
更新时间:2023-05-16 21:44:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1.Down to the far and of the lounge and you’ll see the counter for flights to seoul.


2.Let’s see. It’s 11:50 now . So they will start in about an hour. 我算算。现在是11点50分,他们将在1个小时之后办理登机手续。 3.Can I have your tickets and passports, please? 请出示你们的机票和护照。

4.Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Your luggage claim tags are attached to the tickets cover.


5.Would you please put your watch, keys and other metal articles into this tray? Now,please walk through the gate and collect your bag and other personal belongings at other side over there.

请把你的手表、钥匙和其他金属物品放在这个盘子里。现在请通过这扇门,在那边带好您的包和东西。 6.Let me see. The aircraft is quite full now. I can hardly give you 10 seats together. Do you want smoking seats?


7.Take the escalator down to the next floor, get on the travelator to the departure area, and then you will easily find Gate 28. You may wait in the departure lounge for boarding as there is not much time left.


8.Would you look at this chart and indicate the type of suitcase, which is similar to yours?

请您看看这张表,描述一下,哪种型号的箱子与您的相似? 9.Where do you intend to visit while in the country? 你们在本国停留期间打算去哪些地方?

10.Leader, come here, this passenger’s date of birth is different from hia passport’s, why?


11.Please let me have the address, telephone numeber and name of linkman of the local travel agency?


12.Please let your passengers keep their arrival cards in passports, and go through one by one according to the order of the name list.

好了,请把你的客人按名单表上的顺序,把入境卡夹在护照里,依次通过。 13.Wy do you have three cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of wine? By the law, you must pay tax and fine.


14.Rememner that don’t bring limited things together next time, otherweise, you will get punishment.

下次注意,不能讲限量入境物品集中携带,否则,要予以罚款的。 15.What would you like to drink? 您要喝什么?

16.Excuse me. It is time for lunch. Would you please put down the tray? 劳驾。现在开始供应午餐,请把餐桌放下来,好吗?

17.We have Chicken with Steamed Rice and Steak Curried with Noodle.Which one do you prefer?


18.Would you like something to drink? We’ve got whisky, wine, beer, juice and soda.

您要喝点什么?我们有威士忌、葡萄酒、啤酒、果汁和汽水。 19.But can I suggest a cup of warm water instead? I think it may help settle his stomach down.


20.He can find an airsick bag in the seat pocket in front of him, if he needs it.


21. We will be handing out entry cards/customs declarationgs for passengers to fill out.


22.If there is angthing you don’t understand, I’ll be gald to help you. 如果有什么不明白的地方,我很乐意帮助你。

23.Just a moment, please, Mr.Ma. I’ll check our reservation records. China comfort Travel Agency. Yes, you have reserved 5 double rooms from today to June 7th.


24.How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card? 您打算怎样付款,用现金还是用信用卡

25.Here’s the keys to your rooms. Please make sure that you have them with you all the time. You need to show them when you sign for your meals and drink in the resturant and bars. The bellman will show you up.


26.We provide very good room service. What would you like? 我们提供非常好的客房送餐服务。您想要点什么?

27.Just check the items you would like for breakfast in your doorknob menu. Mark down the time, and hang it outside your door before you go to bed. 您只需要利用你的挂门餐牌,在您想用的早餐项上打上记号,注明时间,然后在今晚就寝前把牌挂在门外就可以了。

28.What time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? 你想让我们什么时候叫醒您呢?

29.Just put your stuff in the laundry bag and put it outside your room. 请把衣服放到洗衣袋内,然后把洗衣袋放到门外。

ually in a day. If you give it in the morning, maybe you get it by evening.

通常一天就可以洗好。如果 你早上拿出来洗的话,或许晚上就可以拿回来。 31.I think the price is printed on the bag. If you want express service, you’ll pay more.


32.We charge fifty percent more for express service, but it takes only five hours.


33.I’ve checked your laundry and it will be ready by 5 o’clock this afternoon. Will that be all right for you ? 你的衣服今天下午5点钟洗好,可以吗?

34.All right. Room 683. Were there any room service charges this morning? 好的。是683房间吧。今天早上有没有签付什么客房服务的费用?

35.I’ll have you bill for you in just a minute. Here you are, sir. Would you like to check the charge?


37.You came three days ago on the afternoon of May 3rd , didn’t you? 你们是三天前,也就是5月3日下午来的,是吗?

