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Exercises 4-5: Verbs and Tenses

I. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence:

1. The Smiths ________. (lived there since five years ago; have been living there for five years)

2. Someone will have to teach Helga ________ tennis. (how to play; play)

3. I didn’t meet Mary White at the party. ________ by the time I arrived. (She was left; She’d left)

4. I just saw John at the bookstore. I didn’t think he ________ back until tomorrow. (will come; was to come)

5. I ______ to Mexico last year, but Dad would not let me. (was to have gone; were to go)

6. Until yesterday, his family ________ from him for six months. (hadn’t been hearing; hadn’t heard)

7. We must stop now. It is time we ________ home. (were going; are going)

8. We are going to London next month. This will be the first time I ________ there. (have been; am going)

9. We ________ our evening meal at half past seven yesterday, and then we watched film on television. (were having; had )

10. Whenever we visited them, they ________ television. (were watching; had watched)

11. I would have come to see you had it been possible, but I ________ so busy then. (had been; was)

12. It ________ everyday so far this month. (it is raining; has rained)

13. Mary has just arrived, but I didn’t know she ________ (had been coming; was coming)

14. Everybody has arrived. It’s time we ________ the class. (started; shall start)

15. Last Sunday we ________ the seashore, but the weather was bad. (went to; would have gone to)

16. I ________ in America now, but I haven’t got the visa. (was to have been; am to be)

17. The telephone rang when I ________ have supper. (was about to; was going to)

18. Take an umbrella with you, it ________ rain. (is to; is about to)

19. Will you come to see me immediately you ________ back? (get; will get)

20. By Friday, he still ________ his work. (had not accomplished; have not accomplished)

21. “Bob has gone to California, I hear.” “Oh, I wonder when he ______.” (has left; left)

22. Ann doesn’t like milk. She says that she never ______ it at home. (use to drink; used to drink)

23. Since a tap on the door ________, Mary decided to finish washing her hair. (interrupted; had interrupted)

24. When the old man would begin to sing, the children ________. (laughed, pointing to him; would laugh and point at him)

25. By the time you get to Greenwich you ______ the most historic parts of London. (will have seen; will see)

26. The ambulance controller told him an ambulance ________ in 5 minutes. (would be arriving; was to arrive)

27. Her iron did not heat because she ________ the terminals. (damaged; had damaged)

28. He said that London ________ a great city. (is; was)

29. “When will the plane arrive?” “I will tell you when ________.” (I will find out; I find out)

30. “What happened to her teeth?” “She ________ the apple more than she could chew.” (has


II. Correct the mistake in each sentence:

1. The house was to be ready but as there has been a builders’ strike it is still only half finished.

2. I lit up at seven yesterday evening. It was the first cigarette I smoked that day.

3. He looked at the food with greedy eyes. It was days since he last had a decent meal.

4. Rumors that the First Lady is ill have circulated since she had begun to lose weight noticeably

last year.

5. In any Puerto Rican home, even the poorest tradition demanded that whatever food be

available be shared.

6. He is over here on a scholarship since six months.

7. Since Dalton’s time it is discovered that atoms are not the smallest things in existence, but are

themselves made up of different parts, the study of which is the concern of modern atomic physics.

8. The chestnut tree used to be an important species in the Eastern forests of the United States

until a blight (枯萎病) kills a large number of trees.

9. A liquid crystal is among the few unstable molecular arrangements that are on the borderline

between solids and liquids and whose molecules were easily changed from one to the other.

10. Professor Baker told his class that the best way to understand the culture of another country is

to live in that country.

11. He knows Changsha inside out. He’s come to this city for twenty years.

12. “It’s three years since he has been in Changsha Railway University.” “What has he been

doing?” “Studying. He’s a junior.”

13. Come on, darling. It’s time we have supper. Put your toys in order. Wash your hands.

14. It’ll be the first time you are going to speak in public. Be bold.

15. That was the first novel by Hemingway I have read. It interested me a lot.

16. Learning a foreign language is especially difficult for those who had never learned one before.

17. Having missed the geography class because his watch stops, Maurice went to the teacher and

asked for the assignment.

