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II. Listening Skills

1. M: Why don t we go to the concert today?

W: I ll go get the keys.

Q: What does the woman imply?

2. W: I can t find my purse anywhere. The opera tickets are in it.

M: Have you checked in the car?

Q: What does the man imply?

3. M: Are you going to buy that pirated CD?

W: Do I look like a thief?

Q: What does the woman imply?

4. M: Do you think the singer is pretty?

W: Let s just say that I wouldn t/t vote for her in the local beauty contest.

Q: What does the woman imply about the singer?

5. M: Have you seen Tom? I can t find him anywhere.

W: The light in his dorm was on just a few minutes ago.

Q: What does the woman mean?

1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A

III. Listening In

Task 1: Encore!

As soon as the singer completed the song, the audience cried, “Encore! Encore!” The singer was

delighted and sang the song again. She couldn t believe it when the audience shouted for her to

sing it again. The cycle of shouts and songs was repeated ten more times. The singer was

overjoyed with the response from the audience. She talked them and asked them why they were so

much audience in hearing the same song again and again. One of the people in the audience

replied, “We wanted you to improve it; now it is much better.”

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F

Task 2: The Carpenters

W: They play “Yesterday Once More” all the time on the campus radio. Do you like it?

M: I do. I never get tired of it. I like the Carpenters. Their voices are so beautiful and clear. I guess

that s why they re so popular.

W: I like the way their voices blend. There were just two of them, brother and sister, right?

M: Yes, Richard and Karen I think they were. She died I think.

W: Yes, anorexia. It is hard to believe that someone so beautiful would starve herself to death.

M: It s a problem everywhere in the world, including China, I m afraid. Women worry too much

about their appearances, and are so crazy about losing weight.

W: Well, let s go for lunch before we go to the concert.

1. beautiful and clear 2. blend well 3. sister 4. worry too much 5. more important

Task 3: Mozart

Mozart was a fascinating musician and composer whose fame continues to grow more than two

centuries after his death. He was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. Before the age of four, he had

shown great musical talent. His father then decided to let him start taking harpsichord lessons. The

boy s reputation as a musical talent grew fast. At five, he was composing music. Form that time on,

Mozart was performing n concerts and writing music. By his early teens, he had mastered the

piano, violin and harpsichord, and was writing symphonies and operas. His first major opera was

performed in Milan in 1770, when he was only fourteen. At fifteen, Mozart became the conductor

for an orchestra in Salzburg. In 1781, he left for Vienna, where he was in great demand as both a

performer and a composition teacher. His first opera was a success. But life was not easy because

he was a poor businessman, and his finances were always in a bad state. His music from the next

decade was not very popular, and he eventually fell back on his teaching jobs for a living. In 1788

he stopped performing in public, preferring only to compose. He died in 1791 at the age of

thirty-five. Although he lived only a short life, he composed over 600 works.

1. Which of the following is true of Mozart? D

2. How long has Mozart s fame lasted? A

3. Which of the following is true of the four-year-old Mozart? B

4. What could Mozart do at the age of six? C

5. Which of the following is not mentioned as one of Mozart s accomplishments while he was in

his early teens? C

IV. Speaking Out

Model 1 Do you like jazz?

Laura: Hey!

Bob: Hello!

Laura: Do you like jazz, Bob?

Bob: No, not much. Do you like it?

Laura: Well, yes, I do. I m crazy about Wynton Marsalis.

Bob: Oh, he s a piano player, isn t he?

Laura: No, he s a trumpet player. So, what kind of music do you like?

Bob: I like listening to rock.

Laura: What group do you like best?

Bob: Er, The Cranberries. They re the greatest. What about you? Don t you like them?

Laura: Ugh! They make my stomach turn!


A: Do you like classical music?

B: No, I don t like it at all.

A: What type of music do you like?

B: I m a real fan of pop songs.

A: Who s your favorite singer or group?

B: Jay Chou. What do you think about him?

A: I can hardly bear pop songs. They are all noise to me.

Model 2 Do you like punk rock?

Max: What kind of music do you like?

Frannie: Well, I like different kinds.

Max: Any in particular?

Frannie: Er, I especially like punk rock.

Max: Punk rock? You don t seem like the punk rock type.

Frannie: You should have seen me in high school. I had my hair dyed blue.

Max: Wow, that must have been a sight!

Frannie: It sure was. What about you? What s your favorite music?

Max: I guess I like jazz best. Hey, I m going shopping for CDs tomorrow. Would you like to

come along?

Frannie: Sure, that sounds great.


A: What sports appeal to you?

B: I like almost every kind of sport.

A: Is there anything you like especially?

B: Well, I like X-sports in particular.

A: x-Sports? You don t look like the extreme sports type.

B: I have even tried bungee jumping and surfing.

A: Wow, you certainly surprised me!

B: Then how about you? What kind of sport do you prefer?

A: I like t ai chi most. In fact, I m going to buy some books about t ai chi. Why don t you come

with me?

B: Sounds good. Let s go.

Model 3 It just sounds like noise to me.

Philip: Turn down that noise! What on earth is it anyway!

Laura: But dad…This is Metallica1 They re so cool. They are one of the most famous heavy metal


Philip: I don t care. It just sounds like noise to me. I can t stand it!

Laura: I love this kind of music, but if you really hate it that much, I ll out on something else.

What do you want to hear?

Philip: How about some popular easy-listening music. Maybe something like Celine Dion?

Laura: Not her again! Her music isn t very hip any more. I think she is a bore.


