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第二章 语法和语义

GMAT句子改错最重要的是语义和语法。语义是句子作者的intended meaning.这种original intended meaning才是句子的真实句义。任何改变句义的选项都是错误的,语义是最最最重要的,通过语法来判断句义是辅助的,所以不能拘泥于语法,而是通过句义来判断作者的原意。所以,可以通过逻辑来找句义,而通过语法来排除那些特别错误的选项。

One of your tasks is to choose the answer choice that transmits the author’s intent as clearly as possible. Don’t alter the author’s intent when you make your choice! (如果句子原文的句义没有错的话,则不能改变句义) Aggravate aggravating Known as known to be Loss of loss in Mandate have a mandate Native of native to Range of ranging Rate of rates for Rise raise 2

Try to do try doing 区别以上词汇的含义区别


Will: certain May: uncertain

Must: absolutely necessary

Should: morally obligated (on the GMAT, should almost always means ?morally obligation?, not likelihood)

Would: hypothetical

Pay attention to the original sentence’s helping verbs—and only change them if the original sentence is obviously nonsensical. 句子中任何一个词的位置的变化也会改变句子的含义: All the children are covered in mud. The children are all covered in mud.

Only the council votes on Thursdays. The council votes only on Thursdays.

If a word changes its position in the answer choices, consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words that quantify nouns or otherwise restrict meaning

The council granted the right to make legal petitions to city



The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions. Or The right to make legal petitions to CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.

句子含义一定要合乎逻辑(we must remember that the subject and the verb must make sense together) 句子含义:避免多余(no right answer on the GMAT will contain redundant words) 比较常见的多余的形式是使用同一含义的词,比如: The value of the stock rose by 10% increase.

应改为:The value of the stock increase by 10%,or the value of the stock rose by 10%.

再如:The three prices sum to a total of $11.56

应改为:The three prices sum to $11.56. Or The three prices total $11.56

表示时间的词汇:要注意一句话中只能出现一次表示同一含义的词,如果还要出现,则必须要有道理才行。(Pure redundancy is always wrong on the GMAT) Past: previously, formerly, in the past, before now Present: now, currently, presently, at present Yearly: annual each year, a year

简洁原则:Concision is preference on SC problems. However, some people are better off never applying it on the GMAT)

4 自己总结:从逻辑找句义,从语法判断句子是否正确书写,简洁原则是最后关注的),一切都服从句义。

Problem set

1. How matter how much work it may require, getting MBA turns out to be a wise investment for most people (correct, 但是不太明白那个it代表什么)

2. Even though it requires much work, getting MBA turns out to be a wise investment for most people(incorrect, 因为它改变了句子的原意)

3. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day watering the more than 50 plants in her yard.(correct, more than修饰50 plants in her yard)

4. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day watering more than the 50 plants in her yard.(incorrect, more than 修饰the 50 plants in her yard,隐含的意思是除了给50浇水之外,还给其他东西浇水,改变了句子的含义)

5. Hector remembers San Francisco as it was when he left ten years ago.(correct,不太明白这句话的含义)

6.Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which stems success in college applications.(correct,个人认为是倒装,详细见第三章的flip it)

7.Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which success in college applications


stems.(correct, flip it)

第三章 主语和谓语的一致

任何一个句子里,主语和谓语必须在逻辑上和语义上都是make sense的 一、 一个句子中主语和谓语必须都有,否则为fragment: GMAT错误句子常见方式:

1. drop the verbs: The electron named in 1894. 2. 连词开头且没有主句:because the dog was never mine 二、 主语和谓语必须合理make sense

The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.(incorrect)

Once developed, a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travelhundreds of miles without refueling.(correct)

三、 主语和谓语必须在数量上一致

GMAT often tries to confuse you before you make the subject-verb match. 如何找句子中的主语呢:

1. eliminate the middlemen, and skip the warmup

GMAT hides the subject in a few ways: the most common way by far is to insert words between the subject and the verb:

介词短语:(Near Galway), the houses (on the road to Spiddle) are gorgeous.

6 从句:(like prepositions phrases, many subordinate clauses modify other parts of the sentence, acting as big adj or big adv. Some subordinate clauses even act as big nouns)

(When the auditors left),the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad.


