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famous, well-known, acknowledged, established, prestigious, admirable, renowned 表示优秀、卓越:

excellent, outstanding, brilliant, powerful, potent, effective, high-rank, remarkable, distinguished, prominent, 表示强大:

powerful, mighty, potent, strong, forceful 表示坚强:

unswerving, unremitting, tough, firm, adamant 表示富足、繁荣:

rich, abundant, prosperous, booming 表示宽容、善解人意:

considerate, magnanimous, kind, tolerant, sensible, generous, amicable, friendly, amiable, merciful, benevolent, charitable, kind-hearted, virtuous, good-tempered, agreeable, eclectic 表示灵敏:

sensitive, subtle, smart, acute, swift, quick, agile, sharp, keen, penetrating 表示热情:

passionate, fanatic, zealous, ardent, enthusiastic, devoted, cordial, fiery, impassioned, fervent, eager, solicitous


serious, threatening, imminent, hard, grave, critical 表示高兴:

Excited, happy, joyful, hopeful, content, satisfied, pleased, cheerful 表示不高兴:

Distressed, unhappy, dissatisfied, unpleasant, upset, daunted, restless, disturbed, bored 表示剧烈:

Intensive, radical, extreme, violent, strong, potent, keen, fierce, severe 常用动词 give 给 bring 带来 help 帮助 make 制造 improve 改善 keep 保持 build 建造

serve as 充当,担任 play an important role in enjoy own


are available to, have access to

people will benefit from sth, sth has benefited people depend on, rely on

resort to, take the measure of, turn to sb for hep increase, enlarge, enhance, promote, improve

regard ... as ..., view ... as ..., consider ... as ... be helpful to ... be effective in ...

produce, yield, generate 产生 contribute to...

lead to, result in, cause 导致 affect

have negative effects on 有负面影响 take advantage of,make use of 利用 make the best of, make the most of 充分利用 enrich 充实 expand 扩充 extend 延伸

damage, undermine 损害 hurt 伤害

endanger 危害 meet, fulfill, satisfy 满足 offer, provide 提供 progress, advance 进步

like, love, be fond of, have fun in, be enthusiastic at, be interested in喜欢

dislike, hate 厌恶

I think, I believe, I maintain 我认为。。。

