number or Letter_________________________________________________


IMO Number______________________________________________________________


Port of Registry_____________________________________________________________

使用期自 到

Period from____________________________ To ________________________ _______

主管机关核发印章 Approval stamp of Administration

日期: 年 月 日 Date: ________________________




1. 引言


根据经 1978年议定书修订的 1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约( MARPOL)附则Ⅴ第 10条规定,应保持对每次排放作业或完成的焚烧作业进行记录,包括排放入海、排放至接收设备或排放至其他船舶,也包括垃圾的意外落失。

In accordance with Regulation 10 of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78) a record is to be kept of each discharge operation or completed incineration. This includes discharges into the sea, to reception facilities, or to other ships, as well as the accidental loss of garbage.

2. 垃圾及其管理


垃圾系指产生于船舶正常营运期间并需要持续或定期处理的各种食品废弃物、生活废弃物和作业废弃物、所有塑料制品、货物残余、食用油、渔具和动物尸体,但本公约其他附则中所规定或列出的物质除外。垃圾不包括在航行期间进行捕鱼活动或水产养殖活动获得的鲜鱼及其各部分,该水产养殖活动涉及将鱼包括贝类运至养殖设施内放置,以及从该类设施内将收获的鱼包括贝类运至岸上供加工。 有关资料应参照MARPOL附则V实施指南①。

Garbage means all kinds of food wastes, domestic wastes and operational wastes, all plastics, cargo residues, cooking oil, fishing gear, and animal carcasses generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically except those substances which are defined or listed in other Annexes to the present Convention. Garbage does not include fresh fish and parts thereof generated as a result of fishing activities undertaken during the voyage, or as a result of aquaculture activities which involve the transport of fish including shellfish for placement in the aquaculture facility and the transport of harvested fish including shellfish from such facilities to shore for processing.

The Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 should also be referred to for relevant information①.

3. 垃圾说明



The garbage is to be grouped into categories for the purpose of the Garbage Record Book (or ship’s official log book) as follows: A 塑料 Plastics

B 食品废弃物 Food wastes C 生活废弃物 Domestic wastes D 食用油 Cooking oil

E 焚烧炉灰渣 Incinerator ashes F 作业废弃物 Operational wastes G 货物残余 Cargo residues H 动物尸体 Animal carcass(es) I 渔具 Fishing gear

4. 《垃圾记录薄》的填写





4.1 发生下列情况时,应在垃圾记录簿上填写:

4.1 Entries in the Garbage Record Book shall be made on each of the following occasions:

4.1.1 当垃圾排放至岸上接收设备②或排放至其他船舶时: .1 排放的日期和时间;

.2 港口或设施或船舶的名称; .3 所排放垃圾的种类;

.4 每种排放垃圾的估算量(m3); .5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。

(a) When garbage is discharged to reception facilities ashore or to other ships: i. Date and time of discharge

ii. Port or facility, or name of ship iii. Categories of garbage discharged

iv. Estimated amount discharged for each category in M3 v. Signature of the officer in charge of the operation

4.1.2 当焚烧垃圾时:

.1 焚烧的日期和开始及结束时间;

.2 焚烧开始和结束时的船位(经度和纬度); .3 焚烧的垃圾的种类;

.4 焚烧的垃圾的估算量(m3); .5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。 (b) When garbage is incinerated:

i. Date and time of start and stop of incineration

ii. Position of the ship (latitude and longitude) at the start and stop of incineration iii. Categories of garbage incinerated iv. Estimated amount incinerated in M3

v. Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.

4.1.3 当垃圾按MARPOL附则V第4、5或6条规定排放入海时: .1 排放的日期和时间;

.2 船舶位置(经度和纬度);

注意:对货物残余的排放,包括排放开始和停止时的船舶位置; .3 所排放垃圾的种类;

.4 每种排放垃圾的估算量(m3); .5 负责作业的主管高级船员签字。

(c) When garbage is discharged into the sea in accordance with regulations 4, 5 or 6 of Annex V of MARPOL:

i. Date and time of discharge

ii. Position of the ship (latitude and longitude). Note: for cargo residue discharges, include discharge start and stop positions. iii. Category of garbage discharged

iv. Estimated amount discharged for each category in cubic meters v. Signature of the officer in charge of the operation.


① 参见本组织即将制定的指南。

② 船舶送交垃圾后,船长应向港口接收设备(包括驳船和卡车)的经营者,收取详述这批垃圾估算量的 收据或证明。该收据或证明必须同《垃圾记录簿》一起保存。




4.1.4 垃圾意外或其他例外排放或落失入海,包括按MARPOL附则V第7条规定排放: .1 发生的时间;

.2 发生时所在港口或船位(经度、纬度和水深,如知晓); .3 排放或落失的垃圾种类; .4 每种的估算量(m3);

.5 排放或落失的原因以及附注。

(d) Accidental or other exceptional discharges or loss of garbage into the sea, including in accordance with regulation 7 of Annex V of MARPOL: i. Date and time of occurrence

ii. Port or position of the ship at time of occurrence (latitude, longitude and water depth if known)

iii. Categories of garbage discharged or lost iv. Estimated amount and category of garbage

v. The reason for the discharge or loss and general remarks.

4.2 垃圾数量

4.2 Amount of Garbage


The amount of garbage onboard should be estimated in M3, if possible separately according to category. The Garbage Record Book contains many references to estimated amount of garbage. It is recognized that the accuracy of estimating amounts of garbage is left to interpretation. Volume estimates will differ before and after processing. Some processing procedures may not allow for a usable estimate of volume, e.g. the continuous processing of food waste. Such factors should be taken into consideration when making and interpreting entries made in a record.





船名Ship’s Name:

船舶编号 / 呼号Distinctive Number / Letters: IMO 编号IMO Number:

垃圾种类GARBAGE Categories:

A 塑料 Plastics

B 食品废弃物 Food wastes

C 生活废弃物(如纸制品、碎布、玻璃、金属、瓶子、陶器等)

Domestic wastes:e.g., paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, crockery, etc.) D 食用油 Cooking oil

E 焚烧炉灰渣 Incinerator ashes F 作业废弃物 Operational wastes G 货物残余 Cargo residues H 动物尸体 Animal carcass(es) I 渔具 Fishing gear




Date/Time 日期/时间 Position of the Ship/Remarks Category (e.g. accidental loss) 种类 船位/备注(如:意外落失) Estimated Amount To Sea Discharged or 至海 Incinerated 排放或焚烧的估算量 To Reception IncineratioFacility n 至接收设备 焚烧 Certification/ Signature 证明/签字 Master's signature船长签字:______________ Date日期: ____________________


