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The Big Bang Theory, Season 5, Episode 1

Previously onTheBigBangTheory... 生活大爆炸前情提要...

-Priya: My brother... he's got a big crush on Bernadette. Crush: 迷恋


-Leonard: Bernadette You’re moving back to India? 你要回印度?

-Leonard: What's going on? go on: 发生 怎么了这是?

-Penny: It's... It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像


-Sheldon: What does it look like? look like: 看起来像 看起来是怎样?

It's not what it looks like. look like: 看起来像 不是我们看到的那样。

It's not what it looks like. 不是我们看到的那样。

-Leonard: What are you grinding about? grind about: 絮叨 grind: 磨 你在那絮叨什么呢?

-Sheldon: Penny's brain teaser this morning. brain teaser : 脑筋急转弯 brain: 头脑 teaser: 戏弄者 Penny早上说的那个脑筋急转弯。 She and Koothrappali 她和Koothrappali。

emerge from your bedroom. emerge: 浮现


She is disheveled, and Raj is dressed only in a sheet. dishevel: 使蓬乱 sheet: 床单 她是衣冠不整,Raj只披了块被单。

The sole clue \sole: 唯一的 clue: 线索

唯一的线索是 \不是你们看到的那样\。 -Leonard: Just let it go, Sheldon. let it go: 任他去,放下 算了吧 Sheldon。 -Sheldon: If I could, I would, but I can't, so I shan't. 如果我能,那我会的,但是我不能,所以我不会。 Now, knowing Penny, 因为是Penny。

the obvious answer is, they engaged in coitus.

obvious: 明显的 be engaged in: 参与 engage: 从事 coitus: 性交

所以,很明显,答案是,他们交媾了。 But... 但是...

since that's what it looked like, 因为看起来就是这样,


we can rule that out. rule out: 排除 rule: 规定 我们可以排除这种可能性了。

Let's put on our thinking cap,shall we? put on: 穿上 thinking cap: 思维帽 cap: 帽

让我们仔细考虑一下(字面意思为带上思维帽) 好吧? Raj is from India, a tropical country. tropical: 热带的

Raj来自印度这个热带国家, Third World hygiene.

Third World hygiene: 第三世界卫生 hygiene: 卫生 卫生状况极差,

Parasitic infections are common, such as pin worms. Parasitic: 寄生的 infection: 感染,传染 pinworm: 蛲虫


The procedure for diagnosing pinworms is to wait procedure: 程序,步骤 diagnose: 诊断 诊断蛲虫病的步骤就是等待

until the subject is asleep, subject: 宿主 asleep: 睡着的 直到宿主睡着的时候,

and the worms crawl out of the rectum for air.

worm: 蠕虫 crawl out: 爬出 crawl: 爬行 rectum: 直肠 寄生虫就会从直肠爬出来呼吸空气。 Yes, just likethat. 就像这样。

Penny could have been Penny可能是在帮

inspecting Raj's anal region for parasites.

inspect: 检查 anal region: 肛门区 anal: 肛门的 region: 范围 parasite: 寄生虫 Raj检查肛门区域是否有寄生虫 -Leonard: Oh, boy. 哦。

-Sheldon: That's a true blue friend. 那样可真够义气啊。

-Leonard: They slept together, Sherlock. 他们上床了,福尔摩斯(著名侦探)

-Sheldon: No, you weren't listening. 你刚才没有听我说话,

She said it's not what it looks like. 她说了,不像看起来那样。 -Leonard: She lied. lie: 撒谎 她撒谎了。 -Sheldon: Oh. 噢。

Don't I look silly sitting here wearing this? silly: 傻 wear: 穿着


* Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state * universe: 宇宙 dense: 稠密的 state: 【状态】 * 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 *

* Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started...Wait! *

billion: 十亿 expansion: 膨胀

* 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧! * * The Earth began to cool * * 地球开始降温 *

