Unit 3 This is my sister.(七年级教案)

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

Unit 3 This is my sister.

The First Peirod

Teaching aims: words and expressions of Unit 3

Important points: pronunciation of new words and expressions Differ Difficult points:Master important words and expressions. Teaching Methods:

1.Listening and reading

2.Explain important words and expressions.

Teaching resources

1. A tape recorder 2. The computer and TV

Teaching Procedures

Step 1.Reading

1) Let students read new words by themselves. 2) Correct their pronunciation. 3) Read words one by one or other ways. Step 2.Explion important words and expressions

1) father n.爸爸 (Dad, Daddy) 2) mother n.妈妈,母亲 (Mum, Mummy) 3) parent n.父亲或母亲 复数:parents 4) grandfather n.祖父;外祖父 5) grandmother n.祖母;外祖母

6) grandparent n.祖父(母);外祖父(母) 复数:grandparents 7) uncle n.叔,伯,舅,姨夫,姑父

8) aunt n.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母 同音词:aren′t 9) sister n.姐,妹 10) brother n.兄,弟

11) son n.儿子 同音词:sun(太阳) 12) daughter n.女儿

13) cousin n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 14) friend n.朋友 复数:friends 15) photo n.照片,相片 复数:photos

16) this(这个)----these(这些) that(那个)----those(那些)pron. 17) dear adj.亲爱的;昂贵的(反义词:cheap) Step 3.Recite new words again and again Step 4.Exercise

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

1.我的父母(英语)___________ 2.son (同音词) ___________ 3.你兄弟(英语) ___________ 4.his friend(汉语)___________ 5.grandparent(复数) ________ 6.my family photo(汉语) ___________ 7.我母亲的哥哥___________ 8.这些尺子___________

9.那些苹果___________ 10. your desk___________ Step 5.Hmework:

1. Read and copy new words. 2. Recite new words of p13 3. preview section A

. Blackboard Design

Unit 3 This is my sister. The First Peirod 1. father n.爸爸 (Dad, Daddy) 2. mother n.妈妈,母亲 (Mum, Mummy) 3. parent n.父亲或母亲 复数:parents 4. grandfather n.祖父;外祖父 5. grandmother n.祖母;外祖母 6. grandparent n.祖父(母);外祖父(母) 复数:grandparents 7. uncle n.叔,伯,舅,姨夫,姑父 8. aunt n.姨母,姑母,伯母,婶母,舅母 同音词:aren′t 9. sister n.姐,妹 10. brother n.兄,弟 11. son n.儿子 同音词:sun(太阳) 12. daughter n.女儿 13. cousin n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹 14. friend n.朋友 复数:friends 15. photo n.照片,相片 复数:photos 16. this(这个)----these(这些) that(那个)----those(那些)pron. 17. dear adj.亲爱的;昂贵的(反义词:cheap) Teaching record:

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

Unit 3 This is my sister.

The Second Period Section A

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1)Master Key words and expressions

father mother grandfather grandmother brother sister uncle aunt parent(s) grandparent(s) friend these those 2)句型

This/That is…., These/Those are… Ⅱ. Difficult points

复数指示代词these those 家庭成员的 复数形式及它们在句中的正确运用。 Ⅲ.Teaching Methods

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2. Pairwork to make every student work in class. Ⅳ. Teaching resources

1. A tape recorder 2. The computer, TV 3.A photo Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures Step1.Warming-up

Listen to an English song Step2.Revision

Ask and answer: Is this your\\his\\her….? Yes, it is. /No, it is not. Step3.Lead in

1. Show the teaching Aims and Demands.

2. Show the picture, make a little report This is Xiaoxin, this is his…

3.学生进行Pair work对话练习,运用所学知识进行互动交流。


1. show the picture and show the words; 2. show the sentence patterns : This/That is my/your/his/her… These/those are my/your/his/her…

3. Group work: Four students a group, make a report Step5.Practice

1. Find these people in the picture. Match the words with

the people. (Section A 1a)

2. Listen and circle the people(Section A 1b)

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

3. Pair work: Talk about Dave’s family (Section A 1c) 3. Control practice: show the picture and ask someone to describe Dave′family. 4. Listen, circle and match (SectionA2a, 2b) Step6.Consolidation

1. Game: practice the sentence patterns

A: Is this…? B: Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she is not.

2.Make a survey:四人一组用自带的家庭成员照片相互询问并填入表格 Step7. Exercise Section a.


2. My father’s mother is my____________

3. Your father’s father is your____________ 4. 那是我的妹妹。____________ 5. excuse me ____________ Section b

1.She is my sister.(改为一般疑问句)

2 .She is my mother.(改为否定句并作出肯定回答) She is _____ my mother. ____________,____________ 3.那是你叔叔的房间吗? ____ that your____room?

