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书香教育Unit 1重点整理


1.很久以前:Long long ago 2.一天:one day

3.拜访某人:visit sb 参观:visit +地点、名胜古迹或景点 举例:Visit the king 举例:visit the Shanghai Museum 4.为某人做什么:make sth for sb 举例:make new clothes for you 5:show sb sth 给某人展示某物

举例:show the king his new clothes 给国王展示他的新衣 6:试穿:try on

7. 神奇的衣服:magic clothes

8. 愚蠢的人:foolish people 反义词:clever people 聪明人 9. 穿过,走过:walk through 10. 穿着他的新衣服:in his new clothes 11. 许多人:a lot of people 12. 在街上:in the street 13. 多么漂亮的衣服啊!:What beautiful clothes! 14. 看着某人:look at sb

举例:look at the king 看着国王 15. 一个年幼的男孩:a little boy 16. 指着:point at 17. 穿衣服:wear clothes 18. 嘲笑:laugh at 19.合适:fit well 20. 一个美国牛仔男孩:an American cowboy 21. 穿牛仔裤:wear jeans 22. 一位苏格兰男士:a Scottish man 23. 穿一个苏格兰短裙:wear a kilt 24. 在山上:on the mountain 25. 住在房子里:live in the house 26. 讲故事:tell a story 27. 不得不做某事:have to do

28. 重新开始这个故事:start the story again 29. 在森林里:in the forest 30. 在......前面:in front of 31. 生气:be动词+angry 举例:The lion was angry. 32. 经过,走到:walk by 33. 摘一朵花:pick a flower 34. 对某人吼叫:shout at 35. 给某人某物:give sb sth 36. 举例:give me your child 37. 一个漂亮的女孩:a beautiful girl 38. 和某人生活在一起:live with 39. 对某人很好:be nice to 40. 照顾:look after 41. 变成:turn into 42. 每个学生:each student 43. 下一句:the next sentence 44. 努力思考:think hard 二、动词原型及过去式

is/am was lose are were come have had become do/does did think bring brought catch write wrote go Wear wore tell eat ate drink put put cut say said ride骑 study studied read读 can could draw make made know keep kept meet see saw take get got give lost came became thought caught went told

drank cut rode read drew knew met took gave

fall砍到,打倒 fell sit sat point pointed watch watched call called walk walked ask asked shout shouted laugh laughed climb climbed happen happened invent invented Visit visited invite invited use used move moved taste tasted try tried Copy copied carry carried Stop stopped sleep slept rain rained drop dropped Choose chose hold held Swim swam begin began Spell spelled ring rang Drive drove grow grew Stand stood run ran Hit hit

Pick picked live lived Want wanted turn turned child children story stories

quick quickly honey蜂蜜 bee蜜蜂---bees ant 蚂蚁----ants holiday--holidays man----men Excited:形容人对于....事兴奋,激动

Exciting:形容事物很振奋人心,很让人激动万分的事物 Unit 2 What a day !

1. 在早上:in the morning

2. 多么糟糕的一天:What a day !

3. 骑自行车去:go to the school by bike =Ride a bike to school 4. 在公园里:in the park 5. 一场鹦鹉秀:a parrot show

6. 一些有趣的鹦鹉:some interesting parrots

7. 变得有风而且多云:become windy and cloudy 8. 放风筝:fly a kite / fly kites

9. 在空中:in the sky 10. 是时间该做某事了:It is time to do sth =It is time for sth 11. 带些饺子:bring some dumplings 12. 带一些面包、蜂蜜和一些饮料:bring some bread and honey and some drinks 13. 在面包和蜂蜜上:on the bread and honey 14. 在中午:in the afternoon 15. 黑云:black clouds 16. 在天空中:in the sky 17. 又饿又湿:hungry and wet 18. 多云的:cloudy 下雨的:rainy 19. 有风的:windy 晴朗的:sunny 20. 一整天:all day 21. 在12月20号:on 20th September 22. 带午餐到公园:bring lunch to the park 23. 吃午餐:have lunch 24. 打篮球:play basketball 25. 做的好:well done 26. 离开:go away 27. 在操场上:in the playground 28. 挑选3张牌:pick three cards 29. 看起来很忧伤:look sad 30. 怎么了?What’s the matter? 31. 丢失风筝:lose kites/lose a kite 32. 发生什么呢?:What happened? 33. 爬上(山):climb up (the hill)/climb up (the mountain) 34. (风筝)飞的太高:(kite) fly too high 35. 抓紧:hold onto 36. 飞走:fly away 37. 在山附近,靠近山边:near the hill 38. 在周一早上:on Monday morning 39. 去游泳:go swimming 40. 看一场电影:watch a film