* The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools *

autotroph: 自养生物 drool: 胡说 Neanderthal: 穴居人的 develop: 【发展】

* 自养生物来起哄穴居人发明工具 *

* We builttheWallWebuiltthepyramids * pyramid: 金字塔

* 我们建长城我们建金字塔 *

* Math, Science,History,unravelingthemystery * unravel: 解开 mystery: 神秘 * 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘 * * That allstartedwithabigbang * * 一切由大爆炸开始 * * Bang! * 爆炸

-Howard: Hey. 嘿。

-Rajesh: Hey. 嘿。

-Leonard: Hey. 嘿。

-Sheldon: Hey. 嘿。

-Sheldon: Leonard, is it awkward for you awkward: 尴尬的 Leonard 当你知道,

Knowing that one of your dear friends had sexual intercourse

sexual: 性的 intercourse: 性交 你的一个好朋友和你的旧爱,

with a woman you used to love used to: 惯于,过去常常 在你床上性交,

in the very place you lay your head? lay: 躺


-Leonard: No, I'm fine with it. 不会,我可以接受。

-Sheldon: That sounds like sarcasm, sarcasm: 讽刺 听起来像是讽刺,

but I'm going to disregard it, disregard: 忽视 但是我不会在乎。

because I have an agenda...paintball. agenda: 议程 paintball: 彩弹球 因为我有个议程...彩弹枪战。

Specifically, the interdepartmental tournament this weekend .

Specifically: 明确地 interdepartmental: 不同部门间的 tournament: 联赛


In order to function better as a fighting unit, In order to: 为了 order: 命令 function: 运行 fight:战斗 unit:单元


I thought we should establish a chain of command. establish: 建立 chain: 链 command: 指挥 我认为我们得制定指挥体系。


Now, it goes without saying goes without saying: 不用说 现在,不言自明的是,

that I would out rank the three of you, outrank: 级别高于


but the question remains,by how much? remain: 依然,留下 可问题依旧是高多少? -Sheldon: Now, 现在,

I don't see me as some four-star general, see as: 视?为? general: 将军 我没有觉得自己是四星上将, back at HQ riding a desk

back at: 回到 HQ: 总部(headquarters) 坐在总部的办公室,

and playing golf with the Secretary of Defense.

the Secretary of Defense: 国防部长 Secretary: 部长 Defense: 防护


But I also can't be Sergeant Cooper, sergeant: 【中士】

但我也不能只是Cooper中士, because that might lead you 因为这样你们可能会

to think of me as just a regular Joe. think of as: 把?看作 regular: 【普通的】 joe: 乔(男子名)


This might take some thought.As you were. 这个得花点时间考虑,你们继续。

-Leonard: What the hell is wrong with you? hell: 究竟


-Howard: Yeah, how could you do that? 就是你怎么能做出这种事来? -Rajesh: What is it to you ? 跟你有什么关联?

-Howard: I got his back . get his back: 挺他 back: 背部 我挺他啊。 -Rajesh: Yeah, right.You'rejustjealousbecauseitturnsout jealous: 妒忌的 turn out: 结果是 才不是,你只是嫉妒我。

I'm Penny's number two choice after Leonard. choice: 选择


-Howard: Hey, ifIwasn'tengagedtoBernadette, be engaged in: 忙碌于 engage: 从事 嘿如果我没有和Bernadette订婚, that totallycouldhavebeenme. totally: 完全地 我是很有希望的

-Leonard: Please. Sheldonwouldhavebeenbeforeyou, 省省吧 Sheldon都会排在你前面, and hemightnotevenhavegenitals! genital: 生殖器


-Rajesh: Why do you care so much ? care: 在意


You're dating my sister, date: 约会


and Penny and I are in love. in love: 相爱,恋爱中 而且我和Penny是两情相悦 -Leonard: -Howard: What?! 什么?!

