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Complete Exam SyllabusSeptember 2008


目录(译文仅供参考)第一部分 投资组合管理 现代投资组合理论 风险/收益框架 有效市场假说 投资组合理论 资本资产定价模型(CAPM) 套利定价理论 投资政策 投资目标 资产配置 资产配置概述 资产配置类型 资产负债-分析与管理 负债建模 注资比率 综合优化 结果解释 编辑与实施 投资组合管理实务 股票组合管理 衍生工具在投资组合管理中的应用 房地产组合管理 另类资产/私人资本 国际投资 绩效度量 绩效度量与评价 投资机构管理 评估和挑选投资经理 第二部分 股票估值与分析 股票市场及其构成 洞察产业生命周期 行业分析及行业内上市公司分析

ContentsPart 1 Portfolio Management Modern Portfolio Theory The Risk/Return Framework Efficient Market Hypothesis Portfolio Theory Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM) Arbitrage Pricing Theory Investment Policy Investment Objectives Asset Allocation Asset Allocation Overview Type of Asset Allocation Asset Liability-Analysis and Management Modelling Liabilities Funding Ratios Integrated Optimization Interpretation of Results Dynamics and Implementation Practical Portfolio Management Managing an Equity Portfolio Derivatives in Portfolio Management Managing a Property Portfolio Alternative Assets/Private Capital International Investments Performance Measurement Performance Measurement and Evaluations Management of Investment Institutions Assessing and Choosing Managers Part 2 Equity Valuation and Analysis Equity Markets and Structures Understanding the Industry Life Cycle Analyzing the Industry Sector and its Constituent Companies

了解公司 普通股的估值模型 第三部分 债券的估值与分析 金融市场与工具 固定收益证券:公司债券与政府债 券 金融市场与工具 货币的时间价值 债券收益率指示 利率期限结构 债券价格分析 风险度量 信用风险 附认股权证的债券 投资属性 认股权证的价值 可转换债券 投资属性 转换特性之价值 可赎回债券 投资属性 估值与久期(期限) 浮动利率票据 投资属性及其分类 估值方法 按揭支持证券 按揭贷款分类 有价证券的分类 影响市场价格的因素 估值方法论 固定收益证券组合管理策略 积极管理 消极管理 基于因素模型构造的投资组合 计算套期比率:修正久期法 第四部分

Understanding the Company Valuation Model of Common Stock Part 3 Bond Valuation and Analysis Financial Markets and Instruments Fixed Income: Corporate and Government Financial Markets and Instruments Time Value of Money Bond Yield Measures Term Structure of Interest Rates Bond Price Analysis Risk Measurement Credit risk Bonds with Warrants Investment Characteristics Value of Warrants Convertible Bonds Investment Characteristics Value of Conversion Benefits Callable Bonds Inves

tment Characteristics Valuation and Duration Floating Rate Notes Investment Characteristics and Types Valuation Method Mortgage-Backed Securities Types of Mortgages Types of Securities Factors Affecting Market Price Valuation Methodologies Fixed Income Portfolio Management Strategies Active Management Passive Management Portfolio Construction based on a Factor Model Computing the Hedge Ratio: the Modified Duration Method Part 4

衍生产品估值与分析 金融市场与工具 衍生产品市场 期货市场 相关金融市场 衍生产品与其他金融产品分析 期货 期权 资产支持证券 第五部分 公司财务 公司财务基础 公司财务的目标 财务职能与企业的目标 财务经理的职责 估值原则 贴现现金流 资本预算 长期融资决策 投资决策 项目评估 清算与重组 短期融资决策 短期融资 现金管理 短期信贷 第六部分 财务会计与财务报表分析 财务报告环境 商业活动和主要财务报表 财务报表的应用 财务报表编制与列报框架 现金流量表 现金流量表的基本原理 收入流和现金流的关系

Derivative Valuation and Analysis Financial Markets and Instruments Derivatives Markets Futures Markets Related Markets Analysis of Derivative and other Products Futures Options Asset-backed Securities Part 5 Corporate Finance Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Goals of Corporate Finance The Finance Function and the Firm’s Objectives Role of Financial Managers Principles of Valuation Discounted Cash Flows Capital Budgeting Long-Term Finance Decision Investment Decision Project Evaluation Liquidation and Reorganization Short-Term Finance Decision Short-Term Financing Cash Management Short-Term Lending and Borrowing Part 6 Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis Financial Reporting Environment Business Activities and Principal Financial Statements Financial Reporting Issues Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements Statement of Cash Flows Rationale for the Statement of Cash Flows Relation between Income Flows and Cash Flows

公认会计原则:收入确认 权责发生制 公认会计原则:资产、负债和所有 者权益 资产:确认、计量和分类 负债 所有者权益 企业合并 兼并和收购 合并财务报表 外币业务 外币业务 海外业务的财务报表 财务报告和财务报表分析 利润与现金流 利润的质量和利润管理 每股收益 分部报告 中期报告 深入了解财务报表的分析性工具 资产负债表 损益表 评估盈利性和风险的分析工具 盈利性分析 风险分析 盈亏平衡分析 预计财务报表 第七部分 经济学 宏观经济学 国民收入和物价水平的衡量 实际市场均衡 货币市场均衡 经济均衡和总需求 总供给与决定产品/服务价格的因素

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Income Recognition Accrual Basis Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Assets, Liabilities and Sh

areholders Equities Assets: Recognition, Valuation and Classification Liabilities Shareholders’ Equities Business Combination Mergers and Acquisitions Consolidated Financial Statements Foreign Currency Transactions Foreign Currency Transaction Financial Statements of Foreign Operations Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis Income Flow vs Cash Flow Quality of Earning, Earnings Management Earnings per Share Segment Reporting Interim Financial Statements Analytical Tools for Gaining Financial Statement Insights Balance Sheet Income Statement Analytical Tools for Assessing Profitability and Risk Profitability Analysis Risk Analysis Break-even Analysis Pro Forma Financial Statements Part 7 Economics Macroeconomics Measuring National Income and Price Equilibrium in the Real Market Equilibrium in the Money Market Equilibrium in Economy and Aggregate Demand Aggregate Suppy and Determination of Price of Goods/Services Macro Dynamics Inflation

动态宏观经济学 通货膨胀

经济增长 商业周期 国际经济与外汇市场 开放体系下的宏观经济学 汇率 中央银行和货币政策

Economic Growth Business Cycles International Economy and Foreign Exchange Market Open Macroeconomics Foreign Exchange Rate Central Bank and Monetary Policy

