PRACTICE for advanced english vocabulary

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Vocabulary PRACTICE

Beneath each of the following incomplete sentences you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

Part 1

1) Finding the cause of a disease will provide a ______ for research on a cure for it. A. prospect B. incentive C. spur D. inducement 2) He _____ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories, A. draws for B. draws on C. draws over D. draws from 3) A library takes pride in its rare-book ______. A. acquisitions B. accomplishments C. attainments D. acquirements 4) A subcommittee has been appointed to ______ a new constitution for the club. A. work off B. work away C. work in with D. work out

5) Anyone who offended against the King used to be ______ to a distant lonely island.

A. sequestered B. rusticated C. relegated D. banishing 6) The individual's freedom and right to privacy is being ______ in that country. A. finalized B. evaded C. spilled D. eroded 7) Children with only one parent are not necessarily ______. A. underprivileged B. excited C. females D). cultural 8) In his book he adopts an entirely new ______ to the vexed question of Wang Anshi's status as a social reformer. A. reform B. procedure C. technique D. approach

9) Older people are complaining that the old values are ______ in this free society. A. withering up B. withering away C. drooping D. wilting 10) It was fine ______ and then it started to rain. A. first B. firstly C. to begin with D. to commence with

Part 2

1) They called the police to ______ the demonstrators from the lobby. A. eject B. oust C exit D dismiss 2) His aloof manner ______ under her hospitality. A. helped B. completed C. thawed D liquefied 3) He muttered _____ to himself against his mother-in-law. A. praise B. imprecations C. citation D. malediction 4) The speaker was ___ by the jeers of the crowd A. gratified B. understood C. pleased. D. discomposed

5) The ______ between Arabs and Israelis threatened to break into open war at any time.

A. politeness B. enmity C. animus D. quietness 6) There is a danger that the disease may _____ in later life. A. revisit B. repeat C. recur D. re-enter

7) A woman may be ___ to leam that her dearest friend has been spreading malicious

gossip about her. A. frightened B. impressed C. flattered D. astounded 8) Be as ______ as you like — I won't mind your rudeness if you tell me the truth. A. notorious B. blunt C. bright D). hostile 9) If you ______ something, you throw it violently and with a lot of force. A. throw B. hurl C. toss D. force

10) The head window of the car is made of safety glass that won't _____ if it's broken. A. shatter B.shudder C.crush D. crumple

Part 3

1) AIDS is caused by a ______ which destroys the body's natural protection from infection. A. microbe B. germ C. virus D. bacterium

2) Fingerprints on the gun were ______ evidence that the suspect was guilty. A. conclusive B. abundant C .insufficient D. considerable 3) The volunleers gave ______ la the wounded. A. soccer B. subsidy C. succor D. substance 4) The advertising agency will ______ a campaign to introduce a new computer. A. carry on B. open C. launch D. institute

5) The minister attempted to ______ the wounded and dying during the battle. A. sympathize B. solace C. consult D. condole 6) The ______ of a chairman turned the meeting into a near riot. A. absence B. shortage C. hostility D. dearth

7} The mechanic jacked up the car and then _____ to change the tire. A. advanced B. went C. proceeded D. moved 8) Talking to him was like playing upon a(n) ______ violin. A. refined B. exotic C. graceful D. exquisite 9} It is _____ to expect an adult reaction from a child. A. irrational B. effective C. prospective D. farcical 10) Every U.S. President must take ______ to uphold the constitution. A. a guarantee B. a bail C. an oath D. an appeal

Part 4

1) Growing children ______ in summer camps. A. prosper B. flower C. thrive D, flourish 2) He learned to ______ disappointments ______. A. take ... in hand B. take ... in stride C. take ... in vain D. take ... in his hands

3} It is a generous and receptive intelligence that was ______ from attaining its full scope by bad training, poor schools and lack of opportunity. A. foiled B. thwarted C. balked D. inhibited 4) Jim had to ______ all his skill ______ to defeat his tennis opponent.

A. call ... into play B. call ... to mind C. call ... to attention D. call ... into action

5) He was ______ from the rank of lieutenant to captain. A. lifted B. lifted up C. hoisted D. elevated 6) The factory is ______ for increased production with new machines.

A. gearing along B. gearing down C. gearing up D. gearing to 7) It was a secluded comer where he could work with complete ______ A. rest B. success C. confidence D. relaxation 8) The emotional strain of attending to his dying mother ______ all his strength. A. sapped B. weakened C. enfeebled D. broke

9) It was only ___.__ pleasures as opposed to sources of no-ending satisfaction. A. transitional B. transparent C. transitory D. transcendent 10) They ____ a decisive victory in the hard-fought battle. A. accomplished B. reached C. attained D. earned

Part 5

1) The student did _____ research before writing the term paper. A. exhausted B. consumed C. exhaustive D. intact

2) A pianist's innovative style will sometimes _____._ a negative response from the critics. A. elicit B. illicit C. prove D. provide 3) In his closing speech to the jury, the prosecutor ______ the mass of incriminating evidence he had developed in the trial. A. reminded B. retained C. reckoned D, recalled 4) In spite of the difficulties, she ______ the best performance of her life. A. turned round B. turned in on C. turned in D. turned into

