The English Renaissance

更新时间:2023-11-17 09:23:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. The English Renaissance(文艺复兴) began during the reign of Elizabeth I 2. English Renaissance Period was a age of poetry and drama. 3. The Four Greatest Tragedies of Shakespeare’s do not include Romeo and Juliet. 4. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? ”is the beginning line of one is Shakespeare’s sonnets(十四行诗)

5. An Essay on Criticism is a didactic poem written by Alexander Pope in heroic couplets(英雄双论体)

6. English Romanticism is generally said to have begun with the Publication of Lyrical Ballads(抒情歌谣集)in 1798. 7. The Romantic Period is first of all an age of poetry. 8. Wordsworth(沃兹沃斯) published Lyrical Ballads in 1798 with Coleridge(柯尔律治,英国湖畔诗人)

9. Don Juan is the masterpiece of Lord Byron’s(拜伦)

10. Jane Eyre(简爱BY夏洛蒂勃朗特)is not a novel written by Jane Austen(简奥斯汀——傲慢与偏见)

11. The critical realists like Charles Dickens in the Victorian period wrote novels defending the massrepresenting the 18th century realistscriticizing the society(此题为三个短语排序题)

12. Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄) is a masterpiece written by Emily Bronte.(艾米丽布朗特)

13. All of the following are novels written by Charles Dickens,includingGreat Expectations,(远大前程)Hard Times,(艰难时世)Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿).

14. The Victorian Age was largely an age of novel eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray(萨克雷——《名利场》) 15. The greatest English critical realists novelist was Charles Dickens,who criticize the bourgeois civilization and showed the misery(痛苦,不幸)of the common people.

16. In “Sonnet 18”,Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive(决定性的毁灭性的) power of time and the eternal beauty brought form by poetry to the one he loves. 17. “If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?”is an epigrammatic line by P.B Shelley(雪莱). 18. The earliest English literary work is Beowulf,epic(贝尔伍夫——叙事诗,史诗),the national hero about a Scandinavian warrior fought against a monster.

19. Chaucer’s masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales. 20. The cradle(发源地) of Renaissance is Italy

21. The English Renaissance began during the Elizabethian time 22. Humanism is the essence(本质) of the Renaissance.

23. Many people today tend to regard the play The Merchant of Venice as a satire of the hypocrisy of Christians and their false standards of friendship and love,their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against Jews. 24. The Renaissance humanist:The thought that human beings were the measure of all things(人是万物的尺度);They couldn’t see the human values in their works;They thought people were largely subordinated(次要的附属的) to the ruling class without any freedom and independence. 25. In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare eulogizes the faithfulness of love(对爱的信仰),the spirit of pursuing happiness(对幸福) 26. One of the distinct features of the Elizabethian time is the flourishing of the drama;the popularity of the realistic novel . 27. Paradise Lost(失乐园),Paradise Regained(复乐园),Samson Agonistes(力士参孙)are Milton’s works.

28. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is the first allegory in the English language.

29. William Wordsworth is the leading figure of Lake poets in the art of poetry.

30. The Neoclassicism(新古典主义) was a progressive intellectual

movement which flourished in France and swept Western Europe in the 18th century.

31. As the representative of the Enlightenment,Pope was one of the first to introduce rationalism(理性主义)to England. 32. The author who wrote Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记 is Daniel Defoe丹尼尔笛福. 33. Jane Austen was living and writing during the Romantic period,but was often classified with Victorian writers because of the style and subject matter of her works.

34. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from The Old Testament旧约全书

35. What can not describe “Byronic hero”?拜伦式英雄Mysterious. 36. The term“metaphysical poetry ”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writes who wrote under the influence of John Donne约翰邓恩.

37. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to 1832-1901 38. In terms of Pride and Prejudice,it is not true that Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel(悲剧) 二、MATCH THE WRITER

1. J.William M. Thackeray 2. B.Charles Dickens 3. E.Daniel Defoe 4. G.Jane Austen 5. F.Jonathan Swift 6. A.John Bunyan 7. C.Thomas Hardy 8. D.Charlotte Bronte 9. H.John Milton 10. I.Percy Shelley 11. M.William Wordsworth 12. S.Emily Bronte

13. R.SamuelTaylor Coleridge 14. K.Alexander Pope 15. Q.Geoffrey Chaucer 16. O.Robert Bums 17. P.John Donne

18. U.Christopher Marlowe 19. T.Edmund Spenser 20. N.William Shakespeare 21. L.Francis Bacon

A. The Pilgrim’s Progress B. Oliver Twist

C. Tess of the D’Urbervilles D. Jane Eyre E. Moll Flanders F. Gulliver Travels G. Pride and Prejudice H. Paradise Lost I. Ode to the West Wind J. Vanity Fair

K. An Essay on Criticism L. Of Studies

M. I Wonder Lonely as a Cloud N. The Merchant of Venice O. Red ,Red Rose P. The Songs and Sonnets Q. The Canterbury Tales R. Kublai Khan S. Wuthering Heights T. The Fairy Queen U. Dr. Faustus

