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第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案,


( )1.What time is it now?

A. 4:15. B. 4:30. C. 4:45.

( )2.What was the weather like in London?

A. It was sunny. B. It was very cold. C. It was snowing.

( )3.What does the woman mean?

A. She has lost her job. B. The man is wrong. C. She hates the man.

( )4.Who is going Chicago?

A. Mary. B. Mr. Smith. C. Tom.

( )5.What does the man want to do?

A. Talk with the woman. B. Open the window. C. Put on a coat.

第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有一个小题,从所给的A,B,C三个选项中


听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第7两个小题。

( )6.How often does the train leave?

A. Every ten minutes. B. Every twenty minutes. C. Every thirty minutes.

( )7.How is the woman going to Hong Kong?

A. By bus. B. By plane. C. By train.

听下面一段独白, 回答第8至第9两个小题。

( )8.What must the teacher be good at?

A. Chinese and painting. B. Math and computers. C. English and singing.

( )9.How can you get more information?

A. By visiting Mrs Li. B. By calling Mr. Li. C. By writing Mr. Li.

听下面一段对话, 回答第10至第12三个小题。

( )10.Where is Li Jun from?

A. Fuzhou. B. Taiwan. C. Riyuetan.

( )11.How many places of interest in Taiwan are talked about in this dialogue?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

( )12.How will the woman go to Taiwan for her holiday?

A. By train. B. By plane. C. By ship.

听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第15三个小题。

( )13.Where do you think they’re talking?

A. At school. B. In Shanghai. C. In the supermarket.

( )14.What did Jack do during the summer holiday?

A. He worked with Kate. B. He worked in a supermarket. C. He went sightseeing.

( )15.What did Kate do during the summer holiday?

A. She put the things in the right places. B. She made money. C. She went sightseeing.

第三节 听下面一篇短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格,每空一词。短文读两遍。 Wonderful 16 _________ in Canada


从A B C D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。

( )21. Ann ______ herself beautifully today. She ______ a red dress and a white coat.

A. wore; wore B. is dressed; put on C. put on; dressed D. dressed; wore

( )22. -- ______ fine weather! Let’s go outside and have a picnic.

-- That’s a good idea.

A. How B. What a C. How a D. What

( )23. Look at the map, please. Zhengzhou is ______ the east of Luoyang.

A. in B. to C. on D. at

( )24. -- ______ ?

-- It’s nine.

A. What day is it B. What’s twelve minus three

C. What’s the date D. What’s your e-mail address

( )25. – Hi, Peter. You have made a lot of progress since you came here.

-- ______, and ______.

A. So I have; so you have B. So I have; so have you

C. So have I; so have you D. So have I; so you have

( )26. The city ____ we visited last month is the one ______ the famous pianist was born.

A. where, which B. which, where C. that, which D. where, where

( )27. – Come and join us, John!

-- I’m sorry, but I’m really busy now. If I ______ time, I would certainly go.

A. will have B. have had C. had D. have

( )28. – There ______ many ______ matches in the 2008 Olympics.

-- You are right.

A. maybe, excited B. maybe have, excited

C. may have, exciting D. may be, exciting

( )29. – Have you found out ______ ?

-- Yes. Mr. Brown said it was for Mrs White.

A. whose letter is it B. who receives the letter

C. where the letter is D. Who has written the letter

( )30. – Your school looks so ______.

-- Yes. A lot of trees and grass ______ in the last two years.

A. beautiful, are planted B. beautiful, have been planted

C. beautifully, were planted D. beautifully, have planted

( )31. As close friends, they used to walk to school _______.

A. face to face B. little by little

C. step by step D. side by side

( 32. I think it is _____ cheaper and _____ interesting to travel around the small town

on foot than by taxi.

A. much, even more B. more, more C. more, much more D. much , much

( )33. Hurry up, _____ you will miss the class. It’s only ten minutes left.

A. and B. so C. however D. or

( )34. Man is short ____ water now. So something must be done to stop people____ wasting it.

A. for, to B. for, from C. of, to D. of, from

( )35. – Which would you like best, the black one, the blue one or the white one?

-- _____, thanks. Just the red one, please.

A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All

( )36. The clothing in this shop is cheaper and better than ______ in ______ shop.

A. one, this B. it, that C. this, this D. that, that

( )37. – Excuse me, could you please move over a little and make some ______ for me? -- Sure, please.

A. places B. seats C. room D. ground

( )38. Before I met ______ young person, I had never seen ______ honest person like him.

