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Unit 1 In China




1)学习表示方向的词汇east,south,west,north; 2)我国著名景点和事物的英文表达方式。 能力目标:

能够用自己学过的语言,对祖国的一个著名地方进行简单描述; 情感目标:



1.学习表示方向的词汇east,south,west,north; 2.我国著名景点和事物的英文表达方式;



1.表示方向词的音义。可能出现的问题有: 1)不能很好的辨别词义; 2)不知道方向。 2.如何正确表达方向。 3.复杂的背景知识。

各省市在中国的位置,各省市的著名的景点和事物等。 4.综合运用语言的能力

Lesson 1


1、 本课学习名胜景点和表示方位的词汇:

the Potala Palace, the Summer Palace, the Terracotta Army, the Stone Forest, Elephant Trunk Hill,

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north, south, west, east

2、 本课围绕名胜景点进行表达方位用于的学习。 Where is…? It’s in the south /north/west/east of China.


1、 能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。 2、 能够围绕本课句型进行交际和表达。 三、教学重点和难点

1、 本课的教学重点是:方位的表达方式。

2、 本课的教学难点是:对所谈论地方的所在方位和省份的知识储备。 四、教学手段 1、 教学录音磁带; 2、 教学挂图;

3、 学生和教师用单词卡片;

4、 教师自制相关教具(如:自制课件、小奖品等)。 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法、TPR 六、教学步骤:

1. Show some pictures: The Potala Palace, the Summer Palace, Yellow Mountain, The Stone Forest, Elephant Trunk Hill.

Ask the Ss to look at the pictures, say them in pairs. (Do you know them? Where are they?) The teacher show the words: in the north\\south\\east\\west of ... 2. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape 2 times and stick. 3. Ask the Ss try to check the answers in pairs.

4. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape for the third time, and check the answers in class. Meanwhile, learn the new words.

5. Practise: 1) Read the words.

2) Look at a part of the pictures and say the words.

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3) Guessing game. 6. Listen to part (B) and repeat it.

7. Make a new dialogue according to part (B). 8. Act the dialogue.

9. Do a survey. (ask and report) 9. Homework

1) Copy the new words. 2) Write a short passage.

Lesson 2


1.本课学习名胜景点的词汇:snow-capped mountains,silk,Chinese tea,Mount Tai,2.本课学习表达各地著名的事物的句型:What is …famous for/ It’s famous for… 二、教学目标

1.能够初步听懂、会说、认读本课词汇。 2.能够围绕本课句型进行交际和表达。 三、教学重点和难点

1.本课的教学重点是:表达各地著名的事物。 2.本课的教学难点是:在课本基础上进行扩展。 四、教学手段 1.教学录音磁带; 2.教学挂图;

3.学生和教师用单词卡片; 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤:

1.1)Show the cards to let the Ss read them.

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2)sort game 3)guessing game

2. Show the pictures of Get Ready. Let the Ss read the words in pairs and try to say where they are. 3. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and point to the pictures. 4. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and write down the numbers. 5. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs.

6. Let the Ss listen to the tape, and check the answers in class. The teacher show the flash cards, the Ss read them. 7. Practise: 1) Read the cards.

2) Show some letters of the words, let the Ss say the words.

3) Say the direction and province of the famous places, let the Ss say the famous places


8. Listen to part (B) and answer the questions: (Where is Ben from? What famous city did you hear?

What is it famous for?)

9. Make a new dialogue with other places.

10. Let the Ss show their small cards and describe them.( province, in the …, famous for…) Homework: Copy the words.

Write a short passage about a famous place.


1.本课围绕名胜景点和方位进行读写交流活动。 2.本课围绕名胜景点和方位进行复习。 二、教学目标

1.能够正确理解表达各地位置、省份和著名的事物的文段。 2.能够围绕本单元主要交际句型进行交际和表达。 三、教学重点和难点

3、 本课的教学重点是:阅读,交流,书写。

Lesson 3

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4、 本课的教学难点是:对所谈论地方的所在方位和省份的段落书写。 四、教学手段 1.教学录音磁带; 2.教师自制课件; 3.学生和教师用单词卡片。 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤: 1.1) Read the words.

2) Read the words and match them. 3) Guessing game.

