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1. Enter your name, student number and home campus, and sign in the space provide at the

bottom of this page.

2. This is a closed book examination.

3. This examination is divided into five parts. You must complete all five parts.

Part A (definitions): Answer all 10 questions (20 marks)

Part B (true / false questions): Answer all 20 questions (20 marks) Part C (short answer questions): Answer all 5 questions (30 marks) Part D (essay questions): Answer all 2 questions (20 marks)

Part E (translation): Translate the given essay into Chinese (10 marks)

This examination is worth 70% of the final assessment


The examination paper must not be retained by the candidate



Part A - definitions

Briefly give the definition or describe each of the following concepts. All are of equal value. 1. effectiveness 2. sustainability 3. division of labor 4. environmental uncertainty 5. strong cultures 6. managerial ethics 7. escalation of commitment 8. SWOT analysis 9. chain of command 10. jargon

11. performance effectiveness 12. open systems 13. competitive advantage 14. culture shock 15. ethical dilemma

16. non-programmed decisions 17. stakeholders 18. departmentalization 19. feedforward control 20. empowerment

Part B - true / false questions

Circle T (true) or F (false) for each of the following statements. All are of equal value. 1. Kinesic behavior and proxemics are essential elements of non-verbal communication. T/ F 2. Monitoring environmental factors to ensure strategic plans are implemented as set is part of

the strategic control process. T/ F

3. It is essential to have clear performance standards for organizations to determine how well

they are performing. T/ F


4. Increased use of the Internet has raised problems relating to security and inappropriate use of

company time and resources. T/ F

5. Legitimate power and reward power help to increase employee commitment. T/ F 6. LPC orientation helps to identify which employees will work well together in a team. T/ F 7. Performance is a function of ability, motivation and working conditions. T/ F

8. When setting goals to motivate employees the goals should be specific, measurable,

challenging, attainable and relevant. T/ F

9. Functional structures increase the potential for development of specialized technical

competencies for a strategic advantage. T/ F

10. Vertical and horizontal co-ordination is necessary to make organizational structures effective.

T/ F

11. Task identity and task significance are critical psychological states which influence an

employees performance on the job. T/ F

12. Job design can be used to enhance motivation and job satisfaction. T/ F

13. The process of carrying out strategic plans and controlling how they are carried out is known

as strategy formulation. T/ F

14. Imitability is a critical factor in building an organization’s competitive advantage. T/ F 15. Cash cows, dogs, stars and question marks are categories in the BDC growth matrix. T/ F 16. The tolerable model of decision making holds that managers seek alternatives only until they

find one which looks satisfactory. T/ F

17. Locus of control is a personality attribute that reflects the degree to which people believe they

control their own fate. T/ F

18. Stakeholders are only those people who hold shares in a company. T/ F

19. The invisible–hand view of social responsibility holds that all actions and behaviors are

acceptable when making a profit; as long as no one finds out. T/ F

20. There are two types of external environment: mega-environment and task environment. T/ F 21. Negative reinforcement decreases the frequency of or eliminates an undesirable behavior by

making an unpleasant consequence contingent on its occurrence.. T/ F

22. Self-serving bias explains personal success by internal causes and personal failures by

external causes. T/ F


23. Transformational leadership is leadership that directs the efforts of others through tasks,

rewards and structures. T/ F

24. Bureaucratic control influences behavior through norms and expectations set by the

organizational culture. T/ F

25. Span of control refers to the number of subordinates directly reporting to a manager. T/ F 26. The ‘two-boss’ system of the matrix structure is a clear violation of unity of command. T/ F 27. Organizations compete in environments that vary according to their market structures. T/ F 28. The mission or purpose of an organization may be described as its reason for existence in

society. T/ F

29. Differentiation strategy try to continuously improve the operating efficiencies of production,

distribution and other organizational systems. T/ F 30. A risk environment refers to an uncertain environment. T/ F

31. Managers at all levels, and in all areas of organizations, make decisions. T/ F

32. The socioeconomic view says that management’s only social responsibility is to maximize

profits. T/ F

33. There is little evidence to say that a company’s social actions hurt its short-term economic

performance. T/ F

34. In importing, materials or services are purchased around the world for local use. T/ F 35. Low-context cultures emphasize communication via spoken or written words. T/ F

36. Dynamic capabilities are difficult to imitate, of value to customers and better than the

competition. T/ F

37. General environment comprises economic, employees and competitors. T/ F

38. Theory Y describes a management framework emphasizing long-term employment and

teamwork. T/ F

39. Management science is a rational and efficient form of organization founded on logic, order

and legitimate authority. T/ F

40. Managers directly support and facilitate the work efforts of other people in organizations. T/ F

Part C - Short Answer questions

Briefly answer the following five (5) questions. All are of equal value.


1. What is an organization? Describe the common characteristics of all organizations 2. Define control and contrast the three approaches to designing control systems. 3. Why is effective communication such an important skill for management?. 4. Explain the difference between trait theories and behavioral theories of leadership.

5. Maslow’s hierarchy-of-needs theory identified five levels of needs. What role does money

play in the needs hierarchy?

6. What is the external environment of organizations? 7. What is the role of quantitative analysis in management? 8. How do managers make decisions?

9. What are the major types of organization structures?

10. What are the broad types of controls that managers can utilize?

Part D - Essay questions (20 MARKS)

Answer the following two (2) questions. All are of equal value.

1. Identify the basic functions of management and explain how these related to each other. 2. Explain how the global economy creates both opportunities and threats for managers and

discuss why it is important for managers to be sensitive to global differences.

3. Explain the barriers to effective interpersonal communication. Discuss ways to overcome

these barriers.

4. Explain the three key linkages in expectancy theory and their role in motivation.

Part E Translate the following essay into Chinese

Why is stakeholder relationship management important? Why should managers even care about managing stakeholder relationships? One reason is that it can lead to other organizational outcomes, such as improved predictability of environmental changes, more successful innovations, greater degrees of trust among stakeholders, and greater organizational flexibility to reduce the impact of change. But does it affect organizational performance? The answer is ‘yes’! Management researchers who have looked at this issue are finding that managers of high-performing companies tend to consider the interests of all major stakeholder groups as they make decisions. Another reason given for managing external stakeholder relationships is that it is


the ‘right’ thing to do. What does this mean? It means that an organization depends on these external groups as sources of inputs (resources) and as outlets for outputs (goods and services), and managers should consider their interests as they make decisions and take actions.

Social responsibility and managerial ethics are two issues that managers are increasingly being asked to deal with as they carry out their managerial responsibility. We define social responsibility as an organization’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. Social responsiveness is when a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. Managers in a socially responsive organization are guided by social norms and make practical decisions about the societal actions in which they engage. A socially responsive organization acts the way it does because of its desire to satisfy some popular social need.


the ‘right’ thing to do. What does this mean? It means that an organization depends on these external groups as sources of inputs (resources) and as outlets for outputs (goods and services), and managers should consider their interests as they make decisions and take actions.

Social responsibility and managerial ethics are two issues that managers are increasingly being asked to deal with as they carry out their managerial responsibility. We define social responsibility as an organization’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. Social responsiveness is when a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need. Managers in a socially responsive organization are guided by social norms and make practical decisions about the societal actions in which they engage. A socially responsive organization acts the way it does because of its desire to satisfy some popular social need.


