血字的研究 读书笔记 英文版
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血字的研究 读书笔记 英文版
Reading Report
A study in scarlet
Main Characters
1 Sherlock Holmes: He acts as a detective in the book. He is very smart. He knows everything about the crimes. He also has some bad habits such as abusing drugs to keep his brain exciting.
2 John Watson: He acts as a reporter and an assistant in the book. He is a doctor who comes back form the Afghan War.
Main Event:
Watson was badly hurt in the Afghan War. He came back to London and had no money to afford the house rent, and he wanted to find a man who could share the house rent. Then his friend told him about the Sherlock Holmes also wanted a man to share the house rent. They agreed on at once. After they lived together, Watson knows that S.H. was a detective.
When the S.H. was complaining that there was nothing exciting happened, a man sent a mail to Baker S.T. 221B which said there was a murder happened in the Lauriston Garden. The mystery was that there was a scarlet on the wall written RACHE. S.H. found some proofs and evidences to find the murder, which was quick and efficient, although he made a mistake when he was chasing the assistant of the murder.
In part 2, it mainly talked about the background of the murder. Themes
1 Detective 2 solve the problems
Like & Dislike
Interesting story Professional words
Suggestion to the future readers: It is a very interesting book. Everyone may know about the S.H. (I think), if you have read the Chinese type, you should read the Origin type.
Reading skill:
1 Skimming such as Part 2
2 Context such as cadaver which means dead body
Personal Conclusion:
1 Carefulness: We should be careful about the things around us, which may affect you in the future.
2 Relation: Many things have relationship, how to deal with them is the key in your future life.
血字的研究 读书笔记 英文版09-05
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