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【学段】初中 【科目】英语 【年级】初三

【题干】1、The book is written in_________ easy English beginners can understand. A.so; that B.such; that C.so;as D.such; as

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D 【解析】考查such和so的区别,同时还考查such ?as和such ?that的区别,因为understand后缺宾语,因此选D。 【题干】2、"You 'll have to wait for two hours ,___________ is, about 11:30,the medical report will come out"the doctor said to me. A.that;when B.which; that C.which; that D.which; when 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】考查when表示"那时"的用法。根据句意,选A。 【题干】3、 I never go past that house__________ I think of the happy life we had in the old days. A.where B.and C.that D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D


【题干】4、I do every single bit of housework __________my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A.since B.while C.when D.as

【题型】单项选择 【难度】易 【答案】难 【解析】考查并列转折连词while的用法。这里表示"我"和丈夫做家务的对比。根据句意,

选B。 【题干】5、Try to read in English and speak in English whenever you can,_________ you will see more progress over time. A.but B.or C.and D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】6、—Why were you absent yesterday?

—I caught a cold,___________I had been walking around in the rain. A.but B.so C.and D.for

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D


【题干】7、―Close the window, _________you'll catch cold. ―OK, _________you'd better not smoke. A.and;but B.or;therefore C.an;however D.or;but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D


【题干】8、I'm sorry,,__________I won't be able to come tonight.. A.for B.and C.but D.Then

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】C

【解析】考查连词but的用法。I’m sorry之后习惯上不接表示原因的连词 for,而接表示转折的连词 but(也可以省略 but),用以委婉地提出一个使对方不快的事实,因此选C。

【题干】9、The point is not who said the words, _________they are true or not. A.but whether B.and whether C.but how D.and how

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A 【解析】此题涉及两个搭配:一是not ... but ...(不是??而是??);二是 whether ...or not (是否)。根据句意,选A。 【题干】10、Just because they make more money than I do, ________they seem to look down on me. A.so B.and C.but D./

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D

【解析】because 为从属连词,用以引导原因状语从句,它表明整个句子为复合句;而 so 在表示"所以"时,它是并列连用以连接两个简单句使之成为并列句。由于在同一句中既用了从属连词 because,又用了并列连词 so,使得该句一半像复合句,一半像并列句,从而导致错误。正确的应是任意去掉 because或so中的一个,使之要么成为复合句,要么成为并列句,因此选D。

【题干】11、When the last prize had been awarded__________everybody cleared off.. A.and B.so C.or D./

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】难

【解析】句首 when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,它暗示整个句子为复合句;而so, and,,or 为并列连词,无论选哪一个,都表明整个句子为并列句,从而导致前后矛盾,所以A、B、C三项均不能选择,因此选D。

【题干】12、—Shall we stop for lunch_________shall we drive on? —Let's stop for lunch, but the driver can't drink________drive. A.and;and B.or;or C.and;or D.or;and

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】第一空填 or,表示选择;第二空填and。Can’t drink and drive 指"不能同时既喝酒又开车",即:不能酒后开车。

【题干】13、He imagines that people don't like him,__________they do. A.and B.then C.so D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D

【解析】前后意思是转折的,句子中but they do 相当于but they like him。

【题干】14、 Will you deliver,__________do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods? A.and B.or C.so D.then

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】根据句意,应该是在两个办法之间进行选择,or表示选择。 【题干】15、All the dishes menu, _________ otherwise stated,will serve two to the three people. A.as B.if

C.though D.unless

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】考查连词的用法。句意为:除非有特别的说明,要不然这个菜单上的所有的菜只供两到三个人食用。unless表示"如果不??,除非??",符合句意。 【题干】16、It just isn't fair; _________I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach. A.whenever B.though C.for D.while

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D 【解析】考查时间状语从句的引导词。句意为:这真不公平。上个月当我在做服务员的时候,我的朋友们正躺在沙滩上。表示"与此同时"用while。

