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第1次形成性考核作业 单项选择题:

第1题:第一部分 交际用语 (共计10分,每小题2分)

1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right), 不恰当的选B (Wrong).

1.--- Shall we see a movie tonight? --- See you later. (2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第2题:2.--- What would you like to drink, madam?

--- Can I have a glass of white wine? (2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第3题:3.--- When did you first come to China?

--- 10 years ago.

(2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第4题:4.--- Do you like your job? --- I’m a nurse. (2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第5题:5.--- What are you going to do this evening?

--- I went there with some friends.

(2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第6题:第二部分 词汇与结构(40分) 6 – 25小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项(每题2分)

6.Today is too busy. Let’s discuss it _____ next week. (2分)

A、sometimes B、some times C、sometime D、

学生回答:C 参考答案:C 得分2

第14题:14.Mary’s father is very pleased ______ her. (2分) A、with B、at C、for D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第15题:15.You’d better have your hair ______ before going to your friend’s wedding. (2分)

A、cutting B、cut C、to cut D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第16题:16.He stopped ________ TV when the dinner was ready. (2分)

、watching B、to watch C、watch D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第17题:17.Nice weather, ______? (2分)

A、doesn’t it B、hasn’t it C、isn’t it D、

学生回答:C 参考答案:C 得分2

第18题:18.Mike offered to help and so ________ John. (2分) A、does B、is C、did D、

学生回答:C 参考答案:C 得分2

第19题:19.Mary told Little Tom not ______ all the money. (2分) A、spend B、spent C、to spend D、

学生回答:C 参考答案:C 得分2

第20题:20.A: Have you finished your homework?

B: __________________________. (2分)

A、No, I didn’t.

B、No, I haven’t finished.

第27题:27.Where is the restaurant? (用He asked 改写成间接特殊疑问句)(3分) 学生回答:

He asked where the restaurant was ?


He asked where the restaurant was. 得分2

第28题:28.That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用but将两句连成一句) (3分) 学生回答:

The cinema is very nice,but the tickets are quite expensive.


That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.


第29题:29.He’s gone to Shanghai. He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句) (3分) 学生回答:

He's negotiating a new contract to go to Shanghai.


He’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new contract.


第30题:He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. (用enough…to将两句连成一句)

(3分) 学生回答:

He didn't run fast enough t catch the bus.

参考答案: He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.



第1题:第五部分 翻译(15分)


1. Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long. (3分) 学生回答:





第2题:2. Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress.(3分) 学生回答:



桑迪穿着一件黑色丝绸长裙 得分2

第3题: I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock. (3分) 学生回答:



我需要在6点之前到达机场 得分2

第4题:4. I must have left the camera in a shop. (3分) 学生回答:





第5题:5. The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month.

(3分) 学生回答:



帐目有点乱,得在下个月整理好。 得分2


Mary began playing the violin when she was only six. Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt’s house, and he brought it back home with him. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She got on very well with the violin. When she was about eleven, she really needed a better violin. One day she took part in a concert, and a man went up to her parents and talked to them about her. He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. When he found out that they couldn’t afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she set up her own group. She named it after the man who gave her the violin --- she called it the Eric Sound.

第1题:1. Mary’s father _______. (2分)

A、bought the violin from a shop

B、borrowed the violin from a friend C、got the violin from his aunt D、

学生回答:C 参考答案:C 得分2

第2题:2. Mary began to need a better violin when she was about ______. (2分) A、10 B、11 C、12


学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第3题:3. The man at the concert told Mary’s parents that ______.


A、she had real talent

B、her voice was very good

C、she needed a better teacher D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第4题:4. Mary ______ when she was 16.(2分)


B、set up her own group C、had a new violin D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第5题:5. Eric Sound was the name of ______. (2分)

A、Mary’s violin

B、Mary’s music group C、Mary’s friend D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2



计10分,每小题2分) Tim: Hello. Where have you been? You look hot.

Xiaoyan: Yes, I am. I’ve been to the tennis club. I’ve had a tennis lesson. Tim: How did you manage?

Xiaoyan: Not too badly. I’ve never played tennis before.

Tim: Don’t you play tennis in China? Xiaoyan: No. We don’t play much. I’ve played table tennis a lot. I play quite well, but I’ve never tried tennis. Mary: Would you like a drink?

Xiaoyan: Yes, please. Could I have a fruit juice, please? Have you eaten yet? Mary: No. We haven’t. Xiaoyan: I had a sandwich before I played, but I’m very hungry now. I’d like to eat.

Tim: Let’s go to Franco’s.

第1题:1.Xiaoyan has had a tennis lesson.

(2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第2题:2. She has had a lesson at the public tennis courts.

(2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、


学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第3题:3. She has played a lot of tennis in China. (2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:B 参考答案:B 得分2

第4题:4. She has eaten a sandwich before she played. (2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2

第5题:5. Mary and Tim haven’t eaten yet.

(2分) A、Right B、Wrong C、 D、

学生回答:A 参考答案:A 得分2


