幸福终点站 The Terminal 中英文剧本

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大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 幸福终点站 The Terminal 中英文剧本

[Tannoy] United Airlines announcingthe arrival of Flight 9435 from Beijing,


Customer service representative,report to Gate C42,


[repeats announcementin Mandarin Chinese] [chatter]

[Tannoy] All visitors to the US shouldline up at booths one through 1 5,


[customs official]Please have your l-94 forms filled out.

请填写一下I-94表格(入境/ 出境记录) - What's the purpose of your visit?- What is the purpose of your visit?

- 您此行的目的是什么?- 您此行的目的是什么?

What is the purpose of your visit?Business or pleasure?


Just visiting. Shopping? 观光?购物? Au plaisir, 观光

- Pleasure.- Business. - 观光- 商务旅行

How long will you be staying? 您打算逗留多久?

Could I see your return ticket? 能出示一下您的回程机票吗?

- What's the purpose of your visit?- Business or pleasure?

- 您此行的目的是什么?- 商务旅行还是观光?

Enjoy your stay. Next. 祝您此行愉快,下一位 [Tannoy] Please have your passports,immigration forms, 1-94, 请出示您的护照和I-94 表格

and customs declarationsready to hand to the inspector,


- Stand by. He's fishing.- [man] Copy that, - 准备,有情况- 收到

See this bunchof Mickey Mouse sweatshirts? 看见那些穿米老鼠T恤的人了吗?

That's the tour from China,connecting to Orlando.


When was the last timeyou saw Chinese tourists


on their way to Disney Worldwithout any cameras?


Possible forged documentson 1 0 and 1 1. 10号和11号通道发现有伪造文件嫌疑的旅客


Sir. Sir. Passport. 先生,先生,护照 Thank you. 谢谢

Welcome, Mr. Navorski. 欢迎,纳沃斯基先生。 Purpose of your visit? 您此行的目的是?

- [speaks Bulgarian]- Business or pleasure? 商务旅行还是观光? [speaks Bulgarian] [beeps]

Sir, I have an lBlS hit on six.

先生,6号台发现一个护照有问题的 [man] No!. 不!

Mr. Navorski, please follow me. 纳沃斯基先生,请跟我来

[Tannoy],,,flight number 746 from Montreal ?从蒙特利尔来的746航班

must proceed to US 1mmigrationbefore claiming their luggage,


All right, Mr. Navorski,we'd like you to wait here, please.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 好吧,纳沃斯基先生请在这里等候 Next, please. 下一位

Next, please. 下一位

[electric razor]

[Thurman] What are you doingin the United States, Mr, Navorski?


[thick Bulgarian accent]Yellow taxicab, please.


T ake me to Ramada lnn, 去拉玛达酒店 1 61 Lexington. 列克星敦街161号

Staying at the Ramada lnn? 您要住在拉玛达酒店? Keep the change. 不用找零了

Do you know anyone in New York? 在纽约有熟人吗? Yes. 是的

- Who?- Yes. - 谁?- 是的 - Who?- Yes. - 谁?- 是的

- No, do you know anyone in New York?- Yes. - 你在纽约有认识的人吗?- 是的 - Who?- Yes. - 谁?- 是的 1 61 Lexington. 列克星敦街161号

OK, Mr. Navorski, I need to seeyour return ticket, please.

好吧,纳沃斯基先生,请出示您的回程机票 No, your return ticket. Your... 不,您的回程机票? - Oh... Yes.- Ah. - 哦?是的- 啊 [woman screams]

This is just a standard procedure. 只是例行公事 I'm going to need the passport also. 还需要护照 Oh... OK. 哦,好的

- No, no.- Thank you. - 不,不- 谢谢你 Mr. Navorski. 纳沃斯基先生。 That. Passport. 那个,护照 That. 那个

Mr. Navorski?Sorry to keep you waiting. 纳沃斯基先生?抱歉让您久等了

I'm Frank Dixon, Director of Customsand Border Protection here at JFK.

我是弗兰克 迪克逊,机场海关及边境保护局的主任

I help peoplewith their immigration problems. 我负责处理与移民相关的事务

We're looking foran interpreter for you. 我们正在帮您找翻译

How are we doing on that?Do we have an interpreter?


But I understandthat you speak a little English.

我知道您懂一点英语 - Yes.- You do? - 是的- 真的吗?

I hope you don't mind if I eat while we talk. I've a bit of bad news.

希望您不介意我边吃边说,我有些坏消息 Your country has suspendedall traveling privileges

您的国家已经暂停了其签发的护照上 on passports issuedby your government. 所有的出行特权

And our State Departmenthas revoked the visa 敝国国务院已经注销了您的签证

that was going to allow youto enter the US. 您将不被允许进入美国

That's it in a nutshell, basically. 简而言之,基本上就这么回事

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html While you were in the air therewas a military coup in your country. 您还在飞机上的时候,您的国家发生了军事政变

Most of the dead were membersof the Presidential Guard.


They were attackedin the middle of the night. 他们在半夜受到攻击,发生了猛烈的交火 They got it all on GHN, I think. 我想新闻已经播过了

There were few civilian casualties.I'm sure your family's fine. 也有少数平民伤亡,我相信您的家人没出事 Mr. Navorski, your countrywas annexed from the inside.


The Republic of Krakozhiais under new leadership.

克罗西亚共和国已经更换了领导人 Krakozhia. Krakozhia 克罗西亚?克罗西亚

- Krakozhia.- Right. I don't think he gets it. - 克罗西亚- 是的,我觉得他没听懂 Er... Let me... OK. Look. 呃?我?好吧

Imagine that these potato chipsare Krakozhia. 把这些薯片当做克多西亚 Kra-kozhia. 克罗西亚

- Kra-kozhia.- Yes. - 克罗西亚- 是的 - Krakozhia.- OK. - 克罗西亚- 好吧

Er... So the potato chips are Krakozhia. 呃?这些薯片就是克罗西亚

- And this apple...- Big Apple. Big Apple. - 这个苹果?- 大苹果(纽约的别名) ...Big Apple representsthe Liberty Rebels. ?大苹果代表自由民变 OK?


No more Krakozhia! OK? 没有克罗西亚了! New government.Revolution. You understand?


All the flights in and outof your country have been suspended.

所有进出里面国家的航班都无限期推迟了 The new government has sealed allborders, so your visa's no longer valid.

新政府封锁了边境,您的护照无效了 So, currentlyyou are a citizen of nowhere. 现在您变成无主之人了

Now, we can't process you new papers


until the US recognizes your country'snew diplomatic reclassification. 我们不能给您签发任何文件

You don't qualify for asylum,refugee status, 您也不能申请庇护,避难

temporary protective status,humanitarian parole,

临时保护,也不能给您签发人道入境证明 or non-immigration work travel.You don't qualify for any of these. 和非移民工作,旅游签证这些你都不能享受 You are at this time simply... 您现在是??

-...unacceptable.- Unacceptable. ?不受欢迎- 不受欢迎

- Unacceptable.- Unacceptable. - 不受欢迎- 不受欢迎

Big Apple tour includes Brooklyn Bridge,Empire State, Broadway show Cats, 纽约游包括布鲁克林大桥,帝国大厦百老汇音乐剧《猫》

I got more bad news for you.Cats has closed. 我还有坏消息,《猫》已经停演了 OK. OK. 好,好

Now I go New York City. Thank you. 那我现在去纽约,谢谢

No, Mr. Navorski. I cannot allow youto enter the United States at this time.


大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 境

- Krakozhia.- We can't allow you to go home either.

- 克罗西亚- 也不能允许您回国

You don't really have a home.Technically it doesn't exist.


It's like a Twilight Zone,Do you get that show over there?


Talking Tina, Zanti Misfits, 天娜和赞蒂米斯菲特

Zanti Misfits was Outer Limits, sir.

赞蒂米斯菲特是《外部极限》的人物,先生 Really? It's not important. 真的吗?这无关紧要

Where do I buy the Nike shoes? 在哪里可以买耐克鞋?

OK, Mr. Navorski, come here. 纳沃斯基先生,到这儿来

Here's my dilemma, Mr. Navorski. 现在情况比较复杂,纳沃斯基先生

You have no right to enter the USand I have no right to detain you.

您没有权利进入美国我也没有权利扣留您 You have fallen througha crack in the system. 您掉进了这个体系的一个漏洞里面了

- I am crack.- Yes. Until we get this sorted out, - 我,漏洞- 是的,在我们妥善处理好之前 I will allow you to enterthe lnternational Transit Lounge.


I'm going to sign a release formthat is going to make you a free man.