41. 做家务:do the housework 42. 做家庭作业:do the homework 43. 去野餐:have a picnic 44. 谈论有关......事:talk about 45. 写有关........事:write about 46. 大雨:heavy rain

Unit 3 Holiday fun

1. 回到学校:come back to school

2. 在国庆假期之后:after the National Day holiday 3. 你去哪里度假啦?

4. Where did you go for the holiday ? 5. 在家:at home

6. 拜访我阿姨:visit my aunt 7. 你在那做了什么? 8. What did you do there ?

9. 参观上海博物馆:visit the Shanghai Museum. 10. 你的假期怎么过的怎么样啊? 11. How was your holiday ? 12. 棒极了:It was great fun . 13. 去一个农场:go to a farm 14. 摘一些橘子:pick some oranges 15. 钓鱼:go fishing 16. 抓些鱼:catch some fish 17. 你抓到一些鱼了吗?:Did you catch any fish ? 18. 是的,我抓了一条大鱼。:Yes,I did. I caught a big fish! 19. 为什么你打电话给我?Why did you call me ? 20. 因为我想给你这个鱼:because I wanted to give you the fish. 21. Bund 上海外滩 22. Great Wall :长城 23. Palace Museum:故宫博物馆 24. Shanghai Museum:上海博物馆 25. Summer Palace :颐和园

26. Tian’ anmen Square:天安门广场 27. the Easter holiday :复活节假期 28. the summer holiday:暑假 29. the Christmas holiday ;圣诞节假期 30. There are three main school holidays in the UK.:在英国有3个主要的学习假期。 31. 一个时尚秀:a fashion show 32. 对.....比较兴奋,激动:be excited about 33. 穿了一个纸T袖:wear a paper T-shirt 34. 纸短裤:paper shorts 35. 真好玩,真有趣:What great fun! 36. 进展顺利:go well 37. 开始,最初:at first 38. 大雨:heavy rain 39. 汽车博物馆:the Car Museum 40. 许多很酷的汽车:many cool cars 41. 去电影院:go to the cinema 42. 看一场新电影:watch a new film 43. 举行了一场生日会:have a birthday party 44. 邀请了许多朋友:invite many friends 45. 拜访他的表弟:visit his cousin 46. 打扫/清洗车:clean the car \\wash the car 47. 回答问题:answer questions

Unit 4 Then and now

1. 过去和现在:Then and now 2. 做许多事情:do many things 3. 几年前:........ago

4. 举例:six years ago , twenty years ago , thirty years ago , 5. 写信(给他的朋友):write letters(to his friends) 6. 用电话:use the telephone 7. 在家:at home

8. 在办公室:in the office

9. 手机,移动电话: mobile phone 10. 打电话到世界各地:call people anywhere 11. 写电子邮件:write emails 12. 听广播:listen to the radio 13. 看报纸:read newspapers 14. 在互联网上看新闻:watch news on the Internet 15. 读/看电子书:read e-books 16. 交朋友:make friends 17. 全世界:all over the world 18. 从商店买东西:buy things from shops 19. 购物:do shopping 20. 发明/创造飞机:invent the aeroplane 21. 发明/创造火车:invent the train 22. 努力工作:work hard 23. 在假期中:on holiday 24. 朝....外看:look out of 25. 听我说:listen to me 26. 继续:go on 27. (用)....造个句子:make a sentence(with) 28. 等待:wait for 29. 在蛋糕里:in the cake 30. 一岁:one year old 3岁:three years old 31:今天是星期几?What day is today ?

易错单词: laugh 嘲笑

little 年幼的,小的 Child 孩子 mountain 山

interesting有趣的,感兴趣的 some drinks 一些饮料 paper 纸

做的好:well dome heavy rain 大雨

the next sentence 下一句

What happened?出什么事了? walk through 穿过,走过 think hard 努力的思考 excited激动的,兴奋的 yesterday 昨天

ride a bike 骑自行车 Read a book 读一本书

