牛津英语 9A Chapter1 知识点总结

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Chapter 1 Page1-2


1. Do I make _________ clear? (I)

2. There’s _________ in the room. Don’t enter. (dangerous) 3. He arrived here _________ yesterday. (save) 4. Big windows can let much _________ in. (sun) 5. There are no _________ things on the moon. (live)

6. People like living in the _________ of the climate. (warm)

7. My parents are very _________ with the _________ news. (please) 8. After the exam, the boys became _________ . (relax)

9. Firemen saved many people’s _________ in the fire. (life)

10. My aunt went to the _________ part of China to make more money. (south) 选择并抄写单词。

11. He fell asleep while _________ (read, reading) his book.

12. We all need to wear _________ (warm, warmth) clothes in winter. 13. He writes as _________ (careful, carefully) as I.

14. We all know that the sun _________ (rises, raises) in the east. 15. The writers compare the atmosphere _________ (at, to) it.

16. A consumer is anyone _________ (whom, who) buys and uses things. 17. He often speaks in front of the _________ (all, whole) class.

18. These gases _________ (produce, are produced) by burning fuels.

19. My mother often keeps me _________ (to, from) watching TV at home. 20. There was _________ (much too, too much) snow last winter. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

21. He ________ (fall) off a ladder and ________ (hurt) himself just now.

22. After ________ (have)a rest, we ________ (go) on ________ (dance) this morning.

23. Our class meeting ________ (hold) once a week.

24. The famous singer ________ (live) in Shenyang until he ________ (send) to university.

25. My father was so busy ________ (work) that he forgot ________ (eat) lunch. 26. He ________ (see) to go out of the shop yesterday.

27. Before ________ (finish) your homework, you ‘d better ________(not go) out. 28. The girl ________ (sit) in front of her house, ________ (chat) with her friends two hours ago.

29. The gases come from ________ (burn) fuels.

30. The students ________ (stop) from ________ (talk) with each other every day. 句型转换

1. People call the book a guide.

The book ________ ________ a guide by people. 2. How many topics does the review cover?

How many topics ________ ________ ________the review?

3. We are polluting our atmosphere with chemicals.

Our atmosphere ________ ________ ________ with chemicals. 4. His mother often asks his son not to play computer games.

His mother often ________ his son ________ ________ computer games. 5. He swims faster than I.

I ________ swim ________ _________ ________ he. 6. If there is no rain we will have nothing to eat.

We ________ have ________ to eat ________ rain. 单项选择。

1. It is the film ________ we saw last night. A. what B. that C. whose D. when

2. The bell ________ while he ________ his homework last night.

A. rang, did B. was ringing, was doing C. rang, was doing D. was ringing, did

3. I ________ my homework while my parents ________ TV last night. A. did, have watched B. had done, were watching C. would do, watched D. was doing, were watching 4. They ________ from talking in class just now.

A. were kept B. kept C. were keeping D. to keep 5. Is money ________ to happiness?

A. uselessly B. helpless C. essential D. danger 6. Poets have compared sleep ________ death. A. of B. to C. at D. in 7. His story is not ________ as that one.

A. more interesting B. less interesting C. so interested D. so interesting

8. The big window can let ________ sunlight ________.

A. too much, in B. much too, in C. more, into D. much more, into 9. What are the threats ________ our environment? A. at B. in C. to D. for 10. The gases come from burning them, ________?

A. aren’t they B. don’t they C. isn’t it D. doesn’t it

Page 3-4


1. Smoking and drinking make his health much ________ . (bad)

2. The man needs to wear ________ clothes to swim across the channel. (protect) 3. Water ________ makes a lot of fish dead in the river. (pollute) 4. We must stop people from ________ down trees everywhere. (cut) 5. It’s not ________ to go out at night. (save)

6. He believes ________ to become an actor one day. (he)

7. There are ________ buildings in the city of Beijing. (mass) 8. He is good at all subjects, ________ at English. (especial) 9. These ________ are made of plastic. (box)

10. ________ of the rain forests is making the Greenhouse Effect worse. (destruct) 选择并抄写单词。

11. He as well as I ________ (have, has) been to Beijing. 12. We don’t know ________ (what, how) to do with the rubbish.

13. I like sports ________ (for example, such as) swimming and playing tennis. 14. This fast food box is made ________ (from, of) plastic.