2. Show the pictures of part A, let the Ss discuss them. (name, in the north…of China, famous for…) 3. Read part A, underline the direction of the places, and fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers, listen to the tape and read it. 5. Play the guessing game with the cards in the group.

6. Groupwork: Everyone choose one place, and try to say. (province, direction, famous for……) 7. Choose some groups to show.

8. The teacher gives the clues to ask the Ss to write some sentences about one famous places. 9.Homework: 1) Recite the words. 2) Finish the passage.

Lesson 4


1.本课围绕名胜景点和方位进行知识扩展阅读活动和交流活动。 2.本课以学科融合的形式进一步围绕名胜景点和方位进行复习。 3.通过儿歌学习字母air,ear组合在词汇中的读音。 二、教学目标

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2.能够就著名城市的位置,省份,著称的事物展开讨论,并进行适当扩展。 3.能够正确读出单词中air,ear的发音,并能够朗读儿歌。 三、教学重点和难点

1.本课的教学重点是:阅读,讨论,语音学习。 2.本课的教学难点是:对所谈论地方的扩展性讨论。 四、教学手段 1.教学录音磁带; 2.教师自制课件; 3.学生和教师用单词卡片。 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤:

1.Show the words (dictionary, police station, railway station) Let the Ss read them, and say the pronunciation of “air” and “ear”. 2. Read the chant by themselves, then listen to the tape and say the chant.

3. Show the map of China. Ask the Ss “Where is China?” Show the map of Asia to help the Ss

understand“in east Asia”.

4.Show some questions:

1)Is China the second biggest country in the world?

2)Which country has the largest population in the world? How many people are there? 3)What is Beijing famous for? Let the Ss read and try to answer.

5. After checking the answers above, let the Ss read again and do the exercises. Then check them in group and class. 6. Listen and read (A).

7. Write some names of famous cities on the paper in the group. Everyone choose one card, then ask the questions.

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8. Write down the information about the city that had been chosen. Report it to the others. 9.Homework:

1) Find out the words with “air” and “ear”. 2) Write some sentences about a famous city.

Lesson 5


1围绕“过年”的故事进行阅读。 2.进行文化知识渗透。 二、教学目标 1.能够正确理解故事。 2.根据线索简单复述故事。 三、教学重点和难点

1.本课的教学重点是:阅读故事,正确理解,简单复述。 2.本课的教学难点是:词汇的理解,故事的复述。 四、教学手段 1.教学录音磁带; 2.教师自制课件; 3.教学挂图。 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤:

1.Show some pictures of New Year. Let the Ss discuss it.

2. Show the first picture of the story, who is he? Where is he? What happened there? 3.Ss read the first paragraph and say the answers.

4. Show other questions: who can help them? Why at last, the monster ran back to the ocean? 5. Ss read the story and find out the answers. Underline the new words. 6. Discuss the answers and new words in the group.

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7. Ss answer the questions and learn the new words together. 8. Listen to the tape and read the story. 9. Order the sentences, check the answers.

10. Retell the story according to the ordered sentences. (add some sentences ) 11.Homework:

1) Listen to the tape and read the story. 2) Retell the story.

Lesson 6


1.围绕本单元重点词汇和句型进行复习巩固。 2.进行听说读写四项能力方面的训练。 二、教学目标

1.能够正确理解和表达景地、所在省份,在中国的位置,著名的事物。2.能够围绕本单元重点内容完成段落书写。 三、教学重点和难点

1.本课的教学重点是:听说交际,写作练习。 2.本课的教学难点是:段落的书写。 四、教学手段 1.教学录音磁带 2.教师自制课件 3.学生和教师用单词卡片 五、教学方法

教学方法:情景教学法、听说法、直接教学法 六、教学步骤: 1.Sort game

Read the flash cards.

2. T Shows the pictures of part A, the Ss discuss them in group. 3. Ss listen to the tape, and match.

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4. Discuss the answers with the partners, listen again and check the answers in class. 5. Play a game: say the sentences about one place in the group. 6. Read the letters and underline the cities in the letter.

7. Read and answer the questions: Where are these cities? What are they famous for? 8. Do the exercises, check the answers. 9. Listen and read the letter.

10. Talk about your vacation plan in pairs and write it down. 11.Homework: Finish the writing.


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