商务谈判 期末考试题

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1.Negotiation is an element of (human) behavior 2.issues that are(negotiable)

3. takes…between…who have same (interests) 4.Negotiation takes…when…but also in (giving).

5.Negotiation takes…when negotiating parties (trust)… 6.The size of negotiating…limited to a (team) of…

7.If more experts…they should attend as (role handing) and (support) to…team. They should not have a (chief) brief. Experts and specialists need (training) just…

8.The difference between a successful and an (unsuccessful)…ability to (close) a deal…its (maximum) level of distributing (enough)…The deal….when the (agenda) has…

9.If we are carrying out…(lasting)…that organization. 10.If they are the only people…(strong)…(weak)position.

11.If we are the stronger/dominant party..(quick).Then…(close) to…minimum requirenment.

12.If we are the weaker/subordinate…(either) quick deal (or)…(oppenet).If there is no clear…(be to hold back). 13.It is said that (90%) of…with the (4%)…to be difficult

.14.The strategy” apparent withdrawal”…(forbearance)..little (deception).

15.Conflicts can provide new (information) about situation. ~bring a (problem) into.. can deal with. ~provide a new (perspective) on a situation. ~produce new (ideas) or new (approaches) to…~lead to a better (understanding) of oneself…It is important that…(maximize)…and (minimize)…of conficts .16.At the start of…then to (assess)..;..the (differences) between; to analyze the (strengthes)of…(next negotiation). 17.The first principle…keep it ( flaid ) .The.. (espace routes).The.. use (times breaks)…between meetings.

18.Bargaining to our advantage…~At the (beginning)…wants and interest. ~Assess the (situation)..handle it. ~Prepare for each…(round) of bargaining. ~Influence the other…achieve (satisfaction) and.. down . ~Influence the situation..(Bluff) and (brinkmanship)..through it to be. ~Concede at a..(parable) with.. by others. ~Keep the negotiating.. Avoid(impasses).~ Recoginze imminent settlement…is(written)up…(equal satisfaction). 19. In international business..(observe)local customs

.20.Deal-focused people..(task-oriented) while. .more (people-oriented) .21.Informal cultures value. .in ( statusnd (power).

22.I n rigid-time cultures (punctuality)…(rarely) interrupted

.23.People of expressive..(uncomfortable). .during a conwersation. 24. Most Europeans shake hands..(less)..but(more)..most (Asians) .25.Germans feel more.. whose (shoes) are brightly polished. 26. The Germans will be..(reasons) for..

.27.France is the land..(Red tape) can be.. governement-run companies. 28. The English are (reserved). they communicate.

1) Are you negotiable?你的立场有磋商的余地吗?

2) I'm sure there is some room for negotiation.我肯定还有商量的余地

3) Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to make me an offer.在我们开始谈判之前,你要先出个价才行. 4) We could add it to the agenda.我们可以把他也列入议程

5) Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?在我们开始之前,有人想要什么饮料吗? 6) See what I can do.看看我还能进尽些什么力

7) I would if I could.要是我能做到的话,我一定会做 8) I know I can count on you.我知道我可以拜托你

9) We'll come out from this meeting as winners.这次会议的结果我们都会是赢家 10) I'll try to make you happy.我会以尽量使你满意

1) There’s a great demand for our new product.我们的新产品市场需求很大 2) This product has good prospects.这种产品的前景很是看好

3) We need to talk about the basic terms of the transaction.我们需要讨论一下基本的交易条件

4) If your prices are reasonable and the quality is satisfactory, we shall place substantial orders with you.如你房价格公道,质量令人满意,我们将大量进货

5) It’s unwise for both of us to insist on his own price. Can we each make some concession? 双方坚持各自的价格是不明智的,我们可否都做些让步?

6) If you cannot reduce your price, we’d rather call the whole deal off.如果你方不肯降价,我方只好放弃这笔交易.

