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1.(2015徐淮连宿一模28. The three travelers finally reached the home of Bertha's mother around dusk,______ 65 miles in less than 12 hours.

A . covering B. having covered C. to cover D. to have covered

2.(2015南京市盐城市一模)24. — Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith? — Certainly. Read the next chapter and come to class ________ to discuss what you’ve read. A. preparing B. prepared C. to prepare D. to be prepared

3.(2015南通市一模)23. David has done good deeds all his life,_________ him a lot of population. A. earned B. earning C. to earn D.having earned 4. All kinds of promotion activities were launched, ______ the National Day Holiday market. A. targeting to B. is targeting at C. targeted at D. is targeted

5. Much disappointed as he is ________ in the job interview, he still keeps his confidence. A. to have failed B. failed C. having failed D. Failing

6.(江苏省扬州中学1月质量检测)22. The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _______ to answer all kinds of questions.

A. prepared B. preparing C. to be prepared D. having prepared

7.(2015届淮海中学高三二统模拟)24. What a great weight she felt ________ off her mind the moment she heard she

had passed the College Entrance Examination!

A. take B. to take C. taking D. Taken

8.(南通、连云港市2015届高三第二次调研考试)28. —A new bridge is reported______ across the river in your hometown.

—Yes, and it brings us great convenience. A. to be building B. to be built C. to have built D. to have been built

9. Flocks of customers joined Alibaba Singles, Day, Hong Kong, the U.S. and Russia_______ the top three outside. A. claimed B. to be claimed C. claiming D. being claimed

10.(泰州市2015届高三第二次模拟考试)25. —Johnson is said to be the first young teacher ________ to professor in your university this year.

— Exactly. ________ of his own competence is an important factor in his success. A. promoted; Convincing. B. to have been promoted; Convincing C. promoted; Convinced. D. to have been promoted; Being convinced 11. She was the first woman ______ to the board.

A. to be appointed B. having been appointed C. appointing D. to appoint

12.(南通市2015届高三第三次调研测试)24. —What did David demand in the meeting just now? —______ a chance to join the Debating Club. A. Being offered B. Having been offered C. To be offered D. To have been offered

13.— Why are you so familiar with my close friend Nipple?

—Yeah, I happen, believe it or not,_____him in a packed trip. A. to meet

B. to be meeting

C. to have met

D. to be met

14.(2015南京三模)24. Acceptance is not about liking a situation. It is about acknowledging all that has been lost and _________ to live without it.

A. learning B. learned C. to learn D. having learned

15(2015南通、扬州、淮安、泰州三模)24. —What did David demand in the meeting just now? —______ a chance to join the Debating Club.

A. Being offered B. Having been offered C. To be offered D. To have been offered

16.(2015宿迁市三模)Mr. Mathew, fully ________ of his son’s innocence, began to seek new evidence which would persuade the police to reopen their investigation.

A. Convincing B. Convinced C. To convince D. To be convinced

17.(2015盐城市三模)27. Our car _____ engine trouble, we stopped for the night at a roadside rest area. A. developed B. being developed C. having developed D. to develop

18. People sat in the waiting hall, _____ seriously and their eyes ________ on the planes standing on the running field. A. looked; fixed B. looked; fixing C. looking; fixed D. looking; fixing 19.(2015常州市教育学会水平监测)31.---What about going abroad for further study? ----Great, but I never expected a chance for me before. A. there to be B. there being C. it to be D. it being

20.(扬州市2014-2015学年度第一学期高三期末质量检测)24. ________ a distinctive scenic spot worth ________, Yangzhou, a friendly city, appeals to visitors from all over the world. A. Considered; visited B. Considered; visiting C. Considering; visiting D. Considering; being visited

21(江苏省(南师附中、淮阴、海门、天一)四校2015高三下学期开学联考)31._______along several city blocks is a row of trees, their leaves turning brilliant yellow now that summer is over. A.Extending B.Being extended C.To be extended D.Extended 22.(2015金陵中学 高三 英语总复习)8.8. He is still in the army, ______ in London. A. to station B. stations C. stationing D. stationed

23.(2015苏州中学高三下学期期初考试)28. In a country for stunning landscapes, the Snowdonia Mountains and their valleys offer unparalleled greatness and beauty. A. famed B. faming C. to fame D.being famed

24.(泰州市姜堰区2015届高三下学期期初联考)25. Another Malaysia Airlines plane went down in July in rebellion-torn eastern Ukraine, ______ all 298 aboard. It was believed __________ by a surface-to-air missile. A. killing; to have been hit B. killed; to have been hit C. killed; to be hit D. killing; to have hit 25.(2015徐州三模)28.Mr. Mathew, fully _____________ of his son's innocence, began to seek new evidence which

would persuade the police to reopen their investigation. A. convincing B. convinced C. to convince D. to be convinced

26.(2015徐州三模)29. With the 2022 World Cup final in Qatar _________ on December 18, the public fixed sights

on the Arab nation, causing the concern of the intense summer heat. A. taking place B. having taken place C. to take place D. to have taken place

25.(泰州市田家炳实验中学2013-2014学年度第一学期高三二调)23. The real secret to successful learning lies in students _______ pleasure in what they are doing.