15. Heavy rain sometimes does a great deal of damage ________ (to, of) growing rice.

16. The book’s idea is ________ (what, that) we should become green consumers. 17. His good news made his parents ________ (happy, happily).

18. We use chemicals ________(calling, called) CFCs to make holes.

19. The man ________ (whom, who) lives downstairs speaks English very well. 20. The ozone layer around the earth protects us from ________ (the moon, the sun). 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

21. The book’s aim is ________ (make) young people ________ (protect) the environment more.

22. His favourite hobby is ________ (collect ) all kinds of stamps. 23. His ambition is ________ (become) an architect.

24. She ________ (not finish) the book yet. She ______ just ______ (begin) to read it. 25. If we use fewer CFCs, the ozone layer ________ (protect).

26. That factory ________ (pollute) the river next to it by ________(allow) chemicals to go into it at the moment.

27. They ________ (know) each other for years.

28. The first bus ________ (leave) when I got to the bus stop just now. 29. I hope he ________ (be) here in one or two hours.

30. My good friend ________ (come) to see me while I ________ (wash) my clothes yesterday. 句型转换。

1. We want to know where we should go next Sunday.

We want to know ________ ________ ________ next Sunday.

2. We should only buy and use these things. They do not damage the environment. We should only buy and use he things _______ ________ damage the environment.

3. You don’t throw the white rubbish away. I don’t do it, either.

You don’t throw the white rubbish away. _______ _______ _______. 4. Without the ozone layer, the sun would burn us up.

_______ _______ _______ _______ ozone layer, the sun would burn us up. 5. The rubbish pollute our land and sea.

Our land and sea _______ _______ _______ the rubbish. 6. Fast food boxes are made of plastic.

Plastic _______ ________ _______ fast food boxes.

7. People throw away seven billion drink cans in Britain each year. Seven billion cans _______ _______ _______ in Britain each year. 8. We are making holes in the ozone layer.

Holes _______ _______ _______ in the ozone layer. 9. Malaria occurs in parts of Africa.

Malaria occurs in parts of Africa, _______ _______? 10. Let’s protect our environment.

Let’s protect our environment, _______ _______? 单项选择

1. He has a bad habit _______ in bed.

A. to read B. of reading C. reading D. read

2. We often provide all kinds of books _______ the poor children. A. with B. to C. for D. from

3. If there _______ more trees, our environment _______ wore beautiful. A. will be, will be B. are, will be C. will be , is D. are, is 4. –Where are the two tall buildings near your home? -The big fire _______ two years ago.

A. burned them up B. burned up them C. burned it up D. burned up it 5. The policeman didn’t catch the man _______ stole my handbag last week. A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

6. He as well as his friends _______ good at playing football. A. are B. were C. is D. have been 7. Neither he nor I _______ good at singing. A. are B. am C. is D. were 8. Not only he but also I _______ good at maths. A. are B. am C. is D. were 9. Either her brother or she _______ English.

A. are studying B. have studied C. study D. is studying 10. No one except his parents _______ anything about it.

A. know B. knows C. have known D. are knowing 11. The teacher with a number of students _______ in the classroom. Neither she nor they _______ ready to go home.

A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is

12. Nothing but two sofas _______ in Room 205, but neither of the sofas _______ very comfortable.

A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are

13. The number of my new books _______ 20. A. are B. is C. has D. have

14. A number of the students _______ going to the zoo. A. want B. likes C. is D. are