A: That music is terrible! Turn off!

B: But, Mom, this is Backstreet Boy s hit song “Get down”! It s really appealing.

A: Nonsense. It s just noise tome. I can t put up with it anymore.

B: It s my favorite music. But if you hate it so much, I ll hate something you like. What would

like to listen to?

A: What about some old songs of the 1970s like “The White-Haired Girl”?

B: Ha-ha-ha-ha. It s not fashionable any longer. I ll be bored to death.

V. Let s Talk

The Origin of the Song “Happy Birthday to You”

The story of the song “Happy Birthday to You” Began as a sweet one, but later became bitter. Two

sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at a kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the principal of the same

school, wrote a song together for the children, entitled “Good Morning to All”. When Mildred

combined her musical talents with her sister s knowledge in the area of kindergarten education,

Good Morning to All” was sure to be a success. The sister published the song in a collection

entitled “Song Stories of the Kindergarten” in 1893. Thirty-one years later, after Dr. Patty Hill

became the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University s Teachers

College, a gentleman by the name Robert Coleman published the song, without the sisters

permission. He added a second part, which is the familiar “Happy Birthday to You”. Mr.

Coleman s addition of the second part made the song popular and, finally, the sisters” original first

part disappeared. “Happy Birthday to You” had altogether replaced the sisters original song

“Good Morning to All”. In 1916 Patty took legal action against Mr. Coleman. In court, she

succeeded in proving that hey were the real owners of the song.

1. teacher at a kindergarten

2. Good Morning to All

3. Happy Birthday to You

4. Happy Birthday to You Good Morning to All

Possible Retelling for the Teacher s Reference

The story of “Happy Birthday to You” was a nice, sweet on eat the very beginning, but later turned

into a bitter one. There were two sisters: one was Mildred Hill, and the other Patty Hill. The

former had great musical talents, while the latter had knowledge of kindergarten education. Bu

combining their abilities, the two produced a song called “Good Morning to All”. It was a success,

and later published in a collection of songs for kindergartens.

Thirty-one years later a man named Coleman published the song without the sisters permission.

To make things worse, he added a second part, which is the present “Happy Birthday to You”. This

new song soon became popular and eventually it replaced the sisters first part altogether. Then, in

1916, Patty took legal action against Coleman. In court she managed to prove that she and her

sister really owned the song.

VI. Further Listening and Speaking

Task 1: Karaoke

Dalin: It s Mike s birthday on Friday, so a bunch of us are going to go to the karaoke bar. Would

you like to come with us?

Laura: Karaoke bar? You have a special place just for singing? In America, bars sometimes have a

karaoke night where the customers can sing a song, but we haven t special karaoke bars!

Dalin: Really? In China, karaoke is a very popular way for friends ro spend time together. We can

select the music that ur group enjoys. We mostly sing pop songs.

Laura: Do you sing individually or in groups? Singing is not a very in thing, so I don t sing very


1. F 2. F 3.T 4.T 5.F

Task 2: When was music first sent down a telephone line?

So you think downloading music from the Internet through a phone line is a really cool modern

thing? Not so. In 1896, Thaddeus Cahill Filed a patent on the instrument for transmitting music

electronically, and until 1914 he sent music signals down telephone lines with this instrument. And

he wasn t even the first. Elisha Gray transmitted music over a telephone line in 1876, which was

the same year the telephone was invented. Gray invented the first electronic music instrument in

1874, calling it the “Musical Telegraph”. Alexander Graham Bell also designed an experimental

“Electric Harp” for speech to be transmitted over a telephone line using technology similar to

Gray s. Bell was a speech teacher for the deaf. In 1879 he created an instrument to measure

hearing loss. That is why the degrees of loudness came to be measured in bels or decibels.


Task 3: Thank You for the Music

I m nothing special, in fact I m a bit of a bore

If I tell a joke, you re probably heard it before

But I have a talent, a wonderful thing

‘Cause everyone listens when I start to sing

I m so grateful and proud

All I want is to sing it out loud

So I say

Thank you for the music, the songs I m singing

Thanks for all the joy they re bringing

Who can live without it, I ask in all honestly

What would life be

Without a song or a dance what are we

So I say thank you for the music

For giving it to me

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk

She says I began to sing long before I could talk

And I ve often wondered, how did it all start

Who found out that nothing can capture a heart

Like a melody can

Well, whoever it was, I m a fan

So I say

Thank you for the music, the songs I m singing


Musical Memories

Tony: Listen! Quick, turn up the radio! Isn t that “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”

Nancy: Yeah, it is, but what s the big deal?

Tony: When I was a little boy, my grandmother took me to see the movie The Lion King. That s

the Elton John song from the movie.

Nancy: I still can t understand why it s so important to you.

Tony: Because it was the first movie I ever saw with my grandma and because I really loved

spending time with her. It is my favorite song of all times!

Nancy: The first time Tom and I went on a date, we went to see Titanic. I always think of the song

“My Heart Will Go On” as our song! Whenever I hear it, I think of that night.

Tony: Oh, I can understand why you love that song! Isn t it interesting all the memories we

connect with songs?


II. Listening Skills

1. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.

M: One hundred times? Is the director out of his mind?

Q: What does the man imply?

2. M: Do you think we have made enough food for the party?

W: The refrigerator is about to explode.

Q: What does the woman imply?

3. W: She said she might become a famous movie star.

M: Yes, and pigs might fly.

Q: What does the man mean?

