
更新时间:2023-12-04 02:56:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Intensive Reading Book Unit 2

How do the general standards of beauty evolve in China?

What’s the purpose of a movie rating system? Do you think it’s time for our country to follow suit and why?

Do you prefer the love in Hollywood’s

Princess series movies? Explain why they are so popular.

Beauty contests, despite some criticism, are still very popular. In your opinion, what are the chief reasons for their popularity? Explain.

More and more people seeking plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons. Why are so many people willing to accept the costs and risks of this kind of surgery? Explain.

Many graduates have the plastic surgery in order to find a good job. Do you think it wise for them to do so? Illustrate your points.

Unit 3

What qualities should a charismatic leader possess? In what way can you prepare for it?

What are the top important individual traits contributing to the building of teamwork? How do you prepare yourself to join a team in your future workplace?

Unit 4

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in China, No Green Hat! Compare some other colors that are used both in Chinese and

Western cultures, demonstrating their different representative meanings from the perspective of cultural differences.

In which aspects can you perceive the

differences between Eastern and Western culture? What is the correct way to look at cultural differences?

Unit 5

What’s knowledge triangle? How did it demonstrate itself in the development of the “glass” industry?

How have science and technology changed our life and work? Give some examples to illustrate the most significant scientific and


technological advance in the 20 century?

Listening Book Unit 10

China is caught in a food safety scandal over dairy products tainted with melamine and now the scandal has spread to Chinese eggs. What’s your comment on such malpractice with regard to its consequences? How can we restore credibility to the “Made in China”


Have you heard the news that thousands of cars were waiting in lines for petroleum? Is it because we have not enough energy to meet people’s needs? How do you think of the energy crisis in China?

Lots of places are developing fast and

becoming more prosperous, but at the same time, the environment is seriously polluted. How can we balance the interest between the economic development and environment protection?

Unit 9

Most of the postgraduates find it very difficult to find a job this year, and the welfare is even poor. They said they’re very disappointed to get a further degree and felt the higher diploma is useless. What’s your view on this issue? How to make oneself more qualified to

get ready for the future career? And how to balance our mentality to get involved into the social reality quickly?

Unit 7

Partners in marriage often write their own detailed marriage contracts, covering such matters as the number of children they wish to have and the management of money. Would you write such a contract? Explain why or why not.