我将给你签发一张许可证,允许你自由出入 - Free?- Free. Free. - 自由?- 自由,自由

Free to go anywhere you likein the lnternational Transit Lounge.

您可以在国际过境休息厅范围内自由活动 - OK?- OK. - 行吗?- 可以 - OK.- OK. - 行- 好的 OK. 好

Uncle Sam will have thissorted out by tomorrow,


and welcometo the United States. Almost. 欢迎来到美国 [Dixon laughs]

- Thank you.- OK. All right. - 谢谢- 好的 Thanks, Judge. 谢谢,贾吉 [door closes]

[Tannoy] Announcing the arrivalof flight 76 from Singapore Airlines,

新加坡航空公司的76号航班即将降落 Now, Mr. Navorski. 现在,纳沃斯基先生

Mr. Navorski. Mr. Navorski. 纳沃斯基先生?纳沃斯基先生

This is the lnternationalTransit Lounge. 这里就是国际过境休息厅

You are free to wait here.These are food vouchers.


You can use them in the Food Court.Your Krakozhian money is no good here.


This is a 1 5-minute,prepaid calling card. 这是1张预付15分钟话费的电话卡 You may call home, if you like. 你可以打电话回家

This, in case we need to contact you,is a pager.


You must keep thiswith you at all times. 你必须随身携带

Here is an lD badge for youto get into CBP. Beyond those doors...


Mr. Navorski.I'm going to need you to look at

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html me.


Beyond those doors is American soil. 那些门的外面就是美国领土

Mr. Dixon wants me to make it clear 迪克逊先生要我说清楚

that you are notto enter through those doors. 你不能走出那些门

You are not to leave this building.America is closed.

你不能离开这栋楼,美国对你关闭了 America closed. 美国关闭了 What I do? 我该做什么?

There's only one thingyou can do here, Mr. Navorski.

纳沃斯基先生,只有一件事 Shop. 购物

[Tannoy] Passengers of flight 854New Yorkwarsaw,,,

从纽约飞往华沙的854号航班的旅客? [Tv; brass band plays]

[Tv],,,the international communitytries to secure a peaceful resolution,


The populace has to wonder ifthey will ever find political stability,


or find the leadership to securetheir place on the world stage,


And next this hour,looking to buy a 90-foot yacht?


[Tv],,, taken hostage, We 're hearingthat the vice President has been killed ?被劫持?副总统

along with four cabinet members,1 3 injured soldiers and 20 civilians,


By dawn, rebel leadershad surrounded the state houses,

黎明时候,叛军领导人已经包围政府大楼 1n a symbolic gesture, the national flagof Krakozhia was torn down 作为标志的克罗西亚国旗

from the Presidential Palaceand the parliament building,

已经从总统官邸和议会大厦撤下 Please. Please. 帮帮忙,帮帮忙 T elevision. 电视

[speaks Bulgarian]

[Tannoy] Passenger Chen Wan-Shiuand Liu Tao-Jing,


please come to podiumto pick up your boarding passes,

请到总台领取你们的登机证 [speaks Bulgarian]

This just in, Last night a military coupoverthrew the government of Krakozhia, 最新消息,昨晚一场军事政变推翻了克罗西亚政府

Bombing and gunfirewere heard through the night,


Although details are unclear, 虽然具体情况不明

we are told that President vagobaginand his aides have been taken hostage,


Bonjour, monsieur,You are a Red Carpet Club member?

您好,先生,您是红毯俱乐部的会员吗? [speaks Bulgarian]

I need to seeyour boarding pass and club card, sir.


I'm sorry, sir.This is a private lounge. 抱歉,先生,这里是私人候机处

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html The public lounge is downstairs. 公众候机处在楼下

[Tv] The tiniest nation in the regionhas been shaken by another uprising,

这个该地区最小的国家又一次受到冲击 Krakozhia has been involved in civil warthroughout the late '80s and '90s 克罗西亚80年代末期和90年代

as it has triedto transition from Communist rule,

在从共产主义转型的过程中一直内战不断 - Watch it!- Please. - 小心!- 帮帮我

Please, telephone?T elephone? 帮帮忙,电话?电话? T elephone? 电话?

Please. Please. 帮帮忙?帮帮忙 Please. Please. 帮帮忙?帮帮忙

[Tannoy] For security reasons, pleasekeep your luggage with you at all times, 请看管好随身携带的行李

Unattended luggage will be removedfor inspection and may be destroyed,

无人看管的行李会送去检查甚至销毁 [speaks Bulgarian]

Oh, my God.Oh, my God, you broke my bag! 哦,天哪,他弄坏了我的箱子!

I got this in Paris.This is my favorite bag. 是我在巴黎买的,我最喜欢的箱子

I can't believe you just broke my bag!Mom, Dad! He broke my bag!

真不敢相信,爸爸,他弄坏了我的箱子! - Food document.- Excuse me. Stop it. Stop it. - 餐券- 对不起,住手,住手 Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗?

I don't let anyone to lookat my trash without an appointment. 如果没有预约,我不允许任何人看我的垃圾 I have an opening next Tuesday. 我下星期二有空 Tuesday. Tuesday,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday.


It will be good time for youto come back and get lost.

那时候你再来找你的东西 OK, goodbye. Sorry. 再见,抱歉 Tuesday. 星期二

[Strangers In The Night instrumentalplays] [Strangers In The Night instrumentalplays] [airplane descends] [yawns] [strains] [fizzes] [sighs]

[engine screams] Don't shoot! 别开枪!

[Salchak] She sleeps 1 2, Frank. Has a1 20-volt generator, wet bar, gas range.

她有12张床位,弗兰克有一个120伏特的发电机,一个小吧台,瓦斯炉 She looks amazing. 太迷人了

She's my pot of goldat the end of the rainbow. 简直是我的梦中情人

She's a beautiful boatand I hope you get her soon.


- You've earned her.- Thank you, Frank. - 您挣的够多的了- 谢谢,弗兰克

- You have.- Actually, I bought her yesterday. - 说真的- 实际上,我昨天就买了 Come on. Congratulations! 恭喜你啦!

I'm nominating you to take my place. 我已经推荐你接替我

You will assume the dutiesof acting Field Commissioner

你可以开始履行代理地区特派员的职责 until you get approval from Washington.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 就等华府的任命书了

Really? I don't know what to say. 真的吗? 都不知道该说什么了

- Jesus. Richard, is this real?- It's real, Frank, it's real.

- 老天。理查德,是真的吗?- 是真的,弗兰克,千真万确

Don't pretend to be surprised. 别假装大吃一惊的样子了

You've been waiting for me to retireor drop dead for years now.


No, I haven't beenwaiting for you to retire. 不,我并没等你退休 [both laugh]

That's all right, Frank. 好吧,弗兰克

My retirement will become officialthe day you get sworn in.


- You've waited a long time for this.- I have. - 你久等了- 是啊

Just be carefulabout the inspection process. 小心稽核人员

I will.I've been here for 1 7 years...


We're talking aboutthe Field Commissioner position.


People are going to look to youfor leadership, to set an example.

大家指望你做个好领导,给他们以身作则 What are you saying? 你说什么? [chuckles]

I'm saying the job is yours to lose.

我是说这回这位子跑不出你的手心了 Ship the Colombiansoff to asylum hearings, 把那些哥伦比亚人送到收容所查一下那些中国人的背景,准备遣返

and call the parentsof those kids from Long lsland.

给长岛来的那些孩子的父母打电话 Tell them it was a bad ideato let them go to Jamaica.

告诉他们让他们去牙买加不是个好主意 Come on, let's go. South Americaand Madrid are on the tarmac. 好了,南美还有马德里来的飞机已经降落了 I want them out of here in half an hour. 半个小时把他们搞定 Mr. Thurman. 瑟曼先生

There's a man walking aroundthe terminal in a bathrobe.


I know, sir. You put him there. 我知道,先生,你把他放那里的 Welcome to the United States. 欢迎来到美国 Next! 下一位!

[speaks Bulgarian] I need visa. 我要签证

Where's your green form?I can't do anything without it.

你的绿色表格呢?没它不行 Go to the wall. 到墙那边去 Next! 下一位! Sir. 先生

The light green form. 是淡绿色的

, 1 love New York,,, 我爱纽约?

- 1 love it!-, New York - 我爱它!- 纽约 , 1 love New York 我爱纽约

, 1 love New York,,, 我爱纽约? Light green. 淡绿

Mr. Navorski, you cannotget into New York

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html without a visa.

纳沃斯基先生,没有签证去不了纽约 You cannot get a visawithout a passport, 没有护照就拿不到签证

and you cannot geta new passport without a country.


