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天 天 练

高一年级英语学科必修 4


Module 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement

Section I Warming up and Reading Section II Learning about language Section III Using language Section IV 单元知识小结 Section V 单元测试题

Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land

Section I Warming up and Reading Section II Learning about language Section III Using language Section IV 单元知识小结 Section V 单元测试题

Module 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor

Section I Warming up and Reading Section II Learning about language Section III Using language Section IV 单元知识小结 Section V 单元测试题


Module 4 Unit 4 Body Language

Section I Warming up and Reading Section II Learning about language Section III Using language Section IV 单元知识小结 Section V 单元测试题

Module 4 Unit 5 Theme parks

Section I Warming up and Reading Section II Learning about language Section III Using language Section IV 单元知识小结 Section V 单元测试题


Module 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement Section I Warming up and Reading

一、课前预习 I. 词义配对 1. achievement 2. support 3. campaign 4. observe 5. behave 6. argue 7. project 8. inspire 9. connection 10. respect

A. a series of actions intended to produce political or social change B. to do things in a particular way

C. the fact of achieving or succeeding at things in general, by being determined or working hard

D. to quarrel or to discuss something with someone who has a different opinion from you

E. to approve of an idea or a person or organization and help them to be successful

F. to give someone the enthusiasm to do or create something G. to notice someone doing something or something happening

H. a planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that is organized by a government, company, or other organization; scheme I. a feeling of admiration that you have for someone because of their personal qualities, their achievements, or their status J. a relationship between things or events


1. 使自己关心某事 _________________________ 2. 离开,启程,出发 _________________________ 3. 过着……的生活 _________________________ 4. (想法、问题等)涌上心头_________________________ 5. 将一生致力于…… _________________________ 6. 有共同之处 _________________________ 7. 装扮成…… _________________________ 8. 为……而奋斗 _________________________ 9. 制定出 _________________________

10.取得博士学位 _________________________ III.重点句型

1. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months_________________________. 她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。 2. “________________________that, you can never forget…”


3. She has __________________wild animals should_________________________… 她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活。

This means going back to the place where we left the family ________in a tree the night before. 这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。 4. _____________________, she always wanted to study animals. 当她是个小女孩时,她总是想去研究动物。

5. She _____________________medical work for Chinese women and children. 她将一生致力于中国妇幼医疗工作。 二、重难点剖析

1. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。 归纳总结:

only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,放在句首,句中谓语须用部分倒装形式。如: Only in this way can we get the truth.

Only when he returned did we begin our meeting. 注意:

(1) 此句型中须使用部分倒装,而不是完全倒装。如: (×) Only after the war she went abroad. (√) Only after the war did she go abroad.


(2) only修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。如: (×) Only when did he return did we find out the truth. (√) Only when he returned did we find out the truth. 只是当他回来的时候,我们才查明了真相。 (3) only修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。 (×) Only can he translate the sentence. (√) Only he can translate the sentence.

只有他能翻译这个句子。 即境活用:

(1) Only when __________possible to settle the problem. A. does the chief editor come will it be B. the chief editor comes will it be C. has the chief editor come it will be D. the chief editor comes it will be (2) Only in this way __________progress in your English.

A. you make B. can you make C. you be able to make D. will you able to make 2. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild… 她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活。 归纳总结:

argue that…提出理由说明 …… argue sth. into/out of doing sth.说服某人做或不做某事 argue for/against sth./doing sth.论证,说理,争辩 argue with sb. about/over sth.争论,争吵 即境活用:

(1) We ______________________each other ______money. 我们总是为钱吵嘴。

(2) They ______________________________to strike.


(3) He _____________________they needed more time to finish the project.

他提出理由说明他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。 (4) They ______________________________his complaint. 他们说服他撤回(withdraw)投诉。 三、易错易混知识点

1.表示“献身;致力;专心;把……用于……”时可用下列三个句型: 归纳总结: devote oneself to devote time/one’s life/money/energy to sb./ sth./doing sth. be devoted to…


(1)I could only __________________________the work.


(2)Few people are able to _______________________________their career.


(3)The newspaper has begun ______________________________________children’s books. 报纸开始将更多的评论空间用于儿童书籍。

(4)________________________, he hardly has time for other entertainment. 投入于绘画事业,他几乎没有别的娱乐。

2. condition, situation, state 与position的辨析 归纳总结: condition“状况,尤指外观,品质,工作状况”,常用于短语in good/poor condition状况好/v坏;in /out of condition身体好/欠佳。常用复数形式表示“环境;情况;形势”,如:under favorable conditions “在有利的(顺利的)形势下”。 situation “形势、状况、局面”,主要指各种情况间的相互关系,强调相互间的联系和影响。 state “状态,状况”,只有单数形式,常与 in a…state ,说明处于某一特定情境的状态或状况。 position “位置,处境,地位”,指某事物所处的具体位置或某人的地位、职位等。 即境活用:

(1) The car is___________________________.


