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CNN《学生新闻(Student News)》节目分析

CNN《学生新闻(Student News)》是由CNN记者和编辑制作的10分钟新闻节目,主要面向美国初高中的学生观众。该节目每周五期(星期六、日停播,寒暑假停播),不插播广告。这档中的新闻,有些直接来自CNN的其他新闻节目,有些经过了改写,但所选的新闻都是近期发生的时事热点。除了新闻,这档节目还在其中穿插了常识问答、背景介绍和难词解释等栏目,在每期节目的尾声,主持人还会说几个双关语,大大增加了节目的趣味性,充分迎合了学生群体的收视趣味。


而在10/31的节目中,在介绍桑迪飓风的时候,则是着重强调了它分级的提高,并且在节目中介绍了飓风如何分级的原理。通过这几期节目对桑迪飓风的追踪报道不难看出,《Student News》这档节目在介绍新闻时,更加强调的是多角度、全方位的报道形式,注重降低新闻“深度”,使学生更易理解和接受,并强调突出了知识性。我想,知识性其实是为理解性服务的,因为在充分介绍了一个事件的前因后果后,事件也就变得更有条理性,也更易于人们的接受与理解。


除了对新闻事件的详尽和丰富的分析报道以外,我觉得这档节目的最大亮点在于它的Quiz time的设置和校园新闻版块。在Quiz time 中,节目会提出一些常识性较强的问题,穿插在时事新闻间播出。我觉得,这个版块其实就相当于广告的作用。不仅能缓解观众持续接受信息所带来的疲倦感,而且,所介绍的小知识,又很具有实用性和常识性。例如,它在10/30号的节目中提到“Which of these U.S. military branches was established last?”并且对涉及到的背景知识进行分析。在Quiz time之后,就是校园新闻版块。与其说是校园新闻,不如说它是介绍了与学生校园生活相关的一些新闻。如31号的节目就以“QB helps builded students”为题,介绍了一位帮助高中生树立信心的人。30号的新闻则报道了一位校队橄榄球教练不允许队员上社交网站的事。这两则新闻,都十分贴近美国高中生的校园生活,也使《Student News》名副其实。

总体来说,CNN的这档《Student News》节目是十分成功的。它很好的迎合了学生群体的


篇二:CNN StudentNews学生新闻文本2013.04.12


*** CARL AZUZ, HOST, CNN STUDENT NEWS: So while Fridays may be awesome, the severe weather moving across parts of the U.S. this week is not. But it is leading off today`s show. Earlier in the week, some states got hit with huge snowfalls. A blizzard warning in Denver and South Dakota; the snow and ice knocked down power lines and trees. The storm system moved east bringing wind, rain, and reports of tornadoes with it. At least one person was killed. Several others were injured when twisters touched down in Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. Wildfires, tornadoes, snow, ice, flooding - all of that probably sounds crazy that it`s all happening at the same time. This is a symptom of the season, and as temperatures change, so does the weather. CNN meteorologists say that in spring, we should expect the unexpected. Emil Kapaun served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean War. He didn`t carry a rifle. He never fired a shot. Kapaun was a captain. He was also a Roman Catholic chaplain - Father Kapaun. During the Korean War, when his unit moved, Captain Kapaun stayed behind to help the wounded. He knew there was a

risk of being captured by the enemy and that`s what happened. As a prisoner of war, Captain Kapaun helped save other prisoners from being shot. He snuck around the camp, ministering to other prisoners. He snuck out of the camp, stealing food, and sneaking it back for others. Eventually, he died as a prisoner. This week his actions earned him the medal of honor, the military`s highest award for valor. President Obama presented Kapaun`s nephew at the White House yesterday, saying he couldn`t imagine a better example for all of us, whether in uniform or not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? The Roman Empire once covered parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Totally true. The empires stretched across areas of three continents. AZUZ: On a modern map, you can go from England down to Egypt, and from Syria across to Spain. All of that was part of the Roman Empire. Two thousand years ago, one out of every four people on earth lived under Roman law. The empire, of course, is long gone, but archaeologists are digging up relics from the empire to this day and what they find can give a glimpse at what life was like back then. Erin McLaughlin looks at some recent discoveries.


ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: These are the very beginnings of Roman Londinium.

SADIE WATSON, SITE DIRECTOR: This was a hugely important town for the Romans

even when the Romans were based in Rome, across the empire. So we are learning much more about the development of a major city in the Roman Empire. MCLAUGHLIN: Pottery, jewelry, and tools, clues as to how an ancient people once lived, buried in what is now a very modern city. This is the heart of the city of London. You have the Gherkin (ph) over there as well as the Bank of England, and over here, you have a construction site. Inside that building site, a team of archaeologists is in the process of uncovering thousands of artifacts dating all the way back to the Roman period.

Artifacts preserved in the lining of what was once an old riverbed.

WATSON: The deposits we are excavating are waterlogged, and they have anaerobic conditions - which means there was no oxygen getting to them. So metalwork doesn`t rust. So it comes up looking as shiny as the day it was dumped or dropped in. MCLAUGHLIN: The find includes rare objects like a tiny amber amulet in the shape of a gladiator`s helmet. Archaeologists believe it once belonged to a child.

What was life like back in the Roman times? WATSON: Well, we`ve learned that life in the early Roman period was pretty hard for lots of people. Very very small rectangular swellings thrown up quite quickly, lots of small-scale industrial activity going on. Very busy, very smelly.

MCLAUGHLIN: Thousands of years of history. Archaeologists say there`s likely more out there lysing right under our feet. Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London.

(END VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: See if you can ID me. I`m a well-known legal case. I started in Kansas and eventually went in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. My outcome in 1954 led to the integration of America`s public schools. I`m Brown v. Board of Education and I contributed to the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. AZUZ: That case said it was unconstitutional to have separate but equal schools for students from different races. So, schools integrated, but in some places some school-related traditions remain separate - like prom. In Wilcox County, Georgia there was one for white students, and one for black students. These were private events organized by parents and students, so they weren`t organized by the school system. This year, some Wilcox students are organizing one of the proms, but they`re changing the tradition.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) GARY TUCHMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: These teenagers are attempting to do something that has never been done before in tiny Wilcox County, Georgia, home of the Wilcox County High School.

KEELA BLOODWORTH, PROM ORGANIZER: We`re basically making history in

Wilcox County.

BRANDON DAVIS, PROM ORGANIZER: This prom is integrated. TUCHMAN: Wilcox County High has never had an integrated prom. Instead, for as long as anyone remembers, there has been one prom for white kids and one prom for black kids. There will still be a white prom this year, but these teens are organizing another prom that welcomes kids from all races. MARESHIA RUCKER, PROM ORGANIZER: We share everything else together, why not have this one moment that means the world to us together?

TUCHMAN: After segregation in schools was ruled illegal 60 years ago in this country, many high schools stopped sponsoring proms so they wouldn`t have to worry about legal repercussions of privately sponsored high school proms. Here in Wilcox County, proms remain privately sponsored. Some say, it`s just a matter of tradition. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think it`s fine (ph) if you want to get together (ph) and have a prom. I think they should be able to do it, and I think that blacks should be able to do it too.

TUCHMAN: Others are much more blunt about their desire to maintain the tradition.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There should be two separate proms.







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