There's nothingwe can do for you here. 我们没什么可以帮你的 I give you light green. 我给了你淡绿色的表格

I'm sorry,but you've wasted an entire day. 抱歉,你在浪费时间

At this time you are simply... 你现在是?

- Unacceptable.- Yes. - 不受欢迎的- 是的 Unacceptable. 不受欢迎 [snoring]

[Frank] Why is he still here? 他怎么还在?

You released him, sir.You put him there. 你把他放了,送到那里去的

Why doesn't he walk out the doors?Why doesn't he try to escape?


- Sir, you told him to wait.- I didn't think he'd actually do it.

- 先生,你让他等的- 我没指望他真的这么等

I mean, he's in a crack.Who the hell waits in a crack?


No news from the State Department,but we can deport him in a few days.


Yeah, it could be a few days.It could be a week, two weeks, a month.


Who knows what this guy is thinking,what gulag he escaped from. 谁知道这家伙怎么想的,也许是从集中营出来的

[woman] Next! 下一位!

Everything he does comes back to me. 他所做的每一件事情都要向我汇报

- You want him back in the holding cell?- No, I'll show him the door.

- 您不想把他关起来?- 不,我让他自己进去 Hello. 你好 Hello. 你好

- Do you have an appointment?- Yes. 9.30. - 你有预约吗?- 是的,9月30号 Food document, trash. Tuesday. 餐券,垃圾,星期二

Tuesday. I hate the Tuesday. 星期二,我讨厌星期二 Excuse me. 对不起

[man speaks German] [speaks Bulgarian]

Airports are tricky places,Mr. Navorski.

机场是个需要技巧的地方,纳沃斯基先生 I'm about to tell you something. 我有点事情告诉你

Something you cannever repeat to anyone. 你可不能告诉别人

Do you understand? It's a secret. 明白吗? 这是秘密 - Secret?- Yes, a secret. - 秘密?- 是的,秘密

At 1 2 o'clock today, the guardsat those doors will leave their posts


and their replacementsare going to be five minutes late.

接他们班的警卫会来迟5分钟 Late five minutes. 迟5分钟

Yes. Late five minutes. At 1 2 o'clock.Just

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html today. Just this once.

是的,迟5分钟,12点,今天,就一次 No one is goingto be watching those doors. 门口没有警卫

- And no one will be watching you.- So, America not closed.

- 没人会看你- 那么美国没有关闭 No. 没有

America, for five minutes, is open. 美国,对你开放5分钟

Have a nice life, Mr. Navorski. 祝你顺心,纳沃斯基先生

Catch and release. It's simple.Sometimes you land a small fish.


You unhook himand place him back in the water.


You set him free so that somebody elsecan have the pleasure of catching him.

你放了它,别人就可以享受钓鱼的乐趣了 All right, here we go. 好了,开始了 OK. Call them off. 叫他们走开

Johnson, clear the doors. 强生,离开门口 All right. Go. 好了,走开啊

Get out of there.All right, there's the door. 好了,门就在那里 All right. 好吧

Here we go.Now where is he? 他在哪里?

- There he is.- No, that's not him. - 在那儿- 不,不是他 There he is. 在那儿

All right, Viktor. 好啦,维克多 Here we go. 可以走了 [whistle]

What's so complicated? Exit, Viktor. 怎么这么复杂? 走啊,维克多

Come on. In a few minutes,you'll be somebody else's problem.

拜托,过几分钟,你就是别人的麻烦了 He wants to make surenobody's watching. 他在看有没有人注意他

I told him nobody would be watching. 我告诉他没人看着他的

Come on. All right, here we go. 快点啊,出去啊

- Call the Airport Police.- He's on his way. - 打电话给机场警察- 已经派人去了 Excuse me. 借过

[camera whirs]

You got it. There we go. 就这样

He's got to get a running start,I guess. 我猜他是不是要助跑啊 Just leave. Just leave. 走啊,还犹豫什么 Leave. Leave. 快走

What are you doing?Why is he kneeling? Is he praying?

他在干吗?跪下来干吗,祈祷吗? No. He's tying his shoelace. 不,他在系鞋带 Come on, leave. 拜托,快走吧 Get the cameras. 镜头移开

Where is he? Where is he? 人呢? 人哪里去了?

- [Thurman] To the left of here.- No. He was at the door.

- 往左- 不,原来是在门口的

- [Thurman] Just go a little left.- All right. All right.

- 在往左一点- 好了,好了 I wait.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 我等

What are you looking at?Go back to work. Thank you.

有什么好看的?回去工作吧,谢谢 [shrieks]

[woman] Oh, God. Oh, shit. 哦,见鬼

[speaks Bulgarian]

- This belong you?- Thank you. - 这是你的?- 谢谢 Oh, shit. 该死

See? Wet floor.

看见了? 小心湿滑 That you. 说的就是你 I'm so late. 我太赶时间了

Buenos Aires.I can't remember the gate. 布宜诺斯艾利斯我不记得是哪个门了 Gate 24. 24号门

- You sure?- Yes. - 是吗?- 是的 Thanks. 谢谢

[Tannoy] Ladies and gentlemen,,, 女士们先生们? Wait. 等等

For you. Payless Shoes. 给你的,免费鞋

Second floor.Sensible heels. 二楼,穿着很舒服

- Hi, baby.- Come here, you. - 嗨,宝贝- 到这儿来

[Gupta] 1 think he's C1A,The C1A put him here to spy on us,


You don't know what you're talkingabout. He doesn't speak English. 胡扯,他都不会说英语

If he could learn to speak, this guy. 他会学的 He can't speak English, how could hehave a meeting with a beautiful woman? 如果他不会英语,怎么能和一个漂亮的小妞会面?

A flight attendant. 一个空姐

- So, she's ClA, too?- No. - 那她也是CIA?- 不是

She look like a Russian.KGB. She gave him heel of her shoes.

她像是俄国人,是克格勃,她给他鞋后跟 And he gave her a piece of the paper. 他给了她一张纸

- Was it microfilm?- A coupon from Payless Shoes.

- 是微缩胶卷吗?- 是一张免费鞋的赠券 Must be some kind of the code. 也许是某种密码

You been spending too much timeinhaling them cleaning products. 我看你是清洁剂吸多了

I'm warning you guys.You watch yourself. 我警告你们,他在监视我们

This guy is here for a reason.And I think that reason is us.

这家伙来是有目的的,是冲我们来的 [music plays]

Excuse me, buddy. 对不起

What's going on? 怎么了?

It's Navorski.He's figured out the quarters. 是纳沃斯基,他找到了挣钱的方法 [coins jangle]

Good afternoon. Welcome to Burger King.May I take your order?

下午好,欢迎光临汉堡王,您需要点什么? Keep the change. 不用找了 Excuse me. 对不起 OK, go. Go. 走吧,走开

Good boy. Thank you.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 你害怕克罗西亚 Krakozhia? 克罗西亚?

No, I am not afraid from Krakozhia.I'm a little afraid of this room. 不,我不怕克罗西亚我倒是有点怕这间房间 I'm talking about bombs.I'm talking about human dignity.

我说的是炸弹,人的尊严 Human rights. 人权

Viktor, please don't be afraidto tell me you're afraid of Krakozhia.


Is home.I am not afraid from my home. 那是家,我不害怕家

So? I go to New York City now? 我可以去纽约了? - No.- No?

- 不行- 不行? OK. 好吧

- I'm afraid from ghosts.- Thanks very much. - 我怕鬼- 非常感谢

- I'm afraid from Dracula.- Thanks a lot. - 害怕吸血鬼伯爵- 多谢

I'm afraid from Wolfmens,afraid from sharks. 害怕狼人,害怕鲨鱼 Thanks a lot. 谢谢

- Damn.- [Gupta laughs] 该死

- Why you do this?- Nobody read the sign in America.

- 你为什么这么做?- 在美国,没人看警告牌

This is the only fun I have. 这是我唯一的乐趣

[Amelia] A barbecue?That's why I'm not going to see you?


Let me get this straight.I change my schedule to meet you. 我跟你说,我跟别人换了班 I take four back-to-back flights, 我连飞了四趟

fly 27 hours straightliterally around the world, 不间断飞了27个小时,几乎绕地球一圈了 and now you tell me you're goingto spend July 4th with your wife?

现在你告诉我你要和你妻子一起过国庆? The woman hates fireworks. 你妻子不喜欢焰火 Don't lie to me, OK? 别说谎了?

I know for a factyou took her to Rome last weekend.

我知道你上个周末带她去罗马了 Because you flew United, Max.