(2) The plants grow best_____________________________. 这种植物最适合在阴凉、潮湿(damp)的环境下生长。 (3) Clearly he was not ___________________to drive home.


(4) The building is ____________________________________of repair. 那座房子年久失修。

(5) Everyone is worried about__________________________. 每个人都在担心现在的经济形势。

(6) She felt she was_________________________. 她觉得她自己有权力。

3. concern可作名词或动词,可用于: 归纳总结:

be concerned to do…一心想做…… be concerned that…担心…… be concerned about/for…关心,担心…… be concerned with…与……有关 as far as … be concerned就……而言 concern sb. 与某人有关或令某人担心 concerning 关于;涉及(介词)


(1) The President ____________________________this issue.


(2) She ____________________________ she might miss the turning and get lost.


(3) They ____________________________ the other women had dressed than in what the speaker was saying. 她们对别的妇女的衣着打扮比对发言人的讲话更加感兴趣。

(4) ____________________________ is our lack of preparation for the change. 让我担心的是我们对事态的变化缺乏准备。

(5) ____________________________ you no longer seem to care. 你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。


(一)基础知识自测 I. 单词拼写

1. They are holding a party to celebrate the a____________ of their first year’s goals. 2. She’s been admitted to hospital for o_____________.

3. She was embarrassed at having b___________ in such a childish way. 4. Local people have launched a c_____________ against the hospital’s closure. 5. I spent the afternoon reading under the s_____________ of an umbrella. 6. The book is less than ________________(激励人).

7. The picture reminds me of the happy _______________(童年) memories.

8. This is a non-profit _______________(组织) that was founded in the 1980s to improve women’s position in the workplace.

9. I wanted to do my bit for a ________________(值得的) charity.

10. The party is involved in an _______________(争吵) over economic policy. II.用所给短语的正确形式填空 dress as; devote all one’s life to; crowd in; move off; gain a doctor’s degree; lead a …life; concern oneself with; have something in common; fight for; work out

1. There is no need for you to_________________ what happened. 2. The bus _________________ before I got off. 3. He looks forward to _________________. 4. Memories came _________________. 5. She has _________________ her career. 6. The two cultures _________________.

7. He _________________ a clown in the party.

8. He’s still _________________ compensation after the accident. 9. I’ve _________________ a new way of doing it.

10. My brother has _________________from Harvard. (二)能力提升自测


1. He has devoted all his life to ___________wildlife. A. study B. studying C. the study D. studied 2. Although the working mother is very busy, she still ___________a lot of time to children. A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides 3. What ___________the government most is the increasing level of population in our cities. A. faces B. concerns C. bores D. relates 4. I failed in the final examination last term and only then ___________the importance of studies. A.I realized B.I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize 5. She ___________her husband on the money she earns from teaching. A. behaves B. supports C. intends

D. refers

6. Martin Luther King was an ___________ leader and his ___________ speeches spread through all the country. A. inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspired C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring; inspiring

7. We’ve always wanted a house in the country, but we ___________about where it should be. A. argued B. had argued C. will argue D. are arguing 8. The government started a national ___________against AIDS. A. campaign B. battle C. war D. struggle 9. I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the ___________. A. shade B. shadow C. shape D. shame 10. Many people think that it is___________ making such an experiment. A. worth B. worthwhile C. worthy D. valuable 11. Man’s first walk on the moon was an outstanding technological___________.

A. accomplishment B. achievement C. success D. succession 12. I am sure I would not do it if I were in his___________. A. environment B. location C. position D. condition 13. The athlete is in very good ___________, but his living ___________ are very bad. A. condition; situation B. conditions; situations

C. condition; conditions D. conditions; condition

14. He argued ___________ smoking, and insisted that it was ___________ argument that smoking was harmful to health.

A. for; beyond B. against; over C. for; over D. against; beyond 15. We went to the concert______________ my daughter, for she would perform there. A. in search of B. in charge of C. in honour of D. in support of II. 完成句子,根据汉语意思用上括号中所给的词汇或短语完成句子。

1. The children ____________________(表现不良)at the party.(behave) 2. ____________________ (只有那时我才知道) life was not easy.(only) 3. She ____________________(全力倾注于)her career. (devote) 4. He didn’t ____________________(关心)the details. (concern)

5. I have had no exercise for ages; I am really __________________(健康状况欠佳).(condition) (三)智能拓展训练 I. 完形填空

When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.