【题干】17、Give me one more minute________ I'll have finished. A.so B.until

C.and D.when

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查"祈使句+and+表示结果的句子"结构。所以作为固定结构的表达法要谨记。 【题干】18、My sister is expecting me,_________I must be off now.. A.however B.or C.so


【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查表示缘由的连词。这里上下句之间为因果关系,所以选C。 【题干】19、____________ you are dismissed. A.Neither you go nor B.Either you go or C.Whether you go or D.Both you go and 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】根据句意,应该是两种情况之下的选择,而B项则表示这种选择关系。 【题干】20、Everything around us is_________solid,,liquid_________gas. A.not;but B.either;or C. neither;nor D.whether; or 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】句意为:我们周围的物体不是固体、液体就是气体。所以选B。 【题干】21、—Hi, Bob, are you going to attend tomorrow's conference? —Oh, I’m afraid not,___________ invited too. A. even if B.as if C. even as D. since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A

【解析】考查连词及连词词组辨析。句意为:"即使被邀请也不去",因此用even if。 even if即使;as if犹如,好似; even as正如;正巧在??的时候;since既然。

【题干】22、The medicine worke more effectively_________you drink some hot water after taking it. A.as B.until C.although D.if

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D


【题干】23、Follow your doctor's advice,_________ your cough will get worse. A. or B.and C. then D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A


【题干】24、 I can't come back________six o'clock perhaps..Don't wait for me for supper. A. after B. if C.until D.when

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】25、_________you've got a chance,,you might as well make full use of it.. A. Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】句中的might as well可用于提出建议,now that表示原因,意为"既然",故答案为A。

【题干】26、No one helped me.I did it all____myself. A.for B.by

C.from D.to

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】考查介词by的用法。搭配by oneself表示"单独,靠自己"。而for oneself有"为自己"的意思,不合句意。

【题干】27、_____two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend. A.With B.Beside C.As for

D.Because of

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】由句子结构看出,第一空须填入介词,构成介词+宾语+to do的形式,只有with有此用法,由此可知选A。

【题干】28、The accident is reported to have occurred_____the first Sunday in February. A.at B.on C.in D.to

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B


【题干】29、I feel that one of my main duties_____a teacher is to help the students to become better learners. A.for B.by C.as D.with

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】30、You can't wear a blue jacket_____that shirt;;it'll look terrible. A.on B.above C.up D.over

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难


【解析】考查介词over 的用法。根据名意可知,此处强调全面覆盖,所以用over,即表示蓝色上衣罩在那件衬衫上。而on表示在硬性物体的表面上;above表示在物体的斜上方;up作介词时,意为"沿??而上"。

【题干】31、She was very tired,_____ she kept on working. A.or B.so C.and


【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D


【题干】32、He arrived_____Beijing on Wednesday. A.in B.on C.at D.for

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】句中Beijing侧重强调大的地方,而at后面一般是跟小地方,故用in. 【题干】33、He usually stays at home______Sunday morning.. A.in B.on C.at D.for

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】因为Sunday morning表示具体时间范围,故选B ,而in一般是表示一段时间。 【题干】34、______Mr.Wang,we also went to see the film.. A.Besides B.Except C.Except for D.Except taht

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】本句also的暗示很重要,说明"王先生也去了"。A项正合句意。 【题干】35、Mongolia lies_____north of China. A.in B.to

C.on D.at

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】根据常识:蒙古国与我国华北接壤,表示"相邻,扫壤"时用on。In,to与on 表示在某范围之内用in;表示在某范围之外用to;表示"相邻,接壤"时用on.. 【题干】35、Though they are so poor ,_____they have enough to eat.. A.so B.and C.but D.yet

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D


【题干】36、The reason why she is fat is_____she overeats. A.that B.so C.why D.because

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】the reason why,is后通常用that而不用because引导表语从句。所以选A。 【题干】37、What I want to know is ______he will come. A.that B.不填 C.whether D.if