4. M: Although the man often plays a bad guy in movies, in real life he has a heart of gold.

W: So does a hard-boiled egg.

Q: What does the woman mean?

5. W: What a beautiful sunset!

M: Don t blink. You might just miss it.

Q: What does the man mean?

1. A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B

III. Listening In

Task 1: Waiting for the New Harry Potter Movie

Amy: I m so excited about finally seeing this movie!

Peter: Me too. I m crazy about Harry Potter. Have you heard that J.K. Rowling has added another

book to the series?

Amy: She s already written Book Seven? I m still waiting for Book Five…

Peter: I know. Who isn t? At least we have the movies to watch in the meantime.

Amy: By the way, have you seen the trailer yet?

Peter: Yeah. It was great! I think the movie itself will be really scary.

Amy: It surely will! All that writing on the wall in blood… It scares me to death just to think about


Both the girl and the boy are excited/crazy about the movie and the hero Harry Potter. The boy

heard that the writer J.K. Rowling has written the latest book, which is Book Seven, though the

girl is still waiting for Book Five. The boy has been the trailer and believes the film will be scary.

The girl shares that view because of the writing on the wall in blood.

Task 2: A Great Actor

There was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of

searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, “This is

the most important part, and it has only one line. At the opening you walk onto stage carrying a

rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say

the line on praise of the rose: Ah, the sweet smell of my love. ” The actor was excited. All day

long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain

went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the

line, “Ah, the sweet smell of my love.” The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was

furious! “Ahhhhhh! You damned fool!” he cried. “You ve ruined my play! You ve ruined me!”

The actor was puzzled, “What happened? Did I forget my line?” “No!” shouted the director. “You

forget the rose!”

1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B

Task 3: Movie Reviews

I love movies! And after I see them, I like to comment on them. These are movies I saw this

year I would like to recommend: Among comedies I highly recommend “Monsoon Wedding”. It s

an Indian movie. The story is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for the wedding bring out

funny and sad situations touching on love and a past rape. This movie shows some of the

wonderful customs of India, and the importance of family and love. It s great!

Among dramas, I like “Adaptation”. It is an excellent movie! But for me the first part of the movie

was too fast to follow. I hope to see it again on DVD with captions.

“The Pianist” is set in the Second World War. It s about a young Polish-Jewish pianist, who lives

in Warsaw with his family. The Nazis sent his family to die in the concentration camps. He was

safe, but would have died without unusually good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews. This

is a powerful movie with thought-provoking themes.

“Rabbit-Proof Fence” is set in the 1930s in Australia, and it s based on real events. It is about

three native girls who are separated from their families by the racist police who send them to

special centers. There the girls are taught practical skills, and the government tries to integrate

them into white Australian society. They can away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find

their mothers. This is a sad, touching story that you should not miss.

1. He likes to see movies and comment on them.

2. Four.

3. Three.

4. One.

Movies Contents and Characteristics

Monsoon Wedding It is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for it reveal love and a past rape.

The movie shows Indian customs, family and love.

Adaptation It is too fast for the speaker, who wants to see it again on DVD with captions.

The Pianist It is about a Jewish pianist in Warsaw. The Nazis sent his family to the

concentration camps. He was safe, and this narrow escape was due to good luck and the kindness

of a few non-Jews.

Rabbit-Proof Fence It is about three native girls. Racist police separate them from their families

and send them to special centers. There they are taught practical skills. The government intends to

integrate them into white Australian society. They ran away from the camp and walked 1,500

miles to find their mothers.

IV. Speaking Out

Model 1 Will you come with me?

John: Laura, I am wondering if you re free tomorrow night.

Laura: Well, I guess I am. Why?

John: I ve got two Star Wars premiere tickets. Will you come with me?

Laura: Yeah, definitely! Thanks for inviting me!

John: It s my pleasure.

Laura: I really wanted to see Star Wars on the opening night, but the tickets were sold out. How

did you manage to get hold of them?

John: A friend of mine works at the “Pepsi” headquarters, which is a major sponsor of the movie.

So he was able to get the tickets for free.

Laura: Wow, people are paying as much as $200 each on the black market. I m flattered you went

through all this trouble just for me.

John: You re welcome.

Now Your Turn


A: Hi, are you busy this weekend?

B: Yes. What s on your mind?

A: I ve got two tickets for the car exhibition. Would you like to go with me?

B: Sure. Thanks for your invitation.

A: It s nothing.

B: I ve been wanting to see exhibition, but it was not at all easy to get a ticket. How did you

manage to get two tickets?

A: A friend of mine works at the exhibition center. She was able to get three free tickets.

B: Wow, people are paying almost 100 yuan for a ticket on the black market. Thank you very

much indeed for inviting me.

A: No problem.

Model 2 What did you think about the movie?

John: So… what did you think about the movie?

Laura: Well… I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the

previous ones.

John: Really? But I think this Star Wars episode was incredible!

Laura: Why do you think so?

John: Well, one of the most spectacular things about it was the special effects. State-of-the-art

special effects were the main reason for the success of the previous episodes.

Laura: You re right. The special effects were amazing! And I like the fact that they created so

many fantastic settings and other-worldly costumes, weapons and creatures.

Now Your Turn


A: What did you think about The Lion King?

B: Well… I think this cartoon was pretty good, but not as good as Beauty and the Beast. It s a

killer flick.

A: Really? But I think The Lion King was unbelievably good.

B: I thought it was just OK. Why do you think so?

A: Well, it s so interesting that the lives of the lions were similar to the lives of human beings.

