大学英语综合教程1课后练习Unit1·2 closeA原文及答案

更新时间:2024-01-26 08:44:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Part I

Unit 2

Dear aunt pat,

Today my English teacher chose my essay to read to the class . I had tried to make it funny --- and it Worked! Everybody laughed .even prim mr.f had to hold back a smile. Afterwards lots of people offerd me their congratulations. I was more surprise than anybody . as you know,I used to find our English exercises rather tedious, but This time when I scanned the list of essay titles one caught my eye. It was the art of eating spaghetti. Do you recall that night in Belleville when you made us all spaghetti ? it remains vivid to me .especially all the good—humored arguments we had about the proper way to eat it . so that is what i wrote about . l have the idea off and on for some time now that one day I might take up writing .if I can turn out more work like that perhaps I really will be able to make a career of it .


poor old ed. It made me all choked up when I heard the news about his death .he meant awful lot to me we had know each other practically all our lives ,ever since we group up in the same neighbourhood .i should have written to him before, but I am not much good at correspondence. All my available time is taken up driving the cab . I am on the go all day ,driving form one destination on to another .we used to get together ,but it is been a long time since our last reunion .mostly we just kept touch with the occasional card . I had been meaning to write a proper letter for a long time ,but kept postponing it .then last week I finally got round to it ,only to get the bad news just as I was on my way to the mail box. Whoever says you should never put off till tomorrow what you can do today is absolutely right.