(Limping,) the horse (once considered one of the favorites) was taken away.


A noun in a prepositional phrase can not be the subject of the sentence.(后文有例外)

In the waning days of the emperor’s life, the conquest (of new lands on the borders of the empire) was considered vital.

The tidal forces (to which an object falling into a black holeis subjected) are sufficient to tear the object apart.

3.And vs. Additive phrases

只有AND改变主语的复数形式,其他表示?和?的词语都只是修饰,可以省略看待。 Additive phrases: along with, in addition to…, as well as …, accompanied by …, together with…, including …

Only the word and can change a singular subject into a plural one. Singular subjects followed by additive phrases remain singular subjects.


Example: Joe, as well as his friends, is going to the beach.

Mathematics, in addition to history and sciences, is a required subject.

表示?学科、疾病、一些活动(如杂技)?等词都是单数形式。 Rules:

(1)Or, either…or, neither …nor: 就近原则

Neither the coach northe players are going to the beach. Neitherthe players nor the coachis going to the beach.

(2)Either, neither…:总是单数


Agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team, baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture…


The crowd in the stands is cheering loudly as the home team takes the field. Our Army of a hundred thousand soldiers is attacking the enemy.


Anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, every, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything, whatever, whoever,


either, neither(单独使用)

例外:some of , any of , none of, all of, more of, most of… 谓语动词视后面的名词而定。(sanam of…的主语是后面的名词) Some of the money was stolen from my wallet Some of the documents were stolen from the bank

Any of these women is a suitable candidate for marriage to my son. Not one of my friends is here this weekend.

(5)each, every: 总是单数 Everydoghas paws.

Every dog and cathas paws. Each of these shirtsis pretty. 注意:They each are great tennis players. Each是插入语,可以省略。

(6) 数量词和短语

The number of … is (单数,主语是the number) A number of…are(复数, 主语是复数)

表述数量的词,如: half, majority, minority, plurality谓语动词的形式看其前面的名词是复数还是单数。 (原则同sanam+of短语)

Half of the pie is blueberry, and half of the slices are already gone. The majority of the students in this class are hard workers.

In the Senate, the majority has coalesced into a unified voting block.


(7)主语从句和短语:谓语动词总是单数 Having good friends is a wonderful thing. Whatever they want to do is fine with me.

3. flip it 倒装句的谓语动词总是看其真正的主语,跟主语的数的形式一致 Near those buildings sits a Lonely house, inhabited by squatters. There are a young man and an older women at the bus stop.

Pong is a classic game from whichhave descended many current computer pastimes.

Problems set

Computer gamesdesigned to involve many players at once have proliferated; such games were first developed before the widespread availability of high-speed internet connection. (correct, 主语和谓语逻辑合理)

第四章 平行结构

Gmat中考得最多的知识点就是平行结构 一、 平行结构的指示词

Makers and structures X and Y X, y, and z Both / and Both x and y Examples Apples and pears Apples, pears and banans Both apples and pears 10 or Either/or Not/ but X or y Either x or y Not x but y Apples and pears Either apples or pears Not apples but pears Not only/but Not only x but also y Not only apples but also pears also Rather than X rather than y From/to From x to y Apples rather than pears From apples to pears 最主要的平行指示词是and, but, or,然而不要拘泥于这样的结构,any construction that expresses two or three things in the same way requires parallelism.

二、 哪些东西可以平行呢?


Thedivision was opening offices, hiring staff,and investing in equipment. The railroad can either lose more money or solves its problems. They wanted to increase awareness, spark interest, and motivate purchases. I want to retire to a place whereI can relax andwhereI pay low taxes. There are many people whospeak English butwhose parents do not. Ralph likes both those whoare popularandthose who are not.

三、 and 的用法 list Examples

11 X and Y X, y, and z X, y, z, and w Apples and pears Apples, pears, and bananas Apples, pears, bananas, and peaches 在所列事务中最后一个前面必须加AND, 如果是2个从句,则两句话中间可以在AND前加逗号,也可以不加。If you join 2 clauses with and, you can put an optional comma before the and.(如果句子很长,且独立,则需要加逗号) I really like candy apples, and I eat them often.