7) If you want to expand your business in this market, you have to take flexible ways in adopting payment terms.如果你方向扩大这个市场的业务,就应该采取更灵活的付款方式

8) We regret that we cannot accept your demand for direct shipment.很遗憾我们不能接受你方直运的要求

9) This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.同其他竞争产品进行比较,这项产品有许多优点10)I’m very glad that we have finally come to an agreement. We’ll go on to other terms and conditions tomorrow. Is it all right with you?很高兴我们最终达成的了协议。我们明天再讨论其他事情,怎么样? 1)Negotiation is a team sport.谈判是一种集体项目

2)The negotiator’s function is to negotiate, while the functional specialists provide specialist advice or information.谈判人员的任务是谈判,而专家则为谈判人员提供专业性的意见和信息

3) The team leader is the person who generates enthusiasm in his team to maintain the morale under all conditions.谈判负责人应激发谈判小组的热情,在各种情况下都应该保持谈判小组的士气

4) The team members must learn that the opponent and its representatives are adversaries although they may be friendly.在谈判时谈判人员要记住:不论对手多友善,对手总归是对手

5) I’m afraid you are not in our ballpark.贵方的要求已经超出了我们的接受范围

6) Excuse me, but it seems to me we’re giving up too much in this case.对不起,这样子我觉得这笔生意我们似乎让步太大了7)That’s too great a financial burden for us.这对我们的财力负担太大了 8)10% is beyond my negotiating limit.9折实在超出我的谈判限度

9)If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.如果你们能以书面保证,我想我们可以再进一步地谈10)Could you explain what you mean by that?你能说得更明确一点吗?

1)Please take a look at the itinerary we prepared for you, and let me know if there’s anything inappropriate, please let me know.请你看一下我们给你安排的日程,若有不妥当的地方,请告诉我

2)We are holding a banquet here tonight in honor of our friends coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.今晚我们在这里举行晚宴,欢迎我们来自大洋彼岸的朋友

3)I believe that through our joint efforts, our corporation can be satisfactory and successful.我相信,通过我们共同的努力,我们的合作一定是圆满的,成功的

4)Let’s come to the point, the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you.咱们开门见山吧,我这次来的目的是探讨与你方进行贸易交易的可能性

5)The contract will come into force from May 10,you can’t go back on your words then.合同将从5月10号起生效,到时你就不能后悔了

6)We always fulfill our promise我们总是履行我们的诺言

7)Owing to our old relationship,we hold our offer valid for one other week, after which our price would probably be raised.由于我们之间的老关系,我们将报盘在保持一星期,逾期价格可能有新的提高 8)I'll do my best; and please, try your best too.我们会尽力而为,也请你多操心

9)Your price is too high. It’s hard for us to accept.你们的价格太高,令人难以忍受

10)All our products are high-grade commodities; naturally the prices are different.我们的产品都是上等货,当然价格会有所不同1)I understand perfectly.我完全了解 2)Let's compromise.我们还是折中一下

3)That's a smart decision.那是个明智的决定

4)I expect to be compensated.我认为我必须得到补偿

5)The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything.我们等得愈久,我们得出好结果的机会就越少 6)I'll be expecting your call我等你的电话

7) I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices我想就从价格方面开始谈吧

8)I know your research costs are high, but what I'd like is a 25% discount.我知道你们投入很高的研究经费,但是,我想要的是七五折

9)We'd need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise.我们要的可是继续做生意的保证,而不是随口答应就算数的10)If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can discuss this further.如果你们能以书面作保证,我想我们可以再详谈下去1)I think we have discussed most of the key issues today.我认为大部分的主要内容议题今天都已经讨论过了 2) That takes care of business for today.今天可以做的事情都已经做到了 3) We can work out the detail next time.我们可以瞎猜再来解决细节问题 4)We have done a lot.我们已经进展了不少 5) It's party time. 让我们轻松娱乐一下

6)If there are still unanswered questions, I will be happy to help.如果还有什么问题没有答案的话,我乐意提供帮助 7)I think we should meet again.我认为我们应该再度会面 8)Is a week too early to meet again?过一个星期见面会太早吗 9)Feel free to call me.请别可以,尽管打电话给我

10)Do you have a problem with the contract?对于本合同有问题吗

1)We could perhaps cut the advertising budget.我们可以削减一些广告开支 2)PR expenditure may be a little bit too high.公关的费用可能稍高了一些

