
更新时间:2024-01-30 21:42:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



Environmental problems cannot be solved by one or a few countries. Instead, they should be solved with international effort. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

+1 many environmental problems are widespread that they can hardly be confined to one single country or region, such as oil spills and dust storms. It is crucial that these problems be solved with international efforts. Each country and person should be made aware of their unique role in environmental protection.

+2 The second reason why international joint efforts are needed to solve environmental problems is that each country has its own weakness in environmental protection. For example, although industrialised countries possess advanced technology and more financial resources for environmental protection, some of them do not want to address the problem of emission-induced climate change because they are afraid that reducing industrial and vehicle carbon emissions will slow down their industrial production and make their people’s lives less comfortable or convenient. Thus, other nations and international organisations have their roles to play in ensuring that industrialised countries fulfil their environmental responsibilities.

--1 involve many practical issues; different views on environmental problems; difficult to achieve international consensus; unwillingness to sacriface at the economic benefits…转折: the willingness to coperate with each other at least will put them on the right track to finding solutions.


As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on the road system. Some people think that the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that car users should pay for the costs. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


+1 collect the tax money from the public. It is its responsibility to build the roads for the usage of the public / The government should use part of its tax revenue to meet taxpayers’ needs for better road transport systems.

+ 1 improving the infrastructure will contribute to the local economic development by attracting investment or bringing about business

opportunties / Improving the road transport system is crucial to the economic growth of a country + 1

It helps the government to allocate valuable resources to

different bureaus and the public.

road users:

1) the fund / financial aid/ grants/ appropriation/ from government is limited; collect tolls from road users as they benefit from the service directly / if the government does not have sufficient funds for the construction or expansion of the road.

2) ensure the proper usage of the road/ the public transport service. if offer free service to the road users, leads to increasing amount of traffic; be misused;

-----Combine two approaches / practice


The tourist industry has been expanding in some countries and international tourism has benefited these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1) promote economic development

---the sales of tickets, airlines, retail industry, and hospitality industry contribute to local economy 2) spread cultural elements;

3) urge the government to protect the cultural heritage and

environmental protection


1) misunderstanding may cause cultural conflicts and disputes 2) cause environmental problems due to litters thrown by crowds of visitors ; damage to the natural views and cultural tourism attractions

文化:Some people think that the government should financially support art programmes. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


1) + art education are highly appreciation by the public; be integral part of education system: improve aesthetic appreation; stimulate creativity and imagination

2) + be helpful to reduce stress level of the public; be benefical to the

mental health of the general public

3) + music, as an expanding industry, is an important source of

government’s revenue

4) + build national image; spread cultural elements; preserve cultural

heritage/build national honor and belonging

5) + enrich leisure time and add pleasing experience to life


1) _ be money consuming. For some developing countries where people are living in poverty, the government should fund public welfare, such as education and public health instead of art programs. 2) Cause corruption in some government’s bureaus

(对比题:Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some people think investment in art is necessary, but others say money is better spent public services and facilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. )


比public services and facilities更值得投

—strengthen familiy ties; be helpful in raising grandchildren and share chorework for their adult children


It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


+ the achievement made by the talents in certain fields can never be comparable by others; For example Mozart / Talents help some students to develop skills that allow them to become outstanding while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable level. + many top talents have not received any formal training or guidance

+ ideas, inspirations are more crucial and valuable in all walks of life, such as art performance or sport field.

An average child也可以

+ everyone makes progress through guided practice and continuous teaching / we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire the skills associated with sport and music with continued teaching and guided practice.

+ the ones who are talented / with certain talents will not achieve excellence if they are not offered with right guidance


Some people believe that only the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depend on mental attitudes. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.


+some believe that only the fittest and strongest participants can achieve success in sports competition. This belief is based on the understanding of sports as purely physical activities and the fact that the

results of sports cometitions are often determined by the strength, speed, endurance, flexibility or balance that participants display. + it is the objective comparisions of participants’ performance according to these criteria that make many sports competitions worthwhile and fair. This is particularly true of individual sports such as swimming, track and field and weightlifting. 心态决定:

_ stamina-based sports such as cross-country cycling and triathlon are so demanding that even participants in the best physical condition need strong willpower to carry themselves through the competition and win. Without enough preserverance, a competitor would give up beofre the end of the race.


An increasing number of people change their careers and places of residence several times in their lives. Is this a positive or a negative trend?


+ enrich life experience; add excitement and joys in life; / are more enthusiastic about their jobs

+ increase work efficiency; Compared to the repetitive types of works, + build a wide range of social networking; gain different experience in many industries and fields; be more likely to be successful

+ feel a greater sense of fulfilment when they manage to do it successfully Drawbacks: _ lose job security

/ The inescapable fact is the business world has so many unforeseen factors that even those companies which rebuilt tens of thousands of workers can go bankrupt anytime.

_time and money consuming; weaken family ties --lose many opportunties in certain industries _ be hardly proficient in some fields

_ need money to pay for their basic necessities, such as accommodation, utility bills, food and new clothing

----when making job choices,

Place more importance on whether the job suits their interests and talents

Consider the salary that a job offers.


Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines or othe products intended for huamn use. Others, however, criticise this as animal cruelty. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


+ scientists agree with the view that animals are irreplaceable in those scientific experiments which can develop new drugs and test the security of products.

+ the main explanation is that animals bear a resemblance to humans in many aspects, such as cell structure.

+ findings from animal testing can be used to predict human beings’ responses in similar circumstances, so researchers can decide whether the drug can be applied on human beings.


--it is important to note that using humans to research is prohiibted by many countries because of on moral grounds.

--Although we have reasons to believe that animal testing is necessary, it does not mean that we can deny animal right.

--It is increasingly acknowledged that animals used in experiments

normally suffer from pain and hurt, because animals abuse happens frequently.

--It is also common knowledge that animals are sentinent beings and capable of feeling pain.

normally suffer from pain and hurt, because animals abuse happens frequently.

--It is also common knowledge that animals are sentinent beings and capable of feeling pain.