Step 8.Homework

1. Review theSection A

2. Draw a picture of your family, and then introduce your family.(画一张

全家福,用英语介绍你的家庭成员This is my … These are my …

Step 9.Backboard Dsign

Unit 3 This is my sister. The Second Period 1 . This/That is…. , These/Those are… 2. A:Is this…? B:Yes,he/she is. No,he/she is not. Teaching record:

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

Unit 3 This is my sister.

The Third Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1)Master expressions and practice 2)句型

This/That is…. , These/Those are… Is this/that…? Yes,it is./No,it is not. Ⅱ. Difficult points

学会介绍人物,识别人物,进一步体会疑问句的用法;学会运用指示代词。 Ⅲ.Teaching Methods

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2. Pair work to make every student work in class. Ⅳ. Teaching resources

1. A tape recorder 2. The computer, TV 3.A photo Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures

Step 1.Warming up

Listen to the English song and answer the question:

How many people can hear in the song ? Who are they?

Step 2.Revision

According to the picture and write down the words. Ask and answer: Is this …? Are these..? Step 3.Lead in

1. Show the teaching Aims and Demands.

2. Show the Lily’s family tree, and review the words

Step 4.Presentation

1. Review Lily’s family tree

2. Please draw your family tree and then introduce to classmates Step 5.Priactice

1. Pair work : guessing

According to the pictures to guess who is that/he/she with the sentences: Is that his/her …? Is he/she your …?

2. Group work :Play this game in groups of four

Pick out the photo ask and answer with the sentences:

Excuse me, Is he/she your …?

No, he/she isn’t. / Yes, he/she is. He/she is my … 3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

Step 6.Consolidation

1. Say you say me


A: Hello, Bob! Is she your sister? B: Yes, she is.

A: What’s her name? B: Her name is …. A: Is he your brother?

B: No, he isn’t. He is my …. A: What’s his name? B: His name is … 2. Report

Four students a group and take out the photo, introduce the members to each other, and find a student make a report.

Step 7.Exercise

Competition: write down a short passage with your own photo This is … she/he is a … That is … Step 8.Homework

1. Write the new words.

2. Find the person you are interested in, draw a family tree and write a

passage about his/her family Step 9.Backboard Design

Unit 3 This is my sister. The Third Period A: Is this…? B: Yes, he. /she is. No, he. /she is not. Teaching record:

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

Unit 3 This is my sister.

The Fourth Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1)Master expressions and practice 2)句型

This/That is…. , These/Those are… Is this/that…? Yes,it is./No,it is not. Ⅱ. Difficult points

进一步学会介绍人物,识别人物,学会运用指示代词。 Ⅲ.Teaching Methods

1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2. Pair work to make every student work in class. Ⅳ. Teaching resources

1. A tape recorder 2. The computer, TV 3.A photo Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warming up

Play a guessing game Step 2. Revision

Here is a picture from Kate’s family. Guess who they are. Step 3. Lead in

Show the teaching Aims and Demands. Step 4. Presentation

1. Listen and check the words.(Section B 2a)

2. Here are two pictures. One is Dave’s, one is Lin Hai’s? Let student

say something about two pictures.

3. Listen again and choose which picture Dave and Lin Hai are talking

about.(Section B 2a)

4. Pair work: Now, draw a picture of your family and friends. Tell your

partner about your picture.

Step 5. Practice

1. Read the letter; draw a picture of Emma’s family.

2. Write a letter to your friend, and describe your family

3. Get some photos, give the photos to a student, and ask the students

to read the letter, and make the student who has the photos guess the photo.

4. Finish the exercise of self check 3

These are Mary’s photos of Beijing. Look at the photos

and make up a dialogue.(Ask some students to act out their dialogues. Then

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长安乡中心学校集体备课教案 七年级英语(上) 主备人:裴珮

ask them to complete the dialogues)

Step 6. Consolidation

Do some exercises:

( )1.Is he your friend? Yes, ________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t ( )2.Is this your father? No, ________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t

( )3.Is that your ________ ?

A.a picture B.picture C.pictures D.nice pictures

( )4.Are ________ Kate’s ________?

A.this, book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book

( )5.Is Guo Peng your brother? ________.

A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn’t C.Yes, she is D No,he isn’t

( )6.Anna is not my sister. ________ my cousin.

A. He B.He’s C.She D.She’s

( )7.Is ________ your aunt? What’s ________ name?

A.he,his B.she,her C.he,her D.she,his


(1).That is an apple in English.(就划线部分提问) (2).-- Is this your sister? -- Yes, _____ ____

(3).-- Are these her parents?

-- No, ______________. (4).That is my grandmother.

____ ____ ____ grandmother?

Step 7.Homework

1. Write the words.

2. Finish the exercises. Step 8.Backboard Design

Unit 3 This is my sister. The Fourth Period A: Is this…? B: Yes, he. /she is. No, he. /she is not. This is … These are… Teaching record:

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