One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar 1 a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up, 2 I had never worked at the bar before. I 3 that instead of making money, I would end up owing it.

“You can do it,” said my mother, “ 4 , you won’t get much business until lunch.”

“But I’ll never remember the orders, and I’m no good 5 money. Please, Mom, don’t 6 me. “Then I’ll help you,” she said.

I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mother’s 7 was a bad one, but I 8 .

When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was 9 . Because the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks. 10 , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed 11 , I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I 12 a cup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to 13 me, and she also showed me how to make 14 . If someone gave me $ 5 for something that cost $ 3.25, I handed over 15 quarters and a dollar and said, “75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five.” Things went more 16 after that.

By the end of the day, I could remember orders, 17 the bill, and make change quickly with a smile. I was even a little 18 when the sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, and when she 19 that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy 20 the restaurant I would open one day. 1. A. to B. for C. after D. over 2. A. because B. though C. until D. while 3. A. promised B. noticed C. worried D. hoped 4. A. Therefore 5. A. of 6. A. blame 7. A. idea 8. A. guessed 9. A. angry 10. A. At least 11. A. surprised 12. A. damaged 13. A. scold 14. A. money

B. However B. on B. fool B. bar B. obeyed B. sad B. At last B. impolite B. destroyed B. help B. lunch

C. Besides C. about C. frighten C. day C. begged C. wrong C. At most C. pleased C. broke C. beat C. coffee

D. Yet D. with D. make D. answer D. admitted D. ashamed D. At first D. impatient D. ruined D. save D. change D. five

D. conveniently D. add up D. distrusted D. suggested D. describing

15. A. two B. three 16. A. smoothly B. fairly 17. A. turn in B. count out 18. A. discouraged B. disturbed 19. A. thought B. stated 20. A. imagining B. preparing C. four C. simply C. take over C. disappointed C. announced C. examining


1. She wore as a man and went to fight for the French. 2. Jane Goodall was devoting to the scientific research. 3. The trial left a lot of questions unanswering. 4. She helped improve prison condition.

5. Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who became a specialist for women’s illnesses. 6. She concerned herself on welfare projects.

7. Jane has helped people understand how well the chimps behave like humans. 8. Once I stop, it all comes crowded in and I remember the chimps in labs.

9. The sun is just rising on Gombe National Park. 10. However, the evening makes it all worth.



Module 1 Unit 1 Women of achievement Section I Warming up and Reading

一、课前预习 I. 词义配对

1. C 2. E 3. A 4.G 5. B 6. D 7. H 8. F 9. J 10. I II.重点短语

1. concern oneself with… 3. lead a…life

5. devote all one’s life to… 7. dress as… 9. work out…

2. move off 4. crowd in

6. have…in common 8. fight for… 10. gain a doctor’s degree 2. Once you have seen 4. As a young girl


1. was she allowed to begin her project 3. argued that; be left in the wild; sleeping 5. devoted all her life to 二、重难点剖析 1. 即境活用:

(1) B. 考查倒装句。一定要清楚only修饰when引导的时间状语从句,引起主句的部分倒装,而从句中是正常语序。

(2) B. 考查倒装句。only接介词短语作状语,主句中需部分倒装。 2. 即境活用:(1) are always arguing with; about (2) argued for the right (3) argued that (4) argued him into withdrawing 三、易错易混知识点


(1) devote two hours a day to (3) devoting more review space to 2.即境活用:

(1) in excellent condition (3) in a fit state (5) the present economic situation 3.即境活用:

(1)is deeply concerned about (3) were more concerned about how (5) It concerns me that 五、课后自测

(2) devote themselves fully to (4) Devoted to his painting career (2) in cool, damp conditions (4) in a bad state

(6) in a position of power (2) was concerned that (4) What concerns me

(一)基础知识自测 I. 单词拼写 1. achievement 3. behaved 5. shade 7. childhood 9. worthwhile

2. observation 4. campaign 6. inspiring 8. organization 10.argument

2. moved off 4. crowding in

6. have a lot in common 8. fighting for

10. gained a doctor’s degree

II.用所给短语的正确形式填空 1. concern yourself with 3. leading an easy life 5. devoted all her life to 7. dressed as 9. worked out

(二)能力提升自测 I.单项填空

1. B. 考查非谓语动词。句意为:“他的一生都用在研究野生动物上。”devote one’s life to doing sth.为习惯搭配。若选C项,应为the study of wildlife. 2. A. 考查动词辨析。devote…to…“将……献给或用于……”;spend time on…“将时间用于……”;offer…to…“将……给……”;provide…for…“提供……给……”。