38.Just a moment , sir. I’ll transfer you to the reservations desk. 请稍等,先生。我帮您将电话转到预约台。

39.According to the contract, less 3 rooms 80 dollars a night, 5 or more than 5 rooms 50 dollars a night. How many rooms do you want to reserve? 我们的协议价格是三间以下80美元一晚,五间或五间以上50美元一晚。请问您订几间房?

40.There is a marked price on each table. You need pay cash for the drinks, but can’t sign the bill.


41.You can bring in two hundred cigarettes and two bottles of liquor with you.


42.I’m looking for souvenirs. Do you have anything for ladies? 我想买些纪念品。你们有没有适合女士用的?

43.It is automatic, waterproof, with date, and the price is very reasonable. It’s a fine watch


45.I can promies you, sir. They are as sweet as pure sugar. And they are seedless.


46.I can’t promise anything. It is rush hour now. but I’ll do my best. 我不能保证,现在是交通高峰时期,但我尽力而为。

47.We shouldn’t have any trouble if the traffic isn’t too heavy. 如果不堵车的话,就么问题。

48.Mrlee, you need to put a deposit to the front desk. I’ll make a international call for you

李先生,您需要先到酒店前台交一些押金,然后我就可以给您开通国际长途。 49.Dial 9 first, then national code. China is 0086, and then dial city code and phone number.

您先拨9,然后拨国家区号,中国式0086,接下来是城市区号和电话号码。 50.I’m sorry, sir. The line is busy. I’ll call you back in five minutes. 抱歉,先生。现在刚好占线。我5分钟后再给您回电。

51.Yes, EMS guarantees to deliver your mail to China within 3 days, but it is expensive.


52.That never occurs any more. If you push the right buttons,your money is drawn.


53.It’s getting dark, and don’t let any stranger to help you even if he offers to.


54.I think he’s got the flu. There’s a lot of it going around. 我想他是得流感,现在流感盛行哪。

55.Get this prescription filled. You’d better ask him to go straight to bed and keep staying in the room.


56.I hope it’s nothing serious. Let me listen to your chest first. Now sit straight up. Now breathe in. That’s it. Now again Fine.

希望不是什么大病。先让我听听你的心肺。请坐直。请吸气。好再来一遍,很好。 57.Here’s the prescription for some medicine. Please take it the times indicated. Two tables each time, three times a day after meals. 这儿还开了些药。请按时服药。每日三次,每次两片,饭后服用。

58.You’d better have a good rest. Drink more hot water and be careful of your diet. I’m sure you’ll be all right soon.

好好休息,多喝热水,注意饮食。我相信你很快就会好的。 59.Please fill in the form. Don’t forget your address and talephone number. We’ll contact you as soon as possible.


60.Can you come to our office and give us more information. So we could find the tourist ad fast as possible.


(二) 中译英 1. 小姐,是在这里办理飞往新加坡的CA114航班的登机手续吗? Miss. Is this the counter for CA114 to Singapore? 2. 劳驾,我们要乘转日本航空公司的458号航班去东京。你能帮助我吗? Excuse me. We are to transfer to JL458 to Tokyo. Can you help me? 3. 这是我们的10张票。我们的座位能够尽量在一起吗?

Here are 10 tickets. Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible? 4. 我们要3个吸烟座位,7个非吸烟座位。


We need three smoking seats and seven non-smoking seats. 5. 我乘坐CA458从北京来,我去哪里取行李?

I came from Beijing by CA458. where can I get my luggage? 6.从北京来的行李在哪个转盘上?

Which carousel is for the luggage from Beijing?


Excuse me, sir. The handle of suitcase is broken. Where can I go to report it?


One tourist of our group could’t find his luggage. Can you help me? 9.目前,我们还不太清楚下榻的酒店,但您可以与接待我们的旅行社联系,这是地址和电话。 I’m not sure the hotel we will stay in at this moment. But you can contact with the travel agency. Here is the address and telephone number. 10.很抱歉给您添了这么多麻烦。

I’m sorry for having given you so much trouble. 11.有,不过回程时我们先到巴黎,不是直接回中国。

Yes; however, we’ll be returning via Paris, not going back to china directly.


I’m the leader of tour group. We have the visa for group tourism. 13.好的,请稍等。我收集一下。

OK. justa moment. I’ll collect them 14.你能帮我改过来吗?

Would you please correct it for me? 15.好的,请允许我最后一个通过。

Yes,Can I be the last one to pass? 16.这是我得海关申报表,这是我的护照。

Here is my Customs Declaraion Form and here’s my passport.

