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学 院 信息工程学院 专 业 信息工程(电子信息工程方向) 年级班别 2004级(4)班 学 号 3104002975 学生姓名 陈英权 指导教师 刘喜英

2008 年 6 月 5 日

目 录


1 为什么选择PHP ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2 如果你是编程新手 ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3 写一个基本的PHP程序 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4 编程语法 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。 5 嵌入式语言如何工作 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。 6 服务端和客户端脚本 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。 7 运行你的程序 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。


1 Why PHP? ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2 If You Are New to Programming .......................... 错误!未定义书签。 3 Writing a Basic PHP Program ............................ 错误!未定义书签。 4 Programming Syntax ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 5 How Embedded Programming Works ......................... 错误!未定义书签。 6 Server-side Versus Client-side Scripting ............... 错误!未定义书签。 7 Running Your New Program .............................. 错误!未定义书签。


1 为什么选择PHP




另一种Web使用的知名语言是Sun Microsystems公司的Java。Java是平台独立的语言(在一个系统上用Java开发的程序可以不经过任何修改,就可以运行在其它系统上)。

尽管Java的确有它的优点,但它在开发时间、开发成本和执行速度上却有明显的劣势。Java开发是耗时的,因为Java工程要遵循严格的规则(Java强制的),这需要进行大量的规划。另外,Java开发周期长,费用成本高, Java程序员的待遇也较高。因此Java程序开发的成本远远高于其它语言开发的成本。通过我们的比较可以看出,即使项目开发结束后,以Java语言写的程序在运行时所花费的时间比其它语言的时间还要长。









? 反馈表单

? 购物车和其它类型的电子商务系统 ? 用户注册,访问控制,以及在线订阅服务 ? 客户登记 ? 讨论和留言板

2 如果你是编程新手








3 写一个基本的PHP程序


和创建一个HTML页面不同,创建一个PHP程序,你要面对的是文件中的代码,而不是那些所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的内容。如果你要利用这些所见即所得的编辑器开发程序(如微软的FrontPage,Macromedia Dream-Weaver,微软Word等),你可能还要花费一些时间来研究代码。





现在,在记事本中打开该文件,看看你的PHP代码是否发生了变化,包括代码格式上的改变,特殊字符的转换(如< <;)以及完全被删除的代码。





1.创建HTML文件(添加文本,表格,图像,或声音等)。 2.保存HTML文件,命名为filename.html。 3.用FTP程序把你的文件上传到Web服务器。

4.用你的浏览器访问Web服务器上的文件(如,http:/ / /filename.html)。



2.保存PHP文件,命名为filename.php。 3.使用FTP程序上传你的文件到Web服务器。

4.用你的浏览器访问Web服务器上的文件(如http:/ /







/* Display a text message */

echo “Hello, world! This is my first PHP program.”; ?>








4 编程语法






这和编译型语言有所不同,如C或C + +,它们只被解释一次;C语言程序,直接被翻译成机器码(机器码直接由CPU处理)。PHP不得不解释程序中包含的命令,这些命令还在必须以PHP能够识别的形式给出。例如,如果有人走向你,用德语询问时间,你可能不知道他在说什么(除非你懂得德语或者这个人指着他的手腕)。同样地,如果我走到你面前说,用英文语美味问你,“现在几点了?“你可能也不知道我在说什么。





如下这个例子,该语句不能执行,即使该命令是PHP语言的命令: echo “This won’t work.”


echo “This works!”;


echo “This won’t work.” echo “This won’t work.”


5 嵌入式语言如何工作

通过前面的讲解,我们知道PHP代码必须封装在这两个 PHP标签之间。在同一文件中,使用标签来分隔PHP代码和HTML代码,这就允许将PHP代码要处理的信息和HTML要显示的信息直接混合在一起。这使得PHP成为一种嵌入式编程语言,因为PHP代码被直接嵌入在HTML代码中了。








/* File: hello_world.php – displays “Hello, World!” */ ?>

Hello, World! Hello,

// Send “World!” to the visitor?s browser echo “World!”; ?>

当Web服务器访问这个文件的时候,PHP解释器将会从头到尾的逐行执行文件中的命令。因此, PHP标签间处理的信息就随着echo语句一起返回给浏览器了。Web浏览器接收到的内容和如下代码所示效果相同:

Hello, World! Hello, World!

然后浏览器就可以像显示其它HTML文件一样显示“Hello World!”信息了。


6 服务端和客户端脚本







7 运行你的程序

按照本文开始介绍的过程,尝试运行这个程序。 你将在你的浏览器里看到 “Hello World!“。


1 Why PHP?

PHP is an excellent choice for Web programming. It has many advantages over other languages, including other Web-oriented languages. To get a very general understanding of how the common Web programming languages compare, let?s compare them.