B: You re right. The murder in The Lion King was almost the same as the murder in the

Shakespearean play Hamlet.

Model 3 The plot is first-class.

John: It s kind of cool that they still used the same Star Wars theme song for this movie.

Laura: Yeah! It just reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes.

John: I know exactly what you mean! Hearing that song makes me think of the past.

Laura: I think the plot was first-class. But I don t think the character development was that strong.

John: Do you think that has anything to do with the casting of the movie?

Laura: No, the casting was great; the actors are excellent, but I think the acting was a little weak.

They just didn t have a lot of funny or meaningful lines.

John: Well, maybe, but I liked the little kid that played “Skywalker”. I can t imagine anyone else

playing that part.

Laura: Yeah, I liked him too. He s soooo cute!

Now Your Turn


A: What do you think about the movie?

B: I think the plot was first-class. But I don t think the character development was so strong.

A: Yes, the characterization was rather weak. Do you think it is because of the casting of the


B: No, the cast was strong. But the acting was rather poor. And the lines are not interesting at all.

A: Well, maybe. But I liked the heroine of the movie. She is excellent.

B: Yeah, I liked her too. She s adorable!

V. Let s Talk

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was a British director. His movies frequently show innocent people caught up in

situations beyond their control or even understanding.

Hitchcock preferred the use of suspense in his movies. In surprise, the director provides the viewer

with frightening things. In suspense, the director tells or shows things to the audience which the

characters in the movie do not know, and then skillfully builds up tension around what will happen

when the characters finally learn the truth. Hitchcock had a great sense of humor. Once at a French

airport, a suspicious customs official looked at Hitchcock s passport, which was marked simply

PRODUCER. The curious official asked, “And what do you produce?” “Gooseflesh.” replied


Alfred Hitchcock always managed to make a brief appearance in his movies: He was sometimes

getting on a bus, or crossing a street, pr walking in front of a store, or across the courtyard in an

apartment. However, for the movie Lifeboat in 1944, he was faced with a difficult problem. The

entire movie was set in a lifeboat out at sea, and there were only a few characters in the boat.

Originally, he wanted to float by as a dead body, but he was afraid he d sink! His clever solution

was to place a photograph of himself in a newspaper that one of the characters read during the

course of the movie.

1. A 2.C 3.D

VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking


Task 1: Only One Line

Peter has always wanted to be an actor, but never succeeded because he had a hard time

memorizing lines. A friend of his told him about a small part in a play. He promised Peter that he

could do it because he s only have to remember one line. Peter decided to take the part. His only

line was, “Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Peter practiced and practiced, “Listen, I hear the guns

roar!” On the opening night of the play Peter was very nervous. Backstage, he practiced his line,

over and over again, “Listen, I hear the guns roar! Listen, I hear the guns roar!” Finally came his

turn, Peter went onto stage. He heard a loud BOOM and cried out in spite of himself, “WHAT


1. memorizing lines

2. remember one line

3. I hear the guns roar

4. a loud boom

5. his line

Task 2: An Interview with J.K. Rowling

Q: How did you get the idea for Harry Potter?

A: I was traveling on a train between Manchester and London and the idea for Harry just fell into

my head. At that point it was essentially the idea for a body who didn t know he was a wizard.

Q: Did you always plan to write Harry s story in more than one book? If so, how many?

A: I always conceived it as a seven-book series because I decided that it would take seven years,

from age eleven to seventeen, inclusive, to train as a wizard, and each of the books would deal

with one year of Harry s life at the school.

Q: Any clues about the next book?

A: I don t want to i\give anything away, but I tell you that the books are getting darker. Harry s

going to have quite a bit to deal with as he gets older. Sorry if they get too scary!

Q: Of the many things you must have heard people say about Harry Potter, what are some of your


A: My very favorite was from a twelve-year-old Scottish girl who came to hear me read at the

Edinburgh book festival. At the end of the festival, the queue for signing was very long. When the

girl finally reached me, she said, “I didn t WANT there to be so many people here, because this is

MY books!” That is exactly how I feel about my favorite books. Nobody else has a right to know

them; let alone like them!

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F

Task 3: The Secret of the Next Harry Potter Book

The Harry Potter books rapidly became one of the most in-demand book series among young

readers and have earned large sums of money. Movies based on the books won several Oscar

nominations. Readers are now keen to know the plot of the next book.

Harry Potter movie fans will get a long-awaited treat. The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of

Secret is finally about to come out. This time around, Harry discovers a frightening secret at

Hogwarts School. Eager readers of the first four Harry Potter books are also trying to discover a

secret, the secret plot of the fifth book in the series. Because of the long wait since Book Four,

they are guessing many things. Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his

friend Ron may be related!

J.K. Rowling herself has only said that Book Five will be shorter and scarier than Book Four. To

make sure her readers hear only rumors, she locks all her ideas for the books in a hidden place.

Since the next book does not come out until 2003, for mow Harry s secret is safe with her!

1. D 2.C 3.A 4.B


Views on Movies

Interviewer: Hello, Robert and Richard, I d like to ask you something about movies. Do you

prefer going to the theater or watching movies on video at home?

Robert: I prefer, personally, going to the theater, because I believe there are certain movies

that come over better when you see them in a large theater. The sound effect is much better.

Interviewer: What about you, Richard?

Richard: Just the opposite. It s more comfortable to sit at home.

Interviewer: There re many different movie genres, for example, science fiction, action, comedy,

romance. What s your personal favorite?

Robert: My favorite would be action movies.