She argues that the agency acts with reckless abandon andwith disregard for human lifeand property, andthat it should therefore be shut down.

四、 其他类型的平行结构指示词 X acts as y As x, so y Between x and y Compared to x, y Consider x y Distinguish x from y X is the same as y Estimate x to be y X instead of y X is known to be y X is less than y X is good, and so too is y X, such as y Think of x as y X is thought to be y View x as y Whether x or y In contract to x, y Make x y Declare x y X develops into y X differs from y

五、 表明的平行结构与真实的平行结构

Mistake x for y Not only x, but also y The comma is optional Regard x as y 虽然在表面上看是从平行结构的指示词中看出是平行结构,但是实际上,是从句12 子的句义中看出是不是平行结构的,也就是说虽然句子有平行结构的指示词,但实际上也许不是平行结构,所以一定要从句义着手判断。 Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, and leaving late every night.

本句的平行结构指示词是and, 平行的部分是分词skipping, leaving,这两个现代分词作applied的补充。

Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly and left late every night. 这是错误的句子,因为它把skip, arrive当作和applied 同等的词,其实并不是这样,他们是补充,所以必须要用现在分词。

六、 注意系動詞

To be Is Are Was Were Am Been Be being Other linking verbs appear Become Feel Grow Look Remain Represent Resemble Seem Smell Sound Stay Taste turn Linking verb也是平行结构的指示词


Thenomination of this politician representsa step forward in urban-rural


relations in this country.

Note that the verb to be does not have to be part of a linking verb phrase. The verb to be also forms the progressive tenses and the passive voice. Do not look for parallelism in these uses of be.

Problem set

1. The students did poorly on the testmorebecause they had not studied than because the material was difficult.

2. The experiences we have in childhood influenced our behavior in adulthood.

3. Although we were sitting in the bleachers, the baseball game was as exciting to us as to the people sitting behind home plate.

4. Voters want to elect a president who genuinely cares about health care, the environment, the travails of ordinary men and women, andwho has the experience, wisdom, and strength of character required for the job. 5. The consultant is looking for a caféthat has comfortable chairs andthat provides free internet access.

第五章 代词


GMAT中经常考代词,代词和先行词必须都有,在数量上和逻辑上都必须合理。 The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to the park.

注意在名词所有格的名词不能作为代词的先行词。(非常重要) Watch out for nouns used as adj, they cannot be antecedents of pronouns. The antecedent to which you want to refer must actually exist in the sentence as a noun.

一、 先行词和代词必须合理

逻辑上合理:Although the term ?supercomputer? may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it simply refers to an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second. 代词与其先行词必须检查是否合理。 二、 先行词与代词必须在数量上合理

Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, the modern Hollywood studio is attempting various experiments in an effort to retain its status as the primary arbiter of movie consumption. 三、 五个比较容易错误的代词:it, its, they, them, their 凡看到句子中的上述五个单词,则必须找到其先行词,看其合理性。 Whenever a student calls, take down his or her information Whenever students call, take down their information. 四、 指示代词this, that, these, those 这些都是形容词,放在名词前面

15 New nano-papers incorporate fibers that give these materialsstrength. That,those 可以代表new copy

The money spent by her parents is less than that spent by her children. 从中可以看出,两个MONEY是不同的,不是同一个MONEY 与此相比,如果用it, they或其他个人代词,则指的是同一个事情: Themoney spent by her parents is more thanit was expected to be. That or those indicating a new copy or copies must be modified. Her company is outperformingthat of her competitor. Gmat认为that,those 与之前的先行词在数量上一致。 Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors. 不能用this, these来代替名词

Her products are unusual; many consider them unique. 五、 如果代词出现混乱、歧义怎么办?

理论上讲:任何句子中的代词都应该指代同一个名词,否则就会出现歧义和混乱。 e.g. Researchers claim to have developed new ?nano-papers?incorporating tiny cellulous fibers, which THEY allege give THEMthestrength of cast iron. (wrong)

Researchers claim to have developed new ?nano-papers?incorporating tiny cellulous fibers, which give these materials the strength of cast iron, according to the researchers.