因为你们坐的联航的飞机,麦克斯 [speaks Bulgarian]

[Tannoy] South African Airlinespassenger Sharif Al-Calala,


please come to the main ticket counter, 请到检票处 [Amelia sobs]

You make a habit out of listeningto other people's conversations? 你喜欢偷听别人说话? No, I try to call home.

不,我是在想打电话回家 So then... 那么?

- You know why men are such assholes?- No. - 你知道为什么男人都是混蛋吗?- 不知道 (正在维修)

Because they're all liars. 因为男人都是骗子

Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等,等等 Wet floor. 地板滑

Please. Don't be hurt. 别受伤了

How can I not be? He's married. 我怎么会这样? 他已经结婚了

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html One man. Two womens. Crowded. 一个男人,两个女人,太拥挤了

You want to knowwhat the worst part is? 你知道最坏的是什么地方吗?

I never asked him to leave his wife.I encouraged him to get counseling. 我从来没让他离开他妻子,还鼓励他去咨询 What kind of sick person am l? 我怎么这么变态?

I'm rooting for the home team. 居然还支持他们 [sobs]

I just wish the sexwasn't so amazing. 真希望做爱不是那么迷人就好了 [laughs]

- So amazing.- Bye-bye. - 那么迷人- 再见

You know,...sometimes in the mornings, 有时候,早上?

I just stare at him over room service. 我看着他

Watch him do the crossword puzzle. 看着他做拼字游戏

I start to think that maybe,...maybe this could happen.

我开始想,也许有可能? That we belong together. 我俩是天生一对 This... man... has you. 那?男人?有了你 Why he need... puzzle? 为什么还?玩拼字游戏? This is my problem. 这是我的问题

I always see menthe way I want to see them. 我总是一厢情愿地看男人

Do I know you from someplace? 我们以前见过吗?

Sensible heels.Payless Shoes. Second floor. 免费鞋,穿着舒适,二楼 Oh... 哦?

You headed for home? 你是回家? Er... No, no. I am... 呃?不,不是,我? I am delayed a long time.


I hate it when they delay flights.What do you do?

我也不喜欢航班延误,你做什么的? I go from one buildingto another building. 从一栋建筑跑到另一栋建筑 I have beeper. 我有呼机

Oh, contractors.You guys travel as much as we do.


Sorry about that.Thank you very much. 抱歉,多谢了 What's \你叫什么? In English,... 用英语讲? Viktor Navorski. 维克多·纳沃斯基

- In English, Amelia Warren.- Amelia Warren? - 我叫艾米利亚·华伦- 艾米利亚·华伦? - Nice to meet you.- You, too. - 幸会- 幸会

Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你 You like ltalian food? 你喜欢意大利菜吗?

I know, it's lateand you've probably got other plans,


but if you'd like to grab some dinner,we can run right out and catch a cab.


I know a placethat has the greatest cannelloni. 我知道一个地方,那里的肉卷特别棒 Erm... 呃?

No, l... I can't. 不,我?不行

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html - You married?- No. - 你结婚了?- 没 - Girlfriend?- No. - 有女朋友了?- 没

I... I can't go out... with you. 我?我不能?和你出去 God. I am so... I'm so sorry. 天哪,?非常抱歉 I am so sorry. 对不起

I must come offlike a complete nut job or something. 我一定是疯了

- No.- I didn't want to eat alone. - 不- 我只是不想一个人吃饭 Wet floor. Wet floor. 地板,小心,滑

- [Viktor] l...- [Amelia] You don't have to explain.

- 我?- 不用解释了 No, l... Please, l... 不,我?请你,我? No, l... Please, l... 不,我?请你,我?

[Tannoy] Wheelchair to gate A-five, 请送一副轮椅到A5门 Nadia. 娜蒂亚

In New York restaurant,what cost is cantaloni? 在纽约,意大利肉卷要多少钱? I don't know. Maybe 1 5 bucks. 不知道,也许15元 - Dollars?- 20. - 美元?- 20 Two people, 40. 两个人,40

Two people, 40 dollars. 两个人,40美元

Two people, 40 dollars. 两个人,40美元 I... I... help you? 我?我?帮你?

I'm so sorry, sir.The position has already been filled. 抱歉,先生,我们不缺人了

- Do you live nearby?- Yes. Gate 67. - 你住在附近?- 是的,67门

Because we are very particularabout punctual... Did you say Gate 67?

因为我们需要员工守时?你是说67号门? Gate 67. 67号门 [laughs]

You got to be kidding. 你肯定是在开玩笑

You got to help me help you.I don't see a Social Security number...


...mailing address,even a phone number. ?通讯地址,甚至电话号码也没有

Telephone? You need? I get.I get. I get phone. 电话? 你要电话? 我有,我有电话 I get... I get phone. 我有?有电话 451 -1 226. 451-1226

All right.When's the best time to reach you? 好吧,什么时候方便联络你? Now? 现在?

[phone rings]

- 喂?- 你好,纳沃斯基先生 - Hello?- Hi, Mr, Navorski,

是的,我是维克多·纳沃斯基,请问哪位? Yes, this is Viktor Navorski.Who calls? 我是探索频道专卖店的,克利夫 1t's Cliff from the Discovery Store, 克利夫,你好 Cliff. Hello.

- 你好吗?- 很好

- How's it going?- Good.

- 现在谈方便吗?- 是的,我等了你一整天 - 1s this a good time?- Yes, 1 wait for your call all day,


Well, 1 got to tell youthat the position's been filled,

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 那你能不能坐到其他地方去?

Yeah, so could you pleasego sit someplace else?

- 我去洗手间- 很好

- 1 go to bathroom now,- That'd be good. - 好吧- 谢谢

- All right.- Thank you. 好的

[Cliff] OK.

[woman screams] [shrieks]

这家伙是谁? Who is this?

- 你是什么人?- 不认识

- Who are you?- [worker] It's no one.

这里已经两个礼拜没人了,不是我的人 [worker] There's no one here fortwo weeks. This isn't one of my guys. 看啊,他手艺不错

Look at this cornicing.This is good work. 也许还是哈里的人,你是哈里的人吗? Must be Harry's crew.You with Harry's crew? 哈里以为自己是老大吗?

Does Harry thinkhe's running this job? - 我走了- 走? 去哪里?

- [Viktor] I go now.- Go? Go where? - 67号门- 67? - Gate 67.- 67?

离67号门起码还有10个月 We're ten months away from 67.


He's got to be Harry's.If he's not mine and he's not yours...


Harry's trying to make me look bad.

我等在他弄到67号门之前,让他慢下来 I've got to slow him downbefore he gets to 67. - 你叫什么?- 维克多·纳沃斯基 - What's your name?- Viktor Navorski. 把他从哈里那里挖出来,到我队里来 Pull him off Harry's crew,put him on mine. 星期一早上6点半开工

You start 6.30 Monday morning. 你给我工作? You give me job? 6点半,好的?老板 6.30, yes... Boss.

[jazz plays on personal stereo] (今晚午夜,别来迟了) 有意大利航空的龙虾饺子

[Enrique]We have lobster ravioli from Alitalia. 俄罗斯航空的鱼子酱

We have caviar from Russian Aeroflot. 好,端上来吧

[Gupta] OK. Just bring it. - 嘿,维克多- 大家好

- [Enrique] Hey, Viktor.- Hello, all. 瞧啊,没有祖国的人

Look. The man without a country. 来吧,欢迎

Come on in. Welcome.

- 我看见这个- 你干得不坏 - I see this.- You did well. 坐吧

Have a seat. - 这儿?- 这儿 - Here?- Here. 来吧,坐下

Come on, sit down.

- 谁请他的?- 我,我们三缺一,不是吗? - Who invited him?- I did. We needed a fourth, right?

- 我不跟他玩- 古普塔,别紧张?

- I'm not going to play with him.- Gupta, relax, would you?

- 他不是间谍- 你怎么知道? - He isn't a spy.- How do you know?

他会录下我们的对话,也许身上有窃听器 He could be recordingeverything we say. A wire in his shirt. 屁眼里面有麦克风

A microphone up in his ass. - 我会丟了工作的- 好吧

- I'm not going to lose my job.- Fine. - 那我们给他照X光如何?- 好 - What if we x-rayed him?- Yes. 闭上眼睛

Close your eyes.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html - 好吧,你没问题- 很好,玩牌吧

- OK. So you are clean.- Good. Let's play cards.

我没有钱,但是?星期五? I will have money.But...Friday. 别担心,我们赌的是失物招领处无人认领的东西

Don't worry about it. We play forunclaimed items from the Lost and Found.


You'll be amazedat what people leave at airports. Come.