Richard: And mine would be nice movies that touch me deeply.

Interviewer: How do you like the old black and white movies of the forties, and fifties compared

with the modern blockbusters?

Robert: For their time, the movies of the forties and fifties were excellent. But try to compare

them with today s technology, and you ll find there isn t anything to compare. It s so superior


Richard: I agree.


II. Listening Skills

1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

W: I will.

Q: Who is the woman?

2. W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you re going to be late!

M: Don t worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther King s birthday?

Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?

3. M: Could I see your driver s license and registration, please?

W: What s the matter, officer?

Q: Who is the man?

4. M: I d like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of

the semester.

W: ok. What would you like to know?

Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?

5. W: I ve cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anything

else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day?

M: Did you do the living room yet?

Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A

III. Listening In

Task 1: Don t be a chicken!

Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us?

Henry: Yes. Why?

Gilbert: Nothing. I m just asking.

Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah,

doesn t he?

Gilbert: Who has a crush?!

Henry: Come on, Gilbert, don t be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she

likes you.

Gilbert: But I don t have the guts to ask her out.

Henry: What are you so afraid of?

Gilbert: I d totally die if she turned me down.

Henry: But that s better than keeping everything to yourself. You ve got to let her know. Come on!

You ve got to take a chance!

Gilbert: I don t know… Well, maybe you re right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?

1. go out 2. flaming red 3. has a crush on 4. a chicken 5. likes

6. the guts 7. turn him down 8. know 9. keeping everything to himself

10. how to tell her

Task 2: Problem of Meeting People

Before the wedding, the groom went up the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, I ll give you

$100 if you ll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where I m expected to promise

to love, respect and obey her, giving up all others, and be true to her forever, I d be happy if

you d just leave that part out.” He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart.

The wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they

would make vows to each other. When it was time for the groom s vows, the minister looked the

young man in the eye and said, “Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every command

and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and

your lovely wife that you will never even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?”

The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself, he said in a low voice, “Yes, I will.” Then the

groom whispered to the minister, “I thought we had a deal.” The minister put the $100 into his

hand and whispered back, “She made me a much better offer.”

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F

Task 3: Long Distance Friendships

American weddings are not always the same. I d like to show you pictures of my wedding. When

we got engaged, an announcement was published in the newspaper. The announcement typically

includes the names of the bride, the bridegroom and their parents and the wedding is expected to

be held. About a month before the wedding, we sent out wedding invitations to relatives and

friends. This is the church where we had the wedding. My father gave me to my future husband.

Then the minister started the wedding ceremony. He greeted the guests, and talked about the

meaning of marriage. Next, we exchanged vows and gave each other rings. This is the main part

of the wedding. After the vows, the minister prayed for us. Then the minister declared us husband

and wife, and we kissed each other. Here is my sister, who was a bridesmaid. This is the bouquet I

carried. Traditionally, the unmarried women gather after the wedding, and the bride throws her

bouquet to them. The one who catches it will, according to tradition, be the next one to get

married. At the reception, we cut the wedding cake and fed each other bites of the cake. Then we

toasted each other with champagne. Finally the reception was over, and the minister signed the

marriage certificate and we were legally married.

1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D


IV. Speaking Out

Model 1 I just broke up with Alice!

John: Hey, Se-Jin, what s wrong with you? You look so down!

Se-Jin: Nothing.

John: I know it s not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. You must have a broken heart.

Se-Jin: Well, you re right. I just broke up with Alice.

John: Oh, I m sorry. I thought you two were made for each other.

Se-Jin: Well, you never know. I want to settle down, but she wants a career while she s still young.

John: Well, it s always difficult to choose between career and family.

Se-Jin: Maybe you re right.

John: I don t know what to say to comfort you, but try to cheer up!

Se-Jin: Yeah, but it s hard to forget her at the moment. You know, we were together for almost

three years.

John: There s lots more fish in the sea and you ll find your perfect match!

Now Your Turn

A: Why do you look so upset?

B: I m all right.

A: I know it s not your work. So anything wrong with Susan and you?

B: Well, you re right. I just spilt up with her.

A: Oh, I m sorry. I thought the two of you made a good match.

B: I think I should have a career first but she wants to get married right now.

A: Well, it s hard to make a choice between career and family.

B: Yeah, it s hard.

A: I know it s difficult, but try to cheer up!

B: You know, we were together for a long time. I can t get her out of my mind.

A: Well, you ll find a good match sooner or later.

Model 2 Leo proposed to me.

Mary: Laura! Guess what! Leo proposed to me!

Laura: Wow. That s wonderful. Did you accept?

Mary: Not yet. I have some doubts…like the age factor. I m really robbing the cradle here.

Laura: I know he s fur years younger than you, but he s mature for his age.

Mary: I m worried about the cultural differences, too.

Laura: But I can see that both of you have the same interests and personalities. That s even more


Mary: Maybe you re right.

Now Your Turn

A: Can you believe it? Philip made a proposal to me!

B: How wonderful. Did you say yes?

A: Not yet. I m concerned about the age gap. He s much younger than me.

B: I know he s a few years younger than you, but I think he is mature than mind.

A: I m also worried about whether we can maintain a long distance relationship. You know, he

lives in another city.

B: But you love each other. That s very important.

A: Maybe you re right.

Model 3 There s something about him.

Jane: Laura, I know you like Charles a lot, but what do you like about him?

Laura: Well, there s just something about him.

Jane: Really? What is this something?

Laura: Well, he s mature, handsome, gentle, and successful. I think he s for me.

Jane: He s certainly mature, but don t you think he s a little old for you? He s almost twice as

old as you are!

Laura: Well, age shouldn t be something that comes in the way of a person s marriage.

Jane: It s true that age isn t the most important issue, but what would your parents think?

Laura: I don t care what other people think. I just know that I love him and he loves me. Love s

all that matters.

Now Your Turn

A: Well, you and Chris have been together for a long time. What are his good points?

B: There s something wonderful about him.

A: Really? What do you mean by this something?

B: Well, he s handsome, humorous, and hard-working. I think he s my perfect match.

A: But I think he is too old for you.

B: Well, age doesn t matter too much for me.

A: But what would your parents and friends think?

B: I don worry too much about what other people think. For me, love is the most important

V. Let s Talk


Before marriage, younger Americans date each other, that is, they often go out together. Casual

dating usually begins in the early teens, and in the late teens a pattern of steady dating develops.

There is a great possibility that one goes to a dance with one person, to a football game with

another, and to a picnic with a third. Sometimes two couples go out together. This is known as

“double dating.” Group dating is also popular among young people. Large groups of boys and

girls may go around together. Young people may go out together for a long time, which is, in

effect, a public statement of their intention to marry. Men and women go out together a great deal,

especially those in cities. This is “adult dating.” They ski together, dine together, either at

restaurants or in each other s homes. The American dating system is a rather casual one. Often

young Americans who hardly know each other go out on dates. It is also acceptable for them to

arrange a “blind date”, that is, a date between two young people who have not met before.

Dating Description

Causal dating Early teens

Steady dating Late teens

Many partners e.g. a dance, a game, a picnic

Double dating Two couples

Group dating Large groups

Go out for a long period Intention to marry

Adult dating Men and women.e.g.ski, work, dine together

Casual dating system Those who hardly know each other

Blind dating Those who have never met before

VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking

Task 1: Finding the Right Type of Girl

Keith: Hey, Peter! You ve been in the room all night. Get out and dance with someone like that

babe over there.

Peter: No way, Keith! She s the intellectual type. My pickup line just won t work with her.

Keith: Oh, come on, man! What kind of girl do you like?

Peter: I want a girl that gentle and mild, and that babe is not the right type.

Keith: Times are changing, and you ll never find a woman that will shine your shoes and fill your

beer mug all the time. Wake up.

Peter: Oh really? I still prefer women that stay home, cook, clean, and take care of the kids.

Keith: Okay, then what will you do after you get home from work?

Peter: Hmm. Eat, watch TV, and throw our the trash.

Keith: Wit, wait, wait. I can t believe my ears. You ll never find a wife.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A

Task 2: He thinks I m God.

A young woman brings home her fiancé to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her

father to find out about the young man s plans. The father invites the fiancé to his study for a


“So what are your plans?” the father asks the young man.

“I am a Bible student,” he replies.

“A Bible student. Hmm.” The father says. “Good, but what will you do to provide my daughter

with a nice house such as she s accustomed to?”

“I will study,”: the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.”

“And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring such as she deserves?” asks the father.

“I will concentrate on my studies,” the Youngman replies, “and God will provide for us.”

“And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?”

“Don t worry, sir. God will provide,” replies the fiancé.

The conversation goes on like this, and each time the father questions him, the young man insists

that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, honey?”

The father answers, “He had no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I m God.”

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

Task 3: Lady

Lady, I m your knight in shining armor and I love you.

You have made me what I am and I am yours.

My love, there s so many ways I want to say I love you.

Let me hold you in my arms forever more.

You have gone and made me such a fool;

I m so lost in your love.

And on, we belong together.

Won t you believe in my song?

Lady, for so many years I thought I d never find you.

You have some into my life and made me whole.

Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning.

Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear.

In my eyes I see no one else but you.

There s no other love like our love.

And yes, oh yes, I ll always want you near me.

I ve wanted for you so long.

Lady, your love s the only love I need

And beside me is where I want you to be.

‘Cause, my love, there s something I want you to know,

You re the love of my life, you re my lady.


Mutual Love

Jill: You know, Robert, we ve been dating a long time now.

Robert: Yeah. Twelve months next week.

Jill: You remembered!

Robert: Of course I did. How could I forget the anniversary of our first date?

Jill: You re so sweet. Can I tell you something?

Robert: Sure. You can tell me anything.

Jill: From our very first date, I knew we d be together a long time.

Robert: Can U tell you something?

Jill: Yes.

Robert: The feeling was mutual.


II. Listening Skills

1-i 2-a 3-f 4-b 5-c 6-d 7-h 8-g 9-e

III. Listening In

Task 1: The Influence of Advertising

Richard: Dad, I need a pair of new shoes for an important basketball game. My old ones look kind

of funny.

Father: Funny! We just bought those last spring. There s a lot of life left in them.

Richard: But look at this ad with Yao Ming. He says these shoes give him extra spring.

Father: Yao Ming is so tall that he doesn t need extra spring. Anyway, he makes money than I do.

And they probably give him millions of dollars to wear those shoes.

Richard: But if you bought me the shoes, I d wear them for nothing. And I d have that extra


Father: Do you think Yao Ming reached the top just because of the shoes he wears? Or was it

something else?

Richard: You mean like hard work, dedication, that sort of thing?

Father: Exactly. Just focus on your studies and forget the shoes.