18. The crowd responded with a hearty welcome as the ambassador and his party steps from the


19. Once the cause is known, they were able to repair the valuable computer without any


20. When the professor asked him why he was so late, the student was refusing to answer.

21. After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.

22. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious.

23. He has been hoped for a raise for the last four months, but his boss is reluctant to give him


24. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong


25. She was among the few who want to quit smoking instead of cutting down.

26. The fruit and vegetables at the shop Mart are always the local farm markets.

27. Have you seen the new golf clubs that Mr. Stevens give Bill?

28. Left alone, the child tried to make his own supper, but he has found only a little of milk in the


29. Whenever Tom is supposed to make an appointment with the dentist, he said he is too busy.

30. Although two battalions were guarding the base, underwater swimmers were being able to

sabotage several warships.

III. Put the verbs in the brackets into proper forms:

1. The bus _______ (start) for Changsha at 10.

2. I _______ not ________ (know) that he ________ (come) back so late last night.

3. We ________ (send) for a doctor if you ________ (be) not better in the morning.

4. One swallow ________ not ________ (make) a summer.

5. I was listening to him carefully so I ________ (see) what he ________ (mean).

6. Before we moved to this part of the city, I ________ often ________ (go) to school on foot.

7. He said that he ________ not ________ (go) with us if he ________ (be) too busy.

8. We ________ (study) sixteen lessons by the end of this term.

9. Tom is director of our plant. He ________ (be) our director since 1972.

10. His eyes filled with tears when he met his family after a long separation. He ________ never

________ (be) so excited before in his life.

11. We ________ (go) before he arrives tonight.

12. See what you ________ (do)!

13. Up till then we hadn’t a chance to visit the college though we ________ (hope) to do so for a

good many years.

14. I asked the teacher if he ________ (be) free that evening.

15. He ________ (be) wet through when he came back. He ________ (work) in the garden.

16. “I’m sorry I ________ (keep) you waiting so long.”

“It ________ (be) all right. I ________ (read) newspapers here.”

17. We don’t know whether it ________ still ________ (rain) tonight.

18. I ________ (sit) in his room for an hour when he finally came back.

19. When a dog is desperate, it ________ even ________ (jump) over a wall; when a criminal is

desperate, he ________ (do) anything.

20. He didn’t know that you ________ (be) a teacher of English.

21. They promised that they ________ (bring) us all the necessary books as soon as they

________ (have) a chance.

22. He did it better than I expected he ________ (will).

23. The child knew that two plus three ________ (equal) five.

24. He said we ________ (may) keep the book as long as we ________ (like).

25. I was thinking what pleasure it ________ (be) to see Uncle Lee again; I ________ (not see)

him since I came to the college.

26. “________ (be) there any meeting this afternoon?” “Yes. It ________ (begin) at 3 p.m.”

27. “________ (do) you want me?” “Yes. I ________ (wonder) if you’d help me lift the box.”

28. She ________ always ________ (complain) about things.

29. I ________ never ________ (hear) of this.

30. It will be the second time I ________ (read) the novel.




1. …was to have been ready

2. …had smoked…

3. … had last had…

4. …she began…

5. …was available…

6. …for six…

7. …has been discovered…

8. …killed a…

9. …are easily…

10. …was to live…

11. …He has been in…

12. …he came to…

13. …we had…

14. …you have spoken…

15. …I had read…

16. …who has…

17. …watch stopped…

18. …party stepped…

19. …was known…

20. …student refused…

21. …he read…

22. …kitchen smells…

23. …He has been hoping…

24. …he had been driving…

25. …who wanted…

26. …they are…

27. …Stevens gave…

28. …he found…

29. …he says/ will say…

30. …were able…


1. starts

2. did; know; would come

3. ’ll/ shall/ will send; are

4. does; make

5. saw; meant

6. would; go

7. would; go; was

8. shall have studied

9. has been

10. had; been


11. shall have gone;

12. have done;

13. had been hoping/ had hoped

14. would be

15. was; had been working

16. have kept/ have been keeping; is; have been reading

17. will; be raining

18. had been sitting/ had sat

19. will; jump; will do

20. were/ had been/ would be

21. would bring; had

22. would

23. equals

24. might; liked

25. would be; had not seen

26. Is; begins

27. Did; wondered

28. is; complaining

29. have; heard

30. have read