ASP is Microsoft?s Web programming environment. (It?s not a language itself because it allows the programmer to choose from a few actual languages, such as VBScript or JScript.) ASP is simple, but too simple for programs that use complex logic or algorithms.

Besides ASP?s over-simplicity, many companies find it hard to budget for the expense of Microsoft licenses. Without even considering hardware costs, a Microsoft server could cost thousands of dollars in licensing, whereas a comparable Unix-based operating system running PHP could be free.

Another language well known for its use on the Web is Sun Microsystems? Java. Java is praised for being platform-independent (a program written in Java can be run on virtually any computer without having to make any modifications to the program).

Although Java does have its advantages, it has serious downsides in development time, development cost, and execution speed. Java development is time-consuming because projects in Java must follow strict rules (imposed by Java) that require extensive planning. In addition to high development time, the cost is also high because Java developers are expensive to hire. The cost is therefore potentially much higher than it would be if the project were done in another language. Even after the project is built, a program written in Java takes longer to run than one written in one of the other languages to which we?re comparing.

Overall, when compared to Java, PHP comes out with flying colors. It is not


unheard of for a Java project to take two or three times the time to develop compared to a similar project in PHP. On top of that, the final program runs on a wide array of platforms (like Java), except the PHP program runs faster.

Another language commonly used for writing Web programs is Perl. Perl, like PHP, is an open-source project developed to run on many platforms. In fact, Perl has been around longer than PHP. Before PHP, Perl was generally accepted as the best Web programming language. However, during the past few years, PHP has earned a reputation for being better than Perl for Web programming because PHP provides a vast number of features as part of PHP itself, whereas you would have to download separate modules to get the same functionality in Perl. This leads to problems when programs are transferred from one system to another because the modules have to be downloaded from Perl?s exhaustive (and confusing) module archive known as CPAN.

The last language to compare PHP to is C. C has been around for a long time; it has been used in a variety of computers, from mainframes to consumer PCs. The problems creating a Web program in C are obvious if you know C. To develop a Web program in C, you have to develop all of the basic functionality of Web programming (such as collecting the data from HTML forms) before you can even begin to think about the actual task at hand. Since PHP provides for all the common (and many uncommon) Web programming tasks, writing such a program in PHP allows the programmer to get straight to the point.

You could write volumes on PHP?s advantages over other programming languages when it comes to Web programming. There are many, many articles on the Internet comparing PHP to Java, Perl, ASP, and others. Once you?ve earned some experience programming in PHP, you might find yourself trying to convince your client or employer to allow you to use it instead of another language. If that problem arises, you should find plenty of helpful information by doing a Web search.

PHP has an unlimited number of uses. The original version was used solely to track who was viewing the creator?s resume. Over time, however, that simple


tracking program evolved into a language of its own.

PHP?s primary use certainly isn?t to track resumes anymore; it has grown to be able to do that and just about anything else. To give you a better idea of what PHP can do, here are some of its common uses:

? Feedback forms

? Shopping carts and other types of e-commerce systems

? User registration, access control, and management for online subscription services

? Guest books

? Discussion and message boards

2 If You Are New to Programming

If you?ve never written a computer program before, the whole idea may be quite intimidating. Most programmers will probably tell you (if they aren?t embarrassed to admit it) that they were intimidated when they began. However, the programming process isn?t all that difficult and, contrary to popular belief, you don?t have to have an extremely high IQ to be good at it.

When you write a program, your main goal is to translate your idea into a language that the computer can understand. For example, if you were teaching a person how to cook hamburgers, you would first describe the process of forming the ground beef into patties. Then, you would tell the person how to put the burgers on the grill, how long to leave them there, and finally how to remove them.

Of course, just because you can describe the process of making hamburgers doesn?t mean PHP is going to be cooking anything for you anytime soon. The point is, if you can describe a process like I just described making hamburgers, you can write a program.

Writing a PHP program is simply the process of describing to PHP how to do something. By the time you?ve finished reading this article, you will understand


all the concepts behind writing a PHP program. Those concepts are like the words and sentences used to describe hamburgers. The more you read this article, the more “words” you will understand, and the better you will be able to “describe” your task to PHP. Thus, you will learn to write PHP programs to suit whatever need or idea you have, and soon it won?t be any more intimidating than telling someone how to cook hamburgers.

Some programming problems might be very complex when examined as a whole. For example, creating a shopping cart is definitely not a simple task. However, a shopping cart can be broken into a few smaller tasks. Those tasks might include adding and removing items, which are both tasks that can break into even smaller tasks. You will find that any task, no matter how complex, can be broken into smaller ones until each task is simple enough that breaking it down further is unnecessary. This process is explained in more detail when you begin creating programs with more complexity


Writing a Basic PHP Program

Before we get into an actual program, let?s take a look at the steps we?ll take to create one. The steps aren?t complicated; in fact, they?re basically the same as the steps you use when creating an HTML page and publishing it to your server.