1. shoes 2. look kind of funny 3. there is still a lot of life left 4. ad

5. give him extra spring 6.as much money 7. need extra spring 8. millions of dollars

9.wearing the shoes 10. wear 11. for nothing 12. reach the top

13. because of 14. something lese 15. hard work and dedication

16. focus/concentrate on his studies 17. forget

Task 2: I ll get a camera.

One day just before closing time, John rushed into a TV store to buy a color TV set with the

money he had saved for three months. The friendly shop assistant was waiting for the day s last

and 100th customer to reach his sales target for his bonus, so he warmly greeted John and showed

him the various models on display. He asked John to see how sharp and colorful the imagine on

the screen was. At that moment, a new commercial came onto the screen, introducing a popular

brand of camera as well as some beautiful pictures it had taken. The camera and pictures attracted

John. He suddenly changed his mind and told the shop assistant: “Thank you for the TV

commercial. Now I have to hurry to the camera store to get that camera.”

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F

Task 3: Don t even think about it!

“Don t even think about it!” is a phrase commonly used in the United States when a person

emphatically denies or refuse something.

In 1995, Shaquille O Neal, a popular basketball player, made a Pepsi commercial in which this

phrase was used. The commercial begins with Shaq playing basketball, and a little kid is watching

him. Then the boy cries out the name of this basketball star. Shaq turns to see the kid with a Pepsi

n his hand. He walks over to the boy and says, “Hey, can I have it?” He bends over, supposing that

his admirer will give him the Pepsi. But then the kid says, “Don t even think about it!” This

commercial was rather popular, and it had been shown on TV for about three years. The

commercial seems to have a more dramatic effect than that produced by the Coca-Cola company

in the 1970s. In the Coke ad a young boy meets football star “Mean” Joe Green as he is leaving

the field a game. The boy gives his hero a bottle of Coke, and in exchange for the drink, the

football player throws to the boy, who excitedly catches the souvenir.

The phrase “Don t even think about it!” is used on many other occasions. Visitors to New York

City are often amused to see a road sign with these words: “Don t even think about parking here.”

This road sign means that people are strictly prohibited from parking there.

1. A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C

IV. Speaking Out

Model 1 Who pays?

Laura: Hey!

Bob: Hey! Look, this is a cool TV commercial. “Things go better with Coke!”

Laura: I think the Pepsi commercial is just as attractive: “The choice of a new generation!”

Bob: Yeah, but the competitors are just canceling out each other s efforts.

Laura: That s quite true. They both spend piles of money to increase their market shares, but

neither gains.

Bob: I m afraid the extra costs of advertising will be passed on to the consumers.

Laura: I hear that the advertising produces a good image of a product, and that leads to consumer

brand loyalty.

Bob: What do you mean by consumer brand loyalty?

Laura: It means consumers are loyal to a certain product and keep buying it. Also, they re willing

to pay more.

Bob: It seems contradictory. In other words, more sales mean lower production costs, but more

advertising means higher costs to the consumer. In the end the winner is of course the company.

Laura: That s true!

Now Your Turn

A: Look, “Make yourself heard!” The Ericsson s TV commercial is so cool.

B: I think the Nokia s commercial is just as fascinating: “Connecting People.”

A: I m afraid consumers will have to pay for the advertising.

B: I hear that the advertisements create as a favorable on\mage of a product, and that leads to

consumer brand loyalty.

A: Could you explain “consumer brand loyalty”?

B: I mean consumers identify with the product and keep buying it. Sometimes they re even willing

to pay more.

A: It is contradictory that increases sales lead to a lower production cost per unit, but more

advertising results in greater costs for consumers. The winner is always the company.

B: I agree.

Model 2 Beware of ads!

Peter: Mind if I switch channels? Those TV commercials are killing me.

Jane: How can you say that? Watch: “Take Toshiba, take the world.” Fantastic! There s a product

you can depend on. A powerful product.

Peter: If I were you, I wouldn t trust those commercials.

Jane: Now, look at this McDonald s commercials! Aren t those little kids cute? Oh, and there s

such a warm family feeling.

Peter: Just how an advertising agency wants you to see McDonald s. you re the target audience.

When they make TV commercials, they use scientific methods to learn what you ll like and


Jane: Are you telling me those darling little children biting into Big Macs are part of a scientific

project to get me into McDonald s?

Peter: Advertises don t bother with facts more. Instead they want the end-user—that s you—to fall

in love with their product.

Jane: I see. So what you re saying is, “Watch out, or commercials will take over your life.”

Now Your Turn

A: Shall we switch to another channel? I don t like those TV commercials.

B: Why do you think so? Look: Just do it! What a powerful product.

A: I doubt it.

B: Now, look at this L Oreal commercial. The model s skin is so smooth.

A: This is what they want you to believe: use the product and you will get the same skin.

B: You mean they are lying about the product? I don t really think so.

A: Advertisers now appeal to emotions, not reason. They want you to like their product.

B: Well, I don t really agree with you, but we can switch to another channel.

Model 3 Are the free magazines free?

Peter: Jane, what s that magazine you re reading?

Jane: It s one of those free magazine you can pick up around town. It s got some pretty interesting

articles in it.

Peter: Wake up, Jane! It s not free at all. Look at it: It s all advertising.

Jane: Maybe so, but if the advertising pays for the magazine, then I don t have to.

Peter: Sure you do. The cost of the ads is built into the products.

Jane: Still, I think advertising serves a useful purpose. It tells me about new products.

Peter: A lot of companies spend more money on advertising than on making quality products.

Jane: But some commercials are really fascinating. Besides, you have the freedom to choose not to

look at the ads.