-Sheldon: Gentlemen, if I may interject, gentlemen: 先生 interject: 突然插入 先生们,打扰一下,

I've decidedmy rank will be captain. decide: 决定 captain: 上尉 我决定了我的职位是上尉。

If it'sgoodenoughforKirk,CrunchandKangaroo, enough: 充足地


it's goodenoughforme. 对我来说也足够了。

-Howard: You're notinlovewithPenny. 你才没有爱上Penny。 -Rajesh: Yes, Iam. 我爱她。 -Rajesh: The godKamadevahasshotuswithhisfloweryarrowsoflove. shoot: 射击 flowery: 绚丽的 arrow: 箭

Kamadeva(印度爱神)已经向我们射来了爱神之箭。 -Howard: Who? 谁?

-Rajesh: He's theHinduversionofCupid, version: 版本


but waybetter,because he rides a giant parrot. giant: 巨大的 parrot: 鹦鹉

但他要强很多,因为他的坐骑是只巨型鹦鹉。 -Leonard: Raj, comeon.Youfallinlovewithanygirlwhosmilesatyou. come on: 【别这样】 smile at: 对?微笑 Raj 少来了,你会爱上每个朝你微笑的女生。

A monthago,youwerewritingpoemsabouthisfiancee. ago: 以前 poem: 诗 fiancée: 未婚妻 上个月你还给他的未婚妻写情诗呢。 -Howard: I'm sorry. What?! 什么?!

-Rajesh: Rubbish. He'stalkingrubbish. rubbish: 垃圾


-Leonard: Oh, Bernadette,pleaseplaymyclarinet. clarinet: 竖笛


-Rajesh: That couldhavebeenaboutanyone. 这也不一定是我啊,

Besides, youhavenothingtoworryabout, worry about: 焦虑?



because now I'm the dusky half of Koothrapenny. dusky: 暗淡的 我现在是朦胧的。

-Sheldon: For the record,Idohavegenitals. for the record: 【正式声明】 声明一下,我有生殖器官。

They're functionalandaestheticallypleasing. aesthetically: 审美地

他们不但功能完备,而且非常美观。 -Penny: Well. 好吧。

Oh. Coming. 来啦。

-Penny: Yup, that's good. yup: 是的 真好啊。

Wine glasses should have handles. wine: 酒 handle: 把手 酒杯就该有个把手。

-Amy: Keeping accurate track of your alcohol intake. accurate: 精确的 track: 踪迹 alcohol: 酒精 intake: 摄取量


Smart idea considering how trampy you get smart: 聪明的 consider: 考虑 考虑到你酒后乱性的事件。 when you've had a few. 这是个明智的选择。

-Penny: You heard what I did? hear: 听说 你听说那事了?

-Amy: Well, I heard who you did. 呃我知道那人了。 -Penny: Oh, my God, 哦,天哪。

I screwed up everything. screw up: 弄糟 screw: 强迫 我彻底搞砸了。 I hurt Leonard. hurt: 使受伤 我伤了Leonard, I hurtRaj. 还有Raj。

I mean,what is wrong with me? mean: 用意


I feel like two totally different people... 简直就是两个世界的人嘛... Dr. Jekyll and Mrs.Whore.


-Amy: Don't be so hard on yourself. be hard on: 对?苛刻 别这么说自己。

Do you know the story of Catherine the Great? story: 故事

你知道凯瑟琳大帝吗? -Penny: No. 不知道。

-Amy: She ruled Russia

rule : 统治 Russia: 俄罗斯 十八世纪末,

in thelate1700s,andonenight, 她统治着俄国。一天晚上,

when shewasfeelingparticularlyrandy, particularly: 特别地 randy: 好色的 她实在抑制不住自己的欲望,

she used an intricate system of pulleys intricate: 复杂的 system: 系统 pulley: 滑轮 她造了一组复杂的滑轮,

to have intimate relations with a horse.

intimate: 有性关系的 relation: 关系 horse: 马 就为了和马性交。

-Penny: I'm... I'm sorry. 我...没听懂。

What does this have to do with me? 这跟我有什么关系?