[Viktor] I have two nines and two nines. 4个9,谢谢

[Viktor] Four nines. Thank you. - 小心- 注意点

- [Enrique] Careful.- [Mulroy] Watch out. - 我有个问题问你- 我们只是好奇

- [Enrique] We have a question for you.- [Mulroy] Yeah, we're just curious. 罐子里面是什么?

[Gupta] What is in the can?

- 这个?- 我们在照X光的时候看见了 - [Viktor] This?- [Mulroy] We saw the x-ray. 我们知道里面不是什么罐头食品

[Gupta]We know there's no nuts in there. 到底是什么?

[Viktor] What is in there? 是爵士 This is jazz.

- 爵士?- 爵士,是的 - Jazz?- Jazz, yes. - 爵士?- 是的 - Jazz?- Yes. [all laugh]


You sure it's jazz in there?It might be the blues.

- 或者是骚沙- 也许是史提夫汪达 - Or salsa.- Maybe it's Stevie Wonder. - 不,不,是爵士- 好吧,好吧 - No, no, is jazz.- OK, guys. OK. 今天的大奖是?

For tonight's grand prize, we have... 给他们看看,古普塔 Show them, Gupta. 我在楼上捡到的 I found this upstairs.

维京航空公司,头等舱候机处 Virgin Air, first class lounge. 来了

There you go. 这是?是谁的? And... they belong to? 雪儿 Cher. 雪儿? Cher?

那个歌星?雪儿? As in... Cher? 是的,雪儿 Yeah. Cher.


I checked it out.There were witnesses. 是雪儿的内裤

Those are Cher's panties. - 准备好了?- 快点 - Ready?- Hurry up. 我们分了这条内裤?

So, will we share the panties? - 不,不- 谁赢了就是谁的 - No, no, no.- Not if I win. - 来吧- 等等

- Come on.- Wait a second.

联航飞往成田机场的801航班 联航飞往成田机场的801航班

[Tannoy] United Airlinesflight number 801 to Narita

[Tannoy] United Airlinesflight number 801 to Narita


is now announcing final boarding, \不行,这是我的\

[Viktor] \\\你会搞混的\

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html [Amelia] Viktor? 维克多?

[Amelia] Well, hi. 嗨

[Viktor] Please. 我来捡

- [Amelia] How are you?- [Viktor] Good. -你好吗?-很好 [Amelia] Man. 老天

I am so sorry about what happenedlast time, asking you out like that.

上回的事我很抱歉竟然那样子约你出去 I'm so used to guystrying to grab my ass at 30,000 feet



that when I meet somebody that doesn't,I don't know how to react.

- Let's just start over.- Yes, OK. -我们重新来过吧-好的


- Are you coming or going?- I don't know. Both.

Tell me about it. 跟我说说看 Napoleon? 拿破仑?

对,我看很多历史书籍故事长,价格又便宜 Yeah. I read a lot of history books.They're long and cheap.

Like 1 200 pages for $9.99.You can't beat that. 1200页才卖9.99美元,太便宜了


- But Napoleon?- Yeah. He's one of my favorites.

-你知道是什么救了拿破仑一命吗?-不知道 - You know what saved Napoleon's life?- No. - His ego.- Ego? -他的自大-自大? Yes. 没错


After he loses the Battle of Waterloo, 拿破仑将自己孤立在圣海伦娜小岛上

Napoleon isolates himselfon the tiny island of Saint Helena.


No one knows exactlywhat happens next, but the version I like goes like this; 但我喜欢的版本是这样的

He's very depressedand decides to take his own life.


But Napoleon believes himselfto be of such superhuman strength

但拿破仑深信自己要有过于常人的勇气 that he takes six times the amountof poison needed to do the job.


His stomach is so full up with poisonthat his body rejects it,

他的胃装满了毒药,他的身体产生排斥 and he doesn't die. 而他却没死

See? Ego. Saved his life. 瞧? 自大救了他一命 Maybe he need glasses. 也许他需要眼镜

- Glasses?- Yes. To read words on bottle. -眼镜?-对,好看清瓶子上的字 Poison. 毒药

It's funny you should say that. 你那么说真是有趣

Rumor has itthat Napoleon was farsighted. 谣传拿破仑有远视

- There you go.- There you go. -说的好-说的好

- There you go.- And there you go. -说的好-说的好

I think we're rewriting historyright here. 我认为我们正在此重写历史

Why don't we talk about it over lunch? 我们何不边吃午餐边聊呢?

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html Oh, my God, I can't believe it.I just asked you out again.

老天,我不敢相信我刚刚又约你了 I just did it again. 我刚刚又做了 [Amelia laughs]

I'm so...Just stay away from me, Viktor, OK? 我好?维克多,离我远一点,好吗?

I'm sick. I don't have the abilityto be alone for five seconds.

我有病,我没办法独处五秒钟 OK. 好吧

- OK, what?- OK. -什么好吧?-好吧 Lunch... with you. 与你?共进午餐

- You'll have lunch with me?- Yes. -你要与我共进午餐?-对

You're not running for a flight or...? 你不用赶搭飞机或者?? I wait. 我在等

[pager beeps]

- It's me.- You. Yes. -找我的-你的,没错 I'm sorry.I just got paged. 对不起,我刚收到讯息 You work? 要上班了吗? - No.- Ah. 不是

Three of you. Crowded. 三人行太挤了

Stay away from me, Viktor. 离我远一点,维克多

I'm... I have a serious problem.I'm as bad as Napoleon.

我?我有个严重的问题我跟拿破仑一样坏 I just keep ingesting these poisonousmen until I make myself sick.


- You're not sick, Amelia. No.- No? -你没病,艾米利亚,没有-没有吗? No. You're a little... farsighted. 没有,你是有点?远视 - I have to go.- I have to stay. -我得走了-我得留下

- Story of my life.- Me, too. -我的人生便是如此-我也是

[Thurman]Your CBP inspection's in three days.


The FBl and Homeland Securitywill tour the airport,


spend two hours observing these officesbefore your interview process begins.


How much does Navorski make? 纳沃斯基赚多少? Sir? 长官?

How much does he make?How much are they paying him?


They're paying him cash under the table. 他们是私下付他现金的 I know that. How much? 我晓得,多少? $1 9 an hour. 时薪19美元

Unbelievable.Do you know that's more than I make?

不可思议你知道那比我赚的还多吗? That's New York City construction. 那就是纽约市建筑工的价钱

One of my own mencame up to me the other day.


Asked meif I wanted to join the big pool. 问我想不想也下赌注 Look at him. 看看他

Place a bet on when Navorski'sgoing to leave this airport.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 在下赌注看看纳沃斯基何时会离开这座机场

Have you heard about this? 你听说过此事吗? I have January 3rd. 我赌1月3日 Bring him in. 带他进来

Jake, he has no nationality.OK? No country. 杰克,他没有国籍,懂吗?没有国家

He's a national security risk, accordingto my interpretation of Section 2.1 2.


I want you to put him in a detentioncenter and run a clearance on him.


That's all I want. 我只希望能那样

What about a federal prison? 联邦监狱如何?

What about another airport? 别的机场如何? Hello? Hello? 喂? 喂?

We're detaining so many people,there's no room anywhere.


- Did you try the FBl?- I tried everybody. Nobody'll take him.


You want me to bring him backto the terminal?


No. From now on, Navorski lives here. 不要,从现在起,纳沃斯基住这里

The people who are coming here todaywill be observing me, inspecting me.


But most of all they will be lookingat the way that this airport is run. 但最重要的是要看看本机场的运作方式 So let's show them why this is thenumber-one airport in the United States.


[Frank]We process about 600 planes a day, 我们一天处理六百架班机

with a processing timeof 37 minutes per plane, 平均每架班机花费37分钟 about 60 seconds per passenger... 每位旅客大约是60秒?

...to be brought into the country. ?进入本国

We keep it as clean as possible. 我们尽可能彻底安检

- What do you import?- Computer software. -你携带了什么进来?-电脑软件 一大堆胡桃呢

That's a lot of walnuts.

Yeah.My mother-in-law loves these things. 对,我岳母喜欢吃这些

Every time I go to Brazil,I bring her back a bag.

我每次去巴西,都会帮她带一包回来 - Your mother-in-law?- Yeah. -你的岳母?-对 Mind if I try one? 介意我试吃一个吗?

你怎么知道那些不是要带给他岳母的? How did you knowthose weren't for his mother-in-law?

If he's married,where's his ring? 他如果结婚了,戒指在哪呢?

And if he's divorced,who still talks to their mother-in-law?


I'm sorry, but really.No offence to mother-in-laws, but...

抱歉,不过事实如此无意冒犯岳母,不过? - Sir.- Yeah. -长官-嗯


Sir, we have a situation upstairs. -那得等一下了-不行,这事不能等

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html - lt'll have to wait.- No. This won't wait.