A. the, an B. a, the C. a, a D. the, the

( )39. When you want to ____, please remember this saying ― ______ there is a will, ______ is

a way.‖

A. give up, Where, there B. give up, /, there

C. give in, /, where D. give in, Where, it

( )40. Our summer holiday is coming. Two _____ of the students in our school will go

sightseeing ______ their eyes.

A. hundred, to open B. hundreds, for open

C. hundred of, for opening D. hundreds of, to open



A beautiful , expensively dressed lady complained to her psychiatrist (精神病医师) that she felt who cleaned the office floors, and then said to the rich lady, ― I’m going to ask Julia to tell you ‖ ― Well, my husband died of malaria (疟疾I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’was cold outside, so I decided to let the cat in. I got it some milk, and it licked the plate clean. Then it purred (咕噜咕噜叫I Then I stopped if a little cat could make me smile, maybe doing

them to a neighbor who was sick in bed. Every day I tried to do something nice for someone. It made me so happy to see them happy. Today, I don’than I do. I’‖

When she heard that, the rich lady cried. She had everything that money could buy, but she had ( )41.A. But B. Since C. And D. So

( )42.A. where B. how C. when D. what

( )43.A. put on B. put down C. put up D. put off

( )44.A.since three months ago B. three months later

C. before three months D. in three months

( )45.A. younger B. elder C. little D. only

( )46.A. seldom B. hardly C. never D. sometimes

( )47.A. sorry for B. interested in C. excited about D. amazed at

( )48.A. happily B. softly C. shyly D. quietly

( )49.A. laughed B. smiled C. cried D. sighed(叹气)

( )50.A. thinking B. to think C. to think about D. thinking about

( )51.A. feeding B. keeping C. raising D. helping

( )52.A. fetched B. carried C. took D. brought

( )53.A. nobody B. anybody C. everybody D. somebody

( )54.A. another B. others C. the others D. the other

( )55.A. forgot B. left C. lost D. got

四,阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分, 共40分)



When I was 14, I began an after-school job to work for a newspaper, The Houston Post. I was sent to some of the city’s worst neighborhoods to sell newspapers door to door. Even though the work was very hard, I was thankful for it.

It was a challenge because people didn’t like a stranger knocking on their doors, especially a kid trying to get them to buy something. Once a man closed his door in my face heavily and shouted, ―I don’t want any paper.‖paper was. I ended up selling him a subscription(订阅). I was soon among the top subscription sellers and, like other successful salesmen , was given responsibility(责任) for training newcomers.

Around this time I started playing the guitar. Before long I was playing in a band. When I turned 18, I tried to become a professional musician. I never lost sight of this dream. I’m sure it came from what I learned from knocking on strangers’ doors.

That experience helped me in many ways. Early in my music career I was locked in a legal dispute(纠纷) with a former manager. He pressured me to back off, but I refused.

Having all those doors closed in my face as a kid gave me the strength to stand up to this man. But this time there was one difference: I was the one saying no. And I won.


( )56.When a stranger knocked on people’s doors, they would become ______ to the stranger.

A. thankful B. rude C. polite D. helpful

( )57.The underlined word ―forced‖ means ―______‖.

A.远离 B.提出 C.料想 D.强迫

( )58.From the passage, we know if a person wants to be successful, he ______.

A. can often give up what he is doing

B. should persevere in (坚持) doing what he is doing

C. had better do different things

D. should try to knock on others’ doors

( )59.Which of the following is NOT true about the writer?

A. He began his after-school job at the age of 14.

B. He soon became one of the top subscription sellers.

C. He said yes to the former manager when he was pressured to back off.

D. The experience helped him in many ways.

( )60.We can infer that the writer became ______ when he grew up.

A. a professor B. a newspaper editor C. a musician D. a job trainer


A train carrying about 600 travelers from Golmud in Qinghai Province arrived at the Lhasa Railway Station at 00:31 on Sunday, marking the first train run on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. It was opened on Saturday morning.

The train, called ―Qing 1‖, left Golmud at 11:05 am on Saturday and ran across the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(高原) before arriving in Lhasa.

Those travelers are the builders of the railway, leaders, journalists and tourists.

Yu Hong, a 38-year-old leader, said that passengers on the train not only enjoyed beautiful scenery during the trip, but also got moved by the people’s warm welcome.

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is 1,956 kilometers from Xining to Lhasa. Some 960 kilometers of its tracks are 4,000 meters above sea level(海拔) and the highest point is 5,072 meters. It is the world’s highest track.

The railway will join Lhasa and other famous Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xining, Chengdu and Guangzhou. It will also carry 75 percent of all the goods into Tibet.