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】C


【题干】38、Mr.Anderson starts to work very clearly in the morning and goes on working until late in the afternoon ______a break middy. A.with B.for C.as


【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难


【解析】介考查介词with结构。即with a break at midday是由"with+宾语+介词短语充当宾补",在句中作状语。 【题干】39、______the morning of that Satueday, my mother together with me visited my father in prison. A.In B.On C.At D.To

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】 强调具体的那个星期六早上。表示在具体某星期几及具体某天上午、下午和晚上等都用介词on。

【题干】40、The study you have been making ______the ancient Chinese characters is an instructive job. A.to B.of C.for D.from

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】B

【解析】考察介词的准确含义。根据句子结构可知you have been making ______the anciient Chinese chracters作定语修饰the study;由此可以推:主语the study作making的逻辑宾语, 构成make the study of 搭配,相当于动词study,因此此空应选of. 【题干】41、—What's your favorite sport??

—Jogging. I always run_______the river every morning . A.around B.on C.along D.in

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】42、We need fifty more people______our team to do the job. A.but B.as well C.except D.besides

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易


【解析】 besides表"除??外,还有"; except表"只有??除外"意同but as well也。 【题干】43、The question of _____she'll come back home will be setted.. A.if

B.whether C.when D.what

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】B


【题干】44、Between 1975 and 1977,the number of overseas visitors increased_____27%. A.by B.for C.to D.in

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A


【题干】45、Child______she was ,she could do housework for her mother. A.though B.although C.for


【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】 though引导的让步状语从句除了用陈述句语序外,也可用倒装语序。而although不可用于此句型

【题干】46、Does John know any other foreign languages_____French? A.except B.but C.besides D.beside

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】C 【解析】any other已暗示John了解French。句意是John你还知道除了法语之外的其他语言吗? 【题干】47、_____does he have to type out the answer on a computer, _____he gets the computer to translate in into sounds. A.Not only ;but also

B.Either ;or C.Both ;and D.as well as; but 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A 【解析】not only引导的句子放于句首,要部分倒装,but also部分倒装。 C并列连词as well as 表示"也、一样"的意思。 D 并列连词not only ,but also表示"不但,而且"。 D 第二空表示"我想去,但我很忙"。表示转折含义。

【题干】48、When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchair on the passage, _____lifts,suitable bathrooms toilets. A.except B.as well C.as well as D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】C

【解析】并列连词as well as 表示"也、一样"的意思。 本题的意思是并列连词not only ,but also表示"不但,而且"当我们在设计大楼的时候,应当在出口通道方面考虑一下残疾人,电梯和洗手间上面的设计也要照顾到残疾人。

【题干】49、―Were stories passed on from one person to another? ―Many of the country people could_____read_____write. A.both ;and B.either ;or C.neither ;nor

D.not only; but also 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】并列连词not only ,but also表示"不但,而且"。本题的意思是"故事是以口头形式从一个人传给另一个人的吗?""多数国家不但有书面的,而且还有口头形式的。" 【题干】50、—Would you like to come to dinner tonight? —I'd love to,______I’m too busy. A.and B.so C.as D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】本题的意思是"你今晚愿意和我一起吃晚餐吗?""我想去,但我很忙"。语义中包含转折的意思,所以选D。 【题干】51、There's no way of konwing why one man makes an important discovery anthor man,

also intelligent ,fails. A.since B.if C.as D.while

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D


【题干】52、I was glad to meet Jenny again,________I didn't want to spend all day with her. A.but B.and C.so D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】题干的意思是:"我很高兴再次见到詹妮,________我不想整天和她待在一起。"根据前半句中的glad与后半句中的did't want可知前后两句为转折关系,所以选A。

【题干】53、Don't turn off the computer before closing all programs,________you could have problems. A.or B.and C.but D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A


【题干】54、It's not easy to change habits,________with awareness and self-control,it is possible. A.for B.or C.but D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难