3)You might analyze your costs in a bit more detail.你可以稍微详细一点地分析你们的成本

4)I’m afraid there is very little room for cuts in my budget.我想我们的预算不会有太多的削减的余地 5)Maybe you could have a look at the proposal也许你该看一看这个提案

6)May I suggest you take a look at page thirty-two of the document.我建议你度以下文件的第32页 7)I’m afraid we were expecting a rather better offer.我们认为您能给一个更好的报价 8)I’m afraid your figures for last year don’t look so good. 你们去年的销售额不太乐观

9) I’m not sure how we can do business on this basis.我不知道我们怎么能在这样的基础上做这笔生意

10)Perhaps we could try and think of some ways to improve communication between our departments.也许我们应该想办法使我们两个部门进行更好的沟通

1)For our good relationship, we may accept your price, but you should make earlier shipment.为了我们的友好关系,我方可以接受你方价格,不过你方应提前交货

2)As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we cannot give you any more discounts.我们的报价已是最低价,不能再多给折扣了

3)We are sorry that we cannot accept the payment conditions you suggested.很抱歉,我方不能接受你方建议的付款条件 4)We hope that you can make some improvement in the packing.我们希望你方在包装上能改进一下

5)Let’s discuss the time and mode of shipment. What would you say about prompt shipment?让我们讨论一下装船时间和装运方式。你认为即期装运怎么样?

6)We’ll arrange to ship the goods immediately after receipt of your L/C.一收到你方信用证,我们立即安排装船

7)The business is concluded on an FOB basis, so the insurance should be effected by you.这批货是以FOB 条件成交的,所以应由你方投保

8)We will have the goods insured as soon as they are shipped.货物一旦装运,我方就立即投保 9)We are sorry, but we cannot allow your claim.对不起,我们无法接受你的赔偿要求

10)The goods will be inspected by China Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment.这批货在装运前将由中国商检局进行检验

2)English has become the language of business all over the world.英语已成为全世界的商业语言

2)Understanding a culture can help to determine how group members might react in various situations.了解一种文化有助于推测其成员在不同情况下可能有的反应

3)Every person is a product of his or her cultural environment.每个人都是其文化氛围熏陶下的产物

4)Cultural differences may complicate and interfere with our negotiations.文化的差异会使谈判复杂化并且阻碍谈判 5)In different cultures, values may vary significantly.不同的文化中价值观念会有很大的差异

6)In the American view, a business negotiation is a problem-solving activity, the solution being a deal that suits both parties.在美国人眼里商业谈判是一个解决问题的行为,解决的办法就是对双方都合适的交易

7)In Japanese culture, indirect and vague expression is more acceptable than direct and specific references在日本文化中,借鉴而含糊的表达方式比直接而鹊起的表达方式更容易被人们接受

8)Germans are more present-oriented than future-oriented. Therefore, stress the immediate benefits of your proposal within a short-term period.德国人注重现在对于注重将来,所以,要强调你的建议在短期内可见到效益

9)The business firm values the person who is mobile, energetic, creative and ambitious.商家看重那些灵活的,精力充沛,有创造力和雄心勃勃的人10)They place great value on time. Using time efficiently is a critical goal and admired measure of skill.他们非常注重时间,充分利用时间是一个重要的目标,也是一种令人佩服的技能。