17.我是旅行团的领队,是我的客人存在我得箱子里的,他们的箱子已经满了。 I’m the leader of tour group. One of my guests put them in my bag, because his bag is full.


I want take tables. Would you please bring me a glass of water? 19.打扰您了,小姐。我们团里的一位游客想吐。麻烦您给他一杯冰水,好吗? Excuse me, miss. One toursit of our group feels like vomiting. can I bother you for some ice water. please?


Excuse me. Miss. Would you please give us some blankets? Some tourists of our group feel a little bit cold.


May I have some entry cards / customs declarations? 22.我们旅行团有16人,请给我16张。我替他们填写。

There are 16 members in our tour group. Please give me 16 forms. I will fill them out.


When do we arrive in Tokyo? 24.东京的天气怎么样?

What’s the weather like in tokyo?


We are the tour group from china Comfort Travel Agency. My name is Ma Gang. Our company booked 5 double rooms three weeks ago. 26.我明天想在房间里用早餐,您能是否把早餐送到房间里来?

I’d like to have breakfast in our room tomorrow morning. Could you bring it here?


By the way, is there any other way to have room service? 28.我们明天一清早要去飞机场,因此我们想要叫早服务。

We are going to airport early tomorrow morning; I’d like to request a morning call.


What time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning? 30.那样的话,我想让你6点钟叫醒我。

In that case, I’d like you to call me at six o’clock. 31.大概要多长时间才能洗好?

How soon can I have them back?


I sent some laundry yesterday afternoon. Is it ready now? I’m leaving tomorrow morning


I’ll check it and call you back. What ‘s your room number? 34.这不对。我没有打过任何电话 。你再查一下好吗?

This is incorrect. I didn’t make any calls. Can you check it again? 35.电话费是客人自费的,可能他忘了。

Telephone charge will be individually. Maybe he forgot it. 36.你们有空房间吗?我想要一间双人间,从5月7日起住两个晚上。

Do you have any vacancies? I’d like a double from May 7th for two nights. 37.我是为旅行社订房,是否有折扣?

I reserev for the travel agency. Do you have any discount? 38.中国康辉旅行社。我们与你们酒店有协议。

China Comfort Travel Agency. We have contract with your hotel.

39.我叫李刚,是这个旅行团的领队,导游黄先生有事稍后过来,请你先给我们安排一下。 My name is Gang Lee, the leader of this tour group . Guider Huang is coming soon. Would you please make an arrangement for us. 40.您能给我们推荐一些吗?

Can you recommend angthing?


That sounds good. I’ll have the T-bone steak. 42.我想我没带足够的现金。你们接受信用卡吗?

I don’t think I have brought engough cash. Do you accept credit cards? 43.那好。这是我的信用卡。请在总额上加10%,那是给你的小费。

That ‘s good. Here is my credit card. Please add 10% to the total account. That ‘s my tip for you .


I’d like to have some cigarettes and liquor. I am going to china. Do you kown the duty free limit?


Could you give me a carton of Hilton, a bottle of Red Label and a bottle of Scotch Whisky, please?


I still have some local cash left. Can I pay with them? The rest will be paid in US dollar 47.请给我开一张收据。 Please give me a receipt.


I’m looking for souvenirs. Do you have angything for ladies? 49.请问有质量保证书吗?

Do you have quality certification?


We have some very fine oranges as well,sir. Do you want some? 51.是不是所有商品都能办理退税?

Can I get the refund of tax for all the goods I bought? 52.对不起,乘公共汽车到市中心怎么走?

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the downtown by bus? 53.我住在1008房,我想开通房间的国际长途。

I’m in room 1008, I want to make an international call in my room. 54.从这里(寄)到中国需要多少天?

How many days does it take to send a letter from here to china. 55.特快专递保证3日内到达中国,但价格很贵。

EMS guarantees to deliver your mail to china within 3 days, but it is expensive.


How much does it cost for EMS mail? 57.今天的兑换率是多少?

What is the exchange rate today? 58.请给我小抄吧,五元,十元的。

Give me small notes,fives and tens, please. 59. 我想在自动取款机上取点钱,但不知道如何操作。

I want to draw some money from the ATM. But I don’t know how to handle it.


Excuse me. Would you please tell me where can I change Japanese yen into US dollars?


He has a sore throat and his chest hurts. 62.我头疼、咳嗽,喉咙也疼得厉害。

I have a headache, cough and I’ve got a terrible sore throat. 63.我身上好像有点发烧。

It seems that I am running a fever. 64.我们是旅行团,可否买团体票? We are a group of tourist.