When the 9.1 2 from Toronto landed, theyfound four prescriptions without an MPL. 9点12分从多伦多来的班机降落时他们发现四瓶没有医疗责任保险的药 他们想把药拿走,他就发狂了

They tried to take the pills awayand he went nuts.

There he is.We think they're for his father. 他在那里我们认为药是带给他父亲的 Sir, sir, calm down.Put your weapons down. 先生,冷静,把武器放下

Everybody keep your weapons...All right. We're here to help you.

武器通通收好?好了,我们是来帮你的 我们是来帮你的,先生好了,刀子给我 We're here to help you, sir.All right. Give me the knife.

- Where's he from?- Russia. -他从哪来的?-俄罗斯

The only interpreterwe got is in Newark. 我们唯一的翻译人员现在在纽华克

- We have to get someone to talk to him.- I have an idea, sir.

-必须找个人来跟他谈-我有个主意,长官 Viktor. 维克多

- Viktor.- [Viktor speaks Bulgarian] -维克多-(保加利亚语) Oh... 哦?

I need your help. 我需要你帮忙

His name is Milodragovich.He lives near you. 他叫做米洛卓格维奇住的离你比较近 他可能会说你们的方言

He may not speak your dialect, 但我需要你帮忙我翻译

but I need you to translateand help me out. - I help you? Why?- I don't want anybody to get hurt.

-要我帮你? 为什么?-因为我不希望任何人受伤

This guy's very upset. 这家伙非常生气

Just calm him downand I'll let you back in the terminal.



No. New York.No red stamp. Green. I green. - New York.- OK, yes. -纽约-好的,好 - You say yes?- Yes. -你说好?-好

- OK. OK, OK, OK.- Stay out! -好了,好了-退后!

We have somebody here to talk to you.Somebody to talk to you. Go ahead. 我们找了个人来跟你谈去吧 退后! Stay out!

[speaks Bulgarian] (保加利亚语) [speaks Russian] (俄语) So? 怎样?

OK, tell him in order to exportmedicines from this country,


he needs to have the proper form,a Medicinal Purchase License.

必须填写正式表格附上购药许可证 好吗? 你明白我说的吗,维克多? OK? You understand me, Viktor? (保加利亚语) [speaks Bulgarian]


He say he bringthe medicine for his father. This why he go to Canada.Medicine for father. 所以他才去加拿大替他父亲买药 It doesn't matter. 那不重要

His plane landed in the US.He needs to have the right form.

他的班机降落在美国他必须有适当的表格 (保加利亚语)

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html [speaks Bulgarian]


He did not knowhe need this document. No one say to himhe need document form. 没人跟他说他需要文件表格 我正在对他说啊 I'm saying it to him.


He needs to have the form signed bythe hospital who is treating his father. 这些药品必须留置在美国境内

These medicineshave to stay in the United States.


They have to stay here. (保加利亚语) [speaks Bulgarian] He... He's begging you. 他?他在恳求你

我知道,我看的出他在求我 I know. I can see that he's begging. I'm sorry, sir. 很抱歉,先生

You'll have to take a flight in themorning. The medicine stays here.

你必须一大早搭飞机离开药得留在这里 I'm sorry. 对不起

(保加利亚语) [speaks Bulgarian]

[woman] Send him down! 制住他!

[Milodragovich sobs]

谢谢你,维克多干的好,我们走吧 Thank you, Viktor.Good job. Let's go. Whoa. Goat. 山羊

-什么?-山羊,药是给山羊用的 - What?- Goat. It medicine is for goat. -山羊?-对,药是给山羊用的,山羊 - Goat?- Yes. Medicine is for goat. Goat. [whimpers]

-他那么说吗?-是的 - He said that?- Yes. He say... 他说?

We not understand.I not understand \我们不懂是我不懂\山羊\

为什么? 你在说什么?你听错了他的话吗?

Why? What are you saying?You misunderstood him?

- It's not for his dying father?- No. No.

-不是买给他垂危的父亲吗?-不是,不是 在克罗西亚?\父亲\这个字?

The... Krakozhia...The name for \sound like \听起来很像\山羊\是我弄错了 I make mistake. [chuckles]

你为何这样做,维克多? Why are you doing this, Viktor? 药是买给?山羊用的 Medicine is for... goat. - No, it's not.- Yes. -不,才不是-是 -不是-是 - No.- Yes.


You read the blue immigration form. -蓝色的?-对,蓝色的 - Blue?- Yes. Blue.

- Blue?- Blue. The blue form. -蓝色的?-蓝色的表格

The one that says if it's an animal,he doesn't need the license. 那种表格上说,如果是用于动物身上就不需要许可证


Then he can bring the drugs in.That's good, Viktor. That's very good.

Why are you doing this? Huh? 你为何这么做呢?


You don't know him.You don't know the rules.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 看着我 Look at me. 我是想帮你

I was going to help you.

现在我要你问他?不,不是听你说 Now I want you to ask him...No, not you.

I want you to ask him.I want to hear him say it.

我要你问他,我要听见他亲口说 我要听见他亲口说药是给谁用的

I want to hear him saywho the medicine is for. 请说一下药是给谁用的

Please. Who the medicine is for. [speaks Bulgarian] (保加利亚语) 回答他,米洛卓格维奇先生药是给谁用的? Answer him, Mr. Milodragovich.Who are the pills for?


OK. The pills stay. He goes. That's it. 山羊 Goat.

Please. For goat.

拜托,是给山羊用的 药是给山羊用的 Medicine for goat. 药是给山羊用的 Medicine for goat. 药是给山羊用的 Medicine for goat. 药还他

Give him the pills. 药是给山羊用的 Medicine for goat. 药?

Medicine... (保加利亚语)

[Viktor speaks Bulgarian] 快走吧,全结束了

[man] Come on now, it's all over. He love that goat. 他爱死山羊了

Do you think I need an excuseto put you back in that cell 你以为我需要借口才能将你送回那牢里 把你关在那儿五年吗?

to keep you there for five years? 你与我为敌,就是与美国为敌

You go to war with me, and you go to warwith the United States.


Then you'll know why Krakozhianswait in line for cheap toilet paper


while Uncle Sam wipes his asswith Charmin two-ply.


[Gupta] There was a 20 man, 入境室警卫的枪枝都拔了出来 1mmigration gun was drawn, 迪克逊准备要开枪

The Dixon was ready to fire. 杀掉携带药品的这小子

T o kill the little man with the pills.

但后来有个人走进房里站在这小子的面前 But then someone walks into the roomand stand in front of this little man. 这个人说:“把枪放下”

\“今天没人会死” \Who? 谁?


- Who was it that saved him?- Yeah, tell us. Who was it? 这个人是谁? Who was this man?

纳沃斯基,维克多\山羊\纳沃斯基 Navorski. Viktor \


- It doesn't look good, Frank.- I was just following the rules.

有时候你得把规则撇到一边专注在人身上 Sometimes you have to ignore the rulesand

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html concentrate on the people. 人,我懂

The people, I know.


The people, compassion.That's the foundation of this country.


You could learnsomething from Navorski. 高兴点,还没完呢

Cheer up. It's not over yet. [sighs]


- Is that for me?- Yes. Yes. 是维京岛旗鱼

Is Virgin lsle swordfish. 送你的 For you. 送你的 For you. 挂在墙上 For wall.

可挂墙上的鱼 Fish for wall.


Why do you want to go to New York? 罐子里装了什么?

And what's in the can of peanuts? 承诺 Promise.

-罐头里装着承诺?-对,一份承诺 - A promise in the can?- Yes. A promise. 让我为你立下一份承诺,维克多 Let me make you a promise, Viktor. 一个困在这里的人所做出的承诺

And this is a promisethat comes from a man who is stuck here.

A man who may be stuck herefor the next ten years.

可能还会再困个十年的人 从现在起,你和我是拍档

From now on, you and I are partners. 若我留下,你就留下 If I stay, you stay.

你一步也踏不进纽约市 You will not set one footin New York City. 一根脚趾头也踏不进美国境内

Not a single toein the United States of America.


Do you understandwhat I am saying to you? 我懂 Yes.


You don't like fish.


Do you ever feellike you're just living in an airport?


We don't have to do this, Viktor.I can ship you out in a crate.


I can mail youanywhere in the US.


What about my food cart?He can hide inside and we'll drive out.


- No. I can't do this.- You said you wanted us to help you.

-是没错-她叫什么名字? - I do.- What's her name? 艾米利亚·华伦 Amelia Warren.