-Amy: She engaged in interspecies shanky-panky, engage in: 参加 interspecies: 种间 hanky-panky: 捣鬼


and peoplestillcallher \而人们依然称她为\大帝\。

I'm sure your reputation can survive reputation: 声誉 survive: 幸存 所以与印度小鬼的爱,

you shagging a little Indian boy. shag: 使杂乱 Indian: 印度的 肯定也不会影响你的声望的。

-Bernadette: You jerk face! jerk: 蠢人 face: 表面 你这混蛋!

What didyoutellHoward?! 你都跟Howard说啥了?!

Did yousaytherewassomethinggoingonbetween us? between: 在?之间

你说我们俩之间有一腿是不是? Because hethinksthere is! 他就是这么觉得!

He's completelyfreaking out!

completely: 完全地 freak out: 崩溃 freak: 反常的 他现在都抓狂了!

-Rajesh: Please, comein. 呃请进。

-Bernadette: What thehelliswrongwith you?! 你妹的到底闹哪样啊?! -Rajesh: Well... 呃...

You werealwayssonicetome,Ithoughtmaybeyoulikedme. be nice to: 【亲切的】 maybe: 也许 你对我一直那么好,我以为你喜欢我呢。 -Bernadette: I'm nicetoeveryone! 我对所有人都很好!。 -Rajesh: I'm sorry. 对不起

-Bernadette: Damn right,you're sorry! 可不是吗你对不起我!


And youtellHowardthere's never been anything between us!

never: 从未

你去跟Howard澄清我们之间的事!- -Rajesh: I will.Hey ,Bernadette? - 会的嘿Bernadette? -Bernadette: What?! - 怎么了?!

-Rajesh: Do youthinkIhaveashotwith Penny? have a shot with: 有一个镜头 shot: 射击 你觉得我和Penny有戏吗?

-Bernadette: Of courseyoudo.You'rea cutie pie! of course: 当然了 cutie: 【可爱的人】 pie: 馅饼 当然了你这小甜心!

Any girlwouldbeluckytohaveyou! lucky: 幸运的


-Penny: You know,I'vedonethisbefore. before: 以前

知道吗,我以前也干过这事。 In kindergarten, kindergarten: 幼儿园 幼儿园的时候,

I wassupposedtomarryJason Sorensen at recess, suppose: 推想 recess: 休息

说好的课间的时候我嫁给Jason Sorensen。 but by the time my class got out there, by the time: 到?的时候 但我下课后跑过去,

he wasalreadyengagedtoChelseaHimmelfarb. be engaged to: 与?订婚

他居然已经跟Chelsea Himmelfarb订婚了。 So whatdidIdo? 猜我都干嘛了?

Hung upsidedownfromthemonkeybars,

hung: 悬挂 upside: 上面 monkey bars: 供儿童攀爬游戏的猴架 monkey: 猴子 bars: 栅栏 在单杠上倒挂,

let alltheboysseemyunderpants. underpants: 【内裤】 让全部男生看我的内裤。

-Amy: You can'tblameyourself. blame: 责备 别责怪自己。

When yourprefrontalcortexfailstomakeyouhappy, prefrontal: 前额的 cortex: 皮质 fail: 失败 当脑皮层前额叶不能让你开心的时候,

promiscuity rewardsyouwiththeneededfloodofdopamine. promiscuity: 乱交 reward: 奖励 flood: 一大批 dopamine: 多巴胺


We neurobiologistsrefertothisasthe \neurobiologist: 神经学家 refer to: 指的是 skank reflex: 恶心东西反射 skank: 讨厌 reflex: 反射 我们神经学家称之为\死客反射\垃圾般的生活)。 -Penny: You know what? 这样吧,

Let's getoutofhere. 我们离开这儿吧。

-Amy: Where arewe going? 去哪儿?

