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课 时 Two hour 课程名称:New Horizon English Course 授课人:Liu wei 课 题 教学目的 与 要 求 教学难点 与 重 点 教 学 过 程 Text A Room for the Future To grasp the meaning of this passage To master the useful language points and the phrases and expressions the meaning of this passage the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 主 要 内 容 及 步 骤 Room for the Future ⅠLeading In 1. What types of jobs do your father and your mother do? 2. Besides book knowledge, what do you think is the most import practical knowledge for your future career? Ⅱ Useful phrases and expressions 1. result in 2. make all the difference 3. hold back 4. by nature 5. rat race 6. on one’s terms 7. you bet 8. make room for 授课效果 分析总结

Room for the Future

ⅠLeading In

1. What types of jobs do your father and your mother do?

2. Besides book knowledge, what do you think is the most import practical knowledge for your future career?

II Key points

1. Room for the Future

Meaning: possibility or scope for one's future development

2. After twenty-two years of working for a major bank, a downsizing wave resulted in the elimination of over one hundred jobs, mine being one of them.

Meaning: Having worked for a big bank for twenty-two years, I lost my job, together with more than one hundred of my colleagues because the bank wanted to reduce the number of its employees. 3. My once secure future now seemed insecure.

Meaning: I had always thought my future was safe, but it seemed unsafe now.

Please notice \(反义词).

secure: adj. a situation that is secure is one that you can depend on because it is not likely to change 稳固的;可靠的;稳定的 Estate in this city is a secure investment. 在这座城市,地产是可靠的投资。

insecure: adj. not giving one a feeling of safety; likely to be lost 令人无安全感的;无保障的 an insecure job 无保障的工作

Running a small business is a very insecure occupation. 做小买卖是一个没有什么保障的职业。

4. I was not a single parent, nor dependent solely on my income, but just like the other ex-bankers, I had become a disposable employee.

Meaning: I was neither divorced with children to raise alone, nor relied only on my income; but just like my former bank colleagues, I would be dismissed at any moment.

be dependent on: need the help or support of someone or something else 依靠;依赖

Health is largely dependent on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. 健康很大程度上靠的是营养的食品,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

The success of the sports meet is dependent on whether it rains or not.


5. My belief has always been \when it affected my life, I had to revise it to \the most of it\

Meaning: I have always believed in this saying \is progress\but when it affected my life, I had to change it into \change and get the best advantage from it\

make the most of: get the best advantage from 最大限度利用 We ought to make the most of this chance and make a fortune. 我们应该好好利用这次机会发笔大财。

Make the most of your free time and have a good rest. 充分利用空余时间好好休息。

6. From the beginning, I chose to look at this occurrence not as a misfortune, but as a welcome opportunity. I refused to become depressed or bitter; instead, I eagerly anticipated doing something new and different.

Meaning: After I got dismissed, at first I tried to regard this incident not as bad luck, but as a good chance; I didn't become sad or angry, but rather, I expected to do something new and different.

choose to do sth.: decide or prefer to do something 决定做;愿意做 We choose to ignore her rudeness. 我们决定不理会她的无礼。

He chose to learn German rather than French at school. 他上学时选择学习德语而非法语。

look at sth./sb. as...: regard...as... 把……当作;把……看成 Don't look at me as an expert. 别把我当作专家。

We always looked at him as our model. 我们总是把他看成我们的典范。

Please notice the \For example:

We anticipated meeting a certain amount of disagreement to our plan. 我们预料到我们的计划会遭到一些人的反对。 We anticipated spending two weeks here. 我们预料到将在这儿呆两个星期。7. Having a positive attitude made all the difference in the way I perceived the future.

Meaning: My optimism (乐观) changed my view of my future and increased my confidence.

Please notice the subject of this sentence is the gerund phrase \a positive attitude\to modify \

8. Not being a graduate had never held me back in my career with the bank, but now it was a personal goal I longed to achieve.

Meaning: Although I didn't have a college degree, so far this had never

affected my banking career. But now getting a college degree became a purpose in my life that I eagerly wanted to achieve.

long to do sth.: want to do something very much 渴望做某事 I'm longing to see her again. 我迫切希望再次见到她。

You seem to be longing to say something to me. 你好像很想对我说点什么。

9. I remember thinking that if I had known this beforehand, I would have taken something else to achieve my required credits.

Meaning: I remember thinking that if I had known oral presentations were often required for one class in advance, I would have taken some other classes to earn the credits needed to get the diploma.