我以为我们是要找路出去不是找路进来 I thought we were lookingfor a way out, not a way in.


Be careful. Those flight attendantsain't like regular women.


Flying back and forth between time zonesmesses with their biological clock.


- They're always ready for sex.- OK, I found

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html something.

我要离开,他们会来找我们的 I am leaving.They will come for us. 古普塔,你放松点好吗?去门口把风 Gupta, will you relax?Just watch the door. 会进监牢的是你们,不是我 You go in jail. Not me. 为了?你知道吗? 算了

For... You know what? Forget it. -继续找-华伦 对吧?

- Keep looking.- Warren, right? -没错-华伦

- Yes. Yes.- Warren. 艾米利亚 简·华伦? Amelia Jane Warren? -简?-对 - Jane?- Yeah.

好极了,维克多,头等舱 Way to go, Viktor. First class. -她几时回来?-三周后

- When she come back?- Three weeks. 艾米利亚,想去吃点东西吗?

Amelia,would you like to get eat to bite? 吃点东西?肉馅卷? Bite to eat? Cantaloni? 吃点东西? Bite to eat? 吃点东西? Bite to eat? 吃点东西? Bite to eat?

点东西吃?点东西吃 Eat to bite? Eat to bite. 吃点东西 Bite to eat. 吃点东西 Bite to eat. 吃点东西 Bite to eat.

吃点东西,吃点东西 Bite to eat. Bite to eat.

吃点东西,吃点东西,吃点东西 Bite to eat. Bite to eat. Bite to eat.

吃点东西,吃点东西吃点东西,吃点东西 Bite to eat. Bite to eat.Bite to eat. Bite to eat. 吃点东西,吃点东西,吃点东西? Bite to eat. Bite to eat. Bite to eat... 古普塔,你结过婚吗?

Gupta, you been ever married? -你说什么?-你结过婚吗?

- What did you say?- You been ever married? 我在印度有个老婆和两个孩子我在23年前丢下他们

I had a wife and two kids in lndia.I left them there 23 years ago. 为什么? Why?

我在马德拉斯开了间小小烟草店 I had a small tobacco shop in Madras. 勉强足以谋生

Made just enough money to survive.

有一天,有个警察进来说我欠他一些税金 One day this policeman comes inand tells me I owe him some tax.

我说没关系这事稀松平常,所以就付给了他 I said OK.This is common. So I pay him. 隔天,同一个警察又来三番两次找上门来 The next day, the same policemancome and keep coming and keep coming. 我一直付钱给他,付个没完没了

And I am paying and I'm paying himand I'm paying him and I'm paying him. 最后呢,在第五天我拿起一把刀子刺进他的胸口

And finally, on the fifth day, I takea knife and I stab him in his chest.

-你杀了警察?-没有,我没刺中他的心脏 - You killed policeman?- No. I just missed his heart.


When they tried to arrest me,I run away. 那你没回家吗?

So you never go home?


If I go home,I go in the jail for seven years. 万一美国抓你的话呢?会把你驱逐出境 What if United States catch you?They deport you.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 只要我继续把地板拖干净,保持低调

As long as I keepmy floor clean, keep my head down,


they have no reason to deport me. 他们没必要去注意像我这样的人

They have no reasonto notice a man like me. 从罗马来的美国航空2703号班机现在抵达C43闸门

[Tannoy] United Airlines Flight 2703from Rome is now arriving at Gate C43, [cart beeps]

-嘿,等一下-抱歉,真对不起 - Hey, wait,- Sorry. I'm sorry. 不准通行,地板湿的 No, no, no. It's wet. -嘿-走路小心点

- Hey.- Watch where you're going. 小心! Watch out! [Viktor grunts] -艾米利亚-维克多 - Amelia.- Viktor.

-你好-抱歉,真对不起 - Hello.- Sorry. I'm sorry. 他差点杀了我

He nearly killed me. -你没事吧?-我很好 - You OK?- I'm fine. 穿这套西装我喜欢 I love the suit. 雨果 波士品牌 Hugo Boss.

特价149.99美元 On sale, $1 49.99. 真便宜

That's a bargain. -拿破仑?-没错

- Napoleon?- Yes, yes. 还有约瑟芬呢 And Josephine.


Do you know what Napoleongave Josephine on their wedding day? 艾米利亚? Amelia?


Would you like to have eat to bite? 食物,今晚? Food. Tonight?


- You're asking me out for dinner?- Yes. 当然好 Yeah. Sure.


- [Amelia] What time?- [Viktor] Dinnertime. -你想去哪吃?-我知道个地方

- [Amelia] Where do you want to go?- [Viktor] I know place.


- Do you have an appointment?- Navorski. 这边请

This way, please. 谢谢

Thank you.


I didn't know they had a patio up here. 非常不错 It's very nice. 晚安

Good night. 拜托,拜托?

Please. Please. Please. Please.


Sorry. So, tonight we havecannellonis or chicken.


- Cannelloni, please.- Cannelloni. -抱歉-谢谢

- Sorry.- Thank you. 你呢,先生? For you, sir?


- Same.- That's a great, great choice. 马上就来 I'll be back.


大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html Let me see. Enjoy.

你晓得羊角面包是罗马尼亚发明的吗? Did you know the croissantwas invented in Romania?

-说来听听-好的 - Tell me.- OK.

1742年,土耳其人入侵布卡瑞斯特(注: 罗马尼亚首都)

It's 1 742and the Turks invade Bucharest, 趁着月黑风高,出奇不意展开攻击

making a surprise attackunder the cover of night.


- But the town bakers...- [pager beeps] 抱歉 Sorry.


烤面包师怎样呢? So, the bakers?

-算了,不说也罢,是个蠢故事-不,请说 - No, never mind. It's a dumb story.- No, please.

对不起,维克多 I'm sorry, Viktor.


Nobody really careswhere the croissant was invented.


I'll bet the Romanians themselvesdon't give a shit. 我在乎 I care.

那是历史,是事实 Is histories. Is truth. -我39岁了-不

- I'm 39 years old.- No. -没错-不 - Yeah.- No.


- That's the truth.- You are not.


I tell everybody I'm 33, and most ofthe men I've dated think I'm 27, but no. 我39岁了 I'm 39.

那又怎样? 我也曾经39岁过 So? I was 39 once.


I was 1 8 years oldwhen I started working for the airlines.


I've been doing this over 20 years. 现在没必要再假装下去了

And now there's no more pretending. 就是这么回事 This is it.


It's why my address book is by cityand my pager goes off during dinner. [pager beeps]

你可以把传呼机关掉 You can switch off pager. 但愿我能 I wish I could.


I've been waiting for a phone callfor seven years.

我知道快了,维克多所以我才无法斩断情丝 I know it's coming, Viktor.That's why I can't break it off.


That's why I live out of hotels and havemy little suitcase packed, ready to go, 以免他周末想要见我

just in casehe wants to meet me for the weekend. 没错 Yeah.


I've been waiting my whole life. 就是不明白究竟为什么

- Just don't know what the hell for.- [pager vibrates] 我很抱歉 I'm so sorry.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 我住这里

[Viktor] I live here.

-什么?-我住这里,就在候机室里 - What?- I live here, in terminal. 67号闸门 Gate 67.


- You live at the airport?- Yes. Day and night. 这个家,好比说你,都在叫我等待 This home, like you.They tell me to wait. 所以我就等喽 So I wait.

所有经常搭机者都跟你一样感觉,维克多 All frequent fliersfeel the same way you do, Viktor.


Everybody's waiting. Everybody.


- For a flight, for a meeting...- I don't wait for flight or meeting. 那你在等什么?

- Then what are you waiting for?- [pager beeps]

没关系,我了解 Is OK. I understand. 我有个主意 I have an idea. -过来-你做什么?

- Come here.- What you do? 你确定? You sure?


More than anything, I'm sure of this. 准备好没? Ready? [both laugh]


[Viktor] So, when do you come back? [Viktor] So, when do you come back? 13天后,你呢?

[Amelia] 1 3 days. How about you? 我会在这里

[Viktor] I will be here. 可是万一你的行程改了呢?

[Amelia]But what if your schedule changes? 也许我们该交换一下电话号码

[Amelia] Maybe we shouldexchange phone numbers.


[Viktor] No. I will be here.


You know what Napoleon giveto Josephine when he win Bavaria? 告诉我 Tell me.

别这样嘛,告诉我 Come on. Tell me. 13天后我会给你看的

I will show you. 1 3 days from now. [camera whirs] 他在干嘛?

[Bobby] What's he doing?


[Karl] I can't ask him. I'm supposedto tell him what he's doing.