-Penny: Somewhere wherenoone'sseenmenaked. naked: 裸体的


-Amy: We mayhavetodriveawhile. drive: 开车 awhile: 片刻 车可能得开远点。

-Sheldon: Subtlety isn'therstrongsuit, is it? subtlety: 敏锐 strong: 强壮的 suit: 组 这女人一点都不敏锐啊!

-Penny: Can Istayatyourplaceforafew nights? 我能去你家住几天吗? -Amy: Really? 真的?

-Amy: A bestfriendsleepover? Yay. sleepover: 过夜 yap: 狂吠声 好朋友来过夜? 真好啊。 -Penny: Yeah, sure. Yay! 是啊多好!

-Amy: We'll makepopcorn,stayupallnight, popcorn: 爆米花 stay up: 熬夜 我们吃点爆米花,卧谈一整夜。

and I'llteachyoumysecretlanguage,Op. secret: 秘密 language: 语言 我还能教你我的密语,叫哦语。 -Penny: Sounds great. sound 听起来 听上去不错。 -Amy: Nope. nope: 不是 错。

Sounds “Gop Rop E A Top”. 应该是听上去“表奥错奥”。

-Penny: Yeah, I'mgonnagopackabag. gonna: 将要(going to) 好吧,我去收拾一下包。 -Amy: No, you'renot. 不,错了。

You're gonna \你是去\收哦拾哦行哦李哦\

-Leonard: Do wereallyhavetowearthiscamouflagecrap camouflage: 伪装 crap: 废物 真的要穿这破伪装服 to playpaintball? 去玩彩弹枪战?

-Sheldon: Who said that? 谁说的?

Leonard, Icanhearyourvoice, voice: 声音

Leonard我听得见你说话。 but Ican'tseeyou. 但你在哪呢?

-Leonard: I'm notinthemood,Sheldon. in the mood: 兴致勃勃 mood: 情绪 我没心情跟你玩 Sheldon。 -Sheldon: Oh, thereyou are! 噢你在这儿呢!

Leonard, Leonard啊,

I know you're upset about recent events, and upset: 心烦的 recent: 最近的 event: 事件 我知道你最近很不爽, I havesomeoneheretohelp. 我请了个人来帮你。

-Leonard: I don't want to talk to Amy. 我不想见Amy。

-Sheldon: No, it'snotAmy. 不是Amy。

-Beverly: Hello, dear. 你好,亲爱的。

-Leonard: You calledmymother? 你请了我妈?

-Sheldon: Oh, Leonard, 噢 Leonard,

is itreallynecessarytocaptionthe obvious?

necessary: 必要的 caption: 加上说明 obvious: 明显的这么明显的事有必要说吗?

-Beverly: He's beenlikethatsincehewasatoddler. toddler: 学步的小孩 他从小一直这样,

Look, Mommy...abutterfly. butterfly: 蝴蝶

看啊,妈妈...有只蝴蝶诶。 Maddening .

maddening: 令人恼火的 特烦人。

-Leonard: What's going on? What do you want? 怎么了? 你要干嘛?

-Beverly: Sheldon informedme inform: 告密 Sheldon告诉我,

that you'reexperiencinganemotionalupheaval,

experience: 经历 emotional: 情绪的 upheaval: 剧变 你近期情绪十分不稳定。 and I'mheretohelp. 所以我来看看你。

-Leonard: That's sonice. 你真好。

-Beverly: And we'rebacktotheobvious. 你又说这种明显的傻话了。 Now, what's up? 说吧,怎么了?

-Leonard: Well, uh...okay. uh: 嗯啊 okay: 好 呃...好吧。 Um... um: 嗯 嗯...

I don'twanttogetbacktogetherwithPenny. get back: 恢复 together: 一起 我没想和Penny复合

We triedit,itwascrazy,itdidn'twork, try: 尝试 crazy: 疯狂的 work: 起作用 试过了,没救了,也没法继续。 but Ican'tdealwiththefact deal with: 处理 fact: 事实 但我真的受不了。