3. B. 考查动词辨析。句意为:“政府最担忧的是……”。face“面临”; concern“使某人担忧”; bore“厌烦”; relate“与……有关”。

4. D. 考查倒装。only修饰状语then置于句首时,句子应该用部分倒装,时态应用一般过去时。 5. B. 考查动词辨析。support sb. on the money“养活,赡养”。

6. C. 考查非谓语动词。第一个空an inspired leader“一个能力卓越的领袖”;第二个空inspiring speeches“激励人的演讲”。

7. D. 考查动词时态。根据前文的现在完成时态,可确定此句意为“我们一直想要一个在乡下的房子,但我们一直在争论这房子应该在哪儿。

8. A. 考查名词辨析。campaign“为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动、运动”;battle“战役”;war“战争”;struggle“挣扎”。

9. A. 考查名词辨析。shade“阴凉,树荫”;shadow“影子”;shape“形状”;shame“羞愧”。put…in the shade“使……黯然失色;相形见绌”

10. B. 考查形容词辨析。 四个选项中只有worthwhile可用于句式It’s worthwhile doing/to do…“做某事是值得的,有意义的。”

11. B. 考查名词辨析。句意为:“人类首次登上月球是一个举世震惊的科技成就。” achievement侧重指“成就”;success“成功”,succession“连续”,accomplishment“(按预定计划)完成”。

12. C. 考查名词辨析。句意为:“如果我处在他的位置,我确定我不会做的。”environment “环境”;location “地理位置”;condition “条件”。

13. C. 考查名词辨析。句意为:“这位选手的健康状况非常良好,但生活条件非常糟糕。”condition指人或物本身所处的状况时用单数,表示周围的“环境,情况”时用复数。situation表示“形势,状况”,不符合题意。

14. D. 考查介词辨析。句意为:“他反对吸烟,坚持说吸烟有害于身体健康是不容置疑的。”argue for“支持”;argue against“反对”;beyond argument“不容质疑”。 15. D. 考查介词短语辨析。in search of“为了寻找”;in charge of“掌管,负责”;in honour of“为了纪念”;in support of“为了支持” II. 完成句子 1. behaved badly 2. Only then did I see

3. devoted herself to 5. out of condition (三)智能拓展训练 I.完形填空

4. concern himself with

1. B. 我父母要我临时代替一位患感冒的职员。fill in for “临时代替,临时补缺”。 2. A. 依上下文可知“我会把事情弄砸”与“我以前从来没有在快餐店里工作过”有因果关系,所以用because。 3. C. 我担心不是挣钱而是会亏钱。

4. C. “你能行,__________,要到吃中餐的时候生意才能忙起来”依题意,应填入表递进的besides(此外,而且)。

5. D. be good with善于应对,精明的。

6. D. 依上句“我记不住顾客点的菜,而且不善于与钱打交道”,所以“我”对母亲说“妈,请不要逼我。” 7. A. 我认为母亲的想法是不对的,但我不得不服从。 8. B. 由上题可知。

9. C. 上文提到,“母亲说要到吃中餐的时候生意才能忙起来”,而下文说道“因为下雨,而且天气冷,店里的人很多”,所以“我”觉得母亲当初的想法是错误的,其它的选项不合题意。 10. D. 依题意,此句应填入“开始、起初”,其他几项不合题意。 11. D. 排队的人越来越多,而且大家都好像等得不耐烦了。 12. C. 我如此紧张以至于手发抖而将一个杯子摔碎了。

13. B. 依题意,母亲过来帮助我,而且告诉我怎样找零钱,而不是A“批评”,C“打败”,D“营救”。 14. D. 上下文都有提示,make change“找零钱”。

15. B. 依题意,75美分(three quarters)和3美元25美分($3.25)可以凑成4美元。 16. A. 有了母亲的帮助,事情发展得比以前顺利多了。

17. D. 依题意,我能记住顾客点的菜,累计计算账单并且正确地给顾客找零钱了。

18. C. 依题意,因为我工作干得越来越顺,以至于当生意清闲下来的时候,我感到有点失望了,而不是A“泄气的”,B“受到打扰的”,D“不信任的”。

19. D. 因为宾语从句用了虚拟语气,所以主句动词只能用suggested了。 20. A. 依上文,得知我正忙于设想我将来自己开办的饭店。 II.单句改错

1. wore---dressed 2. devoting---devoted 3. unanswering---unanswered 4. condition---conditions 5. for---in 6. on---about 7. well---much 9. on---over

8. crowded---crowding 10. worth---worthwhile