●what is business negotiation ?negotiation is an element of human behavior . negotiation takes place only over issues that are negotiate .negotiation takes place only between people who have the same interests. Negotiation takes place only when negotiators are interested not oly in taking but also in giving . Negotiator takes place only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent●Characters of business negotiation :1.with a common goal but divergent methods.2.the satisfaction of both parties.3.share open information in common 4. Try to understand .5. achieve common and complementary objectives acceptable to them both.6.redistnbute the uneven potential7.everything is negotiable.8zero-sum game●Conflicts:1.parties in conflicts are interdependent 2.contradictions and interests coexist.3.two parties in a conflict will naturally fight for each others own interests and make every effort to gain more from the other side , as a result it will result it will reduce gain of interests expected mitially.●The basic principle of negotiation:1.euqality principle.2.sincere cooperaton.3.keep it flexible and fluid●翻译人员:1.look at conterparts but not the mterpreters.2.the respective interpreters should translate when their team speaks.3.speak in clear short sentences and never for longer than 30 seconds at a time .4. sated just to the rear of negotiators.5.willing to accept your interpretation may be wrong. 6. Never show public displeasure .save criticistns afterwards.7.always keep interpreters close at hand and maintain their confidence.●谈判的阶段:1.pre-negotiation .2.face to face negotiation.3. post-negotiation●怎样开头:1.arouse curiosity by asking a question related to your talk .2. say something humorous .3.start off with an interesting news item.4.begin with a specific illustration or case, which tends to lend an air of seriousness and reality to your talk.5.open with the impact of a profound quotation .6.show a visual illustration of your mainpoints.7.open with a simple explanation of how your topic affects the common interests of listeners .8. start off with a shocking statement.9.casually comment on something that has just happened or been said at the meeting if it ties into your presentation.●怎样结尾:1.summarizing and briefly outlining the main points you cover.2.appeal for action .3. pay the listeners a sincere compliment by making reference to their organization, state or other aspect of common interest●How to deliver questions .1.one way is to lay the foundation for asking them.2 .the second method of assuring the reliability of answers to your questions is through the use of the tactic called “bipolar questioning”●There are some alternatives that you may use on how to answer when questioned:1.leaving the other person with the assumption that he has been answered.2.Answering incompletely.3.answering inaccurately.4.leaing the other person without the dire to pursue the question process further.●What qualifies to be a good negotiator?1.A good listener.2.Open –minded.3.willing to do the homework to determine her/his interests,objective and alternatives4.Well-prepared●谈判人员的个人素质 personal characteristics .1. shrewdness 2. Patience.3.adaptability.4.endurance 5. Gregariousness.6.concentration 7.The ability to acticulate 8.sense of humor●How big should the team be :it is quite important to keep the team as small as possible.1.when your team has to operate overseas,then you will have a lot of fights ,ground traspot ,meals hotels, communication and conference centers .2.communication is a source of strength within the negotiation team 3.presenting a unified front is key.●在自己地盘上谈判的优点(held in your own territory):1.It enables you to get the approval that may be necessary on problems that you did not anticipate 2.It prevents the other side from concluding the negotiation prematurely and leaving,which he might do if he is in his own office 3.you can take care of other matters and have your own facilities awaiable while you are handling the negotiation.4.it gives you the psychological advantages of having the other side come to you.5.it saves your money and travelling time. 在别人地盘上谈判的优点(going to your opposer’s home territory)1.You can devote your full time to do the negotiation without the distractions and interruptions that your office may produce.2.you can withhold information,stating that it is not immediately awarable.3.you might have the option of going over your opposer’s head to someone in his high management .4. the burden of preparation is on the oppose and he is not free from other duties●As we start the bargaining process we need to take 2 steps:1.Get it clear.2 assess the situation●The basic principal that govern concession in bargaining are .1. a concession by one party must be matched by a concession of the other party.2.it’s better for the pace of concession to be as little as possible and the frequency of concession to be show.3.a party should track their concession to their own advantage,doing their best to give the other part plenty of satisfaction even if concession are small.4.a party must help the other party to see each of their concessions as being significant.5.move at a measured place towards the projected settlements point.6.reserve concessions until they are needed●The principal of breaking an impasse 1.in coping with these conflicts is “keep it fluid” 2.Is to “seeking easy escape routes”3.Use time breaks either as recesses within a particular negotiation meeting or as breaks between meetings●Toward settlement (达成共识) 1.it should not be made too soon 2.It must be big enough to symbolize closure.3.negotiation to our advantage demands the last half penny.4.gie him that satisfaction finally ,at the end of the negotiation.1.summarize 2.Produce a written record.3.identify action needs and responsibilities●Tactics towards agreement (达成协议的策略) 1.recessing 2.Settling deadlines.3.Full disclosure the straightforward statement.4.lubrication /the golf club 5. The study group●At what time should we use our recess?1.At the end of a phase in the negotiation.2.before issue identification 3.When nearing an impasse 4.Team maintenance needs.5.Breaking a trough●What is the recommended procedure to get a recess? 1. State the need for a recess .2summarize and look forward 3.agree on the duration of the recess 2. Summarize and look forward.3.Agree on the duration of the recess. 4.avoid fresh issues.●Value evaduation standard of business negotiation:1.Realization degree of the business negotiation objectives 2.Negotiation efficiency.3.The personal relationship after negotiating●Content of business negotiation summary.1.aspects that have direct relation with negotiating process 2.aspects concerning the opponent●Steps of business negotiating summary1.Review the negotiating process and go over the minute.2.analyze and evaluate the negotiating.3.give suggestions of improvement 4.write the summary report●Strategic consideration 1.repeatability 2.strength of both parties.3.Importance of the deal 4.timw scale and negotiation resources●Guidelines for strategic decisions:1.which must be made is the choice of the other party.2.how quick should negotiations proceed?3.how high to aim in strategic thinking.4.what sort of objectives.5.what style should be used to negotiate ?6.every deal with have special problems and opportunities●“when”strategy 何时出击何时叫停:1.Participation 2.crossroads.3.blanketing 4.Salami 5.agency 6.shifting levels.●Developing self-control 1.Keep your emotions in check and so not let them over mind or interfere with judgment.2.do not personalize the situation or the behavior of the other party ,which includes realizing that their behavior is not a personal attack on you personally 3.make rational decisions to behave in a particular way in sprite of strong emotional feeling to behave the opposite way.●If dealt with effectively ,conflicts can lad to following beneficts 1.conflicts can provide new information about a situation.2.conflicts can bring a problem into the open where it can be dealt with.3.Conflicts can produce new ideas or new approaches to solving problems,if creativity is used.5.conflicts can lead to a better understanding of oneself ,and one’s motivations ,goals and behaviors●Promoting consensus in negotiation促进谈判的一致性1.Establish an atmosphere in which people feel free to raise objectives.2.When asking opinions,don’t define the expected results.3.in large-0scale and lengthy negotiations ,set up parallel,in dependent policy-making group or committees.4.if necessary,periodically divide these group into subgroups.5.have represent actives of each group act in liaison with the other groups.6.invite experts who are not members of the group to challenge the views of core members●Anticipating conflicts:1.distracting the opposition.2.lobbying.3.The force of contrast 4.Granting concessions