The Chinese are going to build three more railway lines in Tibet. The new lines will be built in 10 years, and make Tibet’s railway more than 2,000 kilometers long, newspaper reports said. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。

( )61.About the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, it ______.

A. can only get to Golmud B. is the highest railway in the world

C. is about 960 kilometers long D. can carry all the goods into Tibet

( )62.How long is the Qinghai-Tibet Railway?

A. 2,000 kilometers. B. 5,072 kilometers

C. 1,956 kilometers. D. 4,000 kilometers

( )63.Who are the first travelers?

A. Builders of the railway. B. Leaders.

C. Journalists and tourists. D. All of the above.

( )64.It takes ____ to go from Golmud to Lhasa by train.

A. ten hours and thirty-one minutes

B. eleven hours and thirty-five minutes

C. twenty hours and thirty-six minutes

D. thirteen hours and twenty-six minutes

( )65.After we read the passage, we know it is ____.

A. an instruction of building the railway

B. a report about the first train trip to Lhasa

C. a story about the life of the people in Lhasa

D. a TV show of the changes of Tibet


( )66. Annie does best in ________.

A. math B. history C. science D. English

( )67. Annie’s new term begins on _________.

A. September 1st B. June 25th C. September 8th D. April 14th

( )68. How many of Annie’s classmates do better than her in her class?

A. Thirty-six B. Twenty-six C. Nine D. Four

( )69. What do you think of Macy’s English language skills?

A. She has achieved all skills. B. There has been good progress.

C. More work is needed. D. She works very hard.

( )70. If Macy wants to make excellent progress in English, she ____________.

A. must be an inconsistent worker B. has to work harder than before

C. has made good progress D. has the ability to do a lot better


Telephone Service in the US

Telephone books in the United States have white, blue and yellow pages. The white pages list people with phones by last name. The blue pages contain(包含)numbers of city services, government agencies and public schools. Business and professional services are listed in a special part, the yellow pages. To make a long-distance call, you need an area code(区号). Each area in the United States has an area code. The area covered by an area code may be small or large. For example, New York City has an area code. So does the whole State of Oregon(俄勒冈洲). If you want to know the area code of a place, you can look it up in the area code map printed in the front of the white pages. There are a lot of public telephones in the United States. They have their own numbers. If you are making a long-distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you’re speaking to. Then hang up the receiver and he will call you back. If you make a long-distance call and get a wrong number, call the operator and explain what has happened. This means that you can make the call again to the right number without having to pay more money.

五,补全对话:(5个句子, 每句2分, 共10分)

根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯,完整。 A: Hello, dear! I have waited for you for half an hour. 76.___________________________?

B: I’ve been to the library to borrow some books. I’m so tired and hungry now. I want to have something to eat.

A: OK, let’s get some take-away food.

B: 77._____________________! We can call the restaurant.

A: OK. ( Make a telephone call.) Hello. Is that White’s Restaurant?

C: Yes. 78.___________________________________?

A: I’d like to order something for our lunch.

C: What would you like to eat?

A: We’d like to have beef with potatoes and two hot dogs.

C: Anything else?

A: 79._____________________. How can I pay you?

C: You can pay us when we send you the food. By the way, 80.__________________________? A: Around 11:30am.

C: OK. Thank you. See you then!

A: See you!



提示:1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容;

2. 可适当增加细节;

3. 字数:80-100字左右;

4. 文章的第一句已给出。

参考词汇:联系 contact 功能 function 发短信send short messages 方便 convenient

交流 communicate

It is reported that China owns the most cell phones in the world._________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


1—5 ACBBB 6—10 CCCBB 11-15 CBABC 16—20 places; largest; famous; quiet; hear 21—25 DDCBB 26—30 BCDBB 31—35 DABDC 36—40 DCAAC

41—45 DBBBD 46—50 CAABB 51—55 DCBBC

56—60 BDBCC 61—65 BCDDB 66—70 DCDCB

71. blue 72. long-distance 73.white 74. yellow 75. what has happened

76. Where have you been?

77.Good idea! /That’s a good idea!

78. What can I do for you?

79. No, thanks.

80. When do you need your lunch?

What time do you expect your lunch?

What time shall we send them to you?

It is reported that China owns the most cell phones in the world. The cell phones play an important part in our daily life. By using it, we can contact people at any time and in any place. Besides, they have many functions. We can send short messages, listen to music and take photos with the cell phones. But one coin has two sides. They are bad for our health. As a result of using it, people have fewer chances to communicate with each other face to face. Especially for the students, when they use them in class. It is really bad for them.