Peter: Well, it s time to cook dinner.

Now Your Turn

A: What s that brochure you re reading?

B: It s a giveaway brochure you can easily find here and there. It s got some pretty interesting

things in it.

A: Do you really think so? It s not really free. Look at all the ads in it.

B: Could be, but I don t have to pay for it.

A: You bet you do. The cost6oof the ads is included in the products.

B: Still, I think advertising tells me about new products. It helps me in choosing what to buy.

A: This is just what the advertisers want you to do.

B: But some commercials are really fascinating. Besides, you re didn t have to believe all the ads.

A: Well, let s go swimming.

V. Let s Talk

A Job Ad for a Friendly Employee

A firm advertising for a “friendly” employee has been asked to change its wording because it

discriminates against unfriendly people.

Travelco, a travel agency, put in a request for a “Friendly employee” to provide food for its staff.

But the Job Center in Bristol told managing director Harry Smith that he would have to remove

the word “friendly” before the advertisement could be accepted.

Mr. Smith said he could not believe the decision and thought it was “ridiculous.” He said: “We

were told we could not use that particular word because it was discriminatory against people who

looked unfriendly. We thought it was ridiculous. It s only too natural for us to specify what kind of

people we want.” He added, “The people at the center have since said they thought they had been

a little over the top.”

The center had made it a rule that certain words were nor allowed in ads and the words

“motivated” and “enthusiastic” had been banned in the past.

An official of the center said: “We do have guidelines of not using personality characteristics in

advertisements to ensure that there is no discrimination in the process.”

She added: “We should leave the dispute to the local judges. They ll make the final decision. It s

possible that a member of our staff has been over-enthusiastic in cutting out words in ads.”

Persons/Agencies Words/Actions Reasons/Purposes

A firm advertised for a friendly employee;

Was asked to change the wording discrimination against unfriendly people

Travelco requested for a friendly employee to provide food for its staff/employees

The Job Center told the Travelco managing director to remove the word “friendly”

The managing director said was told not to use that word; thought it was ridiculous It was natural

to specify the kind of people they wanted

added that the people at the center thought they had been a little over the top

The center had decided that certain words were not allowed; e.g. motivated, enthusiastic

An official said they had guidelines of not using personality characteristics no discrimination

added that they should leave the dispute to the local judges to make the final decision

maybe a member of their staff had been over-enthusiastic in cutting words

VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking

Task 1: Banning Cigarette Ads

Nancy: Hey, Robert, what do you think about cigarette ads?

Robert: They re disgusting. Many countries have banned tobacco ads completely.

Nancy: I heard in the States advertises are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes,

neither are ads targeted at youth allowed.

Robert: But advertises keep finding ways around the law. Some years ago one cigarette ad showed

a deer smoking, but it was dressed in a university sweater. Obviously the ad is trying to attract

young people.

Nancy: In order to increase sales, they have to make smoking appealing to young people. Make

them think it s cool.

Robert: Right. Cigarette manufacturers need to keep bringing in new customers. The old ones are

dying of lung cancer.

Nancy: Good point. Our Student Union should do some publicity against smoking in campus.

Robert: I couldn t agree more.

1. They have banned tobacco/cigarette ads completely.

2. Advertisers are not allowed to show young people smoking cigarettes.

3. They keep finding ways around the law.

4. They must keep bringing in new customers, as the old ones are dying of lung cancer.

5. IT should do some publicity against smoking on campus.

Task 2: A Radio Commercial

Are you looking for appliances or furniture to give new life to your home?

Look no further! Here at Frontier Furniture, we have everything you need to give your home a

new look and feel. Stereos, video machines, refrigerators, dining tables, washers and dryers. You

name it; we have it! Low on cash? We have an easy rent-to-own plan that will put you on your

favorite sofa tonight. Big color TVs cost only two hundred and twenty-five dollars; digital pianos

staring at three ninety-nine ($399); king size beds from two hundred and fifty dollars. Free

delivery on all major appliances.

So come on down to Frontier Furniture. Located downtown two blocks east of city hall, across

from Union Square. We re open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM. So, come on in, and let us

make your dream home a reality.

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

Task 3: An Introduction to Advertising

Advertising has become increasingly specialized in modern times. In today s business world,

supply usually outnumbers demand. There is great competition among different manufacturers of

the same kind of product to attract customers to their product. They always have to remind the

consumer of the name and the qualities of their product. They do this by advertising. The

manufacturers advertise in the newspapers and on posters. They sometimes pay for songs about

their product in commercial radio programs. They employ attractive salesgirls to distribute

samples. They organizes competitions, with prizes for the winners. They often advertise on the

screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that have television, they have

advertisements put into programs that will accept them. Manufacturers often spend large sums of

money on advertisements. Sometimes they even spend more on ads than on the products

themselves. We usually think so because of the advertisements that say so. Some people never

pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth.

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D


Influence of a High-Profile Star

Jill: Hey, isn t that the same jacket the soccer star Roberto wears in that magazine ad?

Robert: The very same one indeed. Even the same color.

Jill: But his would have bigger pockets to hold all the money the company pays him to wear it.

Robert: You re just jealous. Wait a sec. I m going to try it on. It seems to fit me pretty well.

Jill: You make me sick. You fall for every ad you see.

Robert: Not at all. I want to buy it just because I like it.

Jill: Sure you do. It and Roberto.


II. Listening Skills

1. M: The police gave a few tickets out last week along Highway 15.

W: In fact, quite a few tickets were given on that road.