如果出现一种情况,即:一个句子中出现only one pronoun but more than one possible antecedent?


21 be intended to modify them. e.g. Only in the past century was origami’s development, a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place. (wrong) Origami—a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago—has developed into a true art form only in the past century. (correct)


关系代词:which, that, who, whose, whom, where, when, 需遵守的规则:

1. who and whom must modify people 2. which must modify things. 3. That 不能modify people

4. Whose can modify either people or things: the town whose water supply was contaminated.

5. Which 和whom有时跟着介词,the canal through which water flows. The senator for whom we worked.

6. Who作为定语从句的主语,whom作为宾语 The security whom we met was nice.

7. That and whom当引导宾语时可省略:the movie that we watched last Friday was scary. The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

8. Where 可以修饰一个地点名词,比如:area, site, country, where 不能做?比喻?的含义,如果要修饰condition, situation, case, circumstances, arrangement 要用in which 而不是where.


We had an arrangement in which he cooked and I cleaned.

9. When 可以修饰a noun event or time, such as period, age, 1987, or decade, 在这种情况下也可以用in which来代替。

Essential vs. non-essential noun modifiers

Noun modifiers are either essential or non-essential Essential modifiers 提供的necessary information to identify the noun or to attach the modifier to the noun from that point onward.

e.g. The mansion painted red is owned by the Lees.

这里必须用essential modifier,因为如果不用的话,则不知道说的到底是哪个mansion.(这也是essential modifier使用上的重点和难点,需要identify noun的时候就需要用essential modifier)

Non-essential modifiers 提供多余的信息,you do not need this information to identify the noun, since it is already identified in some other way.

e.g. This mansion, recently painted red, is owned by the Lees. ?this?已经指出了到底是哪个mansion, 所以后面的recently painted 是non-essential modifiers.

Put commas between non-essential and their nouns; Put no commas between essential modifiers and their nouns. 23

E.g. This mansion, which has been recently painted red, is owned by the Lees.

The mansion that has been recently painted red is owned by the Lees. Gmat不会把which和that当作是选择的唯一点,因为他们的使用 有分歧。

?who? can be used in essential or in non-essential modifiers.

Verb modifiers

动词修饰语修饰的动词,these modifiers answer questions about the verb, such as ?how, when, where, why? etc. The most basic verb modifier is an adverb. Other verb modifiers act in much the same way as adverbs.

从属连词包括because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while, and so on.这些从属联系必须和主句attach在一起。

有一些动词修饰语可以和动词以及动词的主语连在一起,这时一定 要注意make sure that the subject makes sense with the modifier. e.g.

现在分词: Whistling beat it, I lifted the weight. 介词+简单动名词:By concentrating, I lifted the weight. 不定式:To free my leg, I lifted the weight. I lifted the weight to free my leg.

24 Make sure that these modifiers have a sensible subject in the sentence. Wrong: The weight was lifted by concentrating. 注意不定式的用法和含义:

Infinitives of purpose can be used with unnamed agents in passive-voice sentence: the weight was lifted to free my leg. Just make sure that whoever does the lifting intends to free my leg.

An infinitive of purpose needs to indicate the purpose of someone.(不定式的主语需要指出到底谁是?目的?的主语)The boulder rolled to free my leg implies nonsensically that the boulder wanted to free my leg. (the boulder是to free my leg的主语,所以是不合乎逻辑的)

虽然动词修饰语不像名词修饰语那样必须遵守touch rule,但是其实它也必须跟所修饰的动词放在合理的位置,否则就会产生歧义:

The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed, yesterday. (错误的将yesterday放在最后,没有合理的修饰performed) The nameless symphony was at last performed yesterday, decades after it was composed. (yesterday修饰的是was performed,合理的位置不会引起歧义) (引申:真题中很多情况下出现类似的错误,副词或介词短语是如何才能更好的修饰动词是个重点,很多时候是语感的问题)

Which vs 现在分词-ing形式

Which一定是修饰which之前的名词的,use which only to refer to the noun immediately preceding it---never to refer to an entire clause.


e.g. The recent decrease in crime in our neighborhood has led to a rise in property values. (correct )

Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values. (correct ) --ing的用法:


可以修饰名词:the changing seasons

可以修饰动词或他们的主语: I lifted the weight,whistling

可以修饰整个句子:Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values.(表达前面一个句子的结果) 经常犯的错误是用which来代替前面一个句子,而不是名词。

Always test which clauses to make sure that the ?which? refers to the noun immediately preceding the ?which.?