Unlike creating an HTML page, creating a PHP program requires that you actually work with the source code of the file as opposed to a “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) approach. If you?re used to using a WYSIWYG program (such as Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream-Weaver, or Microsoft Word), it may take you some time to get used to looking at the source code.

The good news is there?s no reason that you can?t continue to use a WYSIWYG editor to create an HTML design for your program. However, you may be disappointed to find that many WYSIWYG editors mangle or even delete vital PHP code from your files. For this reason, it is important to find out how your particular editor handles PHP code. If you want to test your WYSIWYG to


see how it handles PHP code, create a new file, naming it with a .php extension. Then, switch to your editor?s source view or open the file in a separate program, such as Notepad and enter the program shown in the first example later in the chapter, making sure not to make any mistakes.

When you?re finished, save the file and switch back to the WYSIWYG editor. If you see your PHP code, work around it and type a few lines of text. If you want, add some common elements that you include in your Web pages, such as tables and images. Save the file again and close all the open editors.

Now, open the file in Notepad and look at the PHP code. Look for any changes, including changes in the way the code is formatted, special characters that have been converted into codes (such as < to <), and code that has been completely removed.

You will probably find that the PHP code has been changed in some way. Because PHP is sensitive to some of the changes a WYSIWYG editor might make, it?s almost impossible to use a WYSIWYG editor once you?ve started adding PHP code. The PHP community won?t tell you that using a WYSIWYG editor is a sign of weakness; doing so can speed things up a lot sometimes.

For now, try using a plain-text editor when you?re reading and experimenting with the examples in this article. When you?re comfortable with that, feel free to try it with whatever editor you want. By that time, you?ll be able to recognize code that the editor has mangled, and you?ll have an easier time finding what works best for you.

Regardless of how your current editor handles PHP code, if you are using a WYSIWYG editor, I suggest that you use an editor such as Notepad or one of the many free syntax-highlighting editors out there. Using one of these programs will ensure that your code stays just as you typed it (WYSIWYG editors tend to reformat things as they see fit, which isn?t desirable when coding PHP). Even if your editor passed the test, if it?s not a strictly text based (not WYSIWYG) editor, you might find yourself running into problems later.

Here is the process you might use in creating and viewing an HTML file:


1. Create your HTML file (add text, tables, images, or sounds). 2. Save your HTML file as filename.html.

3. Use an FTP program to upload your file to the Web server.

4. Point your browser to the address of the file on your Web server (for example,

The process you would use to create a PHP program is much the same: 1. Create your HTML file (containing text, tables, images, or sounds) and insert PHP code where desired. 2. Save your PHP file as filename.php.

3. Use an FTP program to upload your file to the Web server.

4. Point your browser to the address of the file on your Web server (such as

The process of creating a PHP program isn?t much different from the process you follow to create a regular HTML page.

Now that you?ve seen the overall process, let?s take a look at our first PHP program. After reading the following example, you?ll learn what separates it from a normal HTML file, how to upload it to your Web server, and what the page should look like viewed in your browser.



/* Display a text message */

echo “Hello, world! This is my first PHP program.”; ?>

This file looks a lot like a regular HTML file. Notice that the file has HTML


tags typical of those you would find in any HTML file. In fact, if you disregard everything between the tags, you might as well rename this file with an .html extension.

However, this file does contain PHP code, so it must be named with a .php extension. The PHP code lies between the PHP tags () as shown in Figure 1.1. The command between the PHP tags is echo (PHP?s word for “add the following text to the page”) followed by the text to display. The output, which will be shown soon, looks just as if the text after echo had been in an HTML file itself and no PHP code ever existed.

Figure 1.1: This diagram shows the different parts of a basic PHP program. Before we look at the output, let?s upload this file to a Web server and run it. Follow the process outlined previously to write the program, save it as a PHP file (with a .php extension), and upload it to your Web server.

Once your program is uploaded to your Web server, type its address into your browser. You should get a page back that looks very similar to the screenshot in Figure 1.2.


snippet follows; notice that the JavaScript has been left intact and untouched, but the PHP code has been evaluated. PHP ignores the JavaScript code completely:

As you can see, this code will cause JavaScript errors when executed. Be cautious when combining PHP and JavaScript code: It can be done, but it must be done with attention to the fact that the PHP will always be evaluated without regard for the JavaScript. To successfully combine the two, it?s generally necessary to output JavaScript code with PHP.

The following example does just that:


7 Running Your New Program

Following the same procedure outlined at the beginning of this article, try running this program.

Your program display “Hello, World!” in your browser.