【解析】题干的意思是:"改变习惯不容易,________有了意识和自制力,它是可能的。"分析句子意思我们知道,空格前后的句子存在转折关系。四个选项中,A项表"因为";B项表"或者";C项表"但是";D项表"所以"。因此答案为C。其实后面的句子补充完整应为:it is possible to change habits with awareness and self control。

【题干】55、I took my driving license with me on holiday,________I wanted to hire a car. A.in case B.even if C.ever since D.if only

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A 【解析】in case以防万一,引导条件状语从句;even if纵然,即使,引导让步状语从句;ever since自??以来,引导时间状语从句;if only要是??就好了,常用于虚拟语气,表示一种强烈的愿望。题干的意思是:我度假时随身带着驾照,以备我租车之需。由句意可知正确答案为A项。掌握连词的用法以及正确理解句意和前后的逻辑关系是解题关键。

【题干】56、________ small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. A.As

B.As long as C.Although D.Once

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】句意:"尽管很小,但是这个公司已经在30多个国家有大约1 000个买家。"根据句意及前后句的关系可知选择C项although"尽管"。

【题干】57、_______we have enough evidence,we can't win the case. A.Once

B.As long as C.Unless D.Since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】C

【解析】题干的意思是:"如果我们没有足够的证据,我们就不能打赢这场官司。"分析题意可知,前后两句之间为条件关系。A项意为"一旦";B项意为"只要??就??";C项意为"除非,如果??不??";D项意为"自从"。unless=if??not,所以答案为C。 【题干】58、She says that she'll have to close the shop________business improves. A.if B.unless C.after D.when


【难度】易 【答案】B


【题干】59、 Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ______ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.for D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A

【解析】本题考察的连词都是常见的连词。So于是(强调上下文因果关系);or或者;or由于,因为(起补充说明作用);but但是(表示转折);句意:一些动物把种子从一个地方带到另外一个地方,于是植物就传播到了新的地方生长了。上下文之间是因果关系。故A正确。 【题干】60、—Someone wants you on the phone —_____nobody knows I am here A.Although B.And C.But D.So

A.Although B.And C.But


【题干】61、It was a nice meal,_______a little expensive. A.though B.whether C.as D.since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】A

【解析】句意:那顿饭真美味,尽管有点贵。Though"尽管",引导让步状语从句,该句使用了省略形式,补全为"though it was a little expensive"注意as也可以表示"尽管",但as作此意时必须使用倒装结构。

【题干】62、—Did you have a good time at the party? —Yes..We sang ______danced until late at night. . A.but B.if C.and D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查连词辨析。But"但是",是并列连词,表转折; if"假如,如果",引导条件状语从句;and"和,而且",表示顺承或并列;so"所以",表结果。句意 "—你们在聚会中过得好吗?—是的,我们又唱又跳直到深夜。"故选C。

【题干】63、Lin Shuhao is _______famous______all the basketball fans in China know him. A.too,to B.enough,to C.so,that D.as,as

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】64、I won't take part in Julie's birthday party ________I am invited. A.unless B.after C.because D.if

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】考查连词辨析。unless "除非;如果不"。句意为"我不会参加茱莉亚的生日晚会除非我被邀请"。 【题干】65、Help others whenever you can________youll make the world a nicer place to live in. A.so B.or C.and D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】B 【解析】考查连词用法。根据题意无论何时帮助别人,你都会让世界成为一个居住的好地方,等同于肯定意义的条件句。相当于结构"祈使句+and +将来时",故选B。 【题干】66、 —How was your climbing Mount. Huang? —I didn't believe I could do it _______ I got to the top. A.until B.while C.after D.in


【难度】易 【答案】A


【题干】67、Cross the road carefully,____you’ll keep yourself safe. A.so B.or C.but D.and

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】考查连词辨析。so "因此";or以为"否则";but表示转折;and理解为"那么",用于表示并列。根据题意"小心穿越马路,能保证自己安全"可知用and 连接。 【题干】68、-Tell us something about Canada,,OK?