Please notice the subjunctive mood (虚拟语气) used in this sentence. 10. By nature, I am a rather reserved individual, and speaking in front of people terrified me.

Meaning: I was born a quiet person and afraid of speaking in public. Please notice the mixed use of the simple present tense and simple past tense in this sentence. The simple present tense is used to show that the author is naturally a reserved person.

11. During this time, I realized that no matter what life throws our way, personal growth never stops.

Meaning: At this time, I came to know that no matter how many troubles life creates for us, we should always keep on studying and improving ourselves.

Please notice the simple present tense is used after \that what the author says in the subordinate clause is always the truth. 12. It comes from within, and needs only to be challenged in order to surface.

Meaning: The personal growth comes from inner drive, and needs only to be challenged in order to be achieved.

13. It is entirely possible to step out of one's comfort zone to learn something new.

Meaning: It is completely possible for one to quit his former easy life to study new things.

14. My experience of going back to school ended up being far more valuable than just acquiring a diploma.

Meaning: What I achieved by going back to school was not just getting a diploma, but something far more useful and meaningful.

end up: be (in the stated place, condition, etc.)in the end 结果为……;以……结束

He ended up head of the firm. 他最后成了公司的主管。

We didn't like it at first, but we ended up cheering. 一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们却为之欢呼。

Notice that %up\can be directly followed by a \or a noun, just as the above examples show.

15. When I rejoin the \my soul is my first priority.

Meaning: When I get involved in social competition again, I will behave the way I think right, no longer regarding material success or personal glory as the most important thing; instead, I will focus on improving my inner self.

16. Revisiting the past made room for the future.

Meaning: Looking back on and reevaluating my past life provides possibility and space for my future personal growth.


课程名称:New Horizon English Course 授课人:Liu wei 课 题 教学目的 与 要 求 教学难点 与 重 点 教 学 过 程 Text B What’s Your Job Daddy 课 时 Two To grasp the meaning of this passage To master the useful language points and the phrases and expressions the meaning of this passage the useful language points and the phrases and expressions 主 要 内 容 及 步 骤 Text B What’s Your Job Daddy ⅠLeading In Ⅱ Useful phrases and expressions 1. fall apart 2. in effect 3. wear out 4. think of…as… 5. at any moment 6. make of 7. think over 授课效果 分析总结 Key Points:

1. Nowadays, most fathers sit in glass buildings doing things that cannot be understood by children at all.

Meaning: At the present time, most fathers are office employees working on things that their children cannot understand at all.

2. The answers to the question \kind of work do you do, Daddy?\are likely to be utter mysteries to a child.

Meaning: It is highly possible that a child can never understand the answers to the question \3. \

public relations: the work of forming in the minds of the general public a favorable opinion of an organization 公共关系;公关工作 She's a public relations officer in a big company. 她是一家大公司的公关人员。

Giving money to the local theatre will be good for our company's public relations.


4. Such explanations must seem nonsense to a child.

Meaning: Such explanations must seem totally meaningless to a child. 5. The handful of people remotely associated with these machines can, of course, tell their children \

Meaning: Only the small number of people whose work is slightly connected with machine production can tell their children that they are making junk. 6. Still, the building is filled with people who think of themselves as working.

Meaning: The building is still full of those people who believe they are doing meaningful things.

7. Most of these conversations will be about paper, for paper is what occupies nearly everyone in this building.

Meaning:The people who work in this building will talk about paper most of their time, because paper makes almost everyone busy in this building. 8. Some persons telephone other persons and ask that paper be sent to them. Meaning: Some persons call and ask other persons to send the paper to them. Please notice the subjunctive mood used after \can also be written as:

Some persons telephone other persons and ask that paper should be sent to them.

9. What is a child to make of all this?

Meaning: How does a child understand all this? 10. Perhaps he makes an angry red mark on paper.

Meaning: He may be angry and makes signs on paper with a red pen.

Please notice the figurative use of \transferred epithet (修饰转移). A \cannot be angry or happy. It is the person who makes the mark that is angry. So \to modify the \

11. ...they had better lunch over paper.

Meaning: ...they had better discuss paper when they are having lunch. over: during在……期间 hold a meeting over dinner 边吃饭边开会

He was relaxing over a glass of wine. 他一边喝酒一边休息。

12. Imagine his poor son afterwards thinking over the mysteries of work with a friend, who asks him \

Meaning: Let us imagine such a scene: later the boy talks about the mysteries of his father's job with his friend, who asks him \your father do?\