第七章 时态、语气和语态

时态: 一般时态:

一般现在时:to express theeternal states or frequent events, general rule.Gmat比较偏爱一般时态,除非句子很明显的要求一个或更多复杂的时态 一般过去时: 一般将来时:

进行时态:to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action E.g.Sandy is playing soccer.




Joe learned about an epoch in which dinosaurs had walked the earth. 这里使用过去完成时是没有必要的,因为the earlier action does not have a direct bearing on the context of the later action. Thesequence of time does not need to be clarified or emphasized.Thus, 过去完成时在这句话中是错误的。

使用完成时的原则:you should use the perfect tenses only when you can justify them with the rules:



e.g. The scientists announced thatthe supercollider was ready, that it had not cost too much, and that it would provide new insights into the workings of the universe.

小结: conditional tense: would + verb 过去时+conditional tense

The scientists believedthat the machine would be wonderful. 现在时+will


The scientist believes that the machines will be wonderful. 注意不要mix them


Indicative mood:陈述语气 Imperative mood:祈使句、命令句

虚拟语气(subjunctive mood)的两种使用:

(1) unlikely or unreal condition(if, as if , or as though或类似的句子


(2) proposals, desires, and requests formed with certain verbs and the

word that.

The Hypothetical subjunctive假设虚拟

表达unlikely or unreal condition(if, as if , or as though或类似的句子之后)

To overcome my fear of germs, I will think about diseaseas thoughit were harmless.

说话人并不相信疾病实际上是无害的,他只是虚拟假设认为疾病无害。 Were的使用: If I were a rich man, …… If…then…结构:记住如下的结构: (1) general rule with uncertainty

If Sophie eats pizza, then she becomes ill. if现在时,then现在时


Whenever S eats pizza, she becomes ill.

(2) general rule with some uncertainty If S eats pizza, then she may become ill. If现在时,then can or may Uncertain outcome

(3) particular case with no uncertainty

If S eats pizza tomorrow, then she will become ill. If 现在时,then 将来时

另外一种可能性:If S has eaten pizza, then she will become ill.

(4) Unlikely case(in the future)

If S ate pizza tomorrow, then she would become ill.

含义是:作者认为S不太可能明天吃披萨,the conditional tense(would)shows the hypothetical result of an unlikely or untrue condition. Would可以用could 代替。

(5) Case that never happened(in the past) if past perfect, then conditional perfect.




Bossy verbs+that+subject+command subjective We propose that the school board disband.

注意不是每个bossy verb都用虚拟语气,一些BOSSY VERB不用虚拟语气,比如want等,具体哪些是习惯。

Command verbs that takedesire: Demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest

e.g. we demand that he be here.

Propose可以使用不定式结构,在没有第二个主语的情况下。 The attorneys proposed to meet the following day.

Verbs that take only the infitives: Advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want e.g. we allow him to be here.

Verbs that take either the command subjective or the infinitive. Ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require.

Prohibit from doing sth.

Bossy verbs 的变形也用虚拟语气,比如demand, request.

only the command subjunctive when indicating 35

His demand that he be paid full severance was not met.

一些形容词也用于虚拟语气:advisable, crucial, desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital同样,这些词后也可以跟不定式。

It is essential for Gary to be ready before noon. Whether之后不用虚拟语气

I like ice cream, whether it is chocolate, vanilla, or any other flavor. 一些BOSSY VERBS可以用于NON-BOSSY WAYS:

比如suggest,并不是一看到suggest就一定要用虚拟语气,要看具体含义: Her presence suggests that she is happy.这里suggests是means的含义。


Whoever actually performed the action in the sentence may follow the verb in a phrase headed by the prepositionby (by the hungry students). Use by only for the actual doers of the action. Use through or because of when you want to describe any instrument or means, which might be an awkward or nonsensical subject in active voice.

e.g. The pizza was accidentally eaten by a quirk of fate.(wrong) A quirk of fate accidentally ate the pizza.(wrong) Through a quirk of fate, the pizza was accidentally eaten.