-I'm sorry. _________ Jack _________ I have ever been there. A.Either;or

B.Not only;but also C.Both;and D.Neither;nor 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D

【解析】本题考查并列连词的用法。either ?or?"或者??或者??";not only? but also?"不但??而且??";both? and?"两者都??";neither ?nor?"两者都不??"。根据句意:请告诉我们有关加拿大的事情好吗?对不起,杰克和我都没去过那里,所以选择答案D。

【题干】69、I really enjoyed your speech, _________ there were some parts I didn't quite understand. A.because B.for C.until D.though

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D


【题干】70、_________they are twins,they don’t look the same at all. A.Because B.Though C.As D.Since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B


【题干】71、— How was the food in the town? — Terrible,______ we still had a good time there. A.or B.so C.but


【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查连词用法。由题意可知:terrible和had a good time存在一种转折关系,故选but。 【题干】72、Hurry up,________ you will miss the train.. A.and B.so C.or D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】73、_______ we don’t save water;we will have no water to drink one day. A.Where B.When C.Although D.If

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D


【题干】74、The little girl didn't stop crying ________ she found her mother. A.after B.until C.because D.when

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B



【题干】75、 The water here is polluted even the animals can't drink it. A.so

B.because C.though D.and

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A


【题干】76、Wang Dong didn`t go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if

C.because D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】77、 Mike was ill yesterday,_________ he didn’t go to school.. A.if B.but C.so D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C


【题干】78、The man was so tired,___ he still went on working.. A.so B.but C.or D.and

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】考查连词用法。根据句意可知:疲劳和继续工作存在一种让步关系,故可用but连接,意为"即使 这个人很疲劳了,可仍然继续工作着"。

【题干】79、We can't pass the exam, ___________we study hard. A.because B.and

C.unless D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查连词用法。pass the exam和study hard存在一种条件关系,"如果努力学习你就会通过这次考试;如果不努力学习,你就不会通过这次考试",故根据句意可知选C。 【题干】80、We must get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning,___________ we will be late for the meeting. A.and B.or C.but D.unless

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B


【题干】81、Tom thinks action movies are interesting, I think they are boring.. A.but B.and C.so D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A


【题干】82、I bought a new shirt for John,_______ he didn't like it. A.because B.and C.but D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C 【解析】此题考察连词。but表示转折冠词,and表示承接关系,so表示因果关系。根据句意"我给约翰买了件衬衫,可他不喜欢"可知前后两句是转折关系。故选A。

【题干】83、_______Gian_______Tara are studying Chinese history and culture now,they find them rich and amazing. A.Both;and

B.Not only;but also C.Either;or D.Neither;nor

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】考查连词用法。由系动词are可知:二者都在学中国历史和文化,故用A连接。 【题干】84、Music isn't Sally's main interest, _______she wants to see some Beijing Opera today. A.but B.so C.or D.and

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D 【解析】考查连词用法。"音乐不是萨利的主要兴趣"和"今天她要去北京看京剧"存在一种顺成的并列关系,故用and连接。

【题干】85、We will be punished_______we break the law. A.until B.if C.unless D.though

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】考查连词用法。"违反法律和受到惩罚"存在一种假设,故用if引导,句意"如果我们违反了法律,就会受到惩罚"。 【题干】86、Ten years has passed_______ the CCTV event People Who moved Chna took place in 2002. A.when B.while C.before D.since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】考查连词用法。when和while 都是当??时候的意思;before是在??之前的意思;since是自??以来的意思,多用于现在完成时。故选D。

【题干】87、We should give the boy another chance ________ he has made some mistakes. A.though B.when C.unless D.because

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A

【解析】考查连词辨析。Though"虽然";when"当??时候";unless"如果不、除非";because "因为"。故选 A。

【题干】88、We will go to the square to watch the raising of national flag________it rains tomorrow. A.when B.if C.since D.unless

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D

【解析】本题考查连词的用法。when是当??时候之意,引导时间状语从句;if 是假设如果之意, 因导条件状语从句;since是由于既然之意;unless是除非、如果不的意思。故应选D. 【题干】89、You can choose to watch TV at home________go shopping with me. A.and B.but C.so D.or

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】本题考查连词的用法。and "和" ;or "否则、或者" ;but "但是";so "所以、如此"。 故选D。

【题干】90、________he is noly 12,he often does to the old people 's home to perform plays for the old people as a volunteer. A.If B.Since C.Though D.Because

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】C

【解析】考查连词辨析。If 是如果,是否之意;Since是由于,既然之意;Because是因为之意。故应选 C.