5) The sea has been ______ this cliff for centuries. A. eating B. eating away C. eating away at D. eating into 6} I ______ the honourable member's statement to be a complete falsehood. A. publish B. advertised C. enunciate D. proclaim 7) From his directions, it shouldn't be difficult to ______ the beach house in the map, even though you've never been there before. A. determine B. locate C. unearth D. ascertain 8) It was ______ that he was present at the scene of the crime, but he ______ that he was in Europe at the time. A. asserted, alleged B. affirmed, alleged C. alleged, asserted D. maintained, alleged 9) Parents have great ______ of their children. A. expectations B. hope C. wishes D. plans

10) As soon as the young man returned home, his parents ______ him with questions about the interview. A. asked B. assaulted C. charged D. besieged

Part 6

1) She bought a ______ fur to wear as a second coat in place of her real mink.

A. new B. fake C. extra D. genuine

2) The book ______ the nation into a belated concern for the impoverished. A. helped B. backed C. prodded D. launched 3) His ______ approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe. A. sober B. uninterested C. heated D. passionate 4) The restaurant serves no liquor because the owner believes in ______. A. merry-making B. continence C. self respect D). temperance 5) Try to keep the ______ crowd from becoming ______. A. peaceful, wild B. violent, blustering C. boisterous, violent D. violent, riotous 6) He was _____ in his pursuit of fame and fortune. A. pitiless B. relentless C. merciless D. rigid

7) The ______ man who insisted upon seeing her home was looked down upon by the people in the village.

A. stubborn B. boorish C. insistent D. clumsy 8) During the hot summer our family ___ gallons of iced tea. A. digest B. ingest C. imbibe D. assimilate 9) I think you showed great _____ in not hitting him after what he said A. constraint . B. curb C. restraint D. check 10) Tile plan is under ______ from all sides. A. aggression B. offensive C. discussion D. assault

Part 7

1) The chair follows the ______ of the body. A. structure B. contour C. gestalt D. configuration 2) Philosophical semantics is too ___ to understand A. easy . B. long C. vague D. abstruse

3) They won the battle because the specialist had ______ military and diplomatic signals.

A. undiscovered B. preceded C. deciphered D. shaped for 4) Memory has been shown to_____ in many different organisms. A. enliven B. occupy C. reside D. settle

5 ) Science works with _____phenomena in hopes of including them eventually within the widening circle of what we consider natural and explainable. A. unsuspecting B. understandable C. proven D. preternatural

6) Unknowingly ______, he had a knack of asking embarrassing personal questions A . permissive B. desperate C. intrusive D. imperative 7) Instead of ______ her, the thief ______ her purse and ran. A. grabbing, snatched B. snatching, grabbed C. gripping, grasped D. grasping, grabbed

8) A legislative body might __ _ terms concerning the amount and source of new revenue, after __ _ and each affected person might be ___and then taxed accordingly. A. assess, imposed B. impose, taxed

C. impose, assessed D. taxed, imposed 9)I can't _____ to Grandfather that he must rest. A. get through B. get round C. get over D. get off

10) Wouldn't it be wise to___the possibility of rain before planning for the garden party?

A. check with B. check in C. check on D. check through

Part 8

1) While daydreaming she ______ a great deal about the life she had lived before her marriage.

A. memorized B. reminisced C. reminded D.. retained 2) Did Socrates really ___ the youth of Athens? A. adulterate B. contort C. pervert D, pollute

3) If you wish to ________ a small child from littering the living room with his toys, you may suggest to him that it would be fun if he would help you unpack the groceries in the kitchen instead. A, divert B. disinterest C. convince D. interest 4) A film is rated to prevent children from being ______. to sex and violence. A. abetted B. seen C. experienced D. exposed 5) The U.S. Congress is ___ of the British Parliament. The

A. correlate B. counterpart C. parallel D. complement 6) Her parents were very permissive and ______ her to stay on until midnight. A. forbade B. allowed C. alloted D. prohibited 7) Father made all the .______ decisions in our family. A., crucial B. acute C. pressing D. urgent 8) The full _____ _ of the news hit us several days later. A. contact B. concussion C. impact D. jolt

9) It takes a really special kind of teacher to ____ these disappointed students. A. turn loose B. turn in C. turn off D. turn on 10) I was sorry to hear that you ______ debt again. A. got into B. got inside C. got in D. got in on

Part 9

1) The forest fire _____ many miles of country. A, sacked B. ravaged C. pillaged D. looted

2) A careful daily reading of the newspaper will ______ the reader as to what is happening. A. acquaint B. advise C. enlighten D. appreciate 3) Throughout the Latin ___, Spanish is the predominant language. A. municipality B. quarters C. quarter D. accommodation

4) More and more people don't like the hippies who live ______ fly-by-night lives. A. squalid B. dirty C. foul D. soiled