但果我问了,就像个白痴一样 If I ask him, I look like an idiot. (西班牙语)

[Enrique speaks Spanish] 对不起,你得替我做这件事

I'm sorry. Sorry.You got to do this for me. 我会给你食物,多的让你吃到发胖

You'll get really fatwith all the food I'm going to give you.


But, please, do this for me. It will bethe last thing I ask you to do.


他在斯巴罗义式餐厅那里等你回覆 He waits for you to answer at Sbarro. -我得工作-他会等的

- I have to work.- He will wait. [cheering]

[Viktor chuckles] -旅途如何?-还不错

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html - How was your flight?- Good. 谢谢 Thanks.


- Is something wrong?- You'll have to come with us.


You're kidding.I come through here twice a month. 请跟我走

Please follow me. 有人等着见我呢

I'm supposed to be meeting somebody. 我的工作,有三件重要事项

[Frank] 1n my line of work,there are three things that matter, 人、文档和故事

The person, the document and the story.


Find the truth of oneand you find the truth of all three.


I need your help finding the truth.

你认识一个叫维克多·纳沃斯基的人吧? Do you know a mannamed Viktor Navorski? 是的 Yes.


Do you know why he's hereand where he's from?

不知道,我们只是朋友而已 No. We're just friends.


Have you noticed that he hides a canof Dry Roasted Peanuts in his bag? 所以呢? So?


What do you make of that? [Amelia chuckles]


I'd make peanut butter, I guess. 我们知道他计划要去列克星敦的拉玛达酒店

We know that he's planning to goto the Ramada lnn on Lexington.


Has he told you why he's in New York? 没有 No.


- Has he told you where he lives?- No. We just met at the airport.


All I know is that he's a buildingcontractor, living out of a suitcase. 就这样子 That's it.

-他是个承包商?-没错 - He's a contractor?- Yeah. 他就说那些吗? That's what he said?

艾米利亚,我只是很好奇 Amelia. I'm just curious.


You are the kind of womanwho can get any guy she wants.

为何挑上维克多·纳沃斯基呢? Why Viktor Navorski?


That's something a guy like youcould never understand.


I guess you missed your flight again.Or maybe you have a bad travel agent. 请坐

Please. Sit.

没关系的,维克多,男人都会撒谎 It's OK, Viktor. All men lie.


- At least you're not very good at it.- I did not lie.


大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 个月

You told me you were delayed.You never said it was for nine months.


Maybe you see the manthe way you want see the man.

那我看见的是什么?你是谁? So what am I seeing?Who are you? -我?-不受欢迎? - l...- Unacceptable? 是的,是的 Yes. Yes.


You want to hear the funny part? 我跟他分手了

I broke up with him.


I was coming here to tell youhe's out of my life.

我自由了,我厌倦了等待 I'm free. I got tired of waiting. 至少我们有着共同点

At least we have that in common. 艾米利亚,你知道拿破仑打败巴伐利亚时送给约瑟芬什么东西吗?

Amelia, you know what Napoleongive to Josephine when he win Bavaria? 不知道 No.

我带你去看 I show you. [footsteps] 请,请

Please. Please. 请坐

Sit. Please.

那便是拿破仑送给约瑟芬的礼物 That was gift.Napoleon to Josephine. 一千个喷泉

One thousand fountains. 你为我盖的?

You built this for me? 请坐,别弄湿了

Please. Sit. Don't get wet. [Viktor strains] 快点

[Viktor] Come on. 哦?

Oh... [speaks Bulgarian] 没作用 It no work.

它应该往天花板喷出大量的水才对 It should shoot,big water up to ceiling.

跟我说实话你是不是从疯人院逃出来的? Just tell me the truth.Did you escape from an institution? 你是罪犯吗?

[Amelia] Are you a criminal? 你住在这里,维克多 You're living here, Viktor.


You're living at Gate 67.I just want to know why.

来,我给你看 Here. I show you. 我父亲 My father. 维克多,请告诉我花生罐里装的不是你父亲 Viktor, please tell meyour father isn't in that peanut can. 这是爵士 This is jazz.

我父亲迪米特·阿森洛夫·纳沃斯基 My father, Dimitar Asenov Navorski, 在1958年匈牙利报上看到这张照片

see this photographin Hungarian newspaper 1 958.


He say he look at photographfor seven days. 周一、周二、周三?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... 他们是谁? Who are they?

Count Basie, Dizzy Gillespie,Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins,


Art Blakey, Max Kaminsky.

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html 亚特布拉奇、麦克斯卡明斯基 57 of them all together. 总共57个

After looking at photographfor seven days, my father has idea.


He begin to write letters to club,Lickety Split, Snookie's Sugar Bowl. 他开始给他们写信

He ask the nuns to write English.Hundreds letters.

他央求修女帮他写英文信,好几百封 And then he wait. 然后他就等

He wait month, week, year. 一个月、一周、一年 My father wait 40 year. 我父亲等了40年

And they all sign names. 他们都签了名 One by one. 一个一个

They all write their nameand send it to my father.

他们都签了名寄给我父亲 All but not one. 除了一个 Benny Golson. 班尼高森 Saxophone. 萨克斯手

My father die before Benny Golsonwrite his name and send to my father.


So I make him promise.I keep promise. 我为了完成他的遗愿我遵守诺言

I promise I will go New York,find Benny Golson,

我保证要到纽约找到班尼高森 have him write name to put in can. 得到他的签名放到罐子里面

And you've been living hereso you could do this for your father? 你住在这里就是为了帮你父亲得到签名? Maybe I think he do it for me. 也许是他在帮我

You say you are waiting for something. 你说过你在等待

And I say to you,\我对你说,\是的,我们都在等待\What are you waiting for? 你在等什么? You. I wait for you. 你,我在等你 What? 怎么了?

The war is over. 战争结束了

,,,the right-wing military coupthat ousted President vagobagin,,,


[all sing the KrakozhianNational Anthem in Bulgarian]

All right, everybody.Let's raise your glasses. 各位,让我们举杯

Let's have a toast to my friend,Viktor \Goat\

为我们的朋友“山羊”维克多干杯 - [bleats]- [all bleat]

May he never lose his country again. 祝他永远不会再次失去祖国 Krakozhia! 克罗西亚!

Amelia! You here early! 艾米利亚! 你来早了! Hello. Amelia, look. 艾米利亚,看啊

Peace, peace in the war.The war, peace. Come. 和平?战争?结束了,和平?来了 See, the war,the war Krakozhia is over. 克罗西亚内战结束了 Peace. The war is over. 和平,战争结束了

- You know my friend in Washington.- Yes, yes.

- 你知道我在华府的那个朋友吗?- 知道,知道

大家论坛影视英语 http://club.topsage.com/forum-466-1.html He has a lot of connections. Here. 他在那里很有些门路 It's a pass, Viktor. 通行证,维克多

A one-day travel emergency visawith your name on it.

写有你名字的一天紧急签证 - Wha... Visa?- Yes. - ?签证?- 是的

- From your friend?- Yeah. - 你朋友给的?- 是的

Just go to New York, find that last nameand put it in the can.


- I go New York?- Yes. - 我,去纽约?- 是的 I go New York! 我可以去纽约了! [all cheer]

Amelia, you come with.You come with me to New York.


Your friend do this for me?Why he do this for me?

你朋友帮我的?他为什么要帮我? He did it for me. 他是帮我

I told you to stay away from me, Viktor.But you didn't understand.


- I think you were confused.- No, I confused about everything.

- 我想你没弄明白- 不,不,很多事情我不明白

I not confused... Not this. Not this. 但这件事,不是的? I'm sorry. I'm running late. 抱歉,我要迟到了

Amelia. Why you go? Why you go?

艾米利亚,为什么要走? 为什么要走? You know what Napoleongave Josephine as a wedding present?


It was a gold locket. 是一个金匣子

And on the inside,he made an inscription. 他在里面刻了字 \\命运\Destiny. 命运

,,,rejoice in the streetsas well as in their local taverns,


The Krakozhian flag waved goodbyefrom high atop the parliament buildings,


1t is a clear sign of the power,,, 这清楚表明? - Hey, baby.- Hi. - 嘿,宝贝- 嗨 I missed you. 我想你 Come on. 走吧 Next. 下一个 Viktor. 维克多

Hello, Delores.How I am today?

你好,德洛蕾丝,我今天有希望吗? What do you have here? 你今天有什么?

What do you have here? 怎么会有这个啊? Oh, no. It's not signed. 哦,不,没有签字 What? 什么?

This is a one-day emergency travel visa. 这是张一天紧急旅游签证

To validate authenticity, it needsto be signed by the supervising officer.

必须由管理官员签字才能生效 Dixon?