(F) In international business..to the seller. (F)To observe local customs..local behavior (F)Formal cultures tend..and power. (T)Orientation to time..country as well

.(F)Among business people.. physical contact .(F)Very expressiveclultures..eye contact (T)Intense eye contact..intimidate them (F)The Japanese treat..very casually (T)North America..gift-giving culture

(F)American business moves..British business .(F)The win-lose stratetegy..can purse (F)An experienced..pause to listen

(T)Persons who firmly..get the best deal (T)Without information..and tactics

(F)Quotation is an..contractual obligation (F)Arbirtration is just..and the buyer (T)The first step..effective panning (F)Once your plan..modify it

(T)Your targets should..of a negotiation

(F)When designing strateies..of your weaknesses. (T)We must always..strategic thinking (F)For a quick deal...could compromise (F)The first thing…control your own (T)It is imperative..anger appropriately (T)Conflicts can..about a situation (F)In the middle..new team leader (T)In the strategy..tend or goal (F)It isdesirable..his strengths

(T)Core values are..many situations

(F)Effective negotiators..full effectiveness (T)Recessing is a..both parties

(T)Setting deadlines..concentration of energy (F)It is notnecessary..its closure (T)Whether we like..is practical (F)The implications..are negative

(T)The Colf Club and..team negotiations (F)Only one side..process he will get (T)Declining the deal..is very important (F)The Colf Clubi is for...trust and openness (F)When the negotiations..a subgroup (F)If one team..the same way

(T)Negotiations may fail..negotiation clashing (F)In order to..a negative tone

(T)Sometimes you need..a positive tone (T)The popen bids apology hesitation (F)There are three..with comment (T)There are two days..the situation (F)Tosome extent..responsive bid (F)A low bid..bargaining phases (T)It is necessary..of the negotiation (F)Those imformal..need an agenda (T)Good international..negotiating table (F)It is wise..for negotiation (T)An agenda can..by both sides

(T)Social events,,the negotiations

(F)Learning to deal..a negative position (F)A majority of..rectangular table (T)Issues for..a negative position (F)Negotiators should not..topic