【题干】91、—Where are you going for the coming winter camp? —I won't decide on the place________the end of this month.. A.until B.unless C.though D.but

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查一下四个词语的用法。until 往往与not 一起连用,构成 not ? until 意思是"

直到 ??才";unless "如果不, 除非";though "尽管"; through "通过"。 故选 A . 【题干】92、Eddie was sleeping________Millie was reading a magazine. A.until B.while C.before D.after

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】本题考查连词的用法。while "然而"; before "在??以前"; until "直到??"; after "在 ?? 之后"。故选 B 。

【题干】93、"You can't have them all. You can choose _____the kite ______ the toy Car,"said the mother. A.either;or

B.not only;but also C.both;and D.too;to

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查关联词语的用法。both? and ? "两者都";either ? or ? "要么 ?? 要么??", "或者??或者 ??";not only ?? but also ? "不但??而且??" ;too?to?是"太??而不能"。故选 A 。

【题干】94、A snake bit him ___________ he went to see a doctor at once.. A.if B.where C.because D.so

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】D

【解析】本题考查引导词及连词的用法。if "如果" 引导条件状语从句 ;where "在哪里" 是个引导副词 ;because "因为" 和 so "所以" 引导一个原因状语从句,但在一个句子中不能同时出现。故选D。

【题干】95、___________my father___________my mother is able to drive a car.However,,they are going to buy one. A.Neither;nor B.Both;and C.Either; or

D.Not only; but also 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查关联词语的用法。both? and ? "两者都";either ? or ? "要么 ?? 要

么??" "或者??或者 ??";neither ? nor ? "既不??也不??";not only ?? but also ? "不但??而且??" 。故选 A 。

【题干】96、—I hear___________your grandpa___________your grandpa like watching Beijing Opera.

—Right, just as many old people do un our city. A.both;and B.either;or C.neither;nor

D.not only;but also 【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查关联词语的用法。both? and ? "两者都";either ? or ? "要么 ?? 要么??" "或者??或者 ??";neither ? nor ? "既不??也不??";not only ?? but also ? "不但??而且??"。 故选 A 。

【题干】97、I didn’t believe he could drive ___________he told me. A.once B.while C.since D.until

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】D

【解析】本题考查连词的用法。Once"一旦";while"当??时,当??时候,和??同时";since"自从??以来";until"直到"。 not?until 表示"直到?才"。故选D。 【题干】98、Please tell me the truth,________ I can't decide how to help you next step. A.so B.or C.but D.for

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B

【解析】本题考查连词的用法。So"所以,因此";or"或者,否则";but"但是"; for"为,为了"。句意为"请告诉我真相,否则我不能决定如何帮你下一步"。故选B。

【题干】99、A lot of famous doctors gathered in Harbin________save "China's most beatiful teacher" —Mr Zhang Lili. A.so that B.in order to C.in order that D.as a result

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】难 【答案】B

【解析】本题考查连词词组辨析。so that "因为,所以"引导目的状语从句;in order to do sth.和in order that都意为"为了",但in order to后接动词原形do sth..in order that后接从句。as a result"作为一个最终结果"。句意为"很多医生都聚集在哈尔滨为抢救最美丽的教师—张丽丽"。故选B。

【题干】100、Welcome to our hotel! I hope you'll have a good time ____ your stay here. A.after B.during C.with D.since

【题型】单项选择题 【难度】易 【答案】B


