日产 4000 吨水泥熟料新型干法 生产线窑尾系统工艺设计
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日产4000吨水泥熟料新型干法 生产线窑尾系统工艺设计
材料科学与工程 材料工程技术
根据国家制定的我国水泥工业发展战略及2010年远景规划,新增大中型新型干法窑生产能力5000万吨,逐步淘汰年生产能力在4. 4万吨及以下的立窑水泥厂。根据国内水泥行业的发展状况,5000 t/d 新型干法水泥的生产技术已经发展的非常成熟。可以预测,在未来的一段时间内,大中型新型干法熟料生产线因其符合我国国情及水泥工业发展的要求,将是我国水泥工业发展的主流。与此同时,烧成系统是整个水泥生产线的核心,窑尾系统的合理设计和优化配置是水泥生产高效率、高质量的保证。因此,为了符合当今水泥行业的发展需求同时也是对大学本科四年所学知识的考查,我选择了“川岛水泥厂日产5000吨水泥熟料窑尾设计”这个课题作为我的毕业课题。设计范围主要是窑尾系统,通过配料计算、工艺平衡计算等得出结果,并结合实际对主机及附属设备进行选型,进而对各种设备进行工艺布置,对全厂的设备进行简单规划。
本设计的内容分为两大部分:一是设计说明书,二是设计图纸。前者的主要内容有:1. 前言,主要介绍国内外窑外分解窑的研究现状、发展前景以及新型干法水泥生产技术的优、缺点,毕业设计任务、范围以及毕业设计依据;2. 建厂条件(由设计任务书给定);3. 配料计算,包括计算目的、率值和热耗确定以及计算步骤;4. 工艺平衡计算,包括窑参数的选取、物料平衡计算、主机设备的选型和计算、储库容量计算等;5. 烧成窑尾系统的设计,包括烧成车间基本流程、窑尾系统选型、热平衡计算等;6. 窑尾附属设备选型(高温风机、增湿塔、电收尘、烟囱等);7. 致谢;8. 附录:工艺设备表。主要包括设计图纸五张,其
设计是一项复杂的系统工程,涉及专业多,知识面广,其生产又具有连续性,各环节相互制约,故设计时对生产设备配套的选择,要选择最佳方案,统筹安排。为了使本次设计各项指标符合国家标准,本次设计的过程和结果完全依据水泥工厂设计规GB50295— 1999;同时设计上参考了武安新峰5000 t/d 熟料生产线、辽宁公路水泥厂5000 t/d水泥熟料生产线、海螺集团白马山水泥厂5000 t/d 、烟台东源5000 t/d 新型干法生产线等国内先进的相近规模生产线,并密切联系了毕业实习以及大学期间的认识实习、生产实习等。力图使此设计向行业先进水平靠拢,并做到设计的每一环节都有根有据。在符合最新生产发展要求的基础上,达到最大程度节约资源、能源,做到既降低生产成本又能稳定生产,经济效益和社会效益双赢的可持续生产。
Brief Introduction to the Design
NSP cement production technology of the 20th century, developed the 1970s, It is today's advanced cement production technology representatives. The technology to suspension preheater and NSP technology at the core. modern science and technology and industrial production for the latest results widely used in cement production process, so that the production of quality cement, efficient, low consumption, environmental protection and large, automation and other features.
Adopt new dry cement production technology gradually replace traditional technologies, play high-quality products, heat consumption, and low consumption, Higher levels of environmental advantages, has become the world cement industry the only direction. The cement industry has been the upgrading of the structure is an inevitable trend of development, traditional cement production NSP are gradually being replaced by cement production, Meanwhile new dry cement production technology will spark cement industry construction market and the expansion of opportunities in the international market increase. 1、 Design rules
(1) Design assignment. This assignment prescribes the design content, request, raw materials composition, moisture, fuel industry analysis, virtual plant conditions. (2) Calculation methods for the design and layout process, the overall layout based on the Introduction to Design cement factories, cement Technology, cement powder works, cement plant design manual, GB4179-84 the heat balance, heat rate, calculation of enery consuming of cement rotary and so on.
(3) Certain thermal parameters is set by the designer in the light of experience, which did not conflict with the two rules above. 2、 Design principle
(1) This design was done in accordance with the rules.
(2) The first design emphasizes the safety and reliability of the design: to meet process requirements; safe operation of the process.
(3) The following aspects were taken into account: energy conservation, land resources; pay attention to environmental protection; control and maintenance; reducing investment. 3、 Design explanation. (1) Mix program
The rate is KH = 0.89?0.01, n = 2.6?0.1, p = 1.6?0.1.
The suitable combustion temperature of the program is 1650 °C.
When the program calcined under the above conditions, yield quality, and lining brick can be ensured.
Operation below 1650°C is conservative, moreover clinker output and quality will not be guaranteed.
Above 1650°C operation, long-shift operators must be prudent, and should pay close attention to changes in the kiln moments whenever make appropriate treatment. (2) Production losses
Production losses were set as to 3%. According to the Tung Wah Group of Zibo Cement Co. Huafeng Cement Limited who produces 5000 T / d and the production statistics , single larger scale, environmentally advanced, the orderly management of the factory, factory production loss is likely to remain in the 3 -5% level. (3) Prehomogenize
On the design, the raw materials have to be prehomogenize, which ensure stable production of the system. The design neets three prehomogenizing yards, respectively disposal of limestone, sand-stone and shale, and iron and coal.
(4) The storage period of materials
The principles of storage period on the different kinds of materials: to meet process requirements; consider the source of raw materials, conditions of transport and supply stability; consider the operation rate of previous technology equipment and recovery time.
For example: According to the design, raw-materials prior to the grinding ingredients for the reserves is less than eight hours. There are two main reasons: ① Raw materials come from the factory management within the scope of both prehomogenizing-yards; ② The process from the pre-homogenization yards to the ingredients of the delivery is simple, the rate of transport operation belt is hign, maintenance recovery time can be controlled within an hour.
(5) Selection of the mainframe program
For the limited accurate information, a number of mainframe programs selection lack contrast.
(6) Drying up slag is not used in a separate combustion furnace, which use a grate cooler
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