[来源学科网]A. to take B. taking C. taken D. having taken

26.(2014南京盐城一模)32. The white building, _______ threats to pull it down, is now a private house 1n the possession of a retired professor. A. survived B. surviving C. to survive D.having survived

27(江苏省苏州市2014届高三1月调研测试英语试题)24.Turkey opened the world's first trans-continental underwater rail tunnel._Asia and Europe on 29 October, 2013,_closer the day when it will be possible to travel from London to Beijing via Istanbul by train. A. connected; brought B. connected; bringing C .linking; brought D. linking; bringing

28.(2014徐州一模)30. The method ________ in this book has been widely accepted as an important step forward in getting rid of mist.

A. outlining B. outlined C. to be outlined D. to have been outlined

29.(扬州市2013-2014学年度高三期末质量检测)27. On 5 December 2013, China Central Bank prohibited financial

institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions, to regulate the virtual currency. A. moved B. to move C. having moved D. moving

30.(江苏省常州市2014届高三上学期期末考试英语试题 )24. Everyone in this country should work hard and do what they can _____ against national smog.

A. fight B. fought C. fighting D. to fight 31.(江苏海门市2014届高三第一次诊断考试)22. With the fight against the intellectual property theft ______, more and more people find that authentic CDs and DVDs deserve ______. A. furthered; to be bought B. furthered; to buy C. furthering; being bought D. furthering; buying 32.(2014届高三百校联合调研测试(一))—What if he failed in the next monthly examination again? — I don’t know. ______ heart and be reduced _____ the class?

A. Will he lose; not to attending B. Did he lose; to not attending C. Had he lost; not to attending D. Would he lose; to not attending

33.(2014届暨阳高级中学高三英语一模试卷)24. Everyone in this country should work hard and do what they can

_____ against national smog.

A. to fight B. fought C. fighting D. Fight

34.(2014启东中学高三英语试卷)32. ______ the same story many times, my little brother can now tell it himself. A. Telling B. Having told C. Being told D. Having been told 35.The local government has already collected three million dollars, _______ for the environment improvement. A. intended

B. intending

C. to intend

D. to be intended

36.(2014南京盐城二模)28. Our company is going on very well. _______ dozens of local women, we produce handmade goods with unique designs that sell well overseas. A. To employ B. Being employed C. Employed D. Employing

37.(2014扬州中学高三下学期四月阶段测试)29. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year? A. there being B. there to be C. there be D. there going to be

38.Some social organizations have set up reading clubs to promote reading but the effort, though__,is far from enough. A. appreciated B. appreciating C. having appreciated D. to appreciate

39.(2014南通三模)33. This kind of seafood,unless treated immediately after ______ from the sea, is likely to go bad. A. catching B.caught C. to be caught D. being caught

40. Square dancing ______ to help maintain fitness has caused conflicts between the Damas and the neighboring residents. A. claiming B. claimed C. having claimed D. to claim

41.(2014泰州市模拟考试)26. Australian billionaire Clive Palmer announced plans for the building of his cruise ship Titanic II, its first voyage ________for 2016. A. to schedule B. scheduling C. scheduled D. being scheduled

42.(2014徐州三模)25.The most challenging job for game designers is to make their games interesting__. A. to play B. to be played C. played D. being played

43.(扬州市2013-2014学年度高三第三次模拟考试)33. Heavy smog has returned to the skies of Beijing after a

two-month break, with authorities ________ the pollution will remain due to unfavorable conditions. A. predicting B. predicted C. being predicted D. to predict 44.(2014南京三模)32. An individual human existence should be like a river-small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and________passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. A. to rush B. rushing C. rushed D. Rush

45.(2014江苏高考模拟专家卷)23. _______ the source of the bird flu virus, the identities, background and living

conditions of existing patients will be investigated. A. To determine B. Determining C. Determined D. Having determined

46.(2014徐州市高三考前模拟)28. _____ the whole night, all the viewers became impatient and fell into a bad mood.

A. To have been kept waiting B. Having been kept waiting C. Kept to be waiting D. Kept to have been waiting 47.(盐城中学2014届高三年级模拟考试)26. Chenshu seems to be the happiest woman on the planet, with a healthy work-life balance, ______ Chinese-Australian pianist Zhao Yinyin in 2009. A. married B. marrying C. having married D. had married

48.There are many famous cultural relics in our country, many _______ thousands of years ago. A. dating back to B. date back to C. dated back to D. were dated back to

49.(苏州中学2014届高三月考)24. The spokeswoman said at the news conference that they were considering having the term the Russian group strongly objected to . A. changing B. being changed C. change D. changed

50.(2014盐城市第一中学三模)25. As the clock _____ midnight, cinemas across the country screened the film, _____ China one of the first countries in the world to show it. A. knocked; making B. hit; made C. beat; which made D. struck; making

51.(2014高三百校联合调研测试)33. The first time I saw him, what impressed me most were his waistline __ nearly 3 Chinese chi and his obesity __ 210 jin. A. measured ; weighed B. measuring; weighing C. measured; weighing D. measuring; weighed 52.(2014徐州三模)32. In the middle of February, the weather__favorable for work, the workers began to repair and secure the dam of the river. A. was B. being C. would be D. to be

53. The deal, _______ next week, will allow Charney to make a great fortune in the stock market. A. completed B. being completed C. to be completed D. having been completed

54. There are many famous cultural relics in our country, many _______ thousands of years ago.

A. dating back to B. date back to C. dated back to D. were dated back to

55. All the photos in the report are provided by the Students ’ Union, unless otherwise______.

A. noted B. being noted C. to be noted D. having been noted