News of the moon landing was repeated around the world by people of all ages, all races, and all religions.

注意:只有及物动词才能有被动语态的形式。不及物动词没有被动语态。 The aliens were arrived on Neptune in the 20 century.(wrong) The aliens arrived on Neptune in the 20 century. (correct, arrive是不及物动词)


The answer is YES, quite often, voice is a matter of choice. It has been decided by Jason that he will not attend college. Jason has decided not to attend college.


It has been decided by Jason that he will not attend college next fall. Jason has decided next fall not to attend college.

上面两个句子第一个是正确的,因为第二个句子中的next fall和动词has decided连在一起,让人误以为是?明年秋天决定。。。。?错误的更改了作者的含义。







During the operation, new blood vessels are inserted around blockages.

As a final note, you do not have to make active or passive voice parallel throughout a sentence:

The shuttle launch took place flawless and was seen on television.

第八章 对比

Once you find a comparison, identify the two parts of the sentence that are being compared to each other.找到对比的两个部分。这句话特别重要,也就是说正确的对比的句子都是有两个或多个部分的对比的。必须要找出哪个和哪个对比。这些对比的句子都是在结构和逻辑上平行的。 主要对比的标志词包括:like, unlike, as, than

Like vs.As

(1)Like是非常重要的对比的标志词,它是一个介词,所以,它之后必须跟名词、代词和名词短语,不要跟从句或介词短语,like不能对比两个名词。 Like her brother, Ava aced the test.(correct) Like之后可以跟动名词:

Like swimming, skiing is great exercise.




As her brother did, Ava aced the test.

在含义上,like her brother, Ava aced the test.和As her brother did, Ava aced the test.没有区别。


原则1、对比部分必须在逻辑上平行,就是说对比部分必须是similar things Frank’s build, like his brother, is broad and muscular. 比较的内容不同,Frank’s build 与her brother不能比较。 Frank’s build, like his brother’s, is broad and muscular. 对比的内容一致。

That和those 代表build. That代表单数,those代表复数。

Frank’s build, like that of his brother, is broad and muscular. Frank’s toes, like those of his brother, are short and hairy. Frank, like his brother, has a broad and muscular build.

Beethoven’s music, which broke a number of established rules with its structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bach’s.


I like running through forestsmore thanwalking through crowds.(correct) 省略:


对比的句子第二部分往往会出现省略。通常用所有格形式来代表。 My car is bigger thanBrian’s(car). My car is bigger thanthe Smiths’(car).


同样也可以省略单位units,动词verbs,甚至整个句子whole clause(在对比的第二阶段),只要不产生歧义。

e.g. Whereas I drink 2 quarts of mile a day, my friend drinks 3(quarts). I walked faster than Brian(walks).

I walk as fast now as I (walked)when I was younger.

In general, you should put in the omitted words or appropriate Helping Verbs (such as be, do, and have)only if you need to remove ambiguity. Vishal eats more carrots than donuts.(省略he does,因为donuts很显然是宾语,不会出现歧义)

Vishal eats more carrots than HE DOES donuts.(wordy) e.g

I like cheese more than Yvette.(Yvette可以是主语也可以是宾语,所以必须修改以消除歧义)

I like cheese more than Yvette Does.(than Yvette likes cheese) I like cheese more than I do Yvette.(than I like Yvette)


GMAT有时许可unnecessary helping verb in the second term of a comparison.


当比较2个事务时用比较级,当比较3个或以上事物时用最高级。 She is shorter than her sister.

She is the shortest of her five siblings. You are more interesting than he.

You are the most interesting person here.



Adrian runs quickly. He runsmore quicklythan Jacob.

有些副词没有以LY结尾的,换成比较级时结尾加er Adrian runs fast. He runs faster than Jacob.


I will have HIGHER bills over last year.(错误) I will have higher bills than last year.(正确) Always use than with a comparative